InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winds of Change ❯ Winds of Change ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Disclaimer: Inuyasha and its characters are owned and created by Rumiko Takahashi.

Note: This is my first Inuyasha lemon. The main pairing is Miroku/Sango, with a little bit of Inuyasha/Kagome, lots of Kikyo bashing (sorry, she leaves a bitter taste in my mouth every time she's in an episode of the series or even when her name is mentioned), some Naraku bashing (yes, he will be in this story) and it is NC-17 for violence, gore and of course the obvious, meaning NO CHILDREN UNDER 18. Put the kiddies to bed, people or better yet, use those parental controls on your internet providers, be it AOL, MSN, Netscape or whatever.

Note 2: The premise is this: what if somehow the wind tunnel on Miroku's hand closed up on its own and had a different effect on him? What if it caused him to turn into a powerful youkai? What if his groping ways were not just for admiring the female form but for something else as well? Sango is about to find out the hard way.

Thoughts are in italics & brackets.

Winds of Change

Miroku was changing. He could feel it from the inside. How and why these changes were coming about, he didn't know. One day, after a night's rest, he no longer felt the wind tunnel on his hand. And that was just the first change. Of course, there would be more changes to come. He had wanted to spend some time alone with Sango, which was why they had separated. Another reason was so that Inuyasha and Kagome would spend some quality time together with Shippou to keep watch just in case any foolish youkai roamed near.

"I don't understand it." He had to see for himself if it was true.

"Don't understand what, Houshi-sama? Why are you removing your prayer beads?" Sango was afraid that the wind tunnel would open only to have nothing happen.

"I don't feel the wind tunnel anymore. It's as if it closed by itself all of a sudden. I don't have to be afraid of sucked up by the wind tunnel anymore. Look."

Sango looked down at his hand…and saw that it was whole, as if there never was a tunnel. She could have sworn it was there before.

"This can't be. It's gone. Pinch me if I'm not dreaming." With that, Miroku pinched her on her butt and ended up groping her as usual. Suddenly, he pulled her close as if to kiss her.


Miroku put his hand to his face. However, he did not let her go. "Well, you did tell me to pinch you, Sango-chan, did you not?", purred Miroku. Kirara, who was nearby, started growling softly, as if she sensed something different about the perverted monk. She would have started backing away, if not for her mistress' presence.

"Hentai! I told you to pinch me, not grope me. Then again, some things don't change. Damnit! Let me go! I have to show your hand to Inuyasha and Kagome. Let's go, Kirara!" Miroku reluctantly released her from his embrace and mounted the newly transformed Kirara's back with his intended mate.

<Soon, Sango, you will be mine and bear my child. What? Where did that come from? What's happening to me? First the wind tunnel and now this>

At first, he would joke around with Sango about bearing his child. But soon after the wind tunnel closed on its own, his mindset began to change as well, from that of a perverted human male to a youkai in search of a mate.

<What the hell is wrong with Houshi-sama? He's not acting like his normal perverted self. Miroku's being a bit too possessive. That can't be. It's weird enough that the wind tunnel suddenly closed and now this. I'll definitely have to ask Inuyasha and Kagome about this>

As Sango looked back at Miroku, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, especially how his eyes roamed up and down her body and how he held her in a near possessive grip. She also sensed that Kirara felt the same way. The thought of that made her blush.

When Kirara was a few miles from the rest of the camp, Inuyasha sensed something different about the monk. By some sort of intuition, Kagome, now Inuyasha's mate, also sensed something out of place with Sango and Miroku. A sleeping Shippou's senses also detected two youkai presences instead of one. He also awoke with that uneasy feeling as Sango, Miroku and Kirara were drawing near.

"Something's out of place."

"Inuyasha, what's wrong?"

"I don't know but I sense something different. That perverted monk and Sango are approaching, but instead of only one youkai, there is a small trace of another."

"But Kirara is the only youkai among them. You mean one of them has a trace of youkai in them? But, how?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out when they get here."

"I feel it too, Kagome."

"Ah, Shippou, I didn't know you were awake."

"I just woke up. Dog-breath is right. There is something out of place."

"Well, well, well, the genius runt finally returns to the living. Did it take you long to figure that out?"

"A lot longer than you, Dog-breath. I sensed it in my sleep." Inuyasha then grabbed the little kitsune by the tail and started shaking him senseless.

"Did anyone ever teach you to respect your elders, runt? Keep it up and I'll use that tail of yours as a decoration for Tetsusaiga's hilt!" Inuyasha then mercilessly dropped him on the ground.

It didn't take long for Shippou to regain his balance. When he did, he retaliated by jumping atop the hanyou's head and chewing on his dog ears.

"Will you two stop it already? Sango, Miroku and Kirara are back." Kirara finally arrived near the rest of the group with Miroku and Sango. Inuyasha's and Shippou's senses were on alert with the strange trace of youkai though there were no other youkai for miles, except for Kirara.

"Inuyasha, I didn't want to tell you this but…"

"You felt it too, Kagome?"

"Yeah, though, I'm not sure why or how. What's strange is that it's coming from Miroku somehow."

A look of shock registered on Inuyasha for a brief moment before he realized that she was right. Shippou, on the other hand, remained silent and was a little afraid and clung to Kagome. "It is coming from that lech. Come on. We'll get to the bottom of all this."

"We should act normal so that Sango and Miroku aren't suspicious." Kagome walked up and greeted them.

"Welcome back, guys! I take it you enjoyed your time together, huh, Sango?"

"Pretty much. Kagome, can I speak to you alone for a second?"

A look of confusion formed on the young miko's face. "Uh, sure. Let me put Shippou down first." With that, the two girls headed toward a clearing not far from the males.

"Well, well. I take it you must have had a good time by the way your cheek is nice and red from a slap courtesy of Sango, eh, bouzu?"

"You know me all too well, Inuyasha. I can't help but admire the perfect female form, especially Sango's form. Never mind that. There's something I have to show you." Inuyasha started to tense as Miroku removed the prayer beads from his cursed hand and saw that it was surprisingly whole. Shippou jumped onto the monk's shoulder to get a closer look.

