InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's Wish ❯ winter's wish ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

It was the beginning of winter, and once the pond freezes over in a near by park, Kagome and her friends go ice skating. A tradition that started when the 4 girls met in third grade, a tradition that can't be broken...

"Please, InuYasha! I don't want to go alone!" begged Kagome

"You won't be alone, all your so called friends are going, just be happy I'm letting you go." barked InuYasha "No, there's 6 other people going and I'll be the odd one out, you have to." "I don't have to do anything. Besides, what's the point? Walking around on a hard pond? It won't do anything but get you cold!" InuYasha just can't be reasoned with. "It's fun and it's not just skating around on... what a minute, I bet you've never been ice skating before! That's why you won't go!" "So what?"

"I guess I can understand then, I mean it's pretty hard to do. You probably won't get how to do it." Kagome said slyly knowing InuYasha's ego just a bit too well. "What? I can do it! And I'll prove it!"

~A few days later~

"Hey everyone!" Kagome said cheerfully, "This is InuYasha!" InuYasha just stood there looking angry because Kagome tricked him once again. "InuYasha, this is Yoshi, this is Ari, and this is Royoko. And these guys are Nori, Taka and Hayte" Everyone smiled of said hi to InuYasha but he just sat there. Just then a car stopped next to the stairs to Kagome's house and a boy ran up them to Kagome. "Hey there Kagome." "Oh hi, Hojo." Kagome said quickly glancing at InuYasha. "I'm sorry I couldn't come, we're on our way to my grandparents house now, but if you want, I can talk my mother into letting me stay so I could skate with you. I mean..." But InuYasha heard enough, "No need for that Hoho," he said miss-pronounsing his name on purpose. "I'm taking Kagome, we should go. Bye!" and with nothing more he grabbed Kagome's arm and began walking down the shrine stairs, with a blushing Kagome in is right hand.

"That was a ton of fun, I'm glad we met you, InuYasha." said Yoshi after the group had been skating for awhile, it was just after the sun set. Surprisingly

InuYasha was a really good ice skater, Kagome guessed it was because of his demonic refexes. It was turning dark now and everyone was getting cold. They were all tired from skating and had complained about taking their skates. Everyone but Kagome, InuYasha was carying hers. "Hey Kagome, come here a minute, I need to talk to you." said Ari. "Yeah?" Kagome asked slowing down. "So who exasctly is this InuYasha, I haven't seen

him anywhere." she said "Well...umm..." Kagome stumbled "And where can I find someone like him? He's so polite" Kagome had to laugh at this, "And his manners are so polite he's so old fansioned, I love it!" "You have no idea..." Kagome said with a smirk. She stole a look at InuYasha and smiled. She's right Kagome thought InuYasha isbeing polite, carrying my skates and all... her thoughts drifted off as she looked at the street they started to cross. She glanced down the street and froze. There was a car coming at them fast, too fast to stop. Headed right for Yoshi and...and... "InuYasha! Look out!" Screamed Kagome as she sprinted to him and pushed him safely out of the car's path, but she wasn't fast enough. With a sickening crunch, the car ran into Kagome and threw her up into the air. With a sickening thud, she was on the ground. Royoko screamed and started to run to Kagome when she say a blur rush past her. With a blink, InuYasha was by Kagome's side. "Kagome? Kagome are you okay?" "Inu...InuYasha?" Kagome said difficultly. "You stupid bitch!! What the hell were you thinking? Why the hell would you do something as idiotic as that!?" InuYasha screamed. A crowd started to form around the teenagers. "I... I'm sorry...I'm sorry." Kagome said tears welling up in her eyes. "Don't-don't cry! Why are you... I didn't mean to yell!" InuYasha said desperatly. "InuYasha it hurts!... It hurts so... so damn bad!" Kagome screamed, tears now running down her cheeks freely. "Hold on Kagome, just don't let go." InuYasha begged. They sat there for a while, Kagome's head resting in InuYasha's lap. No rescuers came, every one was too afraid to do anything. "InuYasha..." Kagome wispered, only for the ears of th owner of the name could hear. And those were her last words.

