InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes Made and Dreams Come True ❯ Apologies Given ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
*Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha & Co. nor Bleed For Me so don't sue me.*

Song: Bleed For Me by Saliva

Symbols: ~{...}~ Lyrics
'...' Thoughts
~...~ Inner Thoughts

~ Prologue ~

Kagome sat down with her back against the tree, taking in a deep breath as she did so. She could hear the growling coming from the other side of the tree. Smiling to herself she pulled out some potato chips from the bag next to her. Placing the bag of chips in her lap, she grabbed the can of soda she had sat down on the ground and popped the top. Kagome gulped down the contents of the can then sighed as she looked to the cloudless blue sky.

"You going to share that, wench, or did you just come here to taunt me?" came a smooth, yet angry voice from the other side of the tree.

"After two years you still haven't learned any manners. My name is Kagome, and you are not getting anything untill you call me by that and nothing else." Kagome huffed. She heard a sigh and she smiled at her victory.

"Ok, Kagome. Now are you going to share that with me or no? I may be a demon and not have to eat as often as you humans, but I do need to eat sometime. It has been two weeks since I have eaten last."

She got up, potato chips in hand, and slowly made her way over to his side of the tree. She stopped when she came face to face with him, "You know, you would have eaten sooner if you had not been such a jerk last time, Sesshoumaru." Kagome giggled as she pinched his cheek lightly.

Sesshoumaru glared at her, "Isn't it enough that you torment me by keeping me locked to this tree? Why must you insist on humiliating me as well?"

"Oh Sessho-chan, lighten up." She tossed him the bag of potato chips and sat down in front of him.

He caught the bag effortlessly in mid air, opening it as he brought it closer to his body. After eating a few chips he returned to looking at Kagome. "So when are you bringing Rin to see me? She has not been by the last two times you have been and I wish to see her."

Kagome's eyes seem to dull, sadness peeking out through them, as she turned her head away from Sesshoumaru. "It has been two years and she still has yet to move past you abandoning her." Kagome turned her head back to the demon, looking into his eyes. "She thought of you as a father, Sessho-chan, and it broke her heart that you would leave her like you did. In truth, you hurt her worse than you hurt me."

He watched as she turned her head back away from him, catching a glimpse of a single tear that rolled down her cheek. He felt his heart wrench at the sight and from what he had just heard. At that moment, just like the million other moments, he wished he could take back what he had done to the people who had cared for him. Wanting to change the subject quickly to rid himself of the pain he asked the first thing that came to mind. "So how are you and Inu Yasha doing?"

~{All I ever wanted was to be at your service

But now I'm alone cause you were here and you're gone

And all I ever wanted was to feel I had a purpose

But now that's all gone}~

A smile crept up on her face, "We are doing good, I suppose. Since Naraku has been defeated we fight alot less, in fact it has been a week since we have had a fight. He takes good care of myself and Rin." She sat for a brief moment in silence, then the silence was swallowed up by the sound of her giggling.

"What is so damn funny?" Sesshoumaru looked to Kagome as if she had just lost her mind.

Kagome managed to get her giggling under controll enough to answer him. "He and Shippo still fight. I was just thinking about the fight they had yesterday, Shippo actually won. The look on Inu Yasha's face was priceless as he ate dirt."

He watched her intently, taking in the way her eyes seemed to dance when she laughed. How she seemed so happy and full of life. ~I told you that you would regret it, baka.~ 'Oh shut up, I realise my mistake now. I can't take what I did back, and trust me I wish I could do so.' The sound of clothes rustling brought him out of his thoughts. Looking to Kagome, he noticed she was standing. "Leaving so soon?" He could barely hide the disappointment in his voice.

"Yes, Sessho-chan, I have lessons today with Kaede." She reached into her bag and pulled out the extra soda she had brought and another bag of chips. "I'm sorry I didn't have much to bring you this time, I will stop by tomorrow with some more food." She walked over to the table she had set up near the tree for him. Dusting off the leaves she sat down the drink and chips.

"Kagome, I...I'm..." His words stuck in the back of his throat and wouldn't come out.

She looked at him curiously, "Hai, Sessho-chan?"

"Forget it, it's not important." He looked away from her in an attempt to hide his pain from her. 'It is not like she will believe me anyway.'

~{But if you could give me

Just one love, just one life

just one chance to believe in mine

Just one love, just one life}~

Kagome stepped up closer to him and threw her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. "Okay, Sessho-cha, I will stop by again tomorrow with some more food." She pulled away from him and turned to leave. Looking back over her shoulder, she waved bye to him and gave him a big heart warming smile. "I will see you tomorrow."

He watched as she walked away from him then turned his attention to the table she had set the food and drink on. His vision blurred, closing them tight in hopes to clear it he felt something warm trickle down his cheek. Sesshoumaru brought his hand to his face, tracing the warm line with his fingertips. Bringing his hand away from his face he stared at his fingers in disbelief at the proof of him crying. He felt more tears fall from his eyes, 'Kagome, Rin, I am sorry.'