"Oh, don't mind me. I just wanted to see if you noticed someone else other than Dog-breath."

"Hello to you, too, Shippou."

"Miroku, your hand…it's whole. But how?"

"I don't know. It just happened to close by itself, then these thoughts about Sango being my mate. I always joked about it before but now, it's as if I'm taking it more seriously. I'm acting more possessive towards her. Is it me or is it that I'm starting to act and think like a youkai?"

"Yeah. You're the last person I'd expect youkai behavior coming from. Maybe the wind tunnel being closed could be the cause. You did manage to suck in a lot of youkais with that formerly cursed hand of yours. You could also be turning into a youkai. I sensed a trace of youkai other than Kirara when you came back."

"I sensed it too. I wonder what kind of youkai you would be."

"I don't know. But I don't want to dwell on the subject. This is starting to scare me a little."

"Anyway, let's wait for the girls. I'm pretty sure they're having their girl talk as Kagome calls it."

Meanwhile, Kagome, Sango and Kirara reached the nearby clearing and sat on two boulders and started talking.

"So, what's up? You wanted to talk to me about something."

"It's about Miroku. You may not believe it but the wind tunnel on his hand suddenly closed."

"What? Are you serious?"

"That's not all. He acted very strange. He started groping me in a way he never did before. It became more possessive. When I told him to let go, it was as if he didn't want to. It's as if he's becoming more of a youkai. But that's crazy."

"I believe you."

"You do?"

"I honestly do. Inuyasha felt a strange trace of youkai when you were coming back. But it wasn't coming from Kirara but from Miroku. I felt it too. I didn't want to tell you but I thought that you should know. Maybe the absorption of so many youkais by the wind tunnel and then closing by itself could be the cause. As far as his possessiveness, Miroku most likely wants you as a mate. He does like you. Anyway, we should be heading back. The guys are probably worried."

After their talk, Sango and Kagome rejoined Inuyasha and Miroku. From there, they headed to the nearest village where they spent the night at the inn. The group managed to get three separate rooms; Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippou shared one while Sango and Miroku got their own. Kirara bunked with her mistress. Soon, everyone slept into their own dream world, except for a certain youkai exterminator who kept recalling the day's event involving a certain perverted monk. About an hour later, Sango fell asleep and entered her own dream world.


They just kept coming after her. For every youkai Sango would kill, two would pop up in its place. It would be a little easier if Kirara was around to help her out but she was nowhere to be found. Soon, she was overwhelmed by their presence. They surrounded her on all sides.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind seemed to blow from out of nowhere and ripped the youkai to shreds, forcing Sango to kneel and close her eyes. When the wind subsided, the taijiya stood and opened her eyes to see youkai parts everywhere and a figure standing before her in shadow with glowing violet eyes and long hair flowing around its body. It was hard for her to tell if it was a man or a woman until it approached her, speaking in a purring voice while stroking her cheek with a clawed hand.

"No one, youkai or human, hurts the woman who will bear my child and lives." Sango gasped in surprise at whose voice and looked up to see Miroku. But he looked different, changed. Instead of a monk in a dark ceremonial robe, she saw a youkai with violet eyes with slit pupils, long flowing black hair, and thin purple stripes on each cheek. He wore a dark purple kimono with matching hakama, similar to Inuyasha's fire rat armor.

"Miroku, is that you?"

"Who else?" Miroku then nuzzled her neck and held her close. Sango could have sworn that he was sniffing her. "You smell delicious, like jasmine." He then started to lick and nibble at the side of her neck. Sango started to feel weak in the knees. Suddenly, with razor sharp fangs, he bit the juncture of her neck and her shoulder, claiming her as his mate. The taijiya screamed out.


Sango woke up, drenched in sweat. She felt like her heart was trying to beat itself out of her chest. Sango looked around to see that she was alone in her room. She was afraid that the monk somehow entered her room while she was asleep. <What kind of dream was that? Could it be a premonition of the future? Or is it that my mind has been on that pervert? I should check to see if he's asleep in his room> And with that, she quietly crept to Miroku's room.

Meanwhile, said monk could not sleep. He tossed and turned, his body drenched in sweat. All he could think about was Sango. Thoughts of hunting her down, making her submit to him and claiming her as his mate kept haunting him. At times, a feral growl would escape from his throat. Miroku started scratching at the floorboards and his sheets without realizing it. He could have sworn that he caught a whiff of her scent and it was getting stronger. This caused him to sit up.

<What's wrong with me? All of a sudden, I could smell Sango approaching my room. That can't be right. I was never able to do that before. It's like I'm becoming more of a youkai with every night that passes. Was I growling just now? Why are scratch marks on the floor and on my sheets? I couldn't have done that, could I? How is it that I can see the scratch marks so clearly? It's definitely not just the moonlight>

Miroku looked down to see that his fingernails became claws. His eyes widened with surprise. His hands rose to his face and felt two thin streaks on each cheek. He then moved his hands to his ears. The monk gasped as he felt his ears became pointed like Sesshomaru's. He felt hair flowing down his back. <My hair has gotten longer, much longer. It could rival Inuyasha's hair. This is strange> Miroku sniffed the air again. He actually did catch Sango's scent. He was also able to hear soft footsteps approaching his room.

"Sango?" whispered Miroku.

Sango gasped in shock at the sound of her name. Were her footsteps loud or did Miroku develop the senses of a youkai? She was starting to believe the latter. Then the taijiya heard Miroku open his door.

"You heard me coming?"

"Yes. Did you want something?"

"I-I just wanted to see if you were asleep. But I can see that you're not. I guess I'll be going back to my room."

Suddenly, Sango felt a hand grab her arm and pull her against a muscular body. She started to tremble and tried desperately to stop. After a few moments, the trembling stopped but she was still afraid, afraid of the monk who became a youkai overnight.

"Do not be afraid of me, my dear Sango," purred Miroku in her ear. "I never told you this before, but I'm in love with you and I would never hurt the woman who will bear my child."

