InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ Delving Deeper ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Delving Deeper

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Sesshoumaru could barely keep his gaze from the miko that now followed him, though she was, thankfully, unaware of his scrutiny.

They had just had their first run-in with his baka half-brother since he had rescued her from the undead miko those many days ago, and while he had expected to have to deal with an over-emotional female once it was over – he had not.

He was perplexed, to say the least.

The little priestess claimed to love his brother – he almost rolled his eyes – and yet, she was nothing but happy right now, even though she'd been faced with the undead miko as part of his half-brother's pack.  

Of course, some of that happiness seeping from her was probably due to the fact that he had agreed to allow the kitsune child to come along with them.  She seemed to treat him like her own child, and was quite happy to see him again, as well as her other friends.

It was apparent that those friends, the taijiya, and the monk, were not overly happy with Inuyasha's new companion, but there was nothing for it, and so they were tolerating her presence.  However, the kit was apparently being rather tormented by the dirt miko – she wanted to purify him, and only the interference of the others had kept her from doing so.

It was for that reason that he had allowed the boy to come with them when they left... and because it made Kagome and Rin content, though he would never say that aloud.

It had been obvious when they met up that Inuyasha was upset by the fact that Kagome was traveling with him, and Sesshoumaru was positive that if it hadn't been for the restraining presence of Kikyou, he would have demanded her back.  It seemed it was the undead one that was keeping the others from coming after Kagome to retrieve her.

He shook his head, once again finding his gaze drawn to the tiny female that was smiling and entertaining the kids quite happily as they rode Ah-Uhn.  There was just so much there to uncover within the psyche of this woman...

Admittedly, at least to himself, he was fascinated.  He'd never met another quite like her – the closest being Rin herself.

His footsteps slowed, almost unnoticed, as he allowed the dragonet to catch up with him.  After a few moments, he noted that the three riding Ah-Uhn had fallen silent, and Kagome was looking up at him questioningly.

“Is something wrong, Sesshoumaru-sama?”  she asked, a light frown touching her brow.

He decided to be blunt.

“This one had expected a somewhat different reaction from you on seeing your former companions – especially as you were faced with the fact that the undead one has replaced you.”

Kagome chuckled knowingly at that.  “Oh.  You thought I'd be a basket case right now, ne?”

He cocked a confused brow.  “Basket case?”  he asked slowly.  “What is the meaning behind those words?”

Shippo, having heard that futuristic saying before, popped out with the answer proudly from his place in Kagome's arms.  “It's from her time and means you thought she'd be acting all whiny and stuff and crying because of what happened.”

An odd phrase, but apt, I suppose.  “Hn.  Then the answer is yes – that is what I expected.  So why are you so calm?”

Tilting her head thoughtfully, Kagome stared out at the distant horizon, running his words through her head.   “Well, I guess because I just want Inuyasha to be happy – and he never was without Kikyou.  But now he can be happy, because she's there with him, and he doesn't have to be conflicted anymore.”

“Preposterous.  You claim to love him, and yet, him choosing another over you leaves you content?”  he scoffed coldly.

She simply grinned over at him, and winked.  “Yup!  All I ever wanted was for him to be happy, even if it wasn't with me.”

He glanced at the kit, and noted the placid look on his face.  Apparently, her sentiments in that direction were no surprise to the child.  Eyeing her skeptically, he shook his head slightly after a moment, turning his gaze back out to the terrain before them.

It is ridiculous.  Every time I peel one layer, I find another.  Is there no end to this girl's strangeness?  I cannot bring myself to believe that all humans are this complex.  So what is it about this one?

He flicked a sideways glance at her once again as the three began playing another game, and his brows lowered.  

I wonder if even my long life-time will be enough to begin to find understanding of this human.  Not that she will live that long...

He frowned deeper at that, disturbed.  She was not a puzzle that could be solved in a humans short life-time.

Perhaps he would find a way to keep the puzzle alive... at least until he could figure her out.

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