InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be there in the Morning? ❯ Will you be there in the Morning? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"I don't know why I ever agreed to this" Inuyasha though regrettably as he saw the neon sign dazzling
over head.
Miroku waddled over to his friend at the door over joyed that he could make it for his bachelor party!
"Inuyasha! My good friend here to see me off on my final night as a free man before I marry the woman
I love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he slurred and tugged his best friend toward the table with some of his colleges
and friends and surprisingly enough for Inuyasha his bride-to- be brother?!
"Kohaku! great to see ya bud!" he hadn't seen his friends in 10 years so seeing Sango's little brother all
grown up and 18 was a reality check on how much time flies.
He watched the table of demons and humans alike laugh and drink.
"GENTELMEN!" a loud booming voice said over a loudspeaker.
Miroku and his friends cheered while Inuyasha went to get another drink for himself, he felt the long
night approaching.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<&l t;<
" re we ready ladies?!"The owner called back into the dressing room with his dancers and strippers.
Multiple girls giggled and responded all except his crown jewel that came to him nine years ago.
"Kags?" he knocked silently on her door.
"Yes Bankotsu?!" she called, and he heard something fall and crash and after that she opened the door
in her silk wrap and six inch stilettos with her hair curled loosely around her face and her eyes a Smokey
teal color highlighted with black eyeliner and a smoky eye shadow, her perfect lips were covered in a red
lipstick highlighting a natural beauty he discovered struggling to pull through her life, he never learned
exactly what it was but whatever it was it tore her apart. It made her give up on love completely,
enough to sell herself for men who don't matter
"The Kittens are on stage now working their magic, you ready Pussycat?" he asked mesmerized by the
beauty in front of him.
She gave him one of her dazzling smiles that hid her pain and he knew it.
" lright, we have a bachelor party tonight about twenty guys, make sure you get your money's worth "
he smiled and patted her on the butt.
The kittens picked their tables and started their dance building up for the star.

The music picked up into kon's BELLY DANCER.

Out emerged kagome as she danced her way to the main table of the bachelor party. She wore the
Hindu mask to hide her mouth until half way through the song, but for now she danced on the tabled
working the poles and glided up and down smirking with her eyes at the gents waving bills at her.
She slowly and tantalizingly unwrapped the silk from her body, letting it hit the floor leaving her bare in
a sliver bra and red lace thong as she slowly crept her hand up her body cupping her breasts. She held
her head back and arched her body moaning slightly and then resumed dancing to the song with a belly
dance flair showing off her tight belly and large breasts and her hip dancing.
She walked up the table and did a spilt in front of the assumed groom to be.
"MIROKU!" she thought he eyes bulging out of head
She twirled away before he could touch her.
She kept dancing and noticed Kohaku and

She felt all the pain of the past nine year erupt in her as she tore off her mask and reviled her face to the
table. In an instant the men knew there was some intense tension between the dancer and someone at
this table.
Kagome felt the pain well up in her eyes in tears.
She swallowed back the pain and danced bringing Miroku up onto the table.
"Kaggie?" he whispered as ground into him.
"Shh, not here, not now " she whispered as she slithered down his body doing a spread eagle in front of
him on the floor only to be picked up and dragged away in a blur of sliver.
She knew who it was and didn't fight him at all the only noise she heard was how fast her heart was
She felt her body lifelessly slam into a bed surface.
"You " she heard him say as though someone had just stabbed him in the gut.
She just laid there listening to the silence.
"You you're a WHORE!?!? He screamed at her.

She just curled up and sat there in the silence after he yelled at her.
"You left me for this?" he asked incredulously.
He watched her face lose all color and her body stay rigid. What happened to his little spitfire, the
woman he fell in love with.
"I-I never left you " she whispered into the sheets of what she assumed must be his bed
Inuyasha heard it with his keen senses, she sounded so broken.
"You love Kikyo I get it, the past nine years I've got it! I got your messages and your hate mail! I GOT IT!"
She screamed and just sat there tears of anger.
Inuyasha stood dumbfounded, he'd been in merica for only a few months and he hadn't seen Kikyo
since her pregnancy scare ten years ago when she told him Kagome left
"What Kikyo said you left I haven't seen her in ten years " he said slowly approaching the girl
"LI R!" she ripped of the bed and started pounding on his chest in a mad furry! He just let her hit him
until she calmed down.
She slowed her punches and just cried into him.
"Don't lie to me " she whispered and held him for dear life fearing this was another dream.
He tilted her head up and looked her dead in the eye and sighed.
"I couldn't lie to you Kags not ever " he looked her dead in her gorgeous teal eyes.
For the first time in a long time she believed him she had her heart so injured before but when she was
with him, she felt alive again.
"Why did you call me and say I should never see you again or you'd leave forever?" she held him even
tighter as he slowly, ghostly carried her back to his bed.
Her words hit him as though something or someone had bitch slapped him.
"Why would I do that after what we had the night before love?" He laid her down carefully on his bed
caressing her half-naked body with the pads of his hands.
The 18 year old girl shyly made her way into the candle lit bedroom, as soft sultry music beckoned her to
slowly remove the article of clothing that separated her and the man she loved and would do anything

