InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winds ❯ Dishabille (lemon) ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10
Inuyasha's growls were tense and subtle. Kagome could barely hear them, but to Kouga's ears they were a sharp warning that grew the longer he stood by Kagome's side.
“I told you, Inuyasha! This message has nothing to do with you!”
Grimly, Kouga focused on Kagome, pleading for clemency with her. It seemed his only chance.
Nothing to do with you, Inuyasha…just a little lie.
“You know I am only asking out of courtesy, Inuyasha. I could take her to tell her, if I wished.”
A smile that was also a snarl moved like a wraith on Inuyasha's face. Kagome turned, concerned, touching his cheek. Inuyasha's voice was true to form, rough and glowing with possession.
“Try, Kouga. You could not take her.”
Kouga huffed, but he remembered the unreal quickness of the hand that had stopped him by the side of Kagome's bathing spring; his thoughts stampeded.
He might actually be able to stop me. But then…how am I going to get Kagome alone? Should I ignore the Houshi, his warning?
The word slid from Kagome's throat, and the open concern on her face was touching. Her fingertips on Inuyasha's lips, asking permission, was tearing.
“I will go with Kouga, and you will follow my scent closely. Kouga knows I am yours. You need not fear for me.”
Inuyasha stayed still, nodded once, and released her. His eyes reached out to Kouga like licking flames, burning.
“You do not have long, Kouga. Be quick.”
Kagome picked her way across the darkening meadow towards the forest, and waited for Kouga at the edge of the trees. Together, silent, they walked into the brush and sat on a log.
“You probably think that I asked you out here so that I could try to convince you to leave Inuyasha.”
It was not a question, but Kagome smiled and answered him anyway.
“The thought had occurred to me, but since you mention it this way I will assume that is not it after all.
His voice turned harsh.
“That could never be it, Kagome. You cannot leave Inuyasha - you are his mate until you die.”
He stood, and paced away from her and back, refusing to meet her eyes.
“There is something…the Houshi said I should tell you, but not Inuyasha. He said that Inuyasha's anger would be deadly.
His smirk showed how little he believed that to be true.
“What, another message from Miroku?”
Kouga swallowed, remembering the monk's harsh words, the echo of misunderstanding in them.
Kagome is Kikyou's reincarnation. Kikyou is the one upon whom Naraku's desires turn. She has no flesh!
For a moment, holding the words back in his throat, he wondered how Kagome would react. Would she feel defiled, or disgusted, or disappointed? A tiny particle of his soul hoped for disappointment, for the hint of special caring that had never come.
“I…met…Kikyou, Kagome.”
Her eyes widened at that name. She had not even known he knew it. Swiftly, as though the name had opened a floodgate, words spilled out of his mouth.
“I took her, Kagome, loved her, lay with her, but then she went from me and left with me with nothing.”
While Kagome was struck dumb, he rushed onward, looking now only at her hands. They were shaking, her hands.
“Your Houshi told me her name and her nature, about the soul she shares with you, about the desire of Naraku that follows her and taints the shikon no tama. The Houshi said that Naraku would seek everyone with vengeance when he knew. He desires Kikyou for himself, and anyone who touches her will be burned by his wrath.”
His words fell into silence, and he could finally look at her face.
“The Houshi said that this is the reason Naraku hunts Inuyasha, and even you - because of Kikyou. He said…that Naraku makes no difference between you - that you were both Inuyasha's women.”
Abruptly, Kagome stood.
“No, Kouga. Only I am Inuyasha's woman. Kikyou belongs only to herself. The vengeance Inuyasha seeks is for the sake of memory, and wrongs against his own honor.”
Another huff escaped Kouga. She did not seem affected by his revelation at all.
“As if that mutt had honor!”
For a moment, he had forgotten that she was now Inuyasha's mate. She punched him, hard, right in the stomach. It was so unexpected and she was so angry that she actually winded him.
“He is not a mutt, Kouga. I will not hear you call him that again.”
She turned away and then back.
“And he has honor, Kouga. More honor than you know.”
