InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon a Star ❯ Wishes ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome sits in the hot springs watching as shooting stars fill the night sky above her, closing her eyes she wished upon one of those stars “I…I wish Inuyasha could love me as I love him” she thought knowing it was a wasted wish she sighed sinking more into the hot springs.
I wish upon my broken star
Even though my wish won't come true
I wish for love but it becomes lost
I wish for you but it never will come true
As I am lost in the dark
Inuyasha watches the stars shoot through the sky on his perch on the highest branch in a tree. Shaking his head he made his own silent wish “I wish we defeat Naraku soon…but then what would become of us we would drift away and I will be left alone once more” he thought closing his eyes
Alone in this world once more
I drift to find my place
Filthy as I am one cared for me
But now she is gone
Alone once more
To drift with nothing
A quest now over nothing left to dream for
Nothing to fight more
Sango sat by the fire petting her feline friend stealing a few glances at the monk across from her. He noticed her glances and sent a smile back, blushing the slayer switched her gaze up to the stars above “I wish that once this is over my brother finds peace” she wished holding back the tears that threatened her eyes.
Rest in peace my dear brother
Away from this cruel world
I will save you as I am
Strong and brave
I won't cry anymore for I must strong
For not only you but for myself when I have to let you go
Miroku had noticed the slayer stealing glances at him and merely smiled, watching as the sadness reflected in her eyes as she stared up at the stars he to looked up and watched the stars light the sky. Making a small sigh he looked down to his cloth covered hand “I wish that once this is over that I will live long in my days with Sango” he wished staring out to the fire
This wind I use as my gift as my curse
Will consume to oblivion
I want to live to die with you
With my lovely Sango
Who I love so dearly
Else Where in the Forest
Sesshomaru sat silently watching his ward run around chasing his servant, he was amused but of course would never show to anyone “Mortals wishing upon celestial things in the sky, I make my own silent wish that once this is over I return to my lands alive and well” he wished and continued to watch the two run around.
Cold and unfeeling as I am
I have my own silent thoughts
I have my wants and needs that will never be spoken
I care for the two who travel by my side
Even though I shall never show it
I might even care for my brother
No matter these things stray to the back of my mind
As I think of only the death of that spider
When this is over what then would I have
But the loyalty of my servant and the trust of my ward
Rin had stopped running and came to a halt to lie down in the grass, catching her breath she watched each shooting star and giggled “Such things that fly in the sky I heard people cane make a wish so I wish to stay by my lords and Jaken's side forever” she wished rolling over she got up and chased Jaken again.
I am young and full of life
Innocent yet I've seen so much
I stay by his side and support him
I worry for him
And I love him
He protects this one
Even though unspoken are his words
He cares for this one as much as this one cares for him
With the Others
The miko walked through the forest surrounded by the souls of others, the soft whisper of the wind played against her hair and clothes as she stopped on a hill she looked at the stars and let a small smile tug her lips, “What does one such me the dead can wish for I can not wish for life I can not wish for love I merely wish the death of Naraku so I may rest in peace” she thought and continued her voyage.
The dead have no place in this world
So why do I walk?
My heart turned cold
So why do I feel?
He loves another
So why do I care?
This question I wonder
Why do I ask?
Kagura stared ruefully at the sky as the wind played her hair the wind she controlled the wind she wished to be apart of “I wish to be free as the wind” she thought staring at the stars above
I am the wind
And as such I am free
So why am I chained?
Why do I feel no beat?
I have no heart
So do I exist?
I have no true meaning
No true feelings except the want to leave
The want to be free from him
To be wanted by another man
I want to be free not chained
To be one with the wind is my wish
Kohaku walked through the castle grounds thinking of things “I wonder how my sister is doing…how long until this ends. I wish that when it's over you find nothing but happiness sister” he thought making his silent wish to the stars above
Sin is all I do no matter
Mindless they think
I know I remember that day
That day when the ground bled
When all I saw was sorrow and despair
I killed and I hate that but soon I must move on
But will I have the strength?
No I doubt I ever will it still hurts inside
But I will gain my freedom and wish nothing other than happiness and forgiveness from you my sister
Ayame stared out at the rushing water thinking over her thoughts of a certain wolf “Kouga will you ever realize I love you so much...I wish that one day you will fulfill your promise” she said taking a quick glance to the sky she smiled and ran.
The wind the rush the tornado I create as I run
Same as his only more feminine
Princess of wolves longing for her prince
Who might never come
Longing for him while he longs for another
I am jealous of that but she feels nothing but friendship towards him
Yet still he wants her not me
Am I not good enough?
Do I not deserve someone to pine for me?
A sigh escapes as I realize how sad I am
I won't give up my promise
And neither shall you the promise you made to me
And me alone
Kouga watched as his two loyal comrades slept mulling over thoughts he sighed when a red haired and ebony haired beauty came to mind “Ayame I can not be with you I love Kagome…I wish that you find your true love Ayame” he thought with a pain of sorrow and guilt in his heart
Fast as the wind I speed
Watching as everything is a blur
Except for her
That ebony goddess
Who I grow to love and care for
That goddess so strange yet kind
Such beauty in the hands of that mutt
Tempts me to steal her away
To make the half breed mad at such acts
Yet when my time is down I bid her farewell
And fast as the wind I speed away
Watching everything become a blur