InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part six ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty-Five: Fighting For an end part Six

It was betrayal, Rin could feel herself breaking, feeling her heart shatter into a million pieces as she cried laments for Inuyasha. She didn’t understand why her husband wasn’t doing everything he could do to save his little brother, did he not take her words to heart? Tears poured non-stop down her cheeks, if there was a way to stop them she was sure that she wouldn’t have the strength to do it now. All she could think of was that Inuyasha’s death was her fault, she had blood on her hands and they would never be cleaned. Gripping the hanyou’s red haori closer to her form as she could, Rin gazed miserably down at Inuyasha, he had lost everything he ever fought to keep, there was just no way that he was able to grasp any tangible form of complete happiness. There was always someone there to kick him while he was down.

“Rin,” Sesshomaru’s voice pulled a twinge of pain coursing through her heart. “We must leave, there is still things that need to be done.”

“Go fuck yourself!” It was the first him she had angrily growled a curse to Sesshomaru and even the dark in her voice was alien to the queen. “I won’t abandon Inuyasha like you have! I won’t betray him!”

He didn’t even flinch at her words, but Rin didn’t expect him to, she just wasn’t intimidating enough. However, his eyes narrowed irritably at her as she clung to his dead brother’s arm before unsheathing a katana from his hip. Rin never believed that Sesshomaru was capable to look at her with such a serious and cold look, yet he did and she felt her heart skip a beat. Her eyes were wide, but she knew better than to believe that he would strike her down, it wasn’t something that was possible because despite popular belief, the Inu-youkai had a heart, or so she thought.

“Say and think what you will Rin my love,” he almost spat distastefully. “But if you so much as move an inch while I’m gone, you’ll regret it.”

Sesshomaru stepped forward and placed the blade on Inuyasha’s chest before turning from his wife and heading out of the demolished room. The both of them knew exactly how serious he was being and it was a while till Rin’s racing heart calmed, he would keep his word. Watching her husband disappear was like avoiding a nasty scathe with the devil, she was sometimes more afraid of Sesshomaru’s mood swings than she was of dying. Letting out a deep sigh, she began to wait, he wouldn’t return until Naraku was dead no matter what the cost. He was somebody to be afraid of, a true demon with a ruthless nature, but then again he was her ruthless demon and on some level she was grateful he knew how to compromise.


Sesshomaru walked almost stiffly, his sensitive nose trying to track down the reputed hanyou. His blade Tokijin pulsed at his hip angrily, the sword was furious at being denied blood. The Inu-youkai however didn’t care, no pathetic blade or anything for that matter could control him; nothing ordered him around. Dark and ominous shadows ran down the walls but he only kept his eyes straight forward, he wouldn’t be deterred from his mission any longer, he didn’t have the time to be goofing off when there was obviously work to be done. The trash needed to be taken out once and for all.

His sensitive ears could plainly hear the giggling of a child down the hall and he narrowed his eyes, how dumb did they think he was? Ignoring the annoying sound he trekked forward, he would not allow himself to be distracted by foolish games. He could plainly see the shadowed figures from the corner of his hard eyes, they were becoming more frantic as if trying to get his attention, the childish giggling still yet having to leave. Coming to a dead end, Sesshomaru suppressed an angry growl, how did he not realize that he wasn’t going in the right direction? Touching the walls in front of himself to be sure of no trickery, the Inu-youkai grumbled as he turned only to find himself face to face with a small child holding a glowing orb in her small hands. Black hair was blowing everywhere like a black hole and brown eyes stared almost coldly at Sesshomaru, but she was only an illusion.

“One cannot see with blind eyes,” a woman’s voice enveloped in mystery came from the child’s mouth, it wasn’t a demon Sesshomaru knew that for sure. “If you cannot see passed his barrier you’ll be walking in circles until his plans go into fruitation and all will be lost for sure.”

