InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Windows on the West ❯ The Bonds of the Flesh ( Chapter 61 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Bond of the Flesh

Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters of Inuyasha.


Kagome had no idea what to expect as they stepped into the next chamber – but what she found certainly wasn't it.  The chamber was small, intimate, and glowed softly with a gentle yellow light – like candlelight.  It emitted a feeling of comfort, of welcome, and of sensuality, as well, although she had no idea how a chamber made of rock could do that.

Nonetheless, she felt her own native desire for Sesshoumaru swell, as though her inhibitions and virginal fears had disappeared, and a faint sweat broke out on her skin as she looked at the stiffening figure of her soon-to-be mate ahead of her.  

Apparently, he was also affected, as, when he turned to face her, she could tell that his figure hadn't been the only thing that stiffened.  Instead of being embarrassed, she flushed with desire, instead.

Ripping her eyes away from him after a moment, she continued her perusal of the room.  Beneath her feet was not rock, but a soft, fine white sand that cushioned and caressed her feet, and without even thinking about it, she kicked her slippers off and sighed as the sand formed to her feet and gently warmed them.  

Sesshoumaru smiled at her slightly, and moved to the side as her searching eyes took in what had been hidden behind him.  The center of the room had a shallow depression in the sand, and what looked to be the softest furs she'd ever seen.  Suddenly needing to feel them, to see for herself if they were truly that soft, she moved forward and sank to her knees next to them, running her fingers over the piles of fur.

She shivered at the first touch – they were softer than anything she'd ever felt, except for mokomoko, like warm silk of the highest quality caressing her fingers.  They looked as though they would make you hot with their thickness, but instead, with the cool temperature of the cave, they felt wonderful, and she pulled away and looked up at Sesshoumaru who had followed her and knelt at her side as she had inspected the furs.

After a moment, he gestured to the far side of the cave at the back, near another doorway to a tansu, and said,  “That chest contains comfortable robes for you to change into, and that door leads to a spring, to freshen yourself up.  I will await your return here.”

She met his eyes and held his gaze for several seconds, unable to look away, and then nodded, and went to the chest to look through what it contained.

Various silks of a fineness to almost be see through met her eyes, and she smiled suddenly in pleasure; searching through the many folded garments in the chest, she finally found one that she liked and pulled it gently from the chest.  

White, it was anything but plain, as its color would imply.  Small gems had been sewed into it, so that it flashed and sparkled as it moved in the light, and she knew that he would enjoy the picture she would make in such a garment.  Closing the lid of the tansu, she stood, and careful to not let him catch a glimpse of her choice, she glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him.

"I won't be too long,”  she said softly; this room did not encourage loud sounds – they were not needed.  It was a soft, quiet, seductive room.   She liked it.

Sesshoumaru inclined his head as she turned and moved out of sight into the other room, and he moved across to the other side to open another tansu that sat against a different wall.  Opening it, he searched through it until he found a garment he approved of – a plain, black silk yukata that reached to mid-thigh and was lighter than air as he disrobed and donned the garment.  He was surprised at how it caressed his flesh, making him so sensitive to the lightest brush of it against his skin.

He shouldn't have been surprised, though, for that was the purpose of this chamber – to heighten the sensuality between the couple to such a degree that their first time together would be something that neither would ever forget.

Laying back against the white silky furs, he stretched and practically purred at the feel of it touching the skin of his legs as he fingered the fur; it was as soft and silky as the fur of his pelt.  He knew that after this day, Kagome would have a very hard time keeping her hands from his pelt, for indeed, it would be a reminder to this day of their first joining.

He couldn't help but appreciate the feeling of reverence and subtle passion that the cave gave off, for it only echoed his own feelings about the girl who was about to become his mate.  It was then that he realized that the cave simply picked up on the feelings that were already there between the pair and augmented them.  He resolved to pay close attention to those feelings so that he could be allowed to actually feel what Kagome felt for him.

When she stepped out of the other room, he almost swallowed his tongue.  She was... perfect.

Dark hair flowed down her back, contrasting beautifully with the sheer white peignoir she was wearing.  Gems sparkled here and there in the folds of the garment, the whole effect highlighting her innocent sensuality in such a manner that he couldn't take his eyes off her.  He held out a hand to her, and she came, shyly taking his hand and allowing him to pull her to him.

