InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ A Promise Fulfilled ( Chapter 47 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Promise Fulfilled

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Kagome smiled a little as she walked along behind Sesshoumaru.  It was rather ironic – a liberated woman of her day would find it rather demeaning to always walk behind a male.  But she... oh, she didn't mind in the least – after all, the view from this position was wonderful.

She blushed a little at that thought, a trace of feminine awareness zinging through her.  But she couldn't help it – the daiyoukai she happened to walk behind so often was so beautiful it was enough to make her heart -  and other, unmentionable parts, incidentally – ache.  

And his hair!  Swinging from side to side so rhythmically with his graceful stride, it was just mesmerizing.  She could stand behind him all day and just watch him, and never once get bored.  Of course, being in front and staring at him was no hardship, either.

His beautiful baritone voice broke her from her slightly naughty thoughts.

“Now is not a good time to be thinking those types of things, Kagome,”  he said, his voice deepening on her name, and she flushed horribly, completely embarrassed.

“Umm, okay!”  she squeaked, almost tripping over her own feet.  “Sorry!”  Oh, my god, how did he know...?

“Your thoughts began to affect your scent, that is how I could tell,”  he replied, just as though she'd spoken aloud.  He flicked a quick look at her over his shoulder from the corner of one eye, amused at the horrified blush that painted her cheeks.

Kagome could only be glad that the children were asleep on Ah-Uhn's back, and Jaken was off on an errand for his master, because otherwise, she would have been more than embarrassed – she'd have been mortified.

Sesshoumaru was hard pressed not to laugh aloud at her, but he kept it inside, firmly turning his mind to other things so he would not be tempted beyond his control by her haunting scent.

Father... I now understand so much more, he thought.  Once the heart has chosen, there is no going back.  You could not have acted any differently than you did once your heart was taken.  I even understand why you left mother for another.  But... I do not understand how you, who was so wise, could do something so foolish as to take a female as mate, but not care enough for her so as to avoid such a mess in the first place.

He sighed just slightly to himself as he pondered that.  His father had been so wise, and while he was well aware that no one knew everything, still... it was such a blatant truth, something easily seen – only take one that you love.  Because duty will never be anything more than a cold comfort, and an even colder bedmate.  It could not get you through endless centuries with any happiness whatsoever.

But... all that aside, Sesshoumaru suddenly felt the need to visit the shrine built atop the place his sire had left this earth.  He wanted to thank his father for the things he'd tried to teach him, because he had been right, and that fact was proven by Kagome's presence in his life.

He couldn't be any more thankful for that fact if he tried.

Before he'd even thought about it, he'd already spoken.  “I wish to return to the place where father died.”

Kagome, pulled from her own reverie, blinked in surprise.  “Um... why?”  she asked, a bit confused.

“I wish to commune with his spirit.  There are... things... I need to say,”  he returned slowly.

She thought about that for a few, and then her face softened in a smile.  “Okay.  But... can we stop at the village and get Inuyasha first?”

That caused Sesshoumaru to stop, turning, he looked at her, brow furrowed.  “For what purpose?”  he questioned, not upset by the notion, oddly enough, just surprised.

Her smile turned wistful, and her eyes went far away for a moment as she answered.  “I have a promise to keep, and this would be an excellent time to do it.”

He eyed her for a moment, but it was obvious she wasn't going to elaborate, and so he finally turned with a small nod.  “Very well,”  he acquiesced.  

And that was that – with no further questions, he simply angled off the path they were currently following, and headed in the direction of Kaede's village.

Kagome fell just a little deeper in love with him right then and there.


Sighing, Kagome watched Inuyasha come running as they neared the village, drawn by his brother's powerful aura, wondering how much of a temper tantrum he was going to throw.  She smiled, though, when she caught sight of Kimi running up behind him, entreating him to be calm.

He started to speak normally, for once... and then he noticed what she was wearing, and his eyes widened.  It was quite apparent that he was well aware of youkai courting rituals at his first words.

“Keh!  Took ya long enough to pull your head out of your ass, bastard,”  he laughed.  “All those years of hating me and disdaining our father for his choices, and then you go and do the same thing!”

Kagome flushed angrily, but before she could say anything, Sesshoumaru did.

“You are mistaken, Inuyasha,”  he said coolly.  “I am not making the mistake that father did – I am marrying the one I carry affections for, rather than being forced to have her as no more than a mistress.”

Everyone around them was shocked at his words, including Kagome – and even more, Inuyasha.  He stared at his brother, completely dumbfounded.

“Keh?”  was all he could get out.

“Inuyasha,”  Kagome broke in as she stepped up to Sesshoumaru' side.  “We didn't come here to argue or fight.  We're on our way to the shrine that sits over your father's grave, and I want you to come with us.”