"What makes you think I'm afraid of you, Houshi-sama?"

"I can smell your fear." His other arm wrapped around her waist. "I can also smell something else, your natural scent. It smells like jasmine." Sango's eyes were wide with shock. <Just like in my dream> She then felt his lips against her neck. The taijiya felt her eyes start to close. Her heart started to pound.

Moments later, Sango pulled away from him, or at least she tried to, but to no avail. Miroku refused to release her. "You're not getting away from me this time, Sango. You came here out of your own free will, my dear."

"Um, Houshi-sama, I only came to see if you were awake. S-so, I'll be going back to my room now. Please let me go. We'll talk about this later." She then looked to see that his hands had claws. <Claws?! Oh, no. He can't have become a youkai so soon>

Sango then turned around to see his eyes were a soft purple. In the moonlight, she could have sworn that his ears became pointed and his hair was no longer in a short ponytail but long and flowing. He also had thin streaks on each cheek.

He realized what he was doing and reluctantly released her. "You're right. I'm sorry if I frightened you with my behavior, but I meant it when I said I was in love with you. And I would never hurt the woman who will bear my child. It's getting late and you should head back to your room."

"Don't worry about it. You didn't really frighten me. You just acted more perverted than usual. Since I'm already here, why don't you sleep in my room tonight provided that you don't try anything while I'm asleep? Kirara will be worried if she doesn't find me."

And with that, Miroku gathered his belongings and quietly walked into Sango's room. Kirara stirred in her sleep. The two laid down on the futon, holding each other's arms.

"Sango, why did you really come into my room tonight?"

"Well, I had a crazy dream earlier tonight. I was fighting off many youkai and Kirara was nowhere to be found. For every one I killed, two or more would appear in its place. It wasn't long before I was overwhelmed. Suddenly, a powerful gust wind from out of nowhere tore the youkai to shreds, forcing me to my knees. I had to close my eyes because of the wind's power. When it died down, I stood up and opened my eyes to find youkai parts everywhere. Then I see a figure with glowing eyes and long flowing hair standing before me.

I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman until it approached me, stroked my cheek, held me and said, `no one, youkai or human, hurts the woman who will bear my child and lives.' That youkai happened to be you. You started to nibble and lick at my neck and mumbled out `you smell delicious, like jasmine.' Then you bit me and I screamed out and that's when I woke up."

"That's what frightened you and why you came to my room."

"I don't know if that dream was some kind of premonition or what kind of youkai you're turning into. I mean, I should expect this kind of perverted behavior from you, but as a human. It doesn't matter at this point. But will you just hold me tonight? Please? And no funny stuff."

"Very well, Sango. I'll try to hold off my admiring your perfect female form, for now. But know this. I won't let anyone harm you, youkai or human. We should get some sleep. Sweet dreams, Sango." Sango immediately fell asleep in the monk's arms. Soon, Miroku felt a surge of lust come over. Fortunately, he fought it down. <I will not try to claim her now, not with what she went through. But she will be mine>

The next morning, Shippou awoke before everyone and went to wake the rest of the party. He first went to Miroku's room only to find it empty. He then went to Sango's room to find the monk and the taijiya in each other's arms. Shippou's mouth dropped at what he saw and sniffed the air. He saw a few physical changes in Miroku. His hair was longer and there were thin streaks on each cheek. His fingernails grew into claws. When Miroku opened his eyes, Shippou could see that his pupils were slits instead of round. <Miroku is now a youkai. That's so cool. At least they didn't do anything they would regret later on>

"What's wrong, Shippou? Is it time to leave already? Just when I was getting comfortable with Sango. Well, no matter. There will be plenty of time for that." He carefully released Sango from his embrace without waking her.

"You sensed me coming? Wait, you've completely become a youkai, have you? I mean, your scent is different from a few days ago. And no, nothing's wrong."

"The answer is yes to both questions. Besides, Sango is still asleep. It probably happened sooner than I thought. All I kept thinking about was Sango. Maybe that's what sped up the change. Next time, knock, OK?"

"Well, excuse me for being rude. Kagome and Dog-breath should be up by now. By the way, do you know what kind of youkai you've become?"

"You know, I've never given it much thought. Well, I don't have a tail, so I'm not an animal youkai. I could be an elemental youkai, like a fire or a wind youkai. But I could be a mixture of both kinds. Want me to test my new powers out?" With an evil grin, he flicked his wrist in the air and a light breeze blew past the kitsune towards Sango's bed, lifting up her blanket. Fortunately, Sango was still asleep.

"Sugoi. It should be obvious that you would turn into a wind youkai since the cause was the closing of the wind tunnel. You could be a match against Kagura and her fan."

"I guess it would be obvious, wouldn't it? As for Kagura, I'm not sure. We'll just have to see when the time comes."

"Do it again, Miroku." Shippou whispered. This time, the monk turned youkai waved his hand and a slightly stronger breeze blew past, ruffling the taijiya's hair and lifting the bottom of her yukata. The result was a shocked and peeved Sango.

"Damn pervert! I'm up already! You didn't have to lift up my yukata to wake me up. Wait a minute. I could have sworn that I felt a breeze, but the doors and windows were closed. Where did it come from?" Sango then stood and realized that Miroku created those breezes.

"Kuso! Not only have you become a hentai, but you've become the most perverted youkai I've ever met! I swear, I don't know what to do with you!"

"Hmmm, become my mate and bear my child. I'm sure Shippou agrees with me, right, Shippou?"

"Oh, no. Don't involve me in that topic. Come on, you have plenty of time to discuss that. Besides, Dog-breath and Kagome are waiting."

"I have to get dressed. Could you two turn around or better yet, get out of my room please?" Sango then changed from her yukata to her fighting outfit after kicking the two males out.

Meanwhile, Inuyasha and Kagome, fully dressed, were waiting in the next room. "What the hell is taking them so long? We should get going."

"Calm down, Inuyasha. They'll be here soon." Inuyasha then started pacing back and forth. Suddenly, he caught the scent of three youkai instead of two.

