InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part five ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Very Important E/N at the bottom, please read!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty-Four: Fighting for an end part Five

Rin inwardly groaned as she opened her eyes. At first her5 vision was blurry, but after blinking a few times it cleared enough to see. She could remember trying to leave with Inuyasha guiding her, yet the reason for trying to leave Sesshomaru behind and how she wound up on the floor underneath an unconscious hanyou was beyond her. There were probably more things that were still unclear, but all she could think about was the eerie silence. Gently touching the reopened cut on her forehead; she knew that it was bleeding again, however Rin was lucky it wasn’t as bad as it had been last time.

Her gaze shot in the direction of a sound of something crumbling and unable to really move freely, she laid there hoping that it was someone or something that was good for her. Anxiously she held her breath unsure if she should either call out or stay silent. Her mind was put to ease as she saw Se4sshomaru standing over her and Inuyasha, but she was taken back by the color of his cold hard eyes and the fact that he shoved his half brother o ff Rin with his foot. To her it looked like Sesshomaru had kicked Inuyasha.

“Sesshomaru,” her throat was tight and she could feel the tears stinging at the backs of her eyes.

He didn’t reply, but it wasn’t as if she expected any kind of reaction from him. She had heard his words to the ‘Kagura’ demon and she knew that any wrong move from anyone inclining herself could be fatal. Shaking and more than a little unsteady, Rin climbed to her feet before wrapping her arms around him. It was hard for her to admit to herself that she was afraid of him. It was hard for her to admit to herself that she was afraid that she wouldn’t ge4t to see Sesshomaru again, it made her extremely guilty.

The tears fell the moment she felt his body relax into hers and his deadly arms wrap around her trembling form. The little gesture made her heart hurt, but she would never again take her near perfect life for granted. She was just so relieved to know that her Sesshomaru was still with her and that he hadn’t lost himself in the need for revenge, death, and bloodshed. Rin couldn’t have been any happier, but in the back of her mind she knew that it wasn’t over, that there still was something horribly wrong.


Something unimaginable coursed through his icy veins as he watched in pleasure as Kagura was devoured by his malevolent blade. The smell of her blood was like a precious wine he waited centuries to taste. There was nothing but pure white bone left of Kagura and he almost wanted to laugh as he crushed them into dust. Oh how good it felt to kill again. All that Sesshomaru could see was red and his instincts urged him to slay another, he had bloodlust, he wanted to do nothing but destroy everything in his way. It was a new feeling to him, alien feelings that he had never allowed to break to the surface, but now that they had, his claws wee tingling and itching to rip through something, preferably flesh.

After a few moments other scents and smells began to invade Sesshomaru’s sensitive nose. Sex, tears, blood, and the faint stench of dirt and death. His nose scrunched up in distaste, but the smell of blood was so thick in the air he could practically taste the coppery metallic liquid. Turning around Sesshomaru registered his half brother by the horrible smell of hanyou, he couldn’t recall how the half-breed was there or how now there was an enormous wound eating at his skin. The Inu-youkai narrowed his eyes as he stepped a few paces closer, there was someone else there, their scent burning his nostrils and calling to him as if it were something his subconscious mind deemed appealing.

Kicking his half dead brother onto his back, Sesshomaru found himself unnerved by the empty stare of Inuyasha so he placed his attention on the human woman that had been under Inuyasha. She seemed to know exactly who he was as she called his name and he could feel some twinge of pain and anger in his heart. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what to do, but the fact that he didn’t know how to fact as the human none too steadily got to her feet and embraced him wish such familiarity. A part of him was repulsed by the fact that she was human, but an even bigger part of him became subdued by her aura. The read and need to kill faded and Sesshomar5u could feel his mind and logic coming slowly back to him. If she hadn’t been their to ‘save’ him from himself, Sesshomaru would have become a mindless beast. If Rin hadn’t ‘saved’ him, he would have become everything in Naraku he hated and he most likely would have killed his beloved himself.


“DAMMIT!” Naraku growled from his chair.

So far everything he had spent hundreds of years planning was going down in flames. He didn’t spend almost a hundred years as a human named Onigumo just so his enemies oldest son could ruin everything. He didn’t know how the group of humans and wolf demons disposed of his puppets so easily, but it was obvious to him that he had underestimated them by more than just a little. However it wasn’t over yet and there were still a few more back ups that he could use to his advantage. Sure it would be difficult since Kagura was now dead, but there were others that were willing to give themselves to him. He wasn’t going to let them win so easily, Naraku was better than Inu-youkai and human trash, he was the best there was and soon everyone would see it.