He blinked at her, his eyes flicking between her and his brother as if unable to decide which one to look at.

After a few moments, he managed to stutter out a,  “W-what?”

Almost rolling her eyes, Kagome just shook her head at him and looked at Kimi with a smile.  “Hi, Kimi.  You look well.”

The young woman blushed, and smiled, bowing to her.  “You also, Kagome-sama,”  she murmured.

Finally, Inuyasha managed to get his badly flustered mind back under control, and broke in.  “Oi, why do I need to go with you guys there?”  

“It's a good time to go and give thanks for your good fortune, Inuyasha,”  Kagome said meaningfully, flicking a glance at his wife.  “After all, you have much to be thankful for, don't you think?”

He couldn't really deny that, and with a scowl, acknowledged her words.  “Fine.  We can leave tomorrow, then.”  Grabbing his wife's hand, he turned and headed back into the village, calling over his shoulder,  “We'll meet you at the well at first light.”

Sesshoumaru, who had listened silently to the discussion, took Kagome's hand gently in his and led her and the now awake, though thankfully quiet children, in the direction of their camp near the well.

Perhaps I should just build a small house here, he thought, with an inward smirk at the irony.  Since we so often end up back in this same place.

And then he reconsidered.  

No... it is far too close to Inuyasha for comfort.  I would sooner live near a den of skunk youkai.


Every last one of those who had been to the shrine buried in a bamboo forest that day over three years ago were surprised when they arrived at the edges of the ancient grove.  It looked very different – at least, the entrance did.

Back then, there was merely a path that entered the forest and continued on to a small shrine building built directly over the ruins of the once-beautiful palace of Inuyasha's mother's family – a building that had been built of scavenged pieces of the palace itself.

But now... now, it was different.

The entrance to the forest now ran under a rather impressive and beautiful torii arch – one carved with figures of youkai, and humans, walking the path beneath it together.   And as the group all looked along what they could see of the path, it was apparent that there were other torii gates at spaced intervals along the way.  

The main gate was flanked by tall, beautiful carvings of fierce inuyoukai in their true forms, obviously there as guards to the shrine – meant to protect.  They were beautiful, and surprisingly enough, looked a great deal like Sesshoumaru in his true form, though without his crescent moon marking.

When Kagome breathlessly pointed it out, Sesshoumaru enlightened her.  “It is not me – it is my father,”  he said quietly, his eyes roving and taking in all the changes.

After a few moments of looking around, the travelers followed the inuyoukai Lord under the arch, and walked along the nicely cobbled little road.  Kagome was intrigued – had her words that day so long ago gotten through to the elderly priest that had lived here?  It seemed so impossible... the man had been so set in his ways...

Sesshoumaru came to a halt as he reached the main shrine building, looking it over with a discerning eye.  It was still just as it had been before, and he turned his eyes away to look over the empty area that had once been a small, though beautiful, palace.  To most humans, the area would scent only of the various plants that now grew here, but he... he could still scent the faint smell of burned wood.  It brought back many bad memories of the night his father died...

His attention was soon accosted by a young human male stepping out of the main shrine, and moving calmly towards their group.  He watched him most carefully – he would tolerate no aggressiveness towards any of his pack.

“Welcome, guests,”  the young man said, and it was quickly obvious to the daiyoukai that his concerns were for nothing – the human scented of nothing dangerous.  

He said nothing in return, knowing that Kagome would take the initiative to do so.

“Hi!  I'm Kagome,”  she said, right on time,  “and this is Sesshoumaru-sama,”  she indicated the inu,  “and his half-brother Inuyasha, who was born in the palace that once stood here.  We've come to pay our respects to their father, who gave his life here to protect his son and his son's mother.”

The priest smiled widely, and bowed.  “Then even more, be most welcome, and feel free to go inside and stay as long as you like.  I am honored to meet all of you.”

Kagome grinned and introduced Rin, Shippo, and Jaken, as well, then asked,  “What happened to the older priest that used to care for this shrine?”  out of curiosity.

The young man, who gave his name as Keiji, chuckled, even as a silent Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha both bypassed him to head inside.  “Ah.  Well, he didn't take too well to a lesson he was taught about humans and youkai-”  he flashed her an amused look,  “-by who I am certain was you, and spent his last years mumbling to himself in a corner.  I am his grandson, and took over the care of this shrine when I came of age to do so.”
Blanching a bit, Kagome's smile dropped from her face and an expression of sorrow settled there.  “Oh, I am so sorry.  I didn't mean to unbalance his mind,”  she almost whispered.

Keiji shook his head with another laugh.  “Oh, no, do not feel guilty, Kagome-sama!  It was the will of the kami.  My grandfather had been a bit strange for several years, and his hatred of youkai was not good.”