InuYasha growled, and jumped up, eyes flashing red."You basterd!!! You mother fucking basterd!!!!" he ran to the car that hit Kagome, the driver still in the front, hands on the steering wheel, face in awe. "I'll kill you!" and InuYasha punched the window, causing the glass to shatter. But something made him stop. A voise he heard before. "Kagome?" Souta said as he looked at his sister. Royoko grabbed him and turned him around. "Don't look." she wispered, "don't look." But it was too late. InuYasha walked up to Souta and fell to his knees, grabbing the boy's sholders. "Souta" he said. "InuYasha, there has to be something you can do. There has to! Kagome told me about all the times you saved her. You have to do something, you're a demon!!!" Souta cried. Kagome's friends looked at InuYasha in awe. A demon? Surely Souta must be joking! But he didn't correct him. "I can't do anything. You can't bring back the dead...Unless... Souta will you do something?" Souta nodded eagerly. "Go through the well. At a tree like the one at your house there will be people waiting, go to the girl and say I sent you and you need Kirra. Don't tell her or anyone else anything. Tell Kirra you need to get to SesshoMaru's castle. When you get there, Ignore the guards, go right to the throne. Tell him you are Kagome's younger brother. Tell him I sent you, and I have something for him. Tell him to go now. Then bring him back to me." He reached down the start of Kagome's shirt and pulled out the neckless and ripped it off her. He then handed it to Souta. "Go now and hurry!" Souta nodded and dashed off.

When he got through the well, Souta did everything InuYasha told him to do. When he got to the castle and introdused himself and reason to be there the demon didn't want to go at first, but finally Souta convinsed him. Then a strange girl about his age begged the demon to let her come, and finally the demon gave in. "Thankyou, my lord!" The girl said and hugged him.

When Souta, Kirra, the odd girl, and the demon all got back to the entrance of the well, Sango and the 2 others were waiting for his return. When the two teenagers saw the demon they went on guard and got into fighting possitions. (or what looked like fighting positions from what Souta learned on T.V.) once he told them that the demon was there to help, the looked confused but backed down. When Souta showed the demon the well he said, "So this is where the two always disapear to. Interesting." Souta shook his head and handed the little girl the jewel fragments. "You need these to go through the well." he decided the demon looked strong enough to get through with out the shards. Once the three disappeared down the well, Sango called to Kirra. "Kirra, what's going on?" she asked her faithful cat. "Puuw" Sango got tears in her eyes, as she turned to the monk. "Oh Miroku, Kagome…" she whispered, as the monks strong arms closed around her. This time she didn't pull away, this time he didn't try anything.

Souta climbed up the well, as the demon leapt up, past him. "It's this way!" Souta cried as he ran down the well stairs. The demon followed him. "Come alone Rin." He said as he lifted the girl onto his sholder. "Yes, my lord!" Rin said, laughing as she was put onto a high place. Souta ran as fast as he could, with the demon walking swiftly behing him, legs hardly moving, let he managed to keep up, almost like he was floating.

When Souta reached the spot where he left him sister, Ari grabbed his sholder. "He won't let the hospital touch her, do something." She whispered. Souta brushed her off and walked to InuYasha. When Souta whispered his name, InuYasha looked up with sad eyes. He looked passed Souta to the demon. "SesshoMaru, you have to, you need to-" InuYasha said, with sadness in his voice, he reached the demon and grabbed his kimono. "Get your disgusting hands off me, Dirty Blood." The demon said ripping his clothes out of InuYasha's grasps. "Please" InuYasha said. SesshoMaru put Rin down and walked to Kagome, "Well now, isn't this interesting." He looked at InuYasha "I'll do anything" InuYasha said, looking to the girl laying in the street. SesshoMaru smirked "Like father like son now, aren't we" InuYasha gave a half smile. "You discust me!" SesshoMaru said with hateride, as he kicked InuYasha, sending him flying backwards. InuYasha sat there for awhile and then ran up to the demon. "A trade. Mine for her's." InuYasha sounded desperate. SesshoMaru gave an evil, heartless smile. "Now things are starting to look up for you, half-breed."