"So, the lech has become a full-fledged youkai. I'll check what the hell's going on in that room." With that, he marched to Sango's room next door and found Shippou and Miroku standing outside and Sango emerging from her room.

"All right, you three, what the hell's taking you so long? We should get a move on. There's still Naraku and the Shikon shards that he has."

"Good morning to you, too, Dog breath. At least we could get something to eat first."

"Feh, whatever. As soon as we get something to eat, we go after Naraku and his shards. So, from all the noise in the room, you're still up to your old tricks, ne, lech?"

Miroku, as usual, feigned innocence. "What old tricks, Inuyasha? I haven't done anything wrong."

"Really, Houshi? Then would you care to explain how a gust of wind managed to flip up the bottom of my yukata?" Sango asked as she gathered her belongings and strapped Hiraikotsu to her back.

"What? There was an insect that crawled on your yukata and I just removed it off your person. It could have stung you, my dear Sango. No one harms the woman who will bear my child." Sango then rubbed her temples while Inuyasha growled with annoyance.

"That innocent act doesn't work on anyone and you know that. It's even worse now that you've become a full-fledged youkai."

"I'm going to meet with Kagome and see if she has anything for a headache. Besides, I have to talk with Kagome. Come on, Kirara." She then walked to the room next door with Kirara close behind.

"She had better make it quick. We have shards to look for and a shape-shifting bastard to kill."

"I'm sure my lovely Sango has some things to discuss with Lady Kagome. So be a little patient. I want to kill Naraku as much as you do. He's caused too many people so much pain. As you know, I'm no longer human." Miroku growled.

Sango entered the room Kagome shared with her mate. The miko had just finished packing her belongings into her knapsack. "Good morning, Kagome."

"Oh, good morning, Sango. How was your night?"

"Unusual. Kagome, do you have anything in your knapsack for a headache?"

"I might have something. You're in luck. I just happen to have some aspirin. It's good for headaches and sore muscles. But you'll need some water to swallow it." Kagome said after handing her a couple of tablets.

"There's another reason why I came here. You might already know this, but Miroku is now a youkai. It's as if it happened overnight."

"I know. Inuyasha sensed the changes. As you know, he's in a bit of a hurry to get the shards that Naraku has in his possession. You said that last night was unusual. What happened?"

"It all started with a dream that I had. I was fighting swarms of youkai and Kirara was nowhere to be found. For every youkai that I killed, two more would appear in its place. It wouldn't be long before I was overwhelmed. Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind blows by, forcing me to my knees. I couldn't keep my eyes open. After the wind subsides, I stand up and open my eyes. Instead of many youkai, I see youkai parts everywhere. I then turn to see a figure standing. It had long flowing hair and glowing violet eyes. It was also wearing a dark-colored kimono with matching hakama.

I couldn't tell that if it was a man or woman until it approached me, stroked my cheek and said, `no one, youkai or human, hurts the woman who will bear my child and lives.' I look up to see that it was Miroku. But he looked different. He had thin streaks on each cheek. His eyes were glowing a soft purple. Then I feel him licking and nibbling at my neck. He was also sniffing me. He then said, `you smell delicious, like jasmine'. Then I feel razor-sharp fangs pierce my neck and I scream and that's when I wake up.

I then checked on Miroku to see if he somehow went into my room during the night and claimed me as his mate while I was asleep. So, I went to his room. He immediately sensed me coming. I thought that my footsteps were too loud. It was then that I realized that he became a youkai.

I didn't notice the physical changes until I tried to go back to my room. Before I could reach the door, he grabbed me and pulled me against him. I never showed it, but at that moment, I was afraid of him, of what he would do to me. And he knew that I was afraid of him. Miroku could smell my fear. He also caught my natural scent. I tried to make him let go, but he was way too strong.

I then looked down and saw claws on his hands instead of fingernails. I turned around and saw that his hair was longer, probably the same length as Inuyasha's hair and in the moonlight, I saw that his ears were pointed like a youkai's. I'm telling you that he looks exactly like he did in my dream. It's like now he's intent on claiming me as his mate. He's been referring to me as the woman who will bear his child. Miroku used to joke about it before, but now that's he's become a youkai, a wind youkai I might add, I believe he's serious about it.

If anyone tried to hurt me, I don't even want to think about what that houshi-youkai would do to that person or youkai. But I'm far from being defenseless."

"That is unusual. Well, at least he didn't try anything while you were asleep, did he?"

"No way, I simply asked him to hold me. I mean, that dream, as you would say in your time, freaked me out. It would be better if I were awake for him to claim me as his mate."

"It's too late."

"What do you mean, it's too late?"

"What I mean is that he's already claimed you as his mate. Don't get me wrong. He hasn't marked you or mated with you yet. But you're all he thinks about, right? Based on what you told me, I think he's very serious about mating with you. He's probably waiting for the right time. Well, we should get going. I have a feeling that Inuyasha is tearing his hair out wondering what we're doing."

They continued talking on the way to meet up with the rest of the party who were waiting just outside the inn. "You're right. Thanks for listening."

"You can always talk to me about anything."

"Just one question, does Inuyasha still wish to become a youkai once he has the rest of the jewel?"

"You know, I never asked him if he changed his mind about wishing to become a youkai. I actually don't know what he'll wish for. But one thing is for certain. I'll make sure no one takes Inuyasha away from me, not even a bitter undead shell like Kikyo."

"Would you consider becoming a hanyou or a youkai with Inuyasha?"

"I'd do anything to spend the rest of my life with him. I realized that I loved him the moment I saw him pinned to the Sacred Tree. As you know, I removed the rosary beads. Now that I'm his mate, he won't try to kill me."

Meanwhile, Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippou were waiting just outside the inn after paying the fee for the night. While the girls were discussing what happened the night before, the boys were having a discussion of their own.

"So what happened, lech? I can smell Sango all over you. You didn't claim her in her sleep, did you? That would be low, even for you."

"No, I didn't claim Sango while she was asleep. She just asked me to hold her, that's all. I was overcome by lust, but I managed to fight it down."