He was hurt, but so was she , and without waiting for him she turned back towards the village, and Inuyasha. The hanyou was waiting, ears tilted forward, eyes trained expectantly on the trees.
She kissed him, deliberately, insistently, but Inuyasha had no problem showing his hold on her to Kouga. His lips slid from her mouth and along her jaw, until his teeth made near-invisible dents in the skin of her smooth throat.
Inuyasha's eyes met Kouga's, and the noise that slipped from between his teeth was more eloquent than any words, containing a hundred thoughts. The demon beneath his skin peered out at Kouga, and laughed.
She is mine, she is mine, and you cannot touch her. Look, wolf. See the desire in her? It belongs to me! Do you suffer with what you cannot have?
The scent of Kagome's arousal was tinting the air. Silence grew through it, and Inuyasha did not move. Kagome was oblivious.
“Good-bye, Kagome.”
He said nothing to Inuyasha. There was nothing to say. His feet turned him, and he walked back between the trees. His body was betraying him, but not to the anger he wanted. The scent of Kagome's desire only reminded him of Kikyou. He was frustrated by it. Instead of anger, wanting, and instead of Kagome, there was Kikyou.
His desire was pointless. How could he find her? He would never find her. There was no way to know…
For the moment in which his name hung in the air, everything else was still and silent.
As she spoke again, time returned to itself, and the silence flew. With quick steps he drew near her, grabbed her arm and pulled her tight against his body.
What is it that makes this woman different, when her face is the same? What is it that makes me desire her?
Roughly, he kissed her. She was resistant, cold ,and then suddenly pliant in his hands. It was as though a great knot had suddenly been loosened, and now was flying loose across the sky as a length of silk. His hands wandered hungrily, tasting the curves and angles he already knew as if with long memory. Like a pink shock, power glowed over him and startled him away. Her eyes were dark now.
Anger and delight both rippled through him. He had not expected to have to win her, not after she gave herself so freely. The chase was a good part of the hunt. With slow, unmistakable intention, Kouga pushed through the power and grabbed her, holding her. The pain ran through him like liquid fire, a strange pleasure, an intensity of sensation. That it did not really hurt him only proved that his desires were not really unwanted.
“You did not withhold yourself last time, miko…Kikyou.”
The power fluttered and died as her eyes widened.
He knows my name! How does he know my name? What else does he know?
Kouga pressed his advantage, sealing her lips with his mouth, holding her in silence with the depth of his kiss. Her arms still fought against him, but her mouth was yielding, sweet as berries. The tiniest moan escaped her, trapped by his tongue, but it was enough. Rough again, he pulled away and held her hands apart from her body.
“You want me, Kikyou. Tell me you want me.”
It was a game. A game of desires and submission. She wanted to subdue him, hold him in thrall? That was not the way of it, not for him. He was the alpha of his pack, and it was the female who would submit. She obviously did not know this - she attempted scorn, her voice lapping at his skin.
“I will not tell you anything, wolf. You must take it from me.”
He shook his head, and crouched so that his bangs fell over his eyes, shadowing his face. When he lifted them again to look at her, they were dark, shining with red.
“Who said I would waste my time taking anything from you? What do you have worth taking?”
He smiled, and the fangs that snuck over his lip sent a shiver across her skin.
”Tell me you want me, Kikyou, or you will have nothing.”
She closed her eyes, and turned away from that gleam, still peering at her. It haunted her even when she was not looking, and she found her thoughts warming, her softest parts filling with a heat that was familiar now.
“This is a dangerous time to look away, Kikyou. If I wanted you, I could have you - now!”
She opened her eyes, and the look on her face was suddenly so empty that the red died from his eyes and desired suddenly to comfort her.
“You do not want me, Kouga?”
Into that silence, to that question, there was only one answer.
“Stupid woman…”
This time, she yielded without any pretense of resistance, without playing at being coy or turning away. The tightness of her fingers on his neck was seductive, the lidded closeness of her eyes an aphrodisiac. He did not need it.
