InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ Please, For Me? ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Please, For Me?

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Looking around with easy efficiency, Kagome triaged all her patients, quickly moving from worst to least injured.

Not that any of them were seriously injured, of course, but nonetheless, Naraku and his stupid hordes had attacked, and everyone had gotten at least minor injuries – all except Rin, who'd been protected by Jaken and Shippo.

Inuyasha was the most seriously injured, seeing as how he was always the reckless one, leaping into battle without even thinking about it – Kagome had never noticed that before, simply because, before coming to this era, and meeting Inuyasha, she'd never seen battle.  Now, after seeing Sesshoumaru  fight, she knew the difference between a master and a beginner.  It was profound.

Of course, getting Inuyasha to let her treat him hadn't been easy – he was as stubborn as always, but once he'd realized that she was ignoring everyone elses injuries, including her own, until his were taken care of, he'd subsided with a pout, and let her take care of him.  Once he was done, she moved through the rest of the group like a hurricane, and before long, her own injuries, and Sesshoumaru's, were the only ones left untreated.

Diffidently, she approached him as he sat under a tree, observing the group, and asked,  “Sesshoumaru-sama, may I clean and bandage your wounds?”  She blushed at his cocked brow – he would have to remove his armor and then remove his garments from his upper half, and she had never seen him at all undressed.  Still, she wasn't about to let her shyness get the better of her.

“Miko, it is not needed.  This one will heal quite quickly,”  he said, ignoring his brother's snort.

“Keh, like that's ever stopped the wench,”  Inuyasha muttered, still pouting.  She shot him a warning look, and he subsided.

Kagome looked back at the daiyoukai, pleadingly.  “Please, Sesshoumaru-sama? I know you'll heal, and don't really need it, but...”  she trailed off.

“If you know that this one does not need it, then why do you insist?”  he asked, genuinely curious.

She sighed, and then knelt next to him, fingers picking nervously at the hemline of her skirt.  “I'm not really doing it for you, because you don't need it, and I know that,”  she finally admitted, speaking softly.  “I'm doing it for me – to make me feel better.  If I didn't take care of you-”  she flushed a little deeper,  “-I would worry.”

He stared at her blankly for a moment, then blinked, a little confused.  “You would... worry... for this Sesshoumaru?”

With an earnest nod, she met his gaze with hopeful eyes.  “So... please?  For me?”

Sesshoumaru thought about it for a few minutes, not even noticing the fascinated looks from the rest of the group, or his brother's suspicious eyes.  Finally, he nodded, and sat up, removing his armor and clothing so that she could assess his injuries, and clean and bandage them.  

With a wide smile, Kagome went right to work, a satisfied, content look on her face.  “Arigatou, Sesshoumaru-sama!”

And that is all it takes to make her happy,  he mused, taking note of how gently her fingers touched him as she cleansed his wounds.  Such a complicated onna... or so she would seem, were one not to know her well.

But in truth, she is simple to understand...

As long as you understand emotions.  That is why I have such difficulty with her, though... because I do not allow such emotion in my life.

He once again failed to notice the warmth slowly growing inside him as she touched him, where once there lay only endless ice.

Others, however, were not so blind.  

With a scowl, golden eyes flashed crimson.  She isn't yours, Sesshoumaru!

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