Getting up from his seat, Naraku silently walked down the marble stairs to the small glowing red orb, he had to kill a few hundred demon warriors to get it in one piece, but the fact of the matter was now he had it and there was no one left alive except for him and a girl who knew how it worked. The girl was in no position to talk any time soon. In truth the small girl no longer looked like a twelve year old she once was; now she looked like a haggard old woman with gray hair wasting away to nothing but flesh and bones. He had been keeping her as his little pet since he was Onigumo, but her time was coming to an end quicker than expected and he needed to find a new person to use as a sacrifice so he could have control over the red orb. Through it was a lot trickier than just finding a new ‘sacrifice’, he needed an heir with something that rivaled the girl’s spirit, and that’s where Kagome fit into everything.

She had to produce him a child so that way when he forced her to absorb the orb’s power, it would reside in the offspring he was sure that now was developing deep within her womanly womb. All he would have to do then is wait until the thing was born and he’d absorb it like he had Kagura in order for her cooperation, but absorption would only work with blood; so yes the twelve year old girl was a distant relative of Kagome’s. To be honest, she was the reincarnation of Princess Kikyo, the same little girl who lay almost dead to the world, merely nothing but a body with no soul. Kikyo was useless to Naraku now, but Kagome wasn’t.


He couldn’t help but want time to stand still as he held Rin close to him, yet he knew better than to think like that when there was still a certain someone that had a date with the Inu-youkai’s blade. Reluctantly pulling away from his wife, Sesshomaru placed a chaste kiss on her temple and heard her relieved sigh. Yes things would be alright now that he regained himself. A half gurgle half choking noise stole Rin’s attention fro mhim and when she left him to collapse onto her knees with a gasp, Sesshomaru knew that it had something to deal with Inuyasha.

“Sesshomaru he’s drowning in his own blood,” he wasn’t surprised that she was worried for his hanyou brother; he had saved her life twice now after all.

Kneeling Sesshomaru moved his brother to his side and inwardly cringed at the sight that greeted him. Inuyasha had taken both Tokijin’s and Kagura’s attack with out any protection, Rin was wearing the hanyou’s fire rat robe and without it she and the precious life she was carrying would have perished. The Inu-youkai was a demon of little emotions, but boy could he felt he guilt, Inuyasha had selfishly took a hit for the home team even if it meant that he’d never get to see his woman Kagome again. Tokijin’s demonic aura was still slowly easting into Inuyasha’s muscle tissue, but there was something slowing it down to a snail’s pace and Sesshomaru had the faintest clue to what it was. A curse that was a blessing in disguise.

“He’s dying slowly,” Sesshomaru tried to sound gentle, but there was bitterness in his tone that was clearly evident.

“Inuyasha…” She was on the verge of tears as she ran her fingers through the stained silver hair, “you’ll fix this Sesshomaru. You’ll find a way to keep him alive because is your fault why the hole’s in his back. If he dies because of your brain fart I don’t’ know what I’ll do but you’ll regret it. Inuyasha deserves so much better than this. Fix him Sesshomaru! Please fix him.”

As much as he’d never say it, h e had to admit that Rin was absolutely right and the threat she made would be nothing less than a promise she intended to keep. Getting to his feet as he watched Inuyasha’s body spasm in agony, he withdrew the blade from his waist. First he had to recall the demonic aura that was slowly killing his brother. Such a death was only to be experienced by Naraku and Naraku alone.


Miroku had given something to ease the pain and slow down the bleeding and now the four of them were headed slowly towards what they believed to be the exit. Ayame had her hands full carrying her wolf prince, but then again the monk had tried to carry Koga himself, but the female only growled for him to back away. She wasn’t going to let anyone near him but herself. Her show of loyalty was cute, but her stubborn behavior was somewhat uncalled for, though not unjustifiable. Sango trekked ahead, her once near burned out flame was blazing with anger, she wasn’t taking the dolls deception very well, but Miroku wasn’t one to complain. However Sango’s temper was something to be feared, she was like a rabid beast being provoked and now she was getting ready to bite off the hand that fed her. Hell she was going to rip them to pieces if given the chance.