~{you'd bleed for me

and I didn't dare to notice you

now I'm stuck out on a line.

Bleed for me

I didn't care to be with you

now you're stuck in my mind}~

The sun set, the night went by and morning came, all the while he had cried. He had willed himself to stop many times through the night, but to no avail. So when he saw Kagome break through the tree line he didn't even bother to attempt to stop the tears from falling. He watched as she got closer to him, turning his head he attempted to hide the fact he had been crying.

Use to him not looking at her she continued to walk up to him, "Good morning, Sesshoumaru! Mom made a pizza for you this morning, it is still warm if you would like some." She smiled as she held up the plate with the pizza on it.

"Just set it on the table, I'm not hungry right now." He felt his stomach tighten in protest, but he still kept his face turned from her and held his ground.

Kagome's smile faded, worry took over the happy look on her face. "Sessho-chan, what is wrong? You have never turned down pizza before, it's your favorite." She set the plate down on the table and took a step closer to him.

"I said I am not hungry woman, now leave it there and be gone." He snapped at her.

Kagome jumped back startled by him yelling at her, then tears filled her eyes. "Why do you have to be such a jerk?" She stepped closer to him and was about to yell at him when she noticed something on his face shine as it reflected the sun's light. "Sessho-chan, look at me."

"I said leave woman."

When he wouldn't turn his face to her she grabbed his chin and turned it for him. Her eyes went wide, "Sessho-chan, what is wrong? Please tell me!"

He looked into her eyes and was taken aback by the worry and sadness that had filled them. "Why are you looking at me like that? I do not ask for your pity."

She tightened her grip on his chin, "I worry about you. You are crying and I want to know why."

~{All I ever wanted was to be what you needed

cause something so strong it could never be wrong.

And all I can promise is to say what I'm feeling

We've made it so long}~

He pulled his chin out of her grasp, "I'm sorry, Kagome, that is why I cry." Sesshoumaru turned his face away from her when he felt the rush of more tears enter his eyes.

She stepped back from him, "Sesshoumaru, I wish I could believe you I really do, but you have lied to me many times before in an attempt to get me to free you." She walked over to her bag, opened it and took out two cans of soda and some cookies. She placed the items on the table then turned to him, "I will leave these here, I baked the cookies myself. I hope you like them. I will see you in a couple of days, Sesshoumaru." With that she turned to leave.

"Kagome, please stay, at least while I eat."

~{But if you could give me

Just one love, just one life

just one chance to believe in mine

Just one love, just one life}~

Kagome slowly turned back around to face him, "I will stay while you eat but then I must go. I am teaching Rin how to defend herself today and I don't want to be late." She sat down a couple steps away from the base of the tree and half heartedly smiled at him.

Sesshoumaru reached out to grab a slice of pizza but the plate was just out of his grasp. Growling, he strained to extend his reach so he could get the food. He heard Kagome giggle and was about to make a snide remark when he saw her push the plate towards him. He quickly grabbed a slice and took a huge bite out of it.

Kagome couldn't help but smile at him. "I thought you said you weren't hungry."

"I lied." He stated simply. "Could you move the soda closer to me, I don't think I can reach it."

Kagome stood up, grabbed the can and handed it to him. Their hands brushed against each other as he took it from her. Electricity shot through her body, starting at where the contact was made moving all the way down to her toes. She pulled her hand back quickly and dropped her gaze to the ground in an attempt to hide her blush.

He looked at her amused, "Are you okay Kagome?"

"Yeah, I am fine." She took a seat in front of him again and watched as he ate.

~{You'd bleed for me

and I didn't dare to notice you

now I'm stuck out on a line.

Bleed for me

I didn't care to be with you

now you're stuck in my mind}~

He finished off the pizza quickly and now had a cookie in his hand. He took a cautious bite out of it, his eyes went wide from surprise. "These are good, what are they called?"

Kagome smiled, "I am glad you like them. They are called cookies, there are several types of cookies. The kind you are eating now are chocolatechip."

He practically inhaled the rest of the cookies. After licking his fingers to get the chocolate that had melted on to them he smiled at Kagome. "Could you bring those again next time you come?"

She giggled, "Sure, Sessho-chan." Standing, she brushed off the dirt on her clothes. "Okay, I have to head out now. I will be back in a couple of days." She gave him a good bye hug and went to leave.


She turned back to him, "Hai?"

Sesshoumaru took in a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. "I truely am sorry. I am not expecting you to release me, but I want you to know that. Would you tell Rin that I apologize to her as well?"

She sighed, "I will tell her Sessho-chan, but I don't know if that will change things." Kagome smiled weakly at him then turned and left.

He watched her retreating figure until it disappeared through the tree line. After she was out of sight he whispered to himself, "I still love you, Kagome."

~{Just one love in my life...

You'd bleed for me

and I didn't dare to notice you

now I'm stuck out on a line.

Bleed for me

I didn't care to be with you

now you're stuck in my mind}~