InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ A Most Important Answer ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Most Important Answer

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Kagome had not moved, eyes still wide as they'd ever been, and mind so shocked at what she thought she'd just heard from the beautiful youkai Lord standing before her, that she literally could not speak.  

She could hear the whisper of the wind in her ears, feel it caress her midnight locks, and feather across her skin; she could feel her clothing move against her body, but none of it made sense to her in that moment.  

Because what he'd just said... it wasn't possible.

She must be dreaming.

Finally, as he waited silently before her, his eyes holding hers captive, she dug deep, and stuttered out,  “W-what?”  in a whisper so bare he almost didn't hear it.  

He stepped forward at that, moving closer to her, trying to catch her scent.  She does not scent of rejection... no... instead, she smells shocked, and disbelieving.  Relieved, he said,  “Your shock only goes to show that you heard this one's question, Kagome.  It would honor him if you would answer.”

“B-but... why?  I don't understand!  I'm human,”  she said, her voice still barely there, as if she couldn't manage to speak any louder.

“That you are.  And yet, you are the one I have chosen.  Will you take me, as I am, or reject me?”  he asked again.  I did not think she would be so shocked, he thought, almost amused.

She continued to stare at him, before shaking her head in confusion.  “I need to know why, Sesshoumaru-sama.  You... you can't just ask me something like that out of the blue, and not expect me to be shocked.  I don't know how to answer you, until I know why.”

He sighed inwardly, even as he watched the breeze playing with her hair.  He should have known it would not be so easy with her, and he stiffened his spine, refusing to back away from what he wanted just because he would have to actually speak of things he was still not too comfortable with.  

“What should a male do, when his affections are engaged by a certain female, Kagome?”  he asked slowly.  “Is this not a normal thing, to wish to take that one as a wife, a mate?”  He watched her take in his words, her shock deepening.  “Why do you demur to answer?  Do you not return this one's regard, yet do not know how to turn him away?”

That shocked her right out of her confusion, and she hurriedly shook her head.  “No!  It's not that, honestly!  It's just-”  she blushed and her eyes fell away shyly,  “-I... well, it's just hard to believe that you, you know, are saying those things to me.”

Once again, triumph welled up in him, and he knew in that moment that she would accept him, once she took in that this was, indeed, real.  And he knew just how to help that understanding, and incidentally, his desired answer, along.

Stepping right into her space, he took her by the arms and pulled her into him, then reached up with a finger to tilt her face up to his.  Seeing not one bit of denial or fear in her gaze, only breathless hope and anticipation, he lowered his head to hers, and finally, for the very first time, took her lips for his own.

She tastes so sweet, he thought, as her taste burst across his senses.  How could I have missed this for all these years?  And then he stopped thinking at all, and lost himself in what he was doing.

It was hot, it was decadent, and Kagome had never felt what Sesshoumaru was doing to her before in her life.  No matter the mildness in his words, speaking of mere affection, what was coming from his actions in his kiss was entirely different.

She felt loved.

He was so slow, so easy in his kiss at first, nibbling and suckling on her bottom lip so gently.  Brushing his own soft lips across hers over and over, her eyes, which had been open and still meeting his gaze, slid closed at the tiny moan of want that came from him as her own lips parted to caress his.  And the moment that he had access, he deepened the kiss, slowly sliding his tongue along hers, tangling them together sensuously.  

But it quickly went from gentle to hungry, and she tilted her head to accommodate his increasingly passionate pace, his groan of satisfaction pulling her in deeper as he slid his tongue over the roof of her mouth, then allowed her to follow it back into his own mouth.  Kagome did not disappoint, slowly, and a bit awkwardly, as this was her first real kiss, exploring him, taking in his taste and moaning her own approval of him.  She was fascinated by his fangs, brushing her tongue over them softly, pulling a bit of a growl out of the daiyoukai that was suddenly proving that under all his ice, was an inferno of heat that he wanted to wrap her, Kagome Higurashi, in.

He seemed to know, though, when she was growing short of breath, and he pulled back just a little, his lips still brushing hers as they both pulled air into starved lungs, and opened his eyes to capture her own heavy-lidded gaze.  “May I take that as a yes, Kagome?”  he asked, his voice little more than a soft exhalation over her lips.

“Mhmm,”  she breathed, her eyes hazed and expression dreamy as she lifted herself onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips back to his, her little whimper calling to something inside him as she eagerly encouraged him to kiss her again.  

His youki rose up in triumph, swirling around them both as he once more kissed her, his arms coming around her to pull her tight against his heated flesh.  He practically consumed her, drowning her in almost overwhelming passion, and she answered back with everything she was, opening her soul to him and wrapping her own power around his youki in response, until neither one could tell where they ended, and the other began.

And Sesshoumaru had only thoughts of victory, and fierce desire as he took in her answer – and her passion.

Never again would she wear any clothing that did not carry his crest...

Proving that she belonged to the Western Lord for all to see.



A/N:  And there we have it!  


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