As she settled against the furs, her eyes widened and then closed in innocent enjoyment of the feel of the soft fur against her skin.  But when she opened her eyes again, they were once more pinned to him, and he smiled inwardly as he allowed her to look her fill.  He could almost feel the path her eyes followed as though she were actually touching him, and there was no mistaking the feeling of awed reverence that came through, then.  He almost purred at the feel of her emotions, because they echoed his own towards her so closely.

"You look beautiful,”  he said softly, running his hand over her shoulder to take in the feel of the cool silk that covered her warm skin.  “But then, you always do.”

Kagome shook her head slightly, not understanding how he could see her so, but not about to argue with him.  She simply watched him, wide-eyed at how the black silk framed his fair beauty and highlighted it until she was practically stunned.  She had never seen anything like him, in her world orhis.  Sesshoumaru was the penultimate youkai – in power, and in body, and especially in looks.  There was nothing else like him anywhere, and Kagome was completely certain there never would be, either.

She was pretty sure there was no female of any race that would truly be his equal, and that, funny enough, made her feel better about his desire for her; since no one was really good enough, it might as well be her that had him as anyone else.

Always, she had known he was beautiful.  But it was rather hard to see much of his body through his clothes and all that armor.  Now, wearing nothing but a rather short yukata that didn't manage to actually cover that much, she was able to run her eyes over him and see what she had not until this very moment, and all she could be was glad that his clothes hid him as much as they did, or she'd be beating the females off of him with a stick.

Tall, as she already known, he was broad of shoulder and had a firm, nicely defined chest that, while sharply delineated, was not overly muscled as those humans that tried to show off by weightlifting were.  She'd always hated that bulging muscle look; and was totally aware that even though Sesshoumaru did not look that way, he was a million times stronger than any of them were and could outperform even the strongest human to ever live.  

Such strength, at least to her, was spellbinding.  

His abdomen was flat and sharply defined, and his legs long and beautifully formed.  The one thing the overlapping robe hid was his manhood, though it defined it lovingly, and blushing, she was glad of that – she didn't want to be caught out ogling his private areas.  It was bad enough she was ogling the rest of him.

Not that it was not being returned one hundred percent; Sesshoumaru was eyeing her just as intently, though she was pretty sure he wouldn't mind seeing her secret places completely uncovered at all.  He proved her correct when he began fiddling with the ties holding the garment in place.

Leaning down, he whispered,  “As fetching as this little bit of seduction is on you, Kagome, my love, I believe it would be even more fetching off of you.”  He watched as she flushed as the robe fell open, catching on her breasts and revealing a thin swathe of flesh that led straight down to her neatly groomed thatch of black curls.  She suddenly felt heat prick her skin at the look in his eyes as he trailed one elegantly clawed finger softly down that revealed path.

She raised heavy lidded eyes to meet his own hazy gaze, beginning to breathe deeper as he leaned over her and guided her onto her back.  Once she lay before him, he swept the edges of the robe off her body to lie against the fur, completely opening her to his gaze.  She blushed, though she didn't move, allowing him to look his fill.  Her heart began to beat faster at the open desire that simply flooded his eyes and was only amplified by the cave.

"So beautiful,”  he said softly, meeting her gaze.  She gasped almost silently as she took in his molten gold eyes – they were dilated so much that only a thin ring of gold still showed, the rest a dark amber that trapped her thoroughly.  

"I could stare into your eyes forever, and never miss the rest of the world,”  she said, then, one finger gently trailing along the skin of his cheek, not even realizing she was speaking her thoughts aloud until he responded.

"As I could you, as well, Kagome.”  Still staring heatedly into her eyes, he closed the distance between them and gently touched his lips to hers, parting his lips to take her bottom one between them and shower it with tender affection.  And when he pressed for her to open to him, she didn't hesitate, welcoming him in with shy ardor.

Never in all his days had he ever felt such intensity, such need as he did then with her eyes melting into his as he tasted every inch of her sweet mouth, running the tip of his tongue over the roof of her mouth in a hot caress as she shuddered beneath him.  Finally pulling away when both were about ready to pass out from oxygen deprivation, he still refused to look away from her, the sheer intimacy so overwhelming that the cave literally thrummed with the passion building between the two.

Is this what my father felt for Izayoi?  It must be, for I know that just as he did, I would do almost anything to have her to myself.  Truly, I was a blind fool to doubt father's words.  I could never give myself to another now that I have known what it is to touch one who stirs such passion in my soul.

