InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of Water ❯ Chapter 1 A Strange Awakening ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1 A Strange Awaking
Disclaimer:: InuYasha manga, show and all product belong to Rumiko Takahashi and what ever companies produce them. I do own this new version of Kags but the original is Rumiko's.
A/N: Words of encouragement will be much appreciated. Also so sorry bout the long wait on the first chapter thought it would be done sooner but I got bad writes block.
At the village with everyone InuYasha was pacing he knew something was not right. He felt it deep down inside of him.
“InuYasha stop that you're going to wear a hole in Keade's floor.” Miroku stated though he new his hanyou friend was upset about something.
“It's been 3 hours.” InuYasha said before disappearing from Keade's hut.
Not giving anyone a chance to question.
Running out of the village and into the forest along the path that lead to the hot spring. He came across Kagome's unconscious body lying on the forest floor. He hadn't noticed the faint sent of blood till now and it was Kagome's, he'd know it anywhere. He walked over and knelt beside her and noticed the good size welt on the right side of her forehead. Her breathing was even as though she was asleep her heart matched the sleep like rhythm. He knew from those signs that the wound on her head was not life threatening.
So he picked her up bridle style and carried her back to the village where he took and laid her in Keade's hut. Keade moved to where Kagome had been laid and examined her seeing that it was only the wound on her forehead that ailed her.
“InuYasha do ye know what happened to Kagome?” Keade questioned.
“No, I just found her lying on the ground like that.” InuYasha stated sitting in the corner.
“Alright nothing else appears to be ailing young Kagome, so perhaps she fell and bumped her head.” Keade stated thinking out loud with the last part.
“Perhaps you're right Lady Keade, there's really not much we can do till she wakes. So we should not worry ourselves.” Miroku stated sitting by the fire that was blazing in the middle of the small hut.
“You're right Miroku no need to fret over something that we don't know anything about.” Sango stated from a cross the fire.
“When will she wake up Keade?” Shippou asked popping up next to the elderly woman.
“It's hard to say little one it could be minutes, hours or longer but that is for Kagome to decide.” Keade stated moving over to the fire to finish the miso soup she had been preparing for dinner.
They all ate but not much being they were more concerned on when Kagome would wake. However she did not wake that night everyone fell into and uneasy sleep. They woke and began their usual routines InuYasha however stayed in the hut waiting for Kagome to wake.
Kagome slowly woke eyes fluttering open to the late morning light. She looked around not knowing where she was and a slight panic filled her. She looked to the far corner near the door seeing a boy with silvery white hair and cute dog-ears on his head.
InuYasha noticed she had woken up, getting up he slowly proceeded over to her and took a seat near where she sat.
She looked at him with a confused expression on her face. She quickly realized she did not know who or what he was.
“Who are you?” she asked not afraid of not knowing what he was capable of doing.
“Huh? What are you talking about Kagome?” InuYasha questioned thinking she was pulling a joke on him.
“Wait you know my name, how?” Kagome questioned even more confused.
“Are you serious we've know each other for almost a year. Well it will be a year come your 16th birthday.” InuYasha stated thinking it strange for Kagome to be acting this strange.
“You know my birthday, I vaguely remember my name and birthday but nothing else.” Kagome stated as she attempted to get up feeling slightly dizzy as she rose to her feet.
“Are you ok?” InuYasha asked concern in his voice.
“Yes just a little dizzy.” Kagome stated putting a hand to her forehead bumping the covered wound, and then winced.
“Do you remember how you bumped your head?” InuYasha asked.
“Actually no I don't, I don't remember anything only thing I remember is waking up here.” Kagome stated heading toward the door.
“Are you sure you feel well enough to walk around?” InuYasha questioned following her out the door and in to the early afternoon light.
“Yes I feel just fine.” She stated stretching her arms over her head.
Then Kagome noticed a girl quickly moving towards her she wore a white and pink kimono with a green wrap skirt.
“Kagome you're awake how are you feeling?” The girl asked.
“I'm just fine, thank you, might I ask who are you?” Kagome asked bluntly.
“Kagome are you sure you're alright? InuYasha why doesn't she know who I am?” The girl asked.
“I don't know Sango but I think we should find Keade and ask her.” InuYasha stated and headed in the direction Keade's scent was coming from.
Around 15 minutes later they found Keade tending to a young boy with a slight cold. They waited for her to finish she noticed Kagome with them and headed out of the hut with the small boy. She headed for her own with them following her.
“So how do you feel child?” Keade said turning and looking at Kagome.
“I feel fine could everyone stop asking me how I feel I appreciate the concern, but please tell me about me cause other then my name and birthday I remember nothing.” Kagome stated distressed.
“Ah I believe ye has amnesia.” Keade stated.
“Ah that explains why I remember nothing about me.” Kagome stated with slight realization.