"Hmm, well you're probably telling the truth. How did you end up in Sango's room in the first place?"

"She told me that she had a dream about fighting youkais and Kirara was nowhere near her. The youkai presence overwhelmed her until a gust of wind seemingly tore the youkais in pieces without harming her. Sango further explained how she saw a figure approaching her from the shadows. She realized that the figure was me when I had approached her, telling her that no one, youkai or human, hurts the woman who will bear my child and lives. In the dream, I go on to sniff her, telling her that she smells delicious, like jasmine. I then claim her and she screams out. That's when she wakes up.

Meanwhile, I couldn't sleep due to my changing into a youkai. I break out into a cold sweat. I could have sworn that I felt my hair growing longer and my teeth turning into fangs. My ears started to hurt. I scratched at the floorboards and the sheets without realizing it. It was most likely because they were becoming pointed. All I could think about was my dear Sango, touching her, tasting her, claiming her as my mate. I caught her scent as she was coming into my room. I almost claimed her. It was as if I had no control. What stopped me was that Sango probably saw the changes that occurred. From there, she asked me to accompany her to her room. That's all that happened, honest. I was enjoying a good night's rest until Shippou came."

"What are you blaming me for? It's not like I intruded on anything. I don't know if I prefer you as a human or a youkai. Still, I liked the way you woke Sango."

"Never knew the little brat had some hentai in him. Don't let Sango hear you say that. Did you get a good view, you little pervert?"

"Oh, shut up, Dog-breath!" Shippou then jumped on Inuyasha's head and chomped on the hanyou's ears. Inuyasha then grabbed the little kitsune and started pounding on his head.

"Do you have any idea how much that hurts every time you do that, especially on the ears, you brat?!"

"That was for grabbing me by my tail and shaking me senseless. Maybe next time I'll get Kagome to say the `s' word."

"Haven't you forgotten something? Noticed anything missing?" Shippou remembered that the rosary beads were removed by Kagome.

"Kuso! I forgot that Kagome removed those beads. She should have kept them on. Then again, love makes you do crazy things."

"You'll understand when you're older, Shippou. Look at my situation with Sango. I'll do anything to protect her and I will definitely claim her as my mate."

"You already have, bouzu. You just haven't mated with her yet. It'll only be a matter of time before Sango goes into heat. I'll tell you this. Her scent will be hard to resist. It'll drive you insane with lust. She won't be able to escape should you hunt her down. Your strength and speed will be many times greater than when you were human. You'll actually be able to catch up with me on our travels."

"I've gotten a little taste of that. I couldn't resist her scent when she came into my room last night. There's something that I've been meaning to ask you. Will you still wish to become a full-fledged youkai once you get all of the shards?"

"I do want to become a full-fledged youkai, but I also want Kagome by my side. I just might make her a full-fledged youkai as well or probably a hanyou. Then again, she never cared about the fact that I'm a hanyou. She keeps playing with my ears. I'll have to discuss it with her. I can't bear to lose her. She is human after all."

"What about Kikyo, Inuyasha?"

"What about her? If you think that I'm going to let Kikyo come between us, you're wrong. The Kikyo I loved died fifty years ago and anyway, she wanted me to wish to become fully human. Kagome doesn't care about the fact that I'm a hanyou. The one walking in this world is nothing but a shell full of bitterness and hatred. I hope that she can put the past behind her and be at peace. She can go to Hell if she wants but, if she wants to take someone with her, she'll have to settle for Naraku. That corpse is nothing compared to Kagome. I won't let anyone or anything come between me and my Kagome."

"I see. I know exactly how you feel. Let's get those shards from Naraku and make him pay for what he's done." And with that, they met up with Kagome, Sango and Kirara outside the inn after breakfast and headed for Naraku's castle.

Little did they know that Naraku had seen everything through Kanna's mirror. "So, the monk is now a youkai. He has me to thank for that, the fool. I think I want to test his new powers. And I know the perfect opponent for him. My dear Kanna, send for your sister and do not tell her about the monk's change. I want her to find out for herself."

"Hai, Naraku-sama." Kanna then retreated in search of Kagura.

"Kagura has been a nuisance as of late and what better way for her to learn her place than to battle the new youkai. It should be interesting though. Let's see how powerful Miroku really is.

As for Inuyasha and Kagome, I wish Kikyo were here to listen to what those two had to say about her. I would have loved to have seen the look on her face. That undead witch must die. At least, she did something right in giving me most of the shards. It won't be long before the jewel is complete. Soon, Onigumo will be no more. There will only be I, Naraku." Naraku then left in search of his incarnations.

"That bastard wants me to do what?!" Kagura paced back and forth in her chambers while Kanna watched in silence. "Who does he think he is throwing me into a battle on a whim? No one does that to me, no one."

"I beg to differ, my dear Kagura." She turned to see Naraku standing just outside.

"You bastard. If you think you can throw me in any battle for your amusement, you're sadly mistaken. One day, I will be free like the wind."

"But that day will never come." The wind youkai's heart then materialized in Naraku's hand. Kagura then felt intense pain in her chest as he squeezed it. The pain intensified as he squeezed it harder. Kagura eventually was forced to her knees with the pain. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to breathe. Kanna could only watch emotionlessly.

"Now, you will do exactly as I tell you. You will fight Miroku. Remember, it was I who created you and it is I who can destroy you if I so wish. But you will not go empty-handed. Take this little gift with you. I'm sure Inuyasha and his little miko will be amused by it." Naraku then eased his grip on the wind youkai's heart and absorbed it. Then he threw a youkai puppet at her feet.

"Fine, whatever. I'll do as you ask." <For now> Kagura then stood, taking the youkai puppet with her, and left to carry out her order. <Soon, I will be free. You'll see, Naraku. There is someone out there powerful enough to destroy you, once and for all. And you can take that corpse with you. She could be so irritating. What a bitch. But this is strange. Why would he send me to fight Miroku alone with just a youkai puppet? There's something about him that Naraku's not telling me. And I'm sure Kanna knows something about him as well. I'll just have to find out what it is>

The day passed quickly and Inuyasha's group was getting closer to Naraku's castle. "It won't be long now before we reach Naraku and get the rest of the jewel shards." Inuyasha said. Suddenly, they stopped as Inuyasha and the other youkai caught a familiar scent in the air.