His breath on her neck was warm and fragrant. The musk of his skin was mountainous, full of wild springs and cedar. Details she had not noticed before jumped out at her - the silkiness of his hair, the calluses on his hands.
Kouga pulled her haori away from her shoulders and kissed them. Shivers moved down her back like flames, and he teased her lips with his tongue. His desire was skillful, and when her haori did not cooperate the way he wished, he pushed her away and undid the ties that kept her skin from him. Silk slid down her shoulders and pooled at the bend of her elbows.
That most immediate desire fulfilled, he watched her eyes, the black, wanting roundness of her pupils and the way her lips parted for a moan. He ran his thumbs over the hard points of her nipples, teasing with the gentlest pressure even when she pressed against him. There was no need for him to ask if he gave her pleasure. Sounds, so many sounds, spilled out of her throat like a husky caress.
The last time, the first time, there had been swiftness, desire, silence. Now, he was intent on taking his time. It felt new, all of it, from the slim grasping of her arms to the quiet pant of her breath.
She was not holding back - she had experienced pleasure, and wanted it, and sought his touch with the shift of her hips against his body. Her own lips were hesitant against his throat, and she did not move to relieve him of his leathers and furs.
A quick shove was all it took to push her away from him again. The sight of her, disheveled, her haori hanging open over her breasts and the mark of his mouth on her throat, was darkly pleasing.
“Don't you want me, Kikyou?”
To her dismay, the flush of crimson that rushed into his eyes again only filled out the heat in her belly. Was this really why she had come?
Yes. I wanted him. Not to question him, just to have him. Kouga.
“Yes…I want you.”
He stood still, and smiled, and waited. She came to him slowly, and her hands were soft. First the armor, unbuckling, and then down, over his shoulders, sliding to the leaves that crunched under their feet. Her fingertips brushed him like silk, barely touching his skin. He did not like the sudden feeling that she was afraid to touch him, but then he looked at her face and saw sensual delight, a slow awakening. Her desire was for him, just for him, the touch he gave her.
Her hands slipped to the fur cuffs on his wrists, slid them down over his hands, and dropped them. Her eyes gulped, and then her hands moved again, unwrapping the wide strip of fur that served him as a belt. With a finger on her lips, he stopped her, and tugged at her obi. Her cheeks flushed, and her mouth parted in a soft `o', but she untied the obi that held her hakama, and the soft silk underclothes she wore slid to the ground at her feet just as quickly.
Kouga's eyes followed the rippling cloth, the smooth lines of her limbs. His eyes were drawn to the soft fluff of curls above her sex, the glistening dampness there, and up again to the darting of her tongue to wet her lips.
He smiled, slowly, enjoying the expectation of things he was going to do to her. He untied the fur that wrapped his legs, and shook them off, and then pulled away the last layer between them. Her eyes flickered over his body, full of desire, and he pulled her close and lifted her into his arms with glowing eyes. A few short yards away from them, a flat rock that still held sun warmth lifted out of a stream that broke into thin channels, only a few inches deep.
Kouga lay her on her back, and bent between her thighs. His eyes stilled her, silenced her, stroked her.
“I am going to kiss you, Kikyou.”
“Sesshomaru-sama, we do not seek to trouble you - truly! But we must find your brother- surely you must know of a way!”
Sesshomaru stood, and remained silent for the moment of a piercing glare. The recipient cowered, but did not stay silent, and his companions urged him on with their silent presence. For three days, he had suffered these complaints, a hundred different youkai all clamoring, and all for the same thing. That he had no interest in aiding them did not seem to have made an impression.
“Apparently, you have not been listening. I do not concern myself with Inuyasha. The half breed does what he wants. If you have need of him, I suggest you find him yourself.”
The youkai groveling at his feet raised his head an inch higher from the ground and spoke in a trembling voice.
“But, Sesshomaru-sama, we are afraid to go to Inuyasha-sama!”
Something between a smirk and a snarl crossed Sesshomaru's face so briefly it might not even have been there.
