InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wish ❯ Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ohayo minna-sama! D.S. and her reluctant minion -enraged outcry from said minion- Yash-san here. Since Silence isn't cooperating right now and we were planning on waiting until the second chapter was done until we write this.... we just said “screw it” and decided to write the third chapter. Hrmph.
On another note, we have uploaded the prologue of Crushed, we stars our very own Yash-san. It's on our other name though, Rapid-Chipmunk. We're very happy since we uploaded it today, 11/11/05, and we've already got a review. -grins-
Also, I have something to say to Ms. Kamira. Yes, I know chapters 1 and 2 were short. But it was for a reason. For one, I wanted it to be suspenseful. Two, well.... I'm honestly not the fastest typer. But- have no fear! Chapter 3 is going to be longer (I hope)!
Disclaimer: Still only Yash-san. I don't want Takahashi-san's army of ninjas after my ass. You heard me right.
Key! ^_^
“blah” is speaking
`blah' is thoughts
-blah- is writing
“What tis this?!” gasped Kaede, shuffling quickly over to the silver haired man, the others following. He looks at her wide-eyed, his lips still moving. “How in Musashi......?”
Inuyasha shakes his head wildly. He didn't know either.
Kaede, with a sigh, puts a hand on the middle of his back and starts to lead him back into the hut. “Come on, boy” she said gravelly, “We are going to the bottom of this!” Sango, Miroku, and Shippo follow the two, stunned.
Inside, the stout, middle-aged miko forces the hanyo down onto the floor. She then proceeds to stuff a probing finger into his mouth with no such as an as-you-please.
If he could, I would've supposed he would've yelled at this.
If this situation wasn't so serious, this would've made a very comical scene to the rest of the inu-gumi. They still had to stifle some laughter nevertheless.
Inuyasha, angry now, slaps Kaede's gnarled hand away. He glares at her dangerously. But he didn't try to object otherwise.
She looks at the others, satisfied. “There. There is defiantly something wrong. See? Not even a shout.”
Pissed off, Inuyasha motions for something to write with and after much rummaging through the pockets of his robe, Miroku produces a bound leather book of parchment and one of those automatic ink brushes from Kagome's time.
Inuyasha grabs it and scribbles some kanji down rapidly onto the parchment and shoves it back.
They look down. On the parchment in a very old (probably from before they were even born) type of kanji was the words, -Baba! Why the hell did you do that?! Try asking first dammit!-
Miroku and Sango stared at him, shocked. “You can read and write?!” Miroku gaped.
Inuyasha's lip curls back in an unheard snarl as he nods. He grabs the pad and pen back, scribbling something else. -What? Is that a shock? My Oka-san was a hime my Oto-san was the Inu no Taisho. You all would think I wouldn't learn something! I'm not that daft! Nigen no Baka.- He looks away, a scowl on his face.
Trying hard not to cuff him on the head, Kaede asks him patiently, “Inuyasha, do you know any reason why you've suddenly gone completely mute?”
Inuyasha seems to sigh as he shakes his head negatively. -Iite, I don't.-
“Are ye sure?” Kaede asks with a frown.
Inuyasha stops mid-nod, his mouth forming an `o'. He grabs the pad hurriedly writing something down. -Yeah! Before Kagome left, she....- his hand stalls for a moment, -I think she made a wish on the Shikon no Kakera.-
This leaves gaped mouths. “How...?” Sango asked, bewildered.
Frowning, the hanyo shrugs. -I don't know either, but when she... slapped me and started yelling, the Kakera started glowing.-
And this makes his so-called companions laugh. “Kagome-sama slapped you?” Miroku chortled. “Good girl!” Inuyasha glares at him, mouth in a silent snarl.
“Inuyasha.” Kaede's voice cuts in. “What else did Kagome-chan say to ye?”
The man in question looks thoughtful. He chews carefully on his lip before dutifully writing. -Um... I think she said something on the lines of `I wish you would just be silent and listen to people for once.'- He shrugged. -Or something like that.-
The others look thoughtful. “Well, the silent part is certainly true, but listening? Still the same in that area, ne Inuyasha?” joked Miroku.
The hanyo's eyes strangely blank for a minute, but paid it no mind as he shook his head to clear it. -I don't know. - He answered, -I certainly think I listen to you people whine more often than naught.-
Miroku and Sango snort at this.
With what seemed to be a huff, Inuyasha looks away as Kaede said softy, “Inuyasha....”
Inuyasha turns toward the older woman, a questioning look in his eyes.
“The well...” she sighed, “Kagome-chan sealed it. She won't be coming back, I fear.”
