InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part Four ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

RECOMENDATION: Watch the movie/play "Little Shop of Horrors" I saw the movie with Rick Moranis, Bill Murry, James Belushi, Steve Martin, John Candy...etc.. and let me just say that it was hilarious and I found out that Rick Moranis (original wayne solinzski from honey I shrunk the kids [la movie]) can actually sing..

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty-Three: Fighting for an end part Four

They arrived sooner than the two of them anticipated and most of it was thanks to the neko youkai Kirara. Sango had higher hopes as she and Miroku helped with the wounded, it looked as though everything was going according to plans, but then again Naraku was still alive so he was still at large. Miroku had been able to find Kaede among the hordes of people and demons, it proved to be positive with the needed medical aide. The Eastern Kingom looked like a bloody battlefield, that of which was mainly littered with the corpses of Naraku’s men, it wasn’t a pretty sight.

There was no report of Inuyasha, Koga, and Sesshomaru emerging from the castle, although none of them expected the trio to come out of the enormous castle without Naraku’s tattered carcass. Most of Sesshomaru’s soldiers were ordered to keep watch, others were told to find their comrades who gave their lives. The fight was over on the outside, but inside was a completely different story. The storm clouds were so dark it looked like night had fallen remarkably earlier than usual, but it proved to me ominous none the less as an explosion was heard. None of the scouting troops could identify exactly where it was coming from yet the elderly priestess was convinced that she could feel the ice in her veins.

Obviously it meant that things weren’t going so good for the good guys. It didn’t help either as a lightning bold danced through the sky, paving the way for a brand new batch of rogue demons that appeared from no where. Naraku may not have been graced with actual soldiers to fight anymore, but the demons that took their place wasn’t something that anyone was tickled pink to see. Weapons were drawn and battle cries were screamed as the demons fought each other, everyone was fighting for a reason and they would be sure to be victorious or go home on their shields. It wasn’t a battle of the toughest, but one that dealt with honor.

Sango may not have been as helpful as Miroku was against Naraku’s horde of demons, but together the tow of them were undefeatable. It didn’t take long for it to end, though the number of Sesshomaru’s men were beginning to diminish. Of course it was to be expected, however, it was more than certain that there would be more hordes to come. Helping Kaede create a small barrier that would give some protection, Miroku was able to grab Sango’s hand and head in the direction of the castle. There was something ominous and the two of them were the only one’s besides Kaede who knew the castle like the back of their hands and that could give assistance if needed without getting in the way.

They held onto each other’s hands tightly as they quickly made their way into the castle, it was darker than usual, but they were still able to see enough to keep going. Silence may have ben unwelcome as well as the thickness of the air surrounding them, yet neither spoke a word in fear of being found by one of Naraku’s lackeys, if there were any still alive. Once Miroku and Sango made it to the throne room, all innocent thoughts they may have had were going in an instant. It had been a massacre, blood was everywhere, there wasn’t a clean spot on the marble floor and body parts were strewn about almost haphazardly. Sango had to look away and Miroku believed that he was going to lose his breakfast, it was even worse than what the two of them had encountered outside the castle not even moments before. The death explained the heavy thickness of the air and when Miroku regained composure he said a pray for every dismembered thing that lost its life no matter what side they had been on. It wasn’t like had had any right to judge the beliefs of anyone he didn’t know despite what place they served or what they may have done, to Miroku it was common courtesy to bless the deceased.

“Miroku I don’t know if I can do this,” Sango whimpered clutching the arm of his robes as she hid her face in them.

“Don’t worry Sango my love,” Miroku tried to reassure his wife even though he didn’t feel as brave himself. “Everything will be okay, we just have to find Inuyasha and Kagome.”

“What if we don’t find them Miroku?” Sango replied sincerely worried that they might not find their friends in time.

He didn’t want to think that it may just be completely hopeless, but convincing someone when he felt the same was two times harder than normally lying to make things seem better than they looked. Running a hand through his hair, Miroku glanced down at his wife with a serious look on his face, he wasn’t going to sugar coat it for her despite how much he so desperately wanted to.

“Well we’ll just have to cross that bridge if we have to later,” he told her as gently as possible and the answer seemed to work for the both of them.

She seemed to agree with his logic and they quickly left the throne room and down a hall to investigate. There wasn’t as much silence as before, but the sounds heard wee deduced to echoes of people or demons and Miroku believed that the two of them were going in the right direction. The steady pitter patter of their shoes hitting the marble was the only thing that seemed like a long forgotten reality, everything else was so dream like that Sango and Miroku thought it to be just that, a simple dream. Miroku felt Sango move closer to him and he knew that she could feel it too, a presence that made him want to turn back and run far away, never looking back.

The sight that greeted them would be something neither him or Sango would ever be able to forget. He stood in completely shock and Sango could only scream a horrified cry as the two of them watched a red hair girl take down Kohaku. It was something never thought imaginable as the twelve year old’s head came clean off his neck and hit the ground, followed soon after by the boy’s body. Miroku clutched Sango to his chest as best he could, her cried of sorrow and grief completely noticeable and the only thing he could do was stare into the wide green eyes of the girl and the wolf demon Koga, there in the Eastern Lands. It was fishy, but he couldn’t stop himself from feeling so helpless.

“I-he-uh…” Ayame wanted to try and explain to the two humans because she suddenly felt extremely guilty.

Koga grunted in pain and tried yet again to get to his feet and with the assistance of Ayame, it was finally possible. The wolf was well aware of the situation, the boy looked like the girl with the monk, the two of them had to be related somehow. The two of them were headed in the direction of the only exit, Ayame gently ushering Koga when the wolf youkai let his blue eyes look at the two humans, something wasn’t right, he could feel it in his very bones.

