InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Hearts ❯ Hurt and Betrayal ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Disclaimer: Not mine!!!*

A/N: Well, Sesshy ticked Kagome off, and things kind of got bad again. They both said things they really didn’t mean. I am feeling better, so hopefully this chapter will be better and longer. This chapter takes place 3 days after what happened, so Kagome is pretty much recovered, just a little bruised still. Oh and everyone.. If you want, there are songs I listen to when I write my chapters, so here are some I was listening to, if you want to get the moods, I personally think it compliments the chapter. Macy Gray - I Try, Cowboy Bebop - Rain. If you like this idea let me know and I will post a few of the songs I listen to in each chapter. (next chapter will be out soon, the way I wanted to end this chapter I didn’t want to put an A/N at the end.)

Kagome was in the hot springs bathing, wondering why she had not seen Sesshoumaru in the last three days. It was strange because she was told that she was allowed to roam the castle, but not to go outside and she had not seen the taiyoukai anywhere when she ventured. It hurt her that he was avoiding her, yet she was secretly relieved because she did not want to be reminded yet that she was only a body and nothing more to him.

She had a dream recently with Inuyasha, and he would not look at her, he only whispered to her unemotionally that he would not be able to visit her dreams for some time, that Naraku gained more shards and was close to completing the Shikon no Tama before leaving her without a word. Even though Inuyasha was hurt, Kagome knew she had to hurry and find a way to leave here, or have Sesshoumaru help her before Naraku succeeded.

Standing up and dressing she made her way through the winding corridors that have become like second knowledge to her these days. She could hear voices down the hall and came upon a closed door. She could hear Sesshoumaru’s voice roaring above all the other ones in the room, standing closer to the door, Kagome listened in to what would cause him to be so angered, not to mention she honestly missed his voice.


“Lord Sesshoumaru I honestly feel that we should allow this human miko you have, to help assist us with our Naraku situation. We would need her to purify the Shikon no Tama after all.” Lord Setsuna pleaded with the taiyoukai. All the other lords and high youkai nodded their heads in agreement.

“No. We have no need to use a simple human in a battle between youkai and that hanyou.” Sesshoumaru spoke with clear authority.

“Sesshoumaru-sama, Lady Kagome has fought against Naraku before and has survived. She is also a miko, not just a simple human….” Kouga tried to placate but was interrupted.

“Never mention that wench’s name in my presence Prince Kouga if you value your life. She is not a lady as I have mentioned before, she is but a mere slave I have acquired since my bastard brother’s death.” Sesshoumaru raged. He did not like remembering the night Kouga was here and the affection Kagome had shown him so freely. He also did not enjoy the fact that Kouga seemed so fond of his slave.

Ever since three nights ago Sesshoumaru did not invade her dreams, or even speak to her. He did not enjoy the feelings he was having towards the wench and was trying everything within his power not to go to her. He could not allow her to be his weakness at this point in time, there was too much at stake after listening to the other youkai lords tell him what Naraku’s minions have done.

He was still enraged that the miko had told him she wished she never gave herself to him, and was disgusted with him. Although he retorted that she did not find him disgusting and enjoyed what they had done, he did not know if it was true. Many doubts came into his mind that she was trying to win his affection in order to use him for her own reasoning. One of which was so she could gain the Shikon no Tama and wish his brother back to life. He did not like the idea of losing her to another person, especially that hanyou.

Another bad habit he had begun since bringing the wench here was ever since he had her body, he could not rid himself of his craving for her and whenever he felt the need to go to her, he would find himself a willing bedmate, but they never satisfied him. Such as the one that was standing next to him at the present moment. She was a beautiful feline youkai, but she was nothing compared to the woman who plagued his thoughts and soul.


Kagome had heard enough, she needed to plead with Sesshoumaru that she was indeed needed in the battle against Naraku, that he could not be defeated so easily. Throwing open the doors, she noticed many men and one lone woman in the room standing close to Sesshoumaru gazing up at him with adoring eyes. Kagome shoved her jealousy down and gathering her courage, spoke up as everyone stared at her.

“Naraku needs to be purified Sesshoumaru. I need to be there so that we may all defeat him and go on with our lives.” Kagome spoke loudly and with confidence.

Gazing at her for the first time in days, Sesshoumaru was in awe. She was beautiful, her injuries nearly gone, the only one that stood out was where Naraku’s claws had torn into the tender flesh at her throat. She was regal in her commanding presence, but she needed to know her place. Snapping out of his daze, he glared at her with anger.

