InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishmaster ❯ From One Master to Another, Part 2: Brother Sesshomaru ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Here. Give this to the Genie Merchant," Sesshomaru told the guard at the gate, handing him some coins. He was not about to be accused of thievery at this place. While he didn't find anything that he needed this time around, he may the next and he'd be damned if he'd let some pathetic human get him barred from Market. That is, if he didn't take care of certain things first. "If I am unimpressed with his wares, I shall return it and take his head as compensation."

"Yes, my lord."

He strode over to where Uhn and Ah were grazing, Rin and Jaken running to keep up, his eyes on the glass inkpot. That it was made of glass he had no doubt of. It didn't have the bamboo feel of regular inkpots and glass was a commodity most Japanese didn't have. He just had no idea as to what was contained within.

"A genie. How interesting," he murmured.

"What are you going to do with the genie, my lord?" Jaken inquired.

"I am going to test it, Jaken. But not here. I know the human's scent. If I need to find him, I can. If this genie is worth less than what I have given the guard, I shall seek him out. And if he is worth more, I shall seek him out."

He scooped up Rin and climbed onto Uhn and Ah's back while Jaken scrambled to the top of the dragonet's head. With a single command, they had taken to the air and sped on their way to his father's home in the West.

As they flew, he took the inkpot out from his sash and gazed at it. He hadn't said anything yet but he was becoming quite certain that the foreigner had been telling them the truth about genies and their capabilities. The inkpot itself vibrated with an untold amount of power and he wondered if the genie master even knew how much power the genie possessed.

'A man must be very powerful indeed to have created such a being or extremely foolish,' he mused, turning the inkpot round and round in his hand. 'Such a power could be put to good use.'

Tearing his gaze away from the inkpot, he slid it into his sash. They had acquired a little more than what Uhn and Ah was able to carry safely without losing anything. Next to him, Rin had started to fall asleep. He could tell by her deep and even breathing.

'Humans are such odd creatures,' he thought, making sure the girl didn't fall off. 'Needing constant rest and food . . . It's a wonder they've survived this long.' His hand went to the inkpot. 'Perhaps . . . just perhaps . . .' He left the thought unfinished as they flew on in silence.

* * *

His master had changed. How it had happened or why, he didn't know. There had been some slight changes around him . . . some more of the gossamer tapestries had appeared, emerald green in colour. A dark shadow passed over the room, causing Inuyasha to spring to his feet. His eyes followed as the shadow focused itself to one side and converged on itself. Within a few moments, a large, four poster bed had appeared, its mattress overstuffed to the point of inviting. The sheets were of a silken material and silver in colour. Several of the pillows picked themselves up and hurled themselves towards the bed while the rest arranged themselves into tidy piles. Even the temperature had changed some, dropping low enough so that the candle sconces lit up in some strange effort to bring back heat to the tiny room. Tentatively, he stepped towards the bed.

He'd seen only one bed like it and that was Kagome's. But this bed dwarfed hers in comparison. Hell, her bed didn't even have the tall posts sticking out at each corner nor did it have the gossamer curtains engulfing it.

'Am I supposed to sleep on that?' he asked himself. The reflective glass caught his attention as it flashed once with a pale, white light. Turning, he strode over to it and read aloud once more.

"The inkpot has changed from one master to another . . . The talisman changes slightly with each new master. You are bound to obey the master, even though he is not your intended. Pay attention to the changes. It is an indication to the personality of your master. And please be aware . . . not all masters are good masters . . . Feh. I already knew that," he grunted. He glanced back at the bed and at how neatly the room looked, despite the tumbling around his new abode did then sighed. "What have I gotten myself into?"

Inuyasha made his way towards the bed and curled up in the middle to wait. Wait for the call of his new master and to be out in the open once more.

* * *

Uhn and Ah landed in front of the palace with no problems, as usual. Sesshomaru smiled to himself. The two-headed dragonet had picked up an uncanny knack for landing gently since he had gained his young ward, especially whenever Rin had fallen asleep and when they had bought a lot of provisions. Several servants rushed to him, one taking Rin and carrying her to her room while the rest unloaded her kimonos to be washed and put