InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter is Hell ❯ winter is hell part 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter is hell Part 8
Kagome's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I awoke to find both Kouga & Inuyasha gone. I frantically worried about them, as I saw a plate of food. I grabbed it & deciding to wait. A half hour later they came back & Inuyasha was out of breath, I got up & said” Where have you been? I have been worried sick.” Then to Kouga”Did he talk you into this? “I looked at him for his answer. He said” No, he did not, I assed him to come.” I felt like hitting him. I angrily said” sit!” Inuyasha hit the floor, & I walked over to my bag & grabbed some school work.
Kouga's Point of view ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I felt bad for Inuyasha at the moment. He did come because I asked. As I helped him up, I could smell Kagome's Tears. It hurt me badly as I tried to push away the fact that I had caused her distress. I knew Inuyasha hated it as well. He had done it to her sometimes, & never meant to. I should have taken the blame. I walked up to her & said “I'm sorry, Kagome, I should have not offered the run to him, but he looked as though he needed it”
Inuyasha's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I watched as Kouga tried to sooth Kagome while taking the blame. I wanted to help Kouga but I knew I couldn't. She was to upset to focus. Kouga walked up to Kagome& gave her a small hug. I said nothing as I sat down by the edge of the cave. I listened as Kouga silently talked to Kagome. I just felt like dying, Kagome was upset because of me; Kouga was helping her trying to make her feel better. I had to face the fact that I was not allowed in the picture. I felt left out as the time went on. I just would have to move on.
Kouga's Point of View~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I watched Inuyasha walk over to the edge of the cave and sit down. He looked down and sighed, I just stood there helping Kagome calm down. I watched her do her school work, as Inuyasha walk back inside the cave, and lie down. I could clearly see his upset I wanted to help him understand that it was not his fault.
~~~Well I hoped you liked it, The next part will come shortly after.. Thanks for sticking with me. Oh and I do not own Inuyasha. ~~~~~~~~~