Leaning back down, this time he allowed his eyes to close as he turned all of his senses on her.   Her scent, the way she tasted and sounded, all of it burned into his mind's eye as he kissed his way across her cheek to her delicately molded ear and nipped the lobe, enjoying the most delicious gasp that was forced from her throat at the feel of it.  Smiling, eyes still closed, he moved down, nipping and kissing his way across her neck to her rapidly beating pulse.  When he arrived, he bit down, gently, just enough for her to feel it, and sucked at the slightly salty yet sweet flesh of his beautiful Kagome.

If Inuyasha had any idea of what he was giving up, he would have instead fought me to the death for her rather than let her go, he thought almost feverishly as he trailed kisses down to her collarbone and bit into it just as gently before sliding further down and kissing a trail straight to one quivering peak.  Her nipples were already hard and furled with arousal, and with a quick glance upwards, he took in her hazy, passion-glazed eyes with satisfaction.  She showed no fear or hesitation in allowing him to do whatever he willed to her, and that was just as it should be.  This first time between them, she was only allowed to lay back and enjoy the pleasure he was going to heap upon her.

Next time, he would allow her to explore him.

Nuzzling one breast with his nose, he took in her heady scent of arousal and need and was determined to make it a thousand times more powerful and exotic; with that in mind, he slowly wrapped his lips around a quivering nipple and sucked strongly, causing her to cry out and arch into him, her fingers tangling in his silky locks as she whimpered in shocked pleasure.

Within minutes, using teeth and suction and sweet kisses on the tiny nipples, her scent was spiraling so high and far out of control that Sesshomaru blacked out, losing his mind to the painful need that raced through his blood like fire.  When he came to his senses  again, he was driving his tongue into places that no male had ever even seen, let alone touched, and she was writhing and crying out in breathless adoration and begging for more of his sinful touch.

Nothing he'd ever experienced had prepared him for this, and even his father's words, explaining the mating chamber and what would happen could never have prepared him for the ever-rising passion that was taking him over as nothing else ever would.  She tasted of sweetness and spice, honey mixed with exotic flavors from far away lands, and it drove him absolutely wild as she writhed and begged and cried beneath him.

Pulling away slightly, he lightly nudged the little knot of flesh above her entrance with his nose before gently sucking it into his mouth, and for a moment, he thought she'd passed out, as she went limp beneath him and all sound ceased, but when he looked up, he saw that she was simply stunned, her mind overwhelmed with so many unknown sensations.  Her eyes were wide open, glazed and pinned to the ceiling and her body unresponsive – until he sucked again, and then she exploded into movement and her voice rose, exhorting gods and devils alike and forgetting that he would never be confused with the former.

"Please, Sesshomaru!”  she begged, awe-struck and with tears rolling down her cheeks.  “It hurts... oh, it hurts,”  she cried.  

His big hands caressed her hips and he looked up at her.  What hurts, my love?  Tell me what hurts,”  he said forcefully, those deadly hands moving all over her body, caressing every inch.

"Inside,”  she breathed, tears still running down her cheeks and writhing under his hands though he was not really touching any true erogenous zones anymore.  Her body was simply completely overwhelmed by his touch.  He'd never known anyone more responsive than she was, and it excited him so much that it pained him; he ground his pulsing and painful erection into the soft skin of her thigh.  

Unable to stand the yukata against his skin any longer, he ripped if from his form and moved up her body to see her face.  “Calm yourself, beloved.  This one understands,”  he said softly, palming her damp cheek.  “I will take away the pain soon, have no fear.”

She sobbed her agreement, her body so stimulated that she could not calm herself.  She knew that this first time would hurt.  But it couldn't hurt any worse than the emptiness was already hurting, and so she had no qualms with opening herself for him, relaxing into the furs so that he could dominate her as he was meant to do.  Meeting his crimson gaze, she deliberately tilted her head back, submitting to him, letting him know that he could do anything he desired to her and that she trusted him not to harm her.  Something about that bit into his heart in a way he had not expected, her submission meaning something entirely different than any other submission from anyone else ever had.

He slid his erection slowly through her slick welcoming wetness, over and over as he prepared her for his invasion, taking her lips and mimicking what his hips would soon be doing down below in her hot, sweet mouth as she welcomed him in with a moan from deep in her throat that forced a purring growl from his own.