Coaxing her to calm down w3as out of the question, the failed attempts were the poof of the lumps on Miroku’s head. Sighing almost heavily, he continued forward, there were still things that needed to be done and he still had to find Inuyasha and Sesshomaru not to mention Rin and Kagome. Miroku was almost certain that he had been told stories similar to the present time, but then again it was like he was already in some twisted story. Running tired fingers through his matted and dirty hair, the monk let his blue eyes survey his wife’s stiff backside, it was the little pleasures in life that made him happy.

Exiting the castle a little while later some of Sesshomaru’s men surrounded the four of them before leading Ayame and Koga away for the available medical treatment that they would receive. The wolf demon wasn’t’ looking too well, Ayame too for that matter. Sango and Miroku headed in the direction where Kaede was aid to be, the monk was certain that the elderly priestess was probably tired from holding the barrier and he was more than happy to switch placed for her.

All in all the situation was looking clearer than before. Naraku’s hordes of rogue demons were diminishing in both size and frequency that they were appearing. It was looking better and better each minute except fro the fact that there was still too much silence. The coast was not yet clear enough for them to be sitting around counting chickens before they hatched. It was the silence that kept them on their toes, not even a soul dared to be caught off guard.


Sesshomaru hoped that by recalling his blade’s aura that his brother would have a chance to live, but the Inu-youkai had never tried anything like it before so the only thing Rin could do was watch. Tokijin began glowing red as a green gas floated up from Inuyasha’s still form. Rin was forced to move away and view from a far, Sesshomaru was being sure to cover all his bases incase of further developments. The glowing aura eventually faded and when Sesshomaru sheathed his demonic sword, Inuyasha’s body filled with life as though he was merely deeply breathing in.

“Sesshomaru is he alright?” Rin asked concerned taking a few steps forward only to stop when the Inu-youkai motioned for her to stay put.

“It’s not safe yet.” it was the only thing he said.

Inuyasha’s body began convulsing as if he were experiencing a horrible fit of seizures. His own demonic aura pulsed frantically, lashing out at Sesshomaru with blinding anger. Normally there would have been wounds on the Inu-youkai’s body from such an attack, but now was a different case; Inuyasha’s youki was leaving his body, dying like a flickering candle left without a wick. Once merely novice claws compared to Sesshomaru’s grew into talons and dug holes into the tile ground and the hanyou’s chin jutted into the air as purple stripes flashed across his face before disappearing. Amber eyes flashed open with deadly precision and bled a brightened red, the demon blood was fighting to stay alive, but was being overtaken and his eyes faded to a dull amber.

The Inu-youkai waited patiently till the demon aura was extinguished along with the hanyou’s life. As the room became quiet Sesshomaru glanced down at his half brother, his life blood seeping into his brother’s clothing and staining it black. Inuyasha’s curse was leaving the now dead corpse, being fulfilled with its dark energy. He could hear his wife’s sudden intake of breath as well as smell her falling tears. She knew what he already did, Inuyasha was human. Black hair cascaded over still shoulders where silver locks once laid, the claws and white dog-ears gone and now replaced with ones that belonged to nothing but humans. Closing his eyes Sesshomaru turned his back on the scene, there was nothing that he could do at the moment and he already knew what his wife was thinking.



E/N: If you have any "beef" with me about regarding the story "Hondel" by Sango3031 please email me so I can explain because I don't want to make this really drawn out for those people who either don't care or haven't read that story. I just want to make it clear that the similarities bewteen our stories were too coincidental in some chapters and that it would have been impossible for her to not have read my story.

Plagerising is not something people should be proud of or be encouraged to do! If Sango3031 would have asked to I would have let her, but some lines from her story in her chapter 4 were the exactly the ones that I have in my chapter 4 and that's what irked me. IF you want to use something give credit to the original person otherwise you're being just disprespectful and rude to everyone!

On a lighter note, I would like to reccomend a story that the author(ress) has told me that she/he will have some similarities from my story. Great potential people! Usually if you ask me I will allow it because honestly its better to ask then just to steal. Updates will be up as soon as I can finish chapter 36 I'm having horrible bouts of writer's block for everything and hope to finish this story soon.
Questions, comments, flames? Feel free to email/Review me, if you would like to know something I'll always answer. Leave a review with your email addy and I'll get back to you.


"The War Between Races" By Scaevola

"Through the Well" By yours truly.

Any stories that you would like to see here review me and tell me about them!

Until next time, Krystal.