InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Failed Seduction ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: This chappie takes place after Kouga is gone. Oh and Kag is still really drunk. Lemony content and some abuse. You have been warned.

Entering the room with his drunk bundle, Sesshoumaru kicked the door closed to the large bedroom. Setting her down on the bed, Kagome looked up him giggling.

“What is so funny slave?” Sesshoumaru questioned. He raised an eyebrow when Kagome merely shook her head before bursting into giggles again.

“I… don’t… know… Its just, I ca..can’t stop… I feel so…so… hahaha!” Kagome laughed.

“Cease that infernal laughing! There is nothing funny right now.” Sesshoumaru growled out. Her laughter was musical, but it became so high pitched it hurt his ears.

“No.” She laughed again in her drunken stupor.

Grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her, Kagome glanced up at Sesshoumaru with wide eyes. She had stopped laughing, but now that her head was spinning from him shaking her, she felt a small spiral of daring and courage surround her.

“Go on Sesshoumaru-SAMA. Show me who is master just like you always do! Go ahead and punish me, it isn’t like I have a choice.” Kagome dared to release herself from his grasp as she said those words to him. ‘Oh no, I am dead now. Stupid Kagome! Why did you drink so much! Why did you have to have such a loose tongue?’

“How dare you talk back to me! I do not care how much you have drank tonight, you should be punished for the way you displayed yourself in the dining hall.” Sesshoumaru barked out, walking across the room and stripping away his robe.

Kagome felt a small amount of fear rising despite her drunken stupor. Sesshoumaru walked over to her naked, and pushed her shoulders down to the bed. He began to kiss her, drinking in the sweet taste of wine still on her lips. A sudden shock of warmth spread through her body, pooling between her legs for the third or fourth time that night. ‘What is wrong with me?’ Kagome thought to herself, but completely lost her train of thought when he brought his lips to her sensitive nipple, and gently sucked it to a hard tip. The warm feeling began to heat up into fire as Kagome arched her back into his touch. When Sesshoumaru gazed up at her with a glimmer of surprise in his eyes at her willing reaction, Kagome could not help but think how his amber eyes looked so much like Inuyasha’s. ‘Oh Inuyasha. You should have been the one doing this to me, getting these reactions from me.’ Kagome tried to shake the thought from her mind. Maybe she could close her eyes and imagine Inuyasha causing such feelings in her. Maybe then she wouldn’t feel like she was betraying him. That’s exactly what she would do. Sesshoumaru may be the one actually touching her, but in her mind it was all Inuyasha.

Sesshoumaru gently made his way down Kagome’s body as he could smell her arousal rising at his touch. Granted she may have been intoxicated, but he was not going to pass up the chance to get her underneath him, begging for his touch. He made his way between her thighs, gently licking the small nub to see her reaction. He felt her arch her back and let out a small sigh as her arousal became more apparent. Smiling to himself he continued his small torture with his tongue, sliding up and down her now glistening lips, tasting her as she wiggled, pushing herself closer for more. He clamped her hips down with one arm as he tongued her bud some more, and proceeded to push two fingers into her wetness, gently sliding them in and out. He could hear her moaning under her breath now, and could feel her walls clamping to his fingers at every thrust. He pushed them into her one more time before she came and screamed loudly. He licked up every sweet drop of her essence that was on his hands before bringing himself on top of her, readying himself to plunge into her heated center. Kagome’s eyes were closed tightly, as her body started to relax after the small tremors from her climax receded. She began to breathe steadily and whispered one thing before she passed out into a drunken, satisfied bliss.

“Inuyasha.” She whispered and fell asleep before Sesshoumaru had a chance to claim her body with his.