“If you are looking for a pity party you will not find it here,” Sesshomaru said almost irritated. “And if you are one of Naraku’s pathetic pets I will kill you now because you’re wasting my time.”

“One cannot hear if he chooses to cut off his ears to spite his mind,” more riddles? He didn’t have time for her babble, the Inu-youkai was hunting down Naraku. “Anger will only feed your ignorance and you’ll lose what you wanted to protect Sesshomaru. Follow the blind eyes, the deaf ears. How do you know where to find the enemy when it’s the enemy who seeks to fool you and succeeds so easily with out lifting a finger?”

Frowning Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes, this thing was practically calling him stupid. Flexing his claws, he held back on attacking the illusion human, he didn’t need to look like a fool for losing his mind. Watching the girl’s brown eyes he noticed the hollowness, whatever life the human had was dying quickly and he could see the image of an elderly woman holding onto a round red orb as if her fingers were attached. That was what the girl really looked like.

“Mocking me is not a wise decision,” he told her as a matter of fact. “IF you have something to say do it now or you will face my wrath.”

“Just because you can’t see or hear it doesn’t mean that its not there Sesshomaru.” the girl no longer held an innocent smile, but a deadly serious and emotionless look. “You’ve allowed yourself to be led around in a n unending maze. What you see now is nothing but a crafty illusion. Spells that make things look like reality when in actuality is nothing but a malicious mind. Retrace your steps to the throne room and find what has been hidden. Time is of the essence and if you do not heed my words, the price o you will pay will be greater than you could ever imagine.”

The small girl turned her back on Sesshomaru and headed down the hall where the Inu-youkai had come from not too long ago. His pride had been insulted and her words angered him, but it was as if she was completely right about everything. Running his clawed hand through his long silver hair, Sesshomaru began his trek back to the throne room where he and the wolf have arrived at. If there in fact was something hidden, he would find it and be sure that Naraku would feel the icy claws of death. Sesshomaru needed to find what he had overlooked and still be able to get his revenge in a timely manner. He didn’t give a shit about the human girl, but he did care about Rin and the offspring of theirs that she was carrying. They were one of the only things that mattered to him.


Naraku cursed under his breath as he paced back and forth, Kanna had yet to return and he had to start the ceremony soon if he wanted the absorption to go without a hitch. The evil hanyou glanced at the dark mirror to his left, there were cracks all over it and would need to be repaired. Things weren’t going as planned, but then again he watched as Kagura lost her life and it made his pants tighten. It was so pleasurable to see the filthy cunt die so slow and painfully and it renewed his faith in dead telling no tales. Going to where Kagome lay lifelessly, Naraku smiled, he had had Kanna speed up the offspring’s growing period and it wouldn’t be more than a few hours till ‘his’ child would be ready to be born.

He wouldn’t have to worry about anything now that he was close to victory that he could taste it. After the absorption of the orb, the baby would be born with a sacrifice, the child would eat the mother’s flesh leaving nothing but bone and when it finished, Naraku would absorb his offspring making it apart of him. Taking all the power received and more, thus making Naraku full demon and the most powerful. Nothing would be able to stop him. He would control everything and everyone who opposed him would die slow and painful deaths, Naraku would become god.

Letting a smile purse his lips at the very thought of becoming god, he relaxed, it was too late for good to triumph over evil. Facing the door as it creaked open, Naraku’s smirk couldn’t have been anymore malicious. However it disappeared just as quickly as it had come, he was staring into the deranged eyes of amber and he could then feel a pang of fear course through his mind that made him shiver. The soul reaper had come to collect his soul, but he wouldn’t go without a fight. Nothing would keep him from what he wanted, nothing.


It didn’t take long for him to retrace his steps and find the correct corridor that had duped him. It had been cleverly hidden and with all the death filling the air it was easily over looked if one wasn’t as cautious as they should be in the same situation. The Inu-youkai would never admit to anyone that he had made a costly mistake, but merely misjudged the situation, but in the end his small misjudgment had saved his beloved’s life. So it would be over looked. The only sound heard was what his shoes made as they featherlessly collided with the tiled floor, he ws still gracefully like a swan and as cunning as a fox and all he needed at the moment was too keep himself centered. To remain in control at all times. Errors were not allowed because all they were were misjudgments that could not be fixed.