Souta didn't know what was happening, but he didn't like the sound of it. SesshoMaru looked at Rin, "Rin, go over there and stay behind the people until I tell you to move, do you understand me?" Yes my lord!" The little girl said with laughter. Once Rin disappeared, SesshoMaru unsheafed a sword. He walked up to Kagome and looked at her for a long time, then swung his sword, just above Kagome's head. InUyasha looked at SesshoMaru, "Is it done?" he nodded, "The get it over with." SesshoMaru shook his head, "That ruins the fun, we'll wait." He looked at Kagome. "No, I don't want her to watch." InuYasha cried. SesshoMaru flexed his claw, "Ah ah ah, you, don't hold the cards here."

Everyone stared, waiting for something to happen, then Kagome's eyes fluttered. She opened her eyes scanning the crowd for InuYasha. "InuYasha, are you ok? Did you get hit?" she cried sitting up. InuYasha pushed her down roughly. "Leave me alone wench." He said cruelly. Kagome gasped as InuYasha started to walked away. "Now, now, now, just where do you think you're going? We do it here." SesshoMaru said. InuYasha stopped and looked down to Kagome. "SesshoMaru? What are you doing here?!" Kagome cried frantically. "I'm sorry" InUaysha whispered, as he closed his eyes. SesshoMaru flexed his claws. "Say goodbye to your whore, little brother." "Don't you cal-" But his voice caught in t=his throught as SesshoMAru's poisonous claw periced through his chest. He gasped as SesshoMaru Yanked his arm out, and did it again. "INUYASHA!!!" Kagome screamed as InuYasha kneeled down, holding his Tetsusiga so he wouldn't transform. InuYasha Gave her a half-hearted smile, and opened his mouth to say something, but only blood poured out. Souta was shocked. "He's your brother, and you did that to him, he's you brother." It wasn't a question, but a statement, he was shaking all over. Royoko put her arms around him. Inuyasha took Kagome's hand, in his own bloody one. He reached tword her and licked her cheek, blood pouring out as he did so. Then he shut his eyes and died. Kagome screamed. "NO! NO NO NO! INUYASHA!" She slammed her head into the ground and cried hystarically.

"SesshoMaru-sama?" a small voice said. SesshoMAru looked down to see Rin looking scared. "Rin, I thought I told you to stay over there." For the first time, his voice showed and emotion other than anger. "Sessy, I don't like this, not at all." RIn said. "Make it better, make it all better. Rin doesn't like this." SesshoMAru looked at his bloody hand, and sumeraged it into the snow, removing all the blood. He looked at Rin, the Kagome, and finally his brother. "Not like this" he said. He swiped his sword above InuYasha's head. "It was his idea, and only his. Your's for his." He waited until his brother's eyes opened . "Not like this, when you fight at your best, then I will kill you. Not like this when you give your life away. There's no fun in that." He took Rin by the hand and walked away.

Kagome looked at InuYasha with anger. "Who said you could do that?" InUaysah looked surprised. "I thought that's what you wanted, I though-" Kagome was still angery. "Well you thought wrong. InUyasha don't you get it? I don't want you to die! I'm not like that. I want you to live, I want you to laugh. I want you to be happy!" InuYasha shook his head. "Stupis girl, and how am I suppost to be happy with out you?" Kagome looked up at him. He bent down, catching her lips in a quick kiss. He stood up and pulled Kagome up with him. "I love you Kagome, so much." Kagome smiled. InuYasha smiled. `No rejection' he thought happily. "I love you, too." And the kissed again, this one deeper, and longer. Slowly, the crowd began to thin out. They didn't know that they were the only ones there, and they really didn't care. Then it started to snow. The big, beautiful falkes fell lightly onto them. But they weren't cold, they were warm with eachother's arms and love.

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A/N~ Tada! And there you have Ley-san's first fic eva! Lol makes me happy! Wow k so r&r!!! love ya all!