"It looks like we've got company. I can smell Naraku's stench." Kirara also caught the familiar scent and started growling.

"That's what Naraku smells like, the stench of death and blood. But it could one of his incarnations."

Kagome then looked up and saw Kagura on one of her feathers. "It's Kagura, you guys. Be on guard for anything she has up her sleeve." <But she's come alone. I wonder what she's planning this time>

"What is it this time, Kagura?"

"What I want, little miko, is none of your concern." The wind youkai replied while staring at Miroku. "This is between me and the monk." <That's impossible. How did he become a youkai? His wind tunnel is closed up. That's why that bastard sent me to fight him. It's just as well. I'll kill him and soon Naraku will join him. Then I'll be free>

"What do you want with me? It's bad enough that Naraku cursed me with the wind tunnel and now that coward sends you to fight me."

"Hmm, what makes you think he sent me to fight you? How do you know that I didn't come on my own?"

"That's just like him to send someone else to do his dirty work, the coward." Miroku's eyes glowed with anger and a gust of wind blew in Kagura's direction. She stared on in surprise and was beginning to feel a little afraid of the youkai standing before her. However, she pushed that fear down.

"What's the matter, Kagura? Are you perhaps afraid of me?" Miroku purred as he approached her, sending shivers up and down both Kagura's and Sango's spines. "There was no point in trying to push your fears away on my account. I sensed your fear right away. So what are you waiting for? Let us fight, shall we? That is why you're here."

"Very well. Let's see how strong you really now that you're a youkai." Kagura then waved her fan, sending blades of wind flying at Miroku. He easily countered them with a swing of his staff.

The others were surprised at that. "Oh, I didn't forget about the rest of you. Naraku sent something for you to play with while I deal with your friend." Kagura then tossed the youkai puppet at the rest of the group.

"You'll also have me to `deal' with, witch. Hiraikotsu!" She then threw her boomerang at the other wind youkai.

"Fuujin no Mai!" With a wave of her fan, she countered Hiraikotsu, throwing it back at the taijiya. Sango caught it with ease. "Two against one. A little unfair, don't you think, Sango?"

"Shut up and fight!"

"With pleasure." Kagura waved her fan once again, this time at Sango. "Fuujin no Mai!"

"Hiraikotsu!" Sango tried to counter Kagura's attack with her weapon but threw it a second or two too late, sending it back towards the taijiya, knocking her unconscious.

"That will not work on me a second time, little Sango."

"Sango, no!" Miroku turned to see Sango unconscious. He rushed to her side, stroked her cheek, and was relieved that she was still alive. However, someone tried to hurt her and he vowed that no one, youkai or human, hurts the taijiya and lives. Anger started to boil from within him, a kind of anger which he never felt when he was human. And it was directed at Kagura. His eyes started to glow a bright red. Miroku dropped his staff and clenched his fists.

Kagura could sense the youkai's anger building and started backing away from him. She could feel the wind start to pick up. And his face looked different from before. The thin streaks on his face soon widened and his fangs grew longer and sharper. When he opened his fists, his claws had grown longer. Miroku slowly moved towards her, growling softly. "No one, youkai or human, hurts the woman who will bear my child and lives."

Inuyasha, Kirara, Shippou and Kagome made short work of the youkai puppet Naraku sent through Kagura. When the battle was over, they saw Sango unconscious. Inuyasha also sensed Miroku's anger and felt the wind blow ferociously. <That bouzu's power has gotten stronger all because Kagura's attack knocked Sango unconscious> It was becoming more difficult for everyone to keep their eyes open, much less stand.

<So, that bastard sent me to die, at the hands of Miroku of all people? And the wind responds to his anger. I have no chance against him now. He just might be able to destroy Naraku with this kind of power. But I'm no coward. I won't go down without a fight> With that, Kagura summoned her Fuujin no Mai attack but to no avail. It was blocked by a barrier of wind that Miroku created. The wind then started to tear at her kimono.

"How does it feel to not have the wind at your command, witch?" Miroku growled.

Kagura then tried to escape on one of her feathers. She managed to hop on it, but to no avail. The wind threw her off her feather instead of carrying it away at Miroku's command. "Where do you think you're going, you coward?"

Suddenly, he leapt to attack Kagura, claws drawn. She tried to dodge, but she was a little too slow. He managed to slice through her midsection, drawing blood. Blood also started to pour out of Kagura's mouth. Miroku attacked again, this time grabbing and lifting her by the neck. She tried to attack him with her fan, but he slashed it with his free hand, destroying it instantly.

It was not long before Sango regained consciousness, stood and saw the monk-youkai holding a bleeding Kagura by the neck with a destroyed fan on the ground. She couldn't believe what she saw before her, neither could the rest of the group. Kirara feared for her mistress and returned to her small size. He delivered the killing blow, his free hand plunging through her chest and protruding through her back. Miroku then released Kagura's corpse from his grip.

"That bastard will pay for everything he's done, all the pain he's caused, just as Kagura paid for hurting the woman who will bear my child." Sango was starting to feel more afraid of him than she did the night she came to his room. The wind started to abate as Miroku calmed down, his features returning to normal.

Kagome, with Shippou on her shoulder, rushed to the taijiya's side. "Sango, are you ok?"

Shippou hopped off to take a closer look at Sango. "Sango, I was so worried."

"I'll be fine. Nothing broken. I'm worried about Houshi-sama though. I've never seen him so angry before. I realize how much he cares about me. But I don't want him to go to such drastic measures."

"Meow." Kirara ran to her mistress' side and hopped on her shoulder, comforting her as best she could. The neko youkai started to fear Miroku.

"I'm ok, Kirara. I'm sorry for worrying you like that." The taijiya sensed Kirara's fear. "Are you afraid of Houshi-sama?"