Inuyasha stumbles up, backing away. He grabs the pad, throwing it at them a minute later.
-No! No! She couldn't have... I thought...- his writing falls away to a messy line as he runs out into the dying light.
“Inuyasha!” Sango cried, standing up after him. Standing up as well, Miroku puts a hand on her shoulder, restraining her. “Sango-sama.” he said, calm and suddenly serious. “Leave him be. The woman he loves, yes, loves just left him. Probably for good.”
Sango gapes at the hoshi. “He loves Kagome-chan?! But what about Kikyo?”
Miroku gains a smug look on his face as he drops his hand. “Yeah-huh. Last night of the New Moon, we were saying something and he accidentally blurted it out.” Then he continued flatly, “The I was bribed and threatened under threat of death not to say a word.” He looks nervously around, “And I hope he didn't hear that!”
Sango is about to answer when Shippo small voice cuts in. “Sango? Miroku? When's Kagome-okaa coming back? Why's Dog-boy so upset?”
The two exchange looks and Miroku grimaces. `Come on' he mouthed and Sango nodded. They go over to the kit and Sango hugs him. “Oh, Shippo-chan... Kagome-chan....” She swallows, “she sealed the well. We... don't think she'll be coming back.”
Shippo's eyes started to fill with tears. “What?! No!! Kagome-okaa...! She can't! She loves us too much to do that! She would never.... I don't believe you guys. Okaa-san would never do that. Inuyasha... Dog-boy would be honest. I need to ask him....” He trails off, making a motion as to stand up, but the woman catches his wrist, holding him back. She shakes her head. “Nani...?”
The woman looked uneasy. “Inuyasha... Kagome-chan accidentally used the Shikon no Kakera on him- in anger. He is completely mute now.”
“Ano... what does `mute' mean?” asked Shippo, even though he thought he knew the answer.
Sango took a deep breath. “He can't speak to us anymore, Shippo-chan.” she said gently as Shippo's eyes widen.
“He-he can't-!” he jumps up. “I godda go find him!” he cried, scurrying after where he thought Inuyasha went- probably Goshinboku.
Sango starts after him, but Miroku shakes his head. “No,” he said, “Let them be. I think Shippo-chan is like a son to our hanyo. Let them be comfort each other.”
Sango sighs, sitting back down next to her fiancé. “Alright....”
“Inuyasha! Inuyasha! Where are you Dog-boy?!” called Shippo anxiously, walking around by the Goshinboku. A few minutes later, a figure behind him drops down from the trees, grabs him, and jumps back up again.
“Inuyasha?” the kit asks a bit fearfully to the quiet breathing above him. The large red covered body shifts around him on the branch. He was listening.
Shippo tries to look up at him. “Sango-chan said you were... mute... now. Because of the Shikon no Kakera. Is that true?” he said meekly.
The breathing stops for a second before continuing again. Above him, the hanyo nods.
Shippo bites his lip. “She said that Kagome-okaa did it. And that she sealed the well.... what are we going to do now-?” His whine was abruptly cut off by red covered arms coming around him, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Inuyasha...?” Shippo trails off and then feels a drop of water on his auburn hair, then another , the stench of salt water drifting over to his nose a second later. This left Shippo shocked: Inuyasha was crying. Shippo suddenly breaks down, snuggling deep into the strong arms, crying hysterically.
There is a feather light sigh and the arms tighten, trying to comfort him. “-What-what are we going to do now?!” wailed Shippo into Inuyasha's chest. There is another sigh as the hanyo shakes his head negatively. He didn't know either.
Inuyasha, pulling his surrogate son closer, starts to pet his hair calmingly, trying to comfort him. Breaking into louder sobs now, Shippo burrows further into the strong chest of the group's protector and, unconsciously, his father.
And that is how Miroku and Sango found the two yokai. Shippo faintly sobbing into Inuyasha's chest, and Inuyasha staring off into space, absently petting the kit's head. He appeared dry-eyed.
The two timidly walk up to the Goshinboku, the yokai now above them on a branch. Sensing them, Inuyasha looks down and gives them a small -very small, actually- tired smile. `He's asleep.' he mouthed, leaning over.
They nod and Sango quietly motions for him to come down. The hanyo nods and gracefully jumps down, the still slumbering Shippo nestled in his arms. Striding over to the engaged couple, he puts the kit into Sango's arms, while Miroku pushes the near forgotten bound parchment and futuristic ink brush into Inuyasha's clawed hands.
He accepts them gratefully and, bending onto one knee, writes something and hands it back to the hoshi. -You know, I really should get something to hold this crap if I'm really stuck like this. Like a bag or something. - Nodding, Miroku agreed. “Hai.” He whispered, as not to wake Shippo, “Maybe I could ask one of the villagers for one.”