Sesshoumaru was in a rage. He could feel the blood rushing to his eyes as his animalistic instinct wanted to take over. ‘That bitch! That whole time she thought it was that fucking hanyou! She WILL pay!’ He thought to himself. He went to grab her by her throat, to throttle the life from her, but as he wrapped his fingers around her collar to shake her awake so he could see the fear in her eyes, he was pushed off from her by a bluish blast. He felt pain in his hand when he landed on his rear to the floor. Looking down he noticed his hand was red and slightly blistered. She had tried to purify him! Unknowingly, she had protected herself from him. Leaning up at the still sleeping girl, he saw something that made his eyes register shock.

There next to her lay the collar he had bestowed upon her. It was broken in half, and still had a glow of red heat where it split in two. She had managed not only to try and purify him, but had purified her collar as well. This was not good. Sesshoumaru quickly got up and dressed. He needed to find the maker of this previous collar tonight and get another, more powerful one forged. Perhaps even one that could control her dreams, so that she would forget that bastard brother of his. Smiling evilly, he left the naked sleeping girl to sleep off her drunkenness tonight. ‘Yes. I will not kill her, I will only destroy her dreams of Inuyasha ever being with her.’ Leaving the room, he stalked off into the dark night to find the maker of enchanted bondage.


Finding the small dilapidated hut in the middle of his forest, Sesshoumaru stalked into the room with out knocking. There he found a man similar looking to Toutousai the creator of his father’s fang swords, sleeping soundly on the floor. With a small kick, the old youkai woke up staring fearfully at the lord in front of him.

“Sesshoumaru-sama How may I help you?” KuroShi asked.

“KuroShi. I need a piece of bondage made. One that looks more like a necklace and not a collar. One that can control strong miko powers, and one that can allow me into the bearer of the collar’s dreams. I need it done tonight!” Sesshoumaru growled at him.

“Y..yes Sesshoumaru-sama. I must asked you though my lord. I need some of your blood in order to make a bond between you and the necklace. It is so you may enter the bearer of the necklace’s dreams at any time.” KuroShi backed away from the youkai lord in fear of being killed for asking for such a thing.

“You will have my blood when it is needed, and not before then. Get to work so that I may leave this place and return to my home. Be warned though, if this necklace is not satisfactory I will kill you.” Sesshoumaru turned and stood by the door of the hut while the bondage maker quickly went to work.

Hours later, KuroShi asked for Sesshoumaru’s blood. He merely slit a gash into his hand and allowed it to drip onto the fire hot necklace glowing before him. KuroShi chanted a few words as the necklace’s redness began to fade and cool into a regular piece of jewelry.

Picking up the necklace, Sesshoumaru gazed at its simple form. It looked like a simple golden chain, but had a blood red tear drop jewel in the center of it. The red was his blood that was now locked magically into the stone. Satisfied with KuroShi’s work, Sesshoumaru merely nodded to him and proceeded to leave. KuroShi ran out of his hut yelling for Sesshoumaru to stop. He turned and waited for the old youkai’s explanation.

“Sesshoumaru-sama. You must know that in order for this necklace to work, you must be asleep as well to enter the bearer’s dreams. You shape their dream into whatever you wish and they can not escape it until you awaken. When they awake they will remember everything as though it was real. As for miko powers, they can not break through this unless it is such a force that it could purify even a strong youkai such as yourself. It should suit your purposes. I only came to tell you how it will work.” KuroShi finished his directions and turned to leave.

Sesshoumaru was quite impressed as he listened to the old youkai. Perhaps when he came to be in his slave’s dreams he could torture her, but then if it was like KuroShi said, she would only become more distant and fearful of him. He wanted Kagome to respond to him. To forget his hanyou brother, and come to him willingly. She had become a kind of drug to him, where he could not get her off of his mind. Perhaps when he went into her dreams, he would be kind to her and make her crave him. So that when she awoke, he would be the first thing she would remember. Grinning he made his way back to his castle, intending on gifting her with this necklace tonight while she slept. Maybe he could see into her dreams tonight and see how well this necklace truly worked.

YAY! Another chappie done. Uggh sorry it took so long, I got caught up in other stuff around here. Well until next time, I will try and have another chappie out soon!