He motioned for her to follow him, and turned to walk up the couple of steps into the shrine.  “I don't have the same prejudices, and any who come here, be they youkai, or human, are welcome,”  he said quietly, his eyes resting with pleased composure on the forms of the two inu inside.

Kagome smiled again at that, thankful that at least one person understood.  “I'm glad.”  Nodding to him, she made her way to the front to stand behind Sesshoumaru, bowing her head in an attitude of prayer.

'I promised to try to bring them back again, Taisho-sama, at a time when they would be here together, without hatred between them.  And here they are...'

Once again, Kagome felt the benevolent touch of the great Inuyoukai, and a deep sense of gratitude filtered through to her from him.

It made her smile, and then she turned and left with a silent goodbye, taking the fidgeting children outside, so the two left inside could say what they came to say while the she amused the kids and kept them busy.


'I came to tell you, father, that you were right, and that I am grateful that you were.  It took me much time to understand your mind... but I also want you to know that I am not repeating your mistakes, even while I follow a similar path.'

He could feel his father's presence all around him, and knew that his sire understood exactly what he was saying.  It was there in his soul's touch.

'I will have no other, save Kagome, for all of my time in this realm.  I know she fears that I will take another, because of the lesson of your life.  I wish to avoid such fears in her – to lay them to rest.  Do you, perhaps, know of a way to bind myself to her?  Or where I might find such information?  If you do, I ask that you find a way to show me your answer.'

After a few moments more, he turned and left, leaving his brother to his own prayers and thoughts.  He'd said what he'd needed to say, and asked what he'd needed to ask.  If his father had an answer, he would find a way to let him know.

Inuyasha watched his brother leave from the corner of one eye, and when the building was once again empty, he sighed.  He could also feel his father's energy, though he wasn't entirely sure how he knew the feel of the older males aura... since he'd never actually met him while alive.


“Keh.  Once, a long time ago, I'd have been angry as hell that Sesshoumaru was getting what I'd wanted so bad.  Kagome.  And I wouldn't have accepted that it was really my own fault for driving her away with my stupidity.  But... I think Sesshoumaru actually needs her more than I ever did – and that's saying a lot.  I know... you've watched over us as best you could, and I wanted to say thanks... you know, for making sure I wouldn't be alone all my life, anyway.  Someday, I know that Kimi will...”  he trailed off, his voice choking in his throat for a moment, but then continued,  “but at least I'll have had some happiness in my life.  I once thought I never would, so anything is really more than I expected.”

He was silent for a few moments, and then sighed.  “Sesshoumaru got a lot more lucky than he even knows, though... he doesn't have to look forward to losing Kagome – ever.  She'll live as long as he does.  I think... that's the one thing that made me finally understand that I couldn't have her – she'd outlive me by a huge margin, and I would never want to do that to her.  Her heart is too fragile, and she's worth too much to be forced to suffer such a loss.  So I guess it's better, in the end, that she's with him.  But... if he ever hurts her like you did his mother, I'll kill him – I just want you to know that.”

'Keh.  I'm not as stupid as everyone thinks – I know that you cared about my mother, but that you left your wife, abandoned her for another woman wasn't really a good thing.  That's something that Kagome could never withstand – for the guy she loved to turn to another.'  

A slight touch against his aura, and he knew his father had understood his words, and with a shaky nod in acknowledgment, he turned and left the shrine, heading back outside to rejoin the others.  Coming to a stop at the top of the steps, he watched with a slight smile as Kagome played with Rin and Shippo, then glanced at his brother, whose eyes were plastered to Kagome.  

“Fortunately for him, I don't think he has any plans of dishonoring her,”  he finally murmured, and with that, he hopped down to the ground, happy to feel his father's pleasure in their visit.  It made something occur to him...

“Oi, Sesshoumaru,”  he said quietly, walking over to stand next to his brother,  “I think Kagome would really appreciate it if we made this a yearly thing – ya know, coming to pay our respects to the old man.”  

After a moment of contemplative silence, Sesshoumaru said,  “That is probably true.  As would father, I believe.”  He flicked a glance at his half-brother that didn't go unnoticed.

Folding his hands into his sleeves, he said,  “I'm gonna tell ya what I told the old man in there.  If you hurt Kagome the way our father did your mother, I'll hunt you down and kill you, got that?”  He didn't wait for an answer, leaping over to stand with his wife, who was laughing at Kagome's and the children's antics.

He didn't notice the shock in his brother's eyes as they widened at his words, nor the understanding that shadowed Sesshoumaru's features after a moment.

Perhaps you are not as simple-minded as I had always thought you to be, Inuyasha.  

He once more turned his gaze to a laughing Kagome, glowing as she was highlighted by the sun, and his eyes softened.

I will never dishonor her, there is no fear of that, and I will prove that to her, one way or another, I promise you, otouto...

I promise.

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