Kagome was out of her head with tormented pleasure, the feel of his manhood rubbing against her flesh forcing her closer and closer to her first orgasm – and that was what he was waiting for.  It would hurt her far less if he were to take her during the height of her pleasure, and if he did it right, she might not even truly feel it, which was what he wanted – the thought of causing her pain during this time, this special time, not one he was agreeable to.  If he could avoid it, he would, for he wanted nothing to mar this, their first time together – or, indeed, any time they were together.  He only ever wanted to bring her pleasure and joy.

As she arched and cried out with her first experience with the ultimate pleasure of sex, Sesshoumaru aligned himself and pushed forward, his speed and force steady but not strong, and he was triumphantly pleased to feel her maidenhead part gently for him as he bottomed out.  With a deep inhale at the mind numbing tightness of her around him, he clenched his eyes shut for a moment to regain control, and then reopened them, and was pleased to see from the look on her face that she wasn't hurting at all.  

A moaning gasp was wrenched from her throat as the emptiness that had been causing her pain was filled, his presence within her easing the ache of unfulfilled desire.   But it quickly returned as he held himself still within her, and with a whimper, she tilted her hips into him in an attempt to encourage him to start moving.

When he did, she was swamped in so much pleasure that she almost passed out, her eyes falling closed despite her desire to keep them open and watch him as he took his own pleasure from her.  “S-Sesshoumaru,”  she gasped, keeping her hips tilted into him to allow him deeper within her, clutching at his shoulders to keep him from moving away, not that he would.  “Oh... oh, gods,”  she breathed, her voice falling into a whisper as she could not keep enough breath in her lungs,  “faster, oh, please, faster,”  she begged.

Deliberately teasing her, he slowed, sliding himself out almost all the way, and then gently pushing in again, all the way to the hilt.  He lifted his head from where it had fallen to her shoulder as the feel of her overwhelmed his mind, and licked away the pleading tears from her cheeks.  “What is the matter, my little love?”  he asked, voice deep and rumbling from within his chest.

"You're torturing me, my lord!”  she cried, every inch of her body aching for him, her nails digging into his shoulders; just that little bit of pain destroyed his control once more and he began moving faster as she'd implored, his gaze dropping to a round breast as it jerked from the force he was moving into her with.  Unable to resist, he once more sucked it into his mouth, his ears ringing from the startled, choked scream she rewarded him with.

After a few moments of that pounding pace, he once again slowed, stroking her body softly and gentling her – he wanted to change position.  After her pulse had calmed a little and she'd opened her eyes to look at him, he smiled and licked the nipple of the breast he'd been pleasuring one more time, and then slowly pulled out of her, almost chuckling at the desperate whine that came from her as he did.  

Turning onto his side, he pulled her against him as though they were spooning each other, and lifting her thigh to lay on his, he once more plunged into her, relishing in the pleasured cry she released as he instantly began a deep, rapid pace.  “Gods, Kagome,”  he rasped blindly, his eyes clenched shut as he concentrated on the unspeakable pleasure she was bringing him, “you are so tight, so sweet...”

Kagome barely heard him as the heavy pull of his shaft along the side wall of her sheath drove thought right out of her mind and left her senses completely shut down.  She couldn't hear, she couldn't see, and all she could feel was the desperate pounding of her heart, the way her lungs screamed for air she couldn't pull enough of in, the way his hands roamed her body lighting every nerve on fire... and the way his manhood pounded into her, over and over and over, driving her insistently to her end... which was almost on top of her.  

Just a little more... Oh, gods, please, she begged silently, not able to voice anything anymore, almost feeling as though her body were about to shut down, unable to tolerate what he was doing to her any longer.  Just a little more, oh, gods... “There!”  she tried to yell, though it only came out a breathless whisper, her body tightening unbearably as she finally reached the summit and was pushed over the edge.  Unable to process the extreme pleasure that was being dumped through her system, she passed out, sight blurring around the edges and then going black as wave after wave of ecstasy washed through her body and pulled her under.

Sesshoumaru was in no better shape, nothing in his life having ever prepared him for the tightness of her clenching body around him.  Nothing his own great strength could even generate could ever be so tight, and he actually found himself unable to move from within her as her muscles held him in place, buried to the hilt and nudging her deepest point as he also released.  

Neither noticed as the chamber echoed that pulsing pleasure, actually beating in time with the waves flowing through their bodies.  But the lands did, for as their pleasure raged through them, the energy that was produced was literally sucked away by the cave and sent through veins within the walls straight to the lands above them, refreshing the energy levels of the living earth and regenerating the protective spells placed around the Western boundaries.  Those protective spells were why beings like Naraku could not prosper in the West, and why dangerous beings always seemed to stay away from the lands claimed by the Inu Lords.  