She slowly sauntered to his bed where he lay half naked in his silk red pajama pants that highlighted his
six pack abs and his silver hair that cascaded around his face and shoulders. His smirk was enough to
make her wet and bothered with need.

"Kagome " he whispered propping himself up on the bed his topaz eyes gleaming with the lust and
desire that matched hers.

She shook off the warm feeling that coursed through her when his feather light touch caressed her
arms and lightly caressed her face.
"Inuyasha " she moaned out softly as her need for his touch.

He lifted himself so he could grab her hand and pull her gently on top of him.
"Inuyasha I'm a little nervous "she said as he slid his hand up her legs and he slowly lifted off her
white silk nightgown.

He stared at every perfection of her body, her perfect natural C-cup breasts, and her taunt body stiff with

He slid his hand up her sides, he felt her hold her breath out of anticipation.
he pulled her flush to him and held her close as he massaged her body slowly and gently, calming her
nerves ever so slightly.

He smirked at how naïve she was back then
He just thought of all the men that might've touched his Mate
His mate
He leaned into her and sniffed and inhaled deeply.
"You sold yourself?! You let other men touch you " he said heart brokenly.
She pulled away slightly as he scrutinized her.
Her body was toned and her breasts seemed slightly larger than the last time he saw them.
"You are you were?"He couldn't get himself to ask.
She closed her eyes as a silent tear trailed down her cheek.

"I never kissed any of them I couldn't it was too painful to I am so in love with you, but I had no
education and I had to take care of tashio and he got sick I couldn't afford anything " she walked
toward the wall and braced herself against it as she tried to continue telling her story "I lost the house, I
gave him up, and I almost killed myself on the street "
The terenchal down pour drenched her to the bone as the 60 degree weather chilled her.
He didn't care, her child was gone, and she was more than happy to die at that moment
"Ma'am!" an astonished voice called out as she saw a blur of a man.
Then she blacked out.
Miss?" she heard a voice
She felt herself warm and cozy no No NO!!!!!!!!
"No why?" she cried as she felt all the pain, she was alive!
"Miss you were out in the storm and you were almost dead I'm Bankotsu and I saved you. Can I call
anyone for you?" he asked as she woke up

She cried out in anguish.
"No why didn't you let me die!?!?" she cried into the sofa she was laying on
This threw the gentleman through a loop. This exotic beauty wanted to die!?!
"Miss, I'm sorry What can I do to help you?" he asked bringing water to her lips
She cried and turned away, wanting to die then and there.
"Get rid of my past!" she said softly
s a girl with her morals she didn't believe in drugs or alcohol. But she did want the pain to go away.
"I can do that I just never met a woman who actually would die from her past. You must've been
through some sort of hell " he sympathized as he rubbed her quivering and sob shaking body.

She just cried and cried
"Just make it go away "
The next day he turned him into his pride and joy of his "establishment" as he liked to call it Four years
into the job she began sleeping with men.

The one complaint Bankotsu always got was that Kagome never kissed her clients.

Inuyasha sat there in disbelief, the girl that had been his strength was now at her weakest point.
So weak she wanted to holy shit a baby!
" baby "
She turned to pressing her back against the wall the cool feeling was a warm welcome to the butterflies
she felt before. She pressed her face hard in her hands.
"I tried to call the day after I found out " she said
She had put the test on the sink and sat on the edge of the bathtub in the student apartment she and
Inuyasha had rented together.

