InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wish ❯ Wish ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



Summary: Who would thought a simple childish question could make Sesshomaru blood run cold and bring him to face things he had thought were kept in the closet.


Missy notes: Well I got another fan fic going. I dug this up from the graveyard as well. Oh well hope you like it. Yes another Rin & and Sesshomaru fic. I won't add this to my book of one-shot just yet.


{Story start}


"One star, two stars, three stars, four stars five," Rin sang happily as she skipped along in between Sesshomaru and Jaken who held to Uh-Un's reins. "Sesshomaru-sama how many stars are in the sky," Rin asked skipping up to her favorite dog demon.


"Millions and no one has been able to count them," Sesshomaru said coolly. Over the past few months he had gotten used to Rin's sudden urges to ask a bunch of questions. `I better find somewhere to rest soon before I get a headache,' he thought to himself.


He didn't like her tone of voice sometimes when she talked excitedly. He still needed to tell her to lower the decibels every now and then. He had come to terms that he had taken a strong liking to his girl and that through her he found peace and joy. Even Jaken had somewhat new respect for her and almost liked her a little bit.


One could call them a family an odd one but still a family. Rin skipped happy by Sesshomaru's side. "Sesshomaru-sama look it's a full moon," Rin cried out happily. "Hai Rin it's a full moon," Sesshomaru replied. `Me thinks this girl will give this Jaken a headache,' Jaken thought.


Pretty soon the odd trio was settled down for the night Jaken watching over Rin while Sesshomaru went searching for his meal. "Jaken-sama when will Sesshomaru-sama come back," Rin asked warming her hands by the fire. "Soon girl soon, "Jaken said rubbing his temples.


"Jaken-sama what are stars made up of," Rin asked.


"How should I know," Jaken snapped.


"Jaken hold your tongue or I have to cut it off," Sesshomaru said from behind a tree. Jaken let out a small shrilled and back away mumbling to himself.


"Sesshomaru-sama," Rin said bouncing up and hugging her silver haired protected.

"Enough Rin settled down and go to sleep," Sesshomaru-sama said in his usual monotone voice.


"But Rin can't sleep yet," Rin said.


"Why not," Sesshomaru asked.


"Rin wants to know what stars are made up of," Rin asked and pointed up at the sky above.


"That is a good question Rin one that this Sesshomaru doesn't know," Sesshomaru said.


"Oh," Rin said still pointing at the sky.


"Why do you ask such questions," Sesshomaru asked her.


"Rin doesn't know they just come up," Rin said smiling up at him.


"I see," Sesshomaru said simply.


"Sesshomaru-sama," Rin asked.


"Hai," Sesshomaru said now leaning against the trees.


"Have you ever wished upon a star," Rin asked.


"No," Sesshomaru said simply.


"How come," Rin asked.


"This Sesshomaru doesn't need any wishes," Sesshomaru said coolly.


Rin frown at his answer needless to say Sesshomaru must not be in the best of moods right now or maybe he really sleepy. Rin couldn't help but stare at the golden eyes above her.


`Why would Sesshomaru need any wishes,' she asked herself. He had everything a demon could want everlasting youth, power, and intelligence. What more could he ask for? Yet there was something about him that seemed well sad. Did Sesshomaru have happiness? Sesshomaru certainly made Rin happy.


"Are you happy Sesshomaru-sama because Rin is happy," Rin asked timidly.


Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow and blinked a couple of times. No one had ever asked him that before. Who did this little human girl think she was? He felt himself suppressing a growl. Of course he wasn't happy why should he be?


That half-breed bastard of a brother of his was making a name for himself with the very sword that should have been his; Naraku was running around causing havoc and to top it off he was letting a small human cub making him weak and half the time he didn't mind it at all. When had his world turn upside down?


Actually he wouldn't be happy even if not of this was true. Happiness was for weaklings. Wasn't that the very emotion that brought his father downfall?


"This Sesshomaru has no need for happiness," Sesshomaru said more to himself than to Rin.


`How sad,' she thought. From what she had learned everyone needed to be happy. It seemed unfair that her Sesshomaru-sama thought he didn't deserved to be happy.


`Rin shall make Sesshomaru-sama happy if it the last thing this Rin does,' Rin thought and yawn.


Just before she closed her small eyes she saw a shooting star. She grasped lightly and thought to herself, `I wish that Sesshomaru-sama can find happiness.'


"What did you just do," Sesshomaru asked.


"Rin made a wish for Sesshomaru-sama," Rin said.


"This Sesshomaru doesn't need your wishes," Sesshomaru growled lightly.


Rin giggled and pounced on him nuzzling against his neck.


"Rin just want to make Sesshomaru-sama happy," she whispered and kissed him on his cheek.


`She wants to make me happy,' he thought wish a semi confused look on his face.


"Goodnight Sesshomaru-sama," Rin said and curled up in his boa.


"Goodnight girl," Sesshomaru said calmly.


Rin smile at her silver-haired protector and quickly went to sleep. Sesshomaru stared up at the sky above them. Just how many stars were there in that vast sky? How could a simple human child think to make him happy? They were some things to sleep on he supposed. He tucked the girl closer to him and fell asleep.


{A/n: Well that's all for this fic. I might add a couple more chapters or just leave it as it. It depends on where I want to go. Till next time bye.}