“Slave! Leave this room, you were not welcomed, unless you are choosing to pleasure the whole room with your delectable charms.” He raised an elegant eyebrow at her in question. He did not want to embarrass her so, but he had no choice. She would not get her way in this no matter how much respect he or anyone else had for her at this moment.

“You are disgusting Sesshoumaru-sama. I am not a whore, unlike some of your company.” Kagome seethed as she saw the beautiful youkai shift closer to him.

“You! Will leave this room now, before I must forcibly drag you out. You have no right to judge those you see, because you have no rights as a slave. Now leave. Your presence is annoying and you will see fit punishment later.” Sesshoumaru glared at her, he would not punish her, but he needed her to leave before he would succumb to his desires and drag her into his arms.

“Very well Sesshoumaru-SAMA, I will leave you to your company. I apologize for interrupting gentlemen, I, a mere slave apparently does not know her place. Please forgive me.” She said sarcastically and turned swiftly to leave, her eyes burning with unshed tears.

Most of the youkai stared opened mouthed at what had transpired, the fire between the two did not go unnoticed by anyone in the room. It was apparent that the two cared for one another, but arrogance and defiance stood in the way blinding them both.

“This meeting is over, I have duties as the lord here to patrol my lands. Please feel free to use any accommodations available here. We will meet again in the morning.” Sesshoumaru walked from the room with indifference to what had happened, he had been truthful about his duties and he could not allow a meeting or one simple woman to get in the way.


Kouga stood in the room after all the youkai left, he wanted to find Kagome and comfort her, the hurt in her eyes he had seen before. It was the same hurt she had when she saw Kikyo in Inuyasha’s arms that last time at the God tree before Naraku had attacked them destroying the well and Kikyo in the process. He followed her scent into a dark hallway where she was on her knees crying silently to herself.

Looking up Kagome saw Kouga standing above her and began to cry more as she felt his arms wrap around her telling her not to cry. She did not know why it hurt so much seeing Sesshoumaru with another woman, or why his cold words directed to her made her feel as though her heart was breaking. She did not love Sesshoumaru, she could not love him, he was cruel and uncaring right? She loved Inuyasha right? She did not know anymore, everything was too confusing and too much at once. She turned her face into Kouga’s embrace crying all of her confusion and hurt from her. While he allowed her to sob, whispering to her that everything was okay and he would always be there for her.

“Why does it hurt so much….” She whispered to him.

“You love him Kagome. Despite how much you don’t want to. You love him.” Kouga calmly said to her.

She shook her head in denial. She could not fall in love with him, it just wasn’t possible. Inuyasha and her were meant to be together, not her and Sesshoumaru. She could not fall in love with a man who had done so much to her. She just couldn’t, but she knew deep down she was. They sat together in the dark hallway away from prying eyes, allowing her to cry until she could calm down. Kagome fell asleep in Kouga’s arms after awhile.

He picked her up bridal style, staring at her tear stained face and began wishing it was him, that she loved. Kouga knew it wasn’t possible though, the most he could ever be to her was a friend, and he would take that and cherish it forever. Returning Kagome to the room where her scent was the strongest he laid her upon the bed, covering her with a fur before kissing her forehead and leaving. It would do no good if Sesshoumaru came back to find him in the room with her.


In the cold snowy night Sesshoumaru could feel Kagome’s hurt since they were bonded, it slowly dulled but was still there. It wasn’t the first time he could feel her crying, her mind and heart screaming from pain and confusion. He shook his head trying to rid the feeling completely so he would be able to patrol his lands. He could smell Naraku somewhere, or one of his minions and he wanted to destroy them. The anger, and feeling of revenge seething through him, he saw a small white haired girl standing not far from the castle. Rushing up to her, he could smell Naraku all over her. He was about to kill her when she held up a mirror and he stopped abruptly at the scene that was being played in it. He did not know the images were not real, never having met Kanna before tonight.

“Watch.” Was all Kanna whispered.

Sesshoumaru stared into the mirror, he saw Kagome, saw her crying into Kouga’s arms, before Kouga lifted her and carried her to their room. Laying Kagome down, Kouga kissed her gently on the lips, and began to touch her all over. In no time at all they were both discarded of clothing and began making love. After a few minutes, they both dressed again, and Kouga left Kagome alone, a smile on her face. The mirror darkened again, as Sesshoumaru could feel the red coming into his eyes.

“Why?” He asked Kanna, not sure if he should trust her.