Inuyasha snatches the pad back. -You're gonna steal it, in other words, you corrupt, delinquent hoshi.-
“You think so poorly of Sessha!” Miroku lamented as Inuyasha looks at him, a disbelieving look on his face. - Sessha?! Sessha my ass! Cut the goody-goody act, bozo.- And they continue to bicker.
Meanwhile, Sango, even though she had Shippo-chan in her arms, she still had Hiraikotsu. And a thinning temper. So, she, stomping over, promptly walloped the two in the noggin, then left, heading back to Kaede's.
Silently snarling, Inuyasha grudgingly threw the unconscious Miroku over his shoulder, shakujo and all, picks up his pad and brush-thing and bounded after Sango and Shippo.
A bit away, the woman in question tucked Shippo in a quilt, on top a forgotten scarf of Kagome's lay clutched in his tiny hands. Sango sighed. `It must be hard for the kit... First loosing his parents, then his second mother leaves, and consequentially, his second father can't even speak to him anymore! Probably for forever.'
And that led to another thing. `Just how old was Inuyasha anyway? He acts younger than Shippo sometimes, but he's obviously more than 50, via Kikyo's arrow, but besides that, how old WAS he? I'll ask him when he and Hoshi-sama got back.' she decided, smacking her hand into her palm.
Kaede notices this from her seat as she grinded medicinal herbs. “What ails ye, Sango-chan?”
Sango turns around. “Oh, nothing. I was just wondering how old Inuyasha really is. I mean, his style of handwriting is really old...”
Kaede shrugs. “I have no idea. We will just have to wait until-” She is interrupted by Inuyasha himself coming in, Miroku draped on his shoulder. He is dumped onto the hard wood floor unceremoniously.
Inuyasha plops into his usual spot a minute later and Sango turns toward him. “Inuyasha. I have a question.”
He looks at her with a mildly curious look and she continues. “Eeto... I wanna know... Just how old are you?”
Inuyasha cracks a small smile and opens his pad. -Nigen or Yokai years?-
The hanyo looks thoughtful. -Uh...well... In nigen years, I'm 200 or so and in yokai years, that makes me about 19-20, I guess.- He shrugs.
The others just gape at him. Miroku, by now, had woken up and had situated himself by Kaede. “2-200 years old?!” stuttered Sango, looking at him wide-eyed.
He shrugs again. -More or less. Why?-
“Well, you're the closest thing to a father to Shippo and well, bluntly, you act younger than him sometimes.”
With a light blush, the hanyo nods. -I'll take care of the runt.- he wrote quickly, -Don't worry.-
“Hai... but you always act so immature towards him...”
Inuyasha seems to chuckle. -I guess I have no other choice than be serious now, ne?- He frowns. -And now I think I need to deal with what happened. Maybe sleep will smooth some of the shock for me before I kill something.- The hanyo abruptly turns onto his side and, pulling his adoptive son -blanket, scarf and all- closer, tucking him into his chest. He seems to go to sleep.
With a sigh, Miroku leans against a wall. “Kami-sama, what a day... I swear, it went by so quickly....”
Sango nods. “And with Kagome-chan gone... What are we going to do? I miss her already.”
“I don't know.” sighed Miroku, rubbing a hand along the base of his shakujo. “I highly doubt Kagome-sama will pass though now. The block is very strong and I doubt Inuyasha has the motivation now to try and get through. But until then...” Miroku shakes his head. “We may just have to wait.”
Sango nods, tears glimmering in her eyes for her lost friend and sister.
Owari.... For now.
A/N- Oh my GOD. It's finally finished! While this wasn't the hell chapter that was Silence Chapter Two, well... let's just say this was... long. The longest chapter I have ever written. 5 pages may not be long to you but it is for me. So whoever complained about this being too short, well here. Hope you're satisfied. The next chapter is a bit of a summary of the next 2 or 3 months going into the Wish plotline. Because, I'll be blunt. If I didn't it would be a real bitch to do. And I'm lazy. And not the fastest typer. I've gotten better, but... my computer's rather mean towards me. It already killed my word file titled “Stuff From Stories”, which had little ideas and junk about all 14 stories.
I'm also pissed off at the story on my other name, Crushed. To me, the summary sucks. However, I can't seem to find a better one. It's Yash-san's story, by the way. It's about him- he didn't write it, like this one. One review and 123 hits. I think it's trying to say something to me. Hm.... I really need to redo that summary.... God, I'm... tired for some reason. Meh. Ja.
-D.S. and Yash-san
1/30/06, 9:00pm