Flawless silver hair fluttered in an imaginary wind behind him and the demonic blade pulsed eagerly at his hip, Tokijin knew that the prize was near, as did he. The corridor ended and began with a long flight of circular stairs which Sesshomaru ascended with such ease. His nose was filled with Naraku’s dirty blooded scent that left a bad taste in the back of Sesshomaru’s mouth, but yet it made his adrenaline along with his blood rise. The adventure was coming to its climax and soon enough everything would be decided.

The stairs seemed endless and despite feeling eerily calm, his heart was almost racing with excitement and a little of bloodlust, his youkai instinct were practically screaming with anticipation. He wanted the death, the blood and the pleasure of inflicting more than just blinding, agonizing pain to this enemy of his. He didn’t feel any kind of fatigue even though he had not eaten or sleep for a while, though he doubted that such tings could hinder him in anyway, he was to say in the least interested in his body’s recent revelations.

Naraku’s foul scent clouded the air and the end of the stairs were finally in sight. Sesshomaru didn’t have to worry about masking his own scent as he touched the hilt of Tokijin and feeling it come to life. The evil hanyou had dug his own grave and the Inu-youkai would allow himself to do more than smile when Naraku was writhing and begging for mercy under him. The only thing that awaited Naraku was pain and as the quote said “Revenge is a dish best served cold.” Sesshomaru would rewrite the definition for torture when he was through with Naraku.


Sango paced back and forth feverishly, she had a nagging feeling at the back of her mind and it was bothering her to no end. Miroku had long since traded places with the elderly priestess and Sango was at a loss on what to do. There were people standing around doing nothing, dead bodies laying in a pile on top of each other, the sick and injured moaning, screaming and some wailing in pain. She knew that there wasn’t much that she could do but she wanted to help more. Worrying on her lip that lay in between her teeth, Sango glanced around uneasily, she couldn’t shake the feeling, she just couldn’t.

“Are ye okay young lass?” It was Kaede’s soft words that brought her from her stupid, but Sango scrunched her nose in a frown.

“I don’t know priestess Kaede,” Sango replied looking the elderly woman in the eye and expressing her fear and confusion. “I think that there’s more going on then what meets the eyes. There’s something in my gut telling me to run back into the castle and look for something. Its as though something’s not right, a shadow in an empty room filled with blinding light. “

The elderly priestess merely nodded in agreement with Sango before facing in the direction that led away from the Eastern Lands. The land it was tainted with blood and with many blessings may always continue to be in a way curse with an evil malice. A moment later a guard came scrambling around a corner, his eyes wide with fright and his skin paler than white. Whistles went off everywhere and the able bodied soldiers climbed to their feet to endure yet another draining battle. However this time there was a did fence as the guard called out frantically for the elderly priestess, his arms flailing in the air almost wildly. There was something going on.

“Lady Kaede!” He called out heavily panting, “There is a demon in the courtyard! A small demon girl and she’s not one of us! Some of the men tried subduing her but she’s not one of the rogues! She’s wounded too priestess!”

“Calm down lad,” Kaede tried to persuade the chaotic kitsune.

“The demon is carrying a mirror priestess!” He continued as though he hadn’t heard a word she said. “It’s powerful and it repels any and all attacks we deliver! She’s powerful but out of control. We believe she’s one of Naraku’s personal minions and it looks as though as the demon had gone mad! You must help us contain it! We must stop the demon from reeking anymore havoc! We must!”


E/N: MaWr! lol Well I still haven't finished chapter 36 yet, but this story is almost done. I've got this whole week to work on it so hopefully there might be an update this weekend.

REMEMBER! If you want more you MUST review! RaWr!
