InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Possession ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: So yeah, Sesshy really wants Kagome anymore huh? And how cruel was it she whispered Inuyasha’s name huh? Anyway, ok lets get on to the story. FAYE!! Where is my Muse!!! I lost my muse!!! Someone help me find my muse!! This chapter may not be as good now cause I don’t have my muse!!!! Oh and if you are in the mood for something short, but extremely evil, go check out my one shot!! Its called Agonizing Pleasure. No flames on it though, it has plenty of warnings! LOL Ja ne!

Arriving back into the bedroom, Sesshoumaru walked over to Kagome’s sleeping form. Gently he raised the new necklace around her neck and place it on her, melting it shut with his poison so that she could not remove it physically. The teardrop glowed a faint red before settling back into its original state of a red jewel. Kagome only shivered a little in her sleep before trying to snuggle back into the covers she had pulled over herself while he was gone.

Sesshoumaru laid down next to her, reaching over to place his hand across her hip. Closing his eyes he thought of intruding on Kagome’s dreams, to make him a formidable presence inside and outside of reality. Quickly he fell asleep with that thought.

<Inside Kagome’s Dream>

Kagome was speaking to Inuyasha in her dream, telling him of all the humiliation she was caused by Sesshoumaru’s actions. She was crying in his arms, begging to be with him. Yet every time, Inuyasha would only press how important it was that she lived. That she had a purpose in life that went beyond them being together.

“Kagome. I love you. Yet there are some things that can not be changed. I will be here when you need me, when you call for me in your dreams. You need to find a way to escape Sesshoumaru that or make him realize you play an important role in the destruction of Naraku. He can not be defeated without you there to purify him. I must go now Kagome. Sango sends her love as do our other friends. We are all waiting for the day you can come and join us, but that day is not today, or anytime soon. I am sorry for that. Be strong Kagome. You can do this, you have it within your soul to overcome anything.” Inuyasha placed a kiss on her lips before disappearing from her dream.

Normally Kagome would awaken after he left, but strangely all was dark, and she stood alone in what felt like a never ending void. She felt cold in her dream and could not suppress a shiver of fear from rolling down her spine. Perhaps she was having a nightmare. She needed to wake herself up! ‘Wake up Kagome! Wake up! Damnit WAKE UP!’ She kept chanting inside. Yet nothing changed, a small wind picked up and whipped her hair around her face. Looking up someone approached her from the shadows.

“Sesshoumaru! Oh god, let this nightmare end!” She cried out.

Sesshoumaru walked slowly over to her and stared into her eyes with a small smile. Bringing his hand up to her face, Kagome backed away expecting to be hit in her nightmare. Yet surprisingly, he only brought a finger to her lips and traced them gently. Kagome tried backing away from him, only to find that the void was now a small room, and she backed up against a wall.

“Don’t do this. Leave me alone! Get out of my dreams! I want to wake up!” She cried out again.

“Shhh, shhh Kagome. I am not here to hurt you. I am here to show you something. Something wonderful, pleasurable and pleasing for us both. Don’t be afraid of me.” Sesshoumaru spoke very softly.

Kagome could only stare in shock. This nightmare was indeed strange and confusing. Sesshoumaru the creator of all her physical misery, was here inside her mind, speaking to her as if she were something precious. Telling her not to fear him, that he would only want to show her something that they would both like. ‘What could he possibly have that I would like as much as him?’

Sesshoumaru stared into her deep eyes, watching the different emotions come over her face. He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. He withdrew only to see her eyes widen in surprise that he had not punished her mouth with his. He smirked as she brought her fingers to touch her lips to see if this was really a dream because it felt so real.

“Now, did that hurt? I could do it again if that is what you want.” He pleaded gently.

“No. I do not want this. I do not want this. You are cruel, uncaring, abusive. This, this is just a dream. I just need to wake up and you will be there again, cold and indifferent.” She kept rambling on, making herself remember all the terrible things he did to her, until he kissed her gently again and backed away from her.