“The truth behind the woman you protect.” Kanna whispered in her deathly calm voice. She turned and began to walk away, her job here finished. Kagura was waiting for her sister as they took off into the cold night, leaving an angry and deeply hurt Sesshoumaru alone to think on the unknown lie he had seen in the mirror.


Punching the ground, Sesshoumaru left out a horrible howl into the night before turning and going back to the castle. ‘That bitch will pay. I will not keep an unfaithful whore in my company. I should kill her!’ Sesshoumaru was in pain, his heart felt like it would stop and crumble into dust. Images of Kanna’s mirror kept flashing through his mind. Kagome’s arms wrapped around Kouga’s body, her moving willingly beneath him, kissing him, in the bed he shared with her almost every night since he had found her.

He did not want to believe it, wanted to deny what he had seen, but could not, not with all the doubts he was having before this. When he walked into their bedroom there she was, sleeping peacefully, with Kouga’s scent all around her. Grabbing her roughly he brought her to the world of reality quickly. She was frightened, her scent and the wide look in her eyes spoke of her fear for him.

“What do you want Sesshoumaru?” Kagome shakily asked. She had never seen this look in his eyes. The look like he was dying from some unimaginable pain in his eyes.

“You bitch!” He slapped her across her face with such force knocking her to the floor.

Scrambling to her feet, Kagome backed away from the enraged youkai. She was so confused as to what she did. She knew what had happened in the meeting today he was angry, but could he have been so angry he would beat her? He hadn’t touched her in violence since before they made love in the garden, since he promised her he wouldn’t hurt her like that anymore. What had changed it all?

“What is wrong with you! Leave me alone!” Kagome ran to the other side of the room when she saw him reach for her, but he was too fast, he caught her arm painfully, and brought her around staring deeply into her eyes with such fierce anger and hurt.

“You are a whore. Nothing more, nothing less. Like every other woman. Did you enjoy Kouga as much as you did with me?” He spoke with eerie calmness.

“What are you talking about Sesshoumaru? Please you are scaring me, and hurting me. Please let me go.” Kagome pleaded, she had no idea what he was talking about. Suddenly out of nowhere Sesshoumaru kissed her fiercely, wrapping his arms around her body and bringing it close to his as Kagome melted into him willingly.

Breathing her scent in one last time, before bringing his hand up to her neck, and slicing away the necklace that controlled her whereabouts and miko powers. Throwing her away from him, he turned his back to her.

“Leave.” Sesshoumaru almost inaudibly whispered to Kagome.

She was confused to what was happening, she could hear what almost sounded like deep hurt in his usually emotionless voice. Walking over to him, she reached out a hand cautiously towards him. He turned quickly grasping her hand in a bruising grip. Looking at her with accusing eyes, that pierced all the way to her soul and heart.

“I do not want you. Leave. NOW.” He pushed her hard again, this time enough to make her fall to the floor.

Kagome could feel her eyes burning with tears what were soon to come. She did not know what could have caused this sudden change, but she wasn’t going to stick around after being rejected so harshly. She wasn’t wanted, he didn’t want her, then fine she would leave. Quickly rising to her feet, she ran out the still open door, into the cold now raining night with hot tears falling down her face. Her heart feeling like it was breaking into a thousand bloody pieces around her.


Sesshoumaru watched her go. Could smell her tears and feel the ripping pain coming from her. He would have killed her for her disloyalty, but instead he let her go. Made her leave. He would rather her be alive, but would not keep her here, not being the scheming bitch she was. Now that he had taken care of her, it was time to take care of Kouga. Both were to blame for this pain, the pain that was in his soul.


Kagome was running to the woods, the freezing rain come down on her hard and unrelenting, just like the tears falling from her. Her heart was breaking, her soul crying out into her mind. Running out of breath she began walking, glancing into the lonely darkness in front of her. She did not know what she did to him, all that happened between Kouga and her was a friendly companionship, he comforted her because she was grieving over him. Yet he did not give her a chance to explain that, he only attacked her with painful words and actions. He did not want her, so be it. She was free, this is what she needed in order to fulfill her destiny.

Suddenly a hand came up behind her, dragging her towards them. Telling her, that she could scream all she wanted, that her lord would not save her now and she knew it was true. He threw her out, out to the mercy of this monster who now had her once again. She could feel her body becoming numb, her emotions freezing just like the raindrops on branches above her. She was giving up, she was alone and always would be. No one was here to save her this time and this time she didn’t care. Her tears started receding just as the rain turned into snow once again. Everything frozen in time, defeated, dead. Alone.