"Please be negative!" she chanted in her head
Those three agonizing minutes were the longest in her life.
She got up and picked the plastic life test off the marble counter and saw the two pink lines
"Two pink lines I'm pregnant I'm pregnant with Inuyasha baby!" she cheered to her surprise in her

Wait it's her baby, it's his birthday! Oh my god!!!!!!
"I'M PREGN NT!!!!!!!!" she screamed and jumped up in down out of sheer joy
She grabbed her phone only t literally hear her heart break in her ears.
She glanced at the number and sobbed silently.
It had been three months since the fire
She was in college and she received the phone call saying vandals set fire to the shire trapping her
mother and grandfather on site. Her brother had run away a year before

"Mom " she clutched her chest as her heart throbbed.
Once she regained composure she grabbed her cell and called the love of her life.
She was in a daze of happiness until
A breathy guttural almost manly voice moaned into the phone.

"Oh baby stop
" the woman moaned in ecstasy.
Her heart slowly shattered
"H-hello?" the woman asked as she caught her breath.
"I'm looking for Inuyasha " Kagome nearly whispered.
The femine voice on the other line laughed.
"He's a little occupied right no-"
Kagome hung up
Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears he never slept with anyone but her
He ran to her as she fell into herself and she sobbed.
"I wanted to die I wanted to die!" she chanted like a mantra
He grasped her wrists forcefully
"Don't you ever say that! EVER!" he yelled as his tears of pain slowly poured off his face
She couldn't look at him so she started to notice her lack of clothing and how close they were
"Kagome, I was broken when you left I lost my phone two weeks after we made love Kaggie " he said
as his hands made their way up her thighs.
She closed her eyes relishing the idea of Inuyasha touching her again.
"Oh my Inuyasha " she wrapped her hands around his neck and fisted his hair pulling him closer.
He loved her feel, her smell, his mate
"This is it Kagome " he said as he pulled her neck close and his fangs began to bare "We'll always be
together and we'll never part " he bit into her junction of the shoulder and neck.
She winced in pain as he sunk into her but it almost felt natural, pleasant, and slightly erotic.
He smelt the arousal as soon as he marked her.
"Mmm Kags " he started kissing her, her lips as soft as their first.
She just relaxed against him, for the first time since they were together she felt loved and wanted and
He slipped his tounge past her defenses. She greedily enjoyed the lavishing he gave her.

She slipped her hands under his plain white T and slowly teasingly snuck it up his chiseled body
squirmed in pleasure brushing his nipples, and massaged his massive shoulders.
"Mmm gods kagome ." he loved the sensation of just her touching him gave.
She leaned up smiling down at him as she straddled his waist and slowly ground into his pelvis.
He grasped his shag carpet under his claws.
She moved a little further up his body shoving her breasts into his face and slowly breathed into his ears
and slowly licked the shell of his fuzzy appendage.
He grasped her hips and thrusted into her hard earning himself a breathy moan from the sexy woman
above him.
He in a swift move flipped her underneath him; the preditorial gleam in his eye increased her arousal.
He un hooked her silver bra and slowly kicked her up her abs and took her right breast into his mouth
and sucked her nipple hard as he massaged the other.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and slowly ground into him.
He switched ministrations and licked slowly around her nipple which hardened automatically.
He swiftly tore her thong off and watched as she completely opened up before him.
He tore off his pants and positioned himself over her.
"Inuyasha wait " she put a hand to his chest.

"Yasha wait " she put a finger to his lips their body flush against each other.
He looked at her concerned and held her close in comfort and kissed her so gently as if he was afraid to
break her.

"When you're ready ."he smiled.

He stopped what he was doing and stared at her beauty.
"Will you be there when I wake up on the morning?" she asked tracing his lips with her finger.
He grasped her finger and kissed it gently.
"I'm not going anywhere, I need you Kaggie I just wish I hadn't left at all that morning we could've had
a family ."

He was about to monologue an apology when she grasped his manhood and plunged onto him and
began to ride him furiously.
"KA-GO-ME!" he panted as he thrusted into her.
He watched as her breasts bounced juicily up and down.
He kept at his pace and enjoyed the gasps and the moans she produced; she watched his face contort in
She felt her walls tighten and her lower abdomen become very taunt like a spring ready to snap.
He felt her tighten around him while he became tight and ready to explode into her.
"INUYASHA!!!!!!!" she screamed as her orgasm blinded her.
"He pounded into her forcing her to ride the last of her orgasm while he erupted into her hot core, she
was so tight, and it was incredible.
The sun began to rise through his black curtains
He stretched and felt unusual warmth next to him he felt up the smooth somewhat cool flesh next to
him He took a deep breath of the person next to him.
"Mmm Mate " he purred into her neck.
She stirred slightly and kissed the arm by her mouth.
"I promised I'd be here when you woke up."