Very few realized that the energy produced in a coupling, especially the first, was extremely potent, and very powerful.  That is what this cave took advantage of, siphoning the energy produced when the Lord mated his chosen female to replenish the energies of the lands, and in return allowing them to actually feel each others emotions – a gift that was not to be taken lightly.  It allowed each part of the pairing to know beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly what the other felt towards them, and in Kagome's case, was an extra blessing, because Sesshoumaru was not a very vocal person with his emotions.  Sure, he showed how much he cared every day, but everyone liked to actually hear it once in a while.  This gift that the cave gave her, allowed her to actually experience his emotions for her, and she wallowed in the waves of love and adoration that washed over her as she woke from her brush with the petite morte... the little death.

Sesshoumaru was no less immune to the effects of the cave, his entire being thrumming with the worship that his new mate felt for him.  He could feel every nuance of her emotions, and it was something that he would never forget, a precious gift that would be a cherished memory for the rest of his life.

That was the truth of the Lords of the West and their bond with the land; it was a symbiotic relationship, one that made both the land and the Lord stronger than they each would be alone.

When drought and cataclysm laid waste to the islands, the West was spared.  Ever verdant and green with life, the West would remain untouched by disaster as long as a Lord stood guard over it.

And it all began in this one small cave – with the energy produced by the Lord joining with his female.

There was another blessing that the cave gave to the Lord and his chosen... the next heir was always conceived within its confines, and the mark that the female bore on her forehead as proof of who she belonged to was also born by the heir, though that mark was not always on his forehead.  Sesshoumaru indeed bore his mark on his forehead, but his sire had carried it on his shoulder, instead.  The mark was simple, and denoted the position of the moon when the mating took place and the heir was conceived.  

Thus, as Sesshoumaru came down from his extended orgasm, he brushed Kagome's bangs from her skin with tender fingers, and actually smiled when he took in the waning quarter moon on her forehead – opposite of his mark, which was the waxing quarter moon.

She met his gaze with still dazed eyes, and smiled uncertainly, not sure what that look was for.

"I did not think to explain everything about our mating, my love.  You now carry a marking on your forehead like to mine, only opposite,”  he said.  

"Why?”  she asked.

"It denotes the position of the moon when the mating took place.  Also...”  here, he paused, looking a little uncertain, though as she nudged him, he continued,  “I did not remember to tell you that the next heir is always conceived in this cave during the first mating, and he will carry the same mark upon his forehead as you do.”

Kagome blinked several times, not sure what to think about what she'd just been told.  “I'm already... pregnant?”  she asked, surprised.

He inclined his head as he looked down at her sweet face.  “Aa.  Does that upset you?”

She shook her head.  “No, why would it?  I am well aware of the consequences of what we just did; after all, it's not called procreation for nothing,”  she replied wryly, smiling at him.

"Hn.  Still, I apologize for not thinking to tell you of this before so you would be prepared.”

Nudging him with her shoulder, she got him to shift onto his back, and she turned to lay her head on his chest, sighing in contentment as he wrapped a warm arm around her.  “It's okay,”  she said softly, already feeling sleepy at the sheer amount of energy that had been sucked from her.  “We don't have to leave right now, do we?”  she asked.  “Because I'm really tired and don't want to move.”

A chuckle rumbled through his chest.  “No, Kagome, we don't have to leave until we are ready to.  Sleep.  When you wake, we will bathe – it will help any residual soreness, as well.”

She nodded against his skin, eyes already closed.  She yawned heavily and then said,  “Okay.”

He could tell that she was already half asleep, and a quiet smile crossed his face as he stared pensively at the ceiling of the cave.  

So much had happened in the relatively short time that he'd known the girl now curled up asleep at his side – that was also carrying his child.  If someone had dared to tell him such was his fate a mere four years ago he would have killed them, and yet... here he was, and he was more content than he'd ever been in his entire life.

He glanced down at her sweetly sleeping face, and could not now imagine being without her.

As they lay there, both relaxed and happy, one asleep and one falling into sleep behind her, the cave thrummed warmly around them, and somewhere in a far away realm a great Dog General smiled, pleased that both his sons were now happy.

And it was all because of this one girl... Kagome.  Truly, she was a miracle that had been sent to the sons of the Taisho to heal and repair the damage that life had done.

The gods had finally answered the General's prayers.