"I understand how you feel. Don't worry. I'm sure he was trying to protect me just as you would." Kirara responded by licking and nuzzling her mistress' cheek. The taijiya then scratched the top of the neko's head, causing her to close her eyes and purr.

Miroku went to retrieve his staff. <I've never felt such anger towards anyone before, not like this. I was trying to protect Sango but I never thought I would kill Kagura. Now my hands are covered in that witch's blood. There has to be a lake nearby so I can wash it off. There's no telling what would happen if it remains>

Inuyasha sensed Miroku's fear and approached him. "I understand how you feel, bouzu. I wouldn't want anyone to hurt Kagome either."

"Is Sango okay?"

"Yep, she'll be fine. Kagome and Shippou are looking after her. I've never seen you so pissed off. Glad I'm not Naraku. And such power. You just might be the one to kill him."

"I was just trying to protect Sango. Kagura tried to hurt her. No one hurts Sango like that and lives and I mean no one." Inuyasha started to feel a little afraid of him. <He's become a true youkai> Miroku sensed his fear. "I can sense a little fear from you. Just because I'm now a youkai doesn't mean I've changed completely. I'm still the same bouzu."

"Feh, whatever. Let's check on your mate."

"You're right. Let's go." While they checked on Shippou, Kagome and Sango, the two youkais sensed a change in the taijiya. She was going into heat. Inuyasha sensed Miroku going into his first youkai heat as well. His ears picked up soft growling coming from Miroku. Fortunately, Kagome and Sango could not hear it. Shippou and Kirara could also sense their heat and began to worry.

<Oh, great. This is now Miroku goes into heat? We have to get Naraku's shards and this happens>

"Uh, Inuyasha, I need to talk to you alone." Kagome said. "It's about a certain youkai and taijiya. Kirara, Shippou, keep an eye on Miroku and Sango for me."

"Sure, Kagome. Yo, minna, I'll be back. Don't try anything, bouzu."

"Make it quick." Miroku growled. Kagome flinched at his words. She could see that he was trying to resist the change in Sango's scent and it was becoming increasingly difficult for him. Kagome, grabbing her mate's hand, ran a little distance away from the rest of the group.

"What is it, Kagome?"

"I'm sure you already know this, but Sango is `in heat' as you would put it. Her cycle is starting and I'm worried about Miroku. What if he tries anything with her?"

"I don't think he'll try anything with Kagura's blood on his hands. This is the worst time for those two to go into heat."

"I hope we find a lake soon. Miroku's starting to scare me."

"We should head back. We don't want anything to happen to Sango just yet."

Meanwhile, it seemed like an eternity for Miroku. He was trying his best to resist mating with Sango but was failing miserably.

"What's taking them so long?" Miroku growled. The taijiya's scent was driving him insane. His violet eyes started to glow with lust. Kagura's blood on his hands only made it worse.

Sango laid against a boulder with her back towards the youkai and Kirara resting on her lap. "Why are you so impatient all of a sudden, Houshi? It hasn't been that long since they left to talk. They'll be back soon. Just be patient." She didn't notice that Miroku's eyes were glowing and that he was growling softly.

"What could they possibly be talking about?" Shippou asked. He looked at Miroku only to see that his eyes were glowing and that worried the little kitsune. His ears picked up the sound of growling. <It probably has to do with Sango and Miroku being in heat. I hope they hurry back soon or Miroku will end up doing something he'll regret later on>

"I don't really know, Shippou. It must be really important but they'll be back soon."

"It's about time." Miroku growled. Sango and Shippou turned to see Inuyasha and Kagome return from their talk. Inuyasha noticed that the wind youkai's eyes were glowing with lust.

<Shimatta! That bouzu's control is slipping faster than I expected. Fortunately, there's a lake a few miles from here. We should get moving> "Well, what are you waiting for? We'll have plenty of time to rest. There's a lake a few miles ahead. Let's get going."

It wasn't long before they reached the lake. Sango took the opportunity to take a bath. It was then that the wind youkai decided to `go for a swim'. What a perfect time to finally claim her as his mate.

Shippou and Kirara were resting. Kagome was sitting on a nearby boulder when she noticed Miroku approaching the bathing Sango. She started to stand up when a hand caught her wrist. The young miko turned to see Inuyasha with her wrist in his hand.

"Gomen, Inuyasha, force of habit."

"Besides, it's not every day you get to be alone with your mate. Sango and that bouzu might as well become mates." Inuyasha purred, pulling Kagome close and kissing and nibbling at her neck. This attention sent shivers up and down the young miko's back.

"Only you have this effect on me, Inuyasha." She, in turn, started to play with his ears, causing him to growl with pleasure.

Sango's mind was on a certain monk-turned-youkai as she bathed. She envisioned him touching her, tasting her, making love to her. As if beckoning for him to come, the taijiya turned to see Miroku approach the lake's edge. She continued to stare at him as he removed his robes to reveal a broad chest and shoulders, powerful arms, and toned abs. Her cheeks started to feel hot at such a sight. <Is it me or is it getting hot all of a sudden? Does that houshi know that I'm staring at him? I have to admit that he does have a very nice body. I'll just stay in the lake a little longer and take my mind off that pervert> She then sunk a little lower in the lake.

A different kind of heat began to pool between her legs as Miroku slowly slid his pants down his well-muscled thighs and down his calves. The wind youkai noticed that the taijiya was staring at her and smirked. He could not help but take in the sight of her large yet firm breasts, her toned stomach, and her well toned legs. <All of this will be mine soon> Sango continued to stare as he slowly swam to her, watching the muscles of his back ripple as did so. When he reached her, Miroku cupped her chin and held her close.

"Now, my dear Sango, there isn't anyone or anything here that can stop me from claiming what is mine. But before I do, I must ask you one question; will you be my mate?" Miroku purred.

Sango swallowed hard at this question and quickly gave him her answer. "Yes, Houshi-sama, I will."

He had waited a long time for this moment. He was mentally rejoicing at her answer. And what better way to express his joy than to finally claim her as his mate. "First, we need to get out of the lake and go somewhere more private."