“Oh my god--it’s,” the monk started before he took off in a run towards the two wolf demons. “It’s not dead yet!”

Everyone’s blood ran cold, Miroku trying to aide the two demons and Koga and Ayame glancing back only to see a headless boy floating feet off the ground, it was just a little more than frightening. The head rolled around for a moment and then shot to the body as hundreds of brown tentacles surged out of almost no where. Miroku was able to pull sacred sutra’s from his robes and Koga shoved Ayame none too gently out of the way, somehow finding a second wind in the process despite his current condition.

“It’s one of those fucking dolls!” Koga growled loud enough to where Miroku could hear, “Sesshomaru and I ran into one earlier and the little fucker got me good! We’ve got to go for the chest!”

“Are you sure?” Miroku asked not too convinced as he dodged a large tentacle.

Before Koga could answer, Ayame was off. She spied the mini-scythe and the kodachi laying forgotten on the ground and figured to put Koga’s information to the test. Diving to the floor, trying her best to avoid the fast moving tentacles, Ayame was able to grab the kodachi and jump to her feet. Speed was nothing as she charges, there was no one who could honestly say that she wasn’t the type of person to jump into a battle and ask questions later. Ayame lived off the adrenaline rush life gave her and she wasn’t about to change her ways anytime soon either.

Sango watched in a state of shock, her brother suddenly grew tentacles and a wave of relief filled her body. There still was a chance. Finding herself a little angry by being fooled, she decided to show the “doll” just how unhappy she was. It may have been a little cruel, but she used the wolf demons and Miroku as a diversion as she glanced around for something she could use. They were in a dungeon like torture room, how hard was it to find something to slice through skin?

It didn’t take long for her to find the discarded mini-scythe and being quick on her fee, Sango was able to grab it. Creativeness was something she lacked in, but attaching a long chain to the small scythe was probably the best idea she had all week. Taking one of Miroku’s sutra’s from her dress blouse, Sango attached it to the scythe and the chain before swinging the now long distance weapon in the air like a lasso. The wolf youkai female caught onto Sango’s actions and gave a sly smirk, everyone was hoping that Sango knew what she was doing and Sango prayed that it worked the way she wanted it to. The doll advanced on Koga as a lion does a weak antelope and at that very second, Sango let the scythe fly.

Breaths hitched in the throats of everyone, but the instant the chain wrapped around the doll, Ayame took the opening and attacked the doll before it could over power the sutra. The long kodachi sliced through the air and when it connected with the doll’s flesh, it was like something out of a fairy tale. The Kohaku look a like’s body detached from the chest down and when Ayame landed on the ground, something popped out from the body and cluttered to the floor not too far away. It was nothing but a wooden puppet with a piece of hair around it. It looked so harmless, but the four of them knew better than to believe it. The wooden puppet broke a minute later and the doll disappeared as if it had never existed, they had won. Koga fell to the marble floor exhausted and wounded and Ayame rushed to him, they needed to get him medical attention and quickly at that. Sango and Miroku did the best they could and when Miroku suggested Kaede, the three of them carried the unconscious wolf out of the castle.


Inuyasha didn’t know what really happened after he grabbed Rin, but what ever had he knew it wasn’t good. It was most likely possible that he’d lost consciousness, but it felt like he hadn’t been able to close his eyes as the demonic blade Tokijin’s true power hit him at full force. There was searing pain throughout his whole body, he felt as though he was on fire. If it was possible to scream, there was a good chance that he would be doing it, but he couldn’t, his body wasn’t responding. Inuyasha had remembered feeling something similar to what he was now going through when Naraku had nearly killed him, but now it was worse, a lot worse than before.

Logically he knew that he was laying on Rin, if he still had a body left after Sesshomaru’s attack, but he could feel the coldness from something hard like a floor but only on half of his body. It was weird how he was still able to think, though they weren’t clear thoughts, he already knew that he was probably in a life and death situation. Prickling pain, shooting pain, blinding pain, it was all that the Inu-hanyou could register in his mind, he felt as though he was being torn from inside out or vise versa. He didn’t know how to explain what was happening to himself, but you’d bet your butt that he blamed Sesshomaru and if Inuyasha died like this he was going to haunt his brother until the Inu-youkai went insane.

There was a stabbing pain in his chest and he was suddenly on his back, how he guessed was beyond him, but it was like he was drowning and he couldn’t breathe. Inuyasha’s vision already was non existent but he was getting the urge to fall asleep, he could hear a sweet voice calling to him, he could recognize it. There was a big chance that he was going to actually die now, thanks completely to Sesshomaru and Kagura. Kagura-he remembered her now, she was the one who had helped attack the Western Lands almost seven years before, she had helped Onigumo-Naraku’s father kill Inuyasha’s mother and father, plus many others. It was all her fault for a lot of death’s and needless destruction. Sleep, it sounded like the best thing now and he could hear her, oddly as it was he could hear Kagome’s voice calling him in the darkness, she was asking him to save her.


E/N: OKAY! I'm going to answer a question someone had: No Inuyasha is not protected by his Haori because if you read closely in a previous chapter you would know that he gave it to Rin because lets face it, she was practically buck nekid! lol I said naked! (I know I spelled it wrong)
On a different note, someone told me I had a spelling error that said "Kagura swung her fat at Sesshomaru" and when I read it I cracked up laughing so hard that I started to cry, because what fat does she really have to swing at him? YES I meant Fan, but oh well I guess my secret of being tired and typing is out of the bag! YIKES! NEXT CHAPTER NEXT WEEK! Love ya'!

REVIEW DAMMIT! lol -Krystal-