“Ye appear to have all knowledge that ye learned but as to remembering ones self, ye appear to be at a loss. Perhaps your memories shall return later with help from some form of triggers. Why not try going home maybe ye will remember something.” Keade stated.
“Yes that seems like a good idea.” Sango stated.
“Alright but where is my home?” Kagome questioned she had no idea where to go.
“Come on I'll take you.” InuYasha stated turning to allow Kagome to get on his back.
“Huh?” Kagome was confused.
“Get on my back.” InuYasha stated trying not to get annoyed.
“Ok.” Kagome said uncertainty in her voice but she climbed on anyway.
InuYasha then took off toward the well and to Kagome's side of the well.
Kagome thought it a little strange to be riding on his back but it felt right somewhere deep inside. The time warp was also strange to her but she welcomed it because it felt familiar some how.
After jumping out of the well InuYasha let Kagome down and walked out of the well house with her following close behind. Kagome followed him across the shrine courtyard to the shrine keeper's house. Entering the kitchen they saw a woman, in her late 30`s early 40's preparing a batter of some sort. The woman looked to them just noticing they were there and walked over giving Kagome a hug.
“Kagome honey you're back, but I thought you weren't going to be back till the end of this week?” the middle-aged woman question.
“Who are you, you seem familiar but…” Kagome questioned trailing off.
“She doesn't remember who you are, mom.” InuYasha stated remembering from last time he was here Kagome's mom told him he could just call her mom.
“Oh, how did this happen?” Kagome's mom questioned noticing the bandage on her forehead.
“I don't remember.” Kagome stated with a sigh.
“That's okay you'll remember eventually.” Kagome's mom praying to the heavens she was right.
“Hey mom I'm home, hey sis hey InuYasha what's up?” Souta said stepping in the kitchen door with his backpack in hand.
Souta had grown up quite a bit in the last year he was now up to Kagome's shoulders.
“Who are you? I guess if you call me sis I'm your sister but who are you?” Kagome asked bending forward a little.
“What's she talking about mom is this another one of her pranks?” Souta asked their mom.
“No Souta she really doesn't know who you are. She doesn't remember anything.” Kagome's mom bent forward to whisper in her son's ear.
Souta literally took on this look of shock. O.O
“Well why don't you go to your room and relax maybe being in your room will help you remember.” Kagome's mom suggested shooing her out of the kitchen toward the stairs with InuYasha following right behind Kagome.
InuYasha of course showed Kagome where her room was and stayed with her in there for a long while.
Kagome lay back on her bed and stared lazily at the ceiling she heard a light snoring coming from the corner of her room where InuYasha had seated himself. She sat up and silently watched him; his head was tilted down resting on the hilt of his sword. She then quietly got up and left her room deciding to explore her home.
She finished exploring the house in complete silence and proceeded outside and found the sacred tree. She stood underneath it and examined the familiar tree. She then started to climb the tree wanting to sit in its large branches.
She sat high enough in that if you were under it you couldn't see her. She sat there and stared out at the unfamiliar city laid out before her. As she sat there she began to sing a familiar song that came to mind but she didn't know what it was but it wasn't in Japanese it was in English. (See if you can guess what it is from the lyrics.)
I hate the world today
You're so good to me
I know but I can't change
Tried to tell you
But you look at me like maybe
I'm an angel underneath
Innocent and sweet
Yesterday I cried
Must have been relieved to see
The softer side
I can understand how you'd be so confused
I don't envy you
I'm a little bit of everything
All rolled into one…”
Kagome sang as she stared at the unfamiliar city in front of her.
InuYasha woke hearing a soft and interesting melody he couldn't understand the words but he liked the sound of it. He looked to Kagome's bed seeing she was not there and followed her sent out side to the sacred tree. Instead of disturbing her singing he sat under the tree and listened to her voice.
“I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way
So take me as I am
This may mean
You'll have to be a stronger man
Rest assured that
When I start to make you nervous
And I'm going to extremes
Tomorrow I will change
And today won't mean a thing
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way
Just when you think, you got me figured out
The season's already changing
I think it's cool, you do what you do
And don't try to save me
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover
I'm a child, I'm a mother
I'm a sinner, I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell, I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between
You know you wouldn't want it any other way
I'm a bitch, I'm a tease
I'm a goddess on my knees
When you hurt, when you suffer
I'm your angel undercover
I've been numb, I'm revived
Can't say I'm not alive
You know I wouldn't want it any other way…”
Kagome sang the end as tears dripped from her face landing on InuYasha.
“Kagome what's wrong why are you crying?” InuYasha asked.
Kagome dried her eyes and climbed down in the branches till she was on a strong bottom branch and hung upside down on it by her knees. “Nothing at all Inu was just singing I like that song a lot that's why I shed a few tears.” Kagome said with a smile trying hard to hide the pain she felt.
