InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wish ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

9/1/05- 5:27 pm
Ohayo.... D.S. and Yash-san here with another chapter to our story, Wish. My god, we didn't expect such awesome feedback! That made us so happy. Um... nothing to really say except this shameless plug- please read my friend Shigure-chan­'s stories. She's new and since I'm the one that that helped her get back into fanfics (and gave her useful Japanese to use for her stories...), and she survived (so far) my rantings about the stupid people on and their lack of using spell check, as a favor, please check her out. She's more interested in Fruits Basket, but she likes Inuyasha too. She has a fanfic about both. GO READ!
-ahem- Anyway, On with the story.
Disclaimer- Still only Yash-san. Now stop torturing me about it, you evil people you.
Key- “meep” is talking. `meep' is thinking.
-----Wish, Chapter Two. -----
Recap: Sango frowned. “Yes, Kagome-chan has very delicate feelings. You shouldn't-” she gasped as Inuyasha turned halfway, on his knees, his eyes wide and lamp-like, before he fell to the side, unconscious.
“Inuyasha!” They cry out as they ran to the fallen man.
Miroku frantically shook the taller hanyou's shoulder. “Wake up!” he said urgently, but he did not stir. The houshi turned toward Sango, “Sango-sama! Help me pick him up; we have to get him to Kaede's!”
She nods and together, they pick up the hanyou. However, as soon as Sango picked him up, she stumbles back. It seems, Inuyasha was so light, despite the illusion that he was heavier than normal brought on by the thick kariginu that he always wore. Infact, Miroku, a nigen, could carry him all by himself with ease.
“Dammit, Inuyasha, have you always been like this?” Miroku cursed, adjusting Inuyasha's arms, which were currently slung around his neck. Giving Sango his shakujo, he starts to jog back to the village. “Come on!” He calls back to the remaining two.
By this time they were both very worried. Exchanging looks, Sango scoops up Shippo and together, they quickly follow Miroku back to Kaede's.
As soon as Kaede sees the two men, she steps to the side, ushering them in quickly. “What happened, child?!” she exclaims as Miroku sets Inuyasha down.
“I don't know” Miroku pants, looking concerned, “We, as in Sango-sama, Shippo-chan, and myself, heard Inuyasha and Kagome-sama fighting, so we went to go see what it was all about. When we got to the well, we only saw Inuyasha, alone, and on his knees. Then he just looked at us and fell over.”
She looks at him and the other two, who just came inside. “Anything else?”
Sitting down, Sango shakes her head. “No, that's all we saw.”
Kaede sighs and stiffly shuffles over to the motionless hanyou, feeling his forehead. “Well, he doesn't have a fever, but with youkai, you can't really know. Hanyou or no.”
“So, what do you think happened?”
Kaede shakes her head. “I know not. We will have to wait until he wakes.”
They nod in agreement.
The sun was just setting when Inuyasha started to stir. `...uh...what the hell happened?' He thought, standing up in the dimming room. He had just walked out of the hut when the others return.
“-hai, that is just as I feared. What happened there I wonder that there came such an outcome?” Miroku looks up from his conversation with Sango and Kaede and saw the hanyou looking dazedly at them. “Ah, Inuyasha! I see you're awake, then!”
Blinking, Inuyasha opens his mouth to answer. However, it was like before, nothing. His eyes widen as one clawed hand reaches up to his throat, still trying.
The others finally notice his struggles.
“Daijabou ka, Inuyasha?” Sango asks, concerned.
He continues, now trying to yell at them now. But it was no use. His voice was gone.
For now.
Ohayo minna!!! D.S. and Yash-san here. Oh man, we are so happy. 4 reviews! Mwee. Ugh.... honestly, it was a real bitch to rewrite- er, I mean retype. But not as much as Silence, though. The part I have to type now just sounds..... stupid. Eh.... So, until I work it all out- or my so-called muses decide to take pity on me, no Silence.
Meh. I just want to tell you all now... Wish has two parts to it. Not a sequel, though. From two different point of views, but the second starts right where this part ends. I -cough- am not even up to that part yet in my notebook, but I know exactly how to start it.... I honestly can't wait and I hope you enjoy. Now... I heard review responses aren't allowed anymore... Hmm... But I'll try to thank you guys anyway. Discreetly. Um...
LadyRiyo, I thank you for that compliment. And as for the fluff, not really. Gomen ne. That will mostly happen in Wish, part two. Also, I'm honored for the author's alert! Arigato! Hide'n'seek, Thanks for reviewing twice. As you can see, I am! InusTwinSista, thanks for the fav. Yeah, don't you feel bad for the poor guy? But, I love him anyway. I'm honored that I gave you an idea for your story. I never imagined THAT would happen.
KANSHA NO KOTOBA, TOMODACHI! (thank you very much, friends!) I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter, and hope you enjoy the second. Thanks so much! And, with that, ja ne.
-D.S. and Yash-san (Crushed), 9:50pm 9/5/05