“It defiles all youkai everywhere for you to fear him. He is only a half demon.”
He did not need to say that they should fear him just as much, fear him more, but the demons who petitioned him had not suffered at his hand - it had been Inuyasha's. Furious nodding broke out around him, agreeing with his words, but the fearful expressions on many faces did not fade.
“We know he is only hanyou, lord, but he has defeated the lords of our clans and tribe. The right of challenge is clear - it is he who must lead us. Please, you must find Inuyasha-sama!”
Now Sesshomaru noticed the honor they gave his brother, the title that did not belong to him.
“Inuyasha is not lord.”
Stubborn about this one thing, refusing to listen, the youkai shook his head.
“Inuyasha-sama has conquered our leaders. The way of battle makes it clear: A lord is born in the challenge, not always by the blood.”
“And there are no sons in the line of your lordship?”
Silent heads shook around him. For a moment, Sesshomaru reflected on many changes that were coming.
“Sesshomaru-sama, Inuyasha-sama is too powerful for us to approach. He may kill us without waiting to hear our words.”
That is probably true. Inuyasha is impulsive.
“And, lord…they say he has taken a miko as his mate!”
“Inuyasha has taken a mate?”
Sesshomaru was startled into curiosity.
“So you wish me to find my brother. And if I do, what is it I would tell him?”
This was his way of agreeing, despite protests and without saying so. He was met by many staring eyes, and only one voice.
“That he is our lord. That he must return to those he left leaderless!”
Sesshomaru stared blankly through the youkai who stood waiting for his word.
How long has it been since he was born? More than a hundred years. He is old for a first mate…but I am older, and I have had no mate.
Thinking of it again, the birth, the long years, he damned his father for dying, dying to save Inuyasha and that woman. His father had been the opponent he wanted to face. The worthy one.
“I will find Inuyasha. Do not return to this place!”
A hundred sighs and the muttering of `no, no, never' came from the youkai who watched him. Swiftly, feeling the displacement of his aura, the swelling of his displeasure, they slunk away. Sesshomaru paused for a moment, and then turned from the doorway farthest from this meeting courtyard. He spoke to a pair of shining eyes.
“Come, Rin. We are going now.”
The girl ran forward with a beaming smile, and Sesshomaru's instant contentment filled him with disturbed surprise. He did not understand it, how she evoked happiness and light emotions in him, how she induced him to protect her. He only knew that until he understood, he would not allow her to leave him.
“Sango? Sango…”
Bright sun moved in shifting stripes of light and shadow over Sango's face, and she opened her eyes to see Kagome bent over her.
“What…what time is it?”
She brushed the hair out of her eyes with one hand, and then left her hand there to block the sun.
“Late in the morning. I thought I'd wake you, seeing as - “
“Kagome! Kagome!”
Inuyasha's shout was audible from halfway across the village.
“Don't worry, Kagome, I'm awake now!”
There was laughter in Sango's voice, and a few of the worry lines faded from Kagome's face.
“You sound better, finally. I'm going to intercept Inuyasha.”
Kagome ducked out the door, and Sango stretched carefully, feeling the tension in her new skin. It had not been many days since she woke, but Kagome and Kaede's treatment had worked wonders. She felt miraculously healed. The flesh of her leg and arm was still tender, but the blisters were healing, leaving long scars.
Sometimes, deep pain traveled through the scars, but mostly she felt…alive. Bright. Strong. Carefully, she stood, testing muscles, and discovered that she no longer had to limp. The motion of her hip was still restricted by the healing skin, but it no longer pained her to rest her weight fully on that leg.
It was time to start training again, to regain the strength she was sure she had lost. It would be good to go now, while Kagome was distracted with Inuyasha. She needed time alone with her weapons, thinking time. The hours she spent alone, with only her blade and Hiraikotsu for company cleared her head.
When she reached for the boomerang, even lifting it strained the skin that was healing over her wounds, and she let it rest.
“Just my sword for now, then.”
She took her blade in its sheath, and walked out into the sun.