“Yeah I heard you singing what was that song?” InuYasha asked letting Kagome drop into his arms bridal style.
“Oh I don't remember where I heard it and I didn't even know I knew English but yeah the song is called (translates it to Japanese and says it in English to but only typing it once.) I'm a Bitch, I'm A Lover by this American Artist called Meredith Brooks. I like the song a lot not sure why though.” Kagome mused holding on to InuYasha as he still held her in his arms.
They stood there and small short memories of Kagome and InuYasha standing or sitting next to each other flashed through her mind. She didn't remember exactly what was going on but it felt right to be here next to him being held by him. A small smile formed on her face as she looked at him in the eyes.
“I remember a few other times we were just near each other like this.” Kagome said and you could tell she was happy with the memories.
“That's good.” InuYasha assured and then dropped his embrace because he heard her three friends and that Hobo guy from her school near the top of the shrine steps. He folded his ears down and under his hair so the four of them wouldn't see his ears.
“Kagome!” The three girls shrieked running over to her giving her a hug.
“What happened to you head?” Ayumi asked.
“Um I don't remember. Who are you three?” Kagome asked.
“Kagome you don't remember us.” Yuka was shocked.
“What did the two timer do to you?” Eri asked.
“Nothing but I really don't remember you.” Kagome said.
“Keade says she has amnesia.” InuYasha stated.
“Oh is Keade her doctor?” Hojo asked finally speaking up.
“Yes well I think she is she did tell me what was wrong and she took care of me.” Kagome said.
“So what kind of doctor is she?” Hojo asked.
“Um she's a doctor not sure but she does take care of me and my friends a lot.” Kagome said remembering Keade taking care of her and everyone else in her village and her friends.
“You mean your friends from the clinic?” asked Ayumi.
“Yeah… sure.” Kagome said the last word was only loud enough that InuYasha could hear. She really didn't remember about being at a clinic but if they were asking like she was then that must be what she told them before.
“So is this InuYasha?” asked Yuka.
“Oh yeah.” Kagome said still not remembering who she new these people.
“So do you know him from the clinic or Keade?” asked Eri.
“Um Keade.” Kagome said trying to think about how she knew him. `Damn this is not easy when you really don't remember anything of your life. “Ok guys it's hard enough for me to remember as it is could you please stop with the interrogation.” Kagome said slightly irritated.
“Sorry.” They all said.
“Well guess we'll leave you now.” Ayumi said.
“Yeah.” the others agreed.
“Well would you like me to bring you something from the store that should help?” Hojo asked.
“No thanks I'd like to remember on my own.” Kagome said feeling she really didn't want a gift from him from the store.
“Ok see ya.” Hojo said following the three girls down the shrine steps.
After InuYasha knew they were down the steps he turned to Kagome with a questioning look.
“Two Timing what's that mean?” He didn't know what it meant exactly but it didn't sound good by the way the girl said it.
“Um I don't know what she is talking about but you're asking what two timing means specifically right?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah.” InuYasha stated.
“Well um it's when two are courting and well one's seeing another person on the side and is not being faithful. Well that it in a nutshell.” Kagome said something about telling him made her feel bad but she didn't know what.
`Kagome thinks I'm two timing her but we're not really courting. Maybe she wants to maybe that is why she told her friends that.' InuYasha thought to himself very curiously. 'But why would she want me to court her?' InuYasha also thought.
“Hm? Maybe walking around town will help me remember.” Kagome thought as she walked to the to put on better clothes for walking.
InuYasha followed but stopped in the kitchen because Kagome told mom that they were going to walk and she had said she wanted InuYasha to wear something other then his fire rat robes. So he'd fit in better.

Kagome came down stairs wearing a black t-shirt with green letters that read “Trouble Maker Pup (Paw print in the middle) You Can't Make me”. She wore a bandana with white dog bones, gray paw prints and random green paw prints with a thin thigh length leather hooded leather jacket. She wore a tight black pair of pants with some rips in them that showed off her butt nicely with a cute green paw print patch on her left back pocket and a pair of black sneakers with green laces. You could see it because she hadn't put on her jacket yet.
InuYasha sat on the couch wearing a tight black t-shirt with blood red writing on it that said “If you could read my mind you wouldn't be here.” He wore a black bandana on his head. He also wore a thin old looking black leather jacket and old worn black jeans.
Kagome looked at the jeans and jacket and an image popped into her mind of a man see knew to be her dad. She made a small smile looking to her mom and gave her a hug.
“Where did the shirt come from?” Kagome asked.
“An over sized shirt Souta got as a late birthday present from your aunt that lives out of town. He said InuYasha could just have it if it fit.” Mom stated with a smile.
“Ok well we're leaving.” Kagome said pulling her jacket on after InuYasha took a good look at the paw print on her ass. They then both walked out the door.
A/N:: Sorry but I must make you wait for the next chapter.