“I am not always so cold and indifferent Kagome. You stir something inside of me, something that made my need for revenge die. It comes down to this Kagome. You are my possession, and that my dear really is no question. You have become an obsession to me, and I only wish to be that to you.” Sesshoumaru spoke silkily. Again he reached out to Kagome and brought her against his body, sweeping her hair aside, and kissing the nape of her neck gently. Releasing her, he stared once again into her eyes, before backing away from her and the room fading back into a dark void.

“Sesshoumaru. What have you done to me?” Kagome whispered. Her heart was still racing slightly from the gentleness he had displayed, and by the truthful, seductive words he whispered to her.


Kagome awoke with a start. She was breathing heavily and looked over in the soft morning light to the man sleeping next to her. ‘What happened last night?’ She wondered to herself. She felt like her head was spinning, but even past the pain, it still felt like Sesshoumaru’s lips were upon hers, gently touching her like in the dream. ‘What a strange dream to have about him. Shake out of it Kagome, he is a cruel man, and a dream is exactly that, a dream. Yet why did it feel so real? Why can I still feel him?’

Slowly rising from the bed, she stretched and brought her hand to her neck, the feeling of the cold, heavy collar was gone, and it was replaced by something far lighter and attractive. Walking over to the mirror, Kagome gasped at the necklace. It was beautiful, the gold sparkling slightly from the sun’s rays, and the blood red jewel shaped as a tear hanging between her collar bone snuggly. ‘Why do I have this? What did I do last night? Oh, everything is just a faded memory, a blur. Damnit Kagome remember! Where did you get this, what did you do!’ Kagome couldn’t remember much from the night before except the embarrassment of being naked in front of Kouga and drinking constantly to make the pain go away, while on an empty stomach. Just at that thought, her stomach growled loudly, she was so hungry. Looking over to the bed, she saw Sesshoumaru sitting up staring at her curiously with a small smile upon his dangerously handsome face. She returned to the bed, afraid he might punish her for leaving without his permission. She was too hungry today to fight him, she needed food.

“Sorry I left the bed Sesshoumaru-sama, I just wanted to see what this new piece of jewelry looked like. May I ask Sesshoumaru-sama. What happened last night? What happened to the collar?” She queried expecting to be yelled at and thrown or pushed around.

“You had a distasteful display with Kouga last night slave. Somehow in your sleep you broke the collar off, and I only exchanged it for that necklace which has the same abilities only stronger. It is far more appealing than that cold chunk of metal anyway.” He stated simply. Rising from the bed, he walked over to dress in his armor. Turning to her, he only nodded and began to leave.

“Wait! Sesshoumaru-sama. May I eat today? Maybe go outside for some of the winter’s crisp air? Please. You may escort me, I promise not to fight. I just wish to go outside and to eat since I did not eat but two strawberries last night because of my loose tongue.” Kagome stared down at the floor in defeat. She did not want to cower to this youkai in front of her, yet she knew she had to in order to receive anything.

“You may eat. I will have Jaken bring you something substantial. You will though, withdraw from drinking wine again, unless it is only in my presence and in this room. We will see how you conduct yourself tonight before I allow you outside. I will also have Jaken bring you a kimono. You were very cold last night. Although I wish to have you around here just as you are, I can not allow you to be sick from the winter’s chill. Snow is falling, and even though we have fireplaces, it is still cold in this castle.” Sesshoumaru allowed her a small boon, after the dream he had presented to her last night and her gentle comment before he awoke, he was more than pleased with KuroShi’s work. Perhaps being slightly gentler with this woman during the days and being tender with her in the dreams, he would become a craving for her. He turned and walked out the door without so much as a goodbye.

Kagome could only stare as he withdrew from the room. He actually did not yell at her, or attack her in anyway. She was surprised to say the least. Maybe her dream was trying to tell her something, maybe he wasn’t the cruel man he started out as.

Yet she still feared him, this could only be another game to bring her down even further as his slave. She was just his toy, and his outlet for revenge, this must be a sick game he plotted. Yet the thought of clothing and food could not be unheeded, she would accept them, despite the fact she had a sinking suspicion in her gut about what was to come.

Sorry I know, short chapter, and boring too… Uggh I really need my muse back! Maybe things will heat up a little bit next time. Oh and for those who are wondering. Naraku will eventually be brought into play, but right now I am trying to get the relationship between Kag and Sesshy to even out. Till next chapter…