InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Star ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: How could I possibly own Inuyasha? I can hardly draw the guy!


It was a cold breezy night, but he didn't care. He enjoyed looking out at the stars. The moon reflected off of his bright, green eyes, making them sparkle more than usual. Tonight they had found a beautiful spot to camp at. Sitting on a log, in front of a lake, just eyeing the stars, who could ask for more? Shippo had been going out for a while now. He would always think to himself how special everyone was to him. Kagome, she was like a second mother to him. Sango and Miroku, they were kind of like his aunt and uncle. Kirara was his best friend. Inuyasha. He was more of a father than his real one. Sure, he really did love his real father, but he just wasn't as supportive as Inuyasha was. After all, how many times had Inuyasha protected him? How many times had he gone out to hunt for food? His true father had never done much of that. Inuyasha even showed me how to fight. He showed me how to protect myself in case I was in danger.

The stars started to shine brighter, as if they were agreeing with the little kitsune. A swarm of `shooting stars' began to fall. Shippo looked up to them, his eyes shining bright with glee.

``I wish I could be exactly like Inuyasha.''

A bright light surrounded Shippo. He didn't feel frightened or sad anymore. He felt like he was in complete peace with himself. When the bright light faded, Shippo had fallen asleep. For the first time in his life, he fell asleep without a trouble, or care, on his mind.