"Um, Houshi-sama, I don't think you have to worry about that. Inuyasha and Kagome are together. And I'm sure Shippou and Kirara are resting quietly."

Miroku responded by kissing and nibbling on the taijiya's neck, making her body shiver. She started to play with his long, silky hair and flick at the tip of his ear. The wind youkai started to purr at this new sensation. He then looked into Sango's eyes once more and kissed her. She kissed him back, his tongue dancing with hers. After a few moments, he broke the kiss. "Now that you will be my mate, you can stop calling me `Houshi-sama' and call me by my name. But let's focus on the task at hand."

He resumed kissing her, this time kissing down her neck, to her chest. The wind youkai's hands traveled down to Sango's rear, massaging it. She, in turn, wrapped her arms around his narrow waist, her fingers tracing the muscles of his broad shoulders and his upper back. <Kami, he has such smooth skin as well> The taijiya giggled when she felt them ripple under her touch. But her giggle was cut short as he took one of her breasts into his mouth while one of his hands massaged the other, flicking at her nipple from time to time. She had never felt sensations like this before.

Sango's head reared back, her hands moving up to Miroku's head, her fingers in his hair. Her legs wrapped around his sides to keep from sliding beneath the water's surface. Miroku released her nipple and gazed up into her eyes. She knew what she was in for with that look; that he wanted her here and now.

The wind youkai moved to kiss her on the lips with more passion than before, his fingers in the taijiya's hair. Miroku pulled back and nibbled at Sango's neck once, taking in her scent. "I just love the scent of jasmine. I can't get enough of it. There's more to come, my dear Sango. Let's return to dry land first, shall we?" With that, he took her into his arms and swam back to the lake's edge where he found a patch of dense grass and laid her down.

Suddenly, the wind youkai was caught by surprise and was laying down on the grass. Sango decided to have a little fun herself and whispered against his ear. "I believe it's my turn now." <He can't have all the fun> The taijiya kissed him then trailed kisses down his neck to his waist while slowly sliding her fingers down his broad chest and rippling abs to his narrow hips, causing the muscles to ripple under her touch. She stared at his manhood and was amazed at its size. After a few moments, Sango looked up and saw Miroku looking down at her. With a smirk, she took him into her mouth.

The wind youkai gasped and his fingers were once again in her hair. He started to thrust his hips upwards. Sango ran her fingers down Miroku's narrow hips and stopped halfway past his thighs. It wasn't long before he came in the taijiya's mouth and groaned with pleasure. She moved up to kiss him and was flipped onto the grass. Miroku once again took one nipple into his mouth and massaged the other with one hand. He trailed the other hand down her hip, down her legs until he reached her maidenhood. The wind youkai then rubbed her center with his thumb and used two of fingers to enter her. Sango cried out at this and fisted her hands in his hair. She moved her hips as he continued to thrust his fingers inside her. Sango's inner muscles then clamped around Miroku's fingers and screamed out her pleasure.

The wind youkai slowly licked the taijiya's cum off his fingers. "You taste delicious as well, my little taijiya." He moved to kiss her lips once more and ran his tongue down the middle of her chest, down to her firm stomach. "Hmm, delicious indeed." Miroku then took hold of her hips and flicked his tongue at her center, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine and causing her to gasp.

It was obvious that Sango was really enjoying what the wind youkai was doing to her. She never felt such pleasure since she was a virgin. Then again, no one actually taught her about lovemaking and what it was like. But it didn't matter to her now. Her hands clenched and unclenched as her pleasure was building. She then reached out to run her fingers through his hair. The taijiya wrapped her legs around his shoulders. After a few long moments, she climaxed once again, fisting her hands in the wind youkai's hair, letting out a moan of pleasure. Miroku then licked more cum from her maidenhood. He released her hips briefly and moved over to look into her lust-filled eyes.

"Before we continue, I must warn you that what I'm about to do may hurt. Are you ready, my dear Sango?"

A panting taijiya responded. "Yes. You sure are gracious for a youkai."

"Being a youkai doesn't change my feelings for you. It's time." With that, he grasped her hips and slowly entered her until he reached her hymen. He pulled back and entered her again, this time breaking her hymen. Sango couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"It's alright, Miroku. Just keep going."

He paused at the sound of his name. "You said it."

"What are you talking about?"

"You called me by name, not Houshi-sama."

"So what? That's what you wanted. Stop stalling already." Those words were all it took for him to resume his pace. Miroku quickened his pace after a few more thrusts, grunting with pleasure. Sango moved her hips to keep up with him, gasping and groaning. It wasn't long before the wind youkai's instincts took over, his pace quickening even further, his grunts becoming growls and never noticed her legs wrapped around his hips. He moved his head to the side to keep the taijiya from seeing his glowing eyes. The air around them started to whip up. His growls became louder in volume until they climaxed. Sango screamed out in pleasure then in pain as the wind youkai bit the side of her neck, claiming her as his mate. She bit the side of his neck hard enough to draw blood as well. They licked the blood from each other's wounds. Miroku then turned to his side so that his weight wouldn't crush his mate and held her in his arms.

Suddenly, the taijiya was bathed in a purple light. Her brown eyes became a deep forest green. Her nails turned into claws and her ears became pointed. Miroku looked up to see that Sango had become a youkai as well. "Beautiful."

"What happened to me?" The taijiya turned youkai caught a strange scent, the scent of an unusual spice and realized that it was Miroku's natural scent. "Kami, I've become a youkai too. It looks like you've got what you wanted, Miroku. I am the woman who will bear your child. By the way, you smell delicious as well, like spice. I love you, my Houshi."

"Do you think we should get dressed and head back, my dear?"

"Not yet." Sango licked the side of her mate's neck. "I want to stay like this a little longer. I'm a little tired anyway."

"My thoughts exactly." With that, they held each other until sleep claimed them.

I'm finally finished with this story. This has to be the longest one-shot I've written. I wanted to do something a little different. I have so many ideas on what to do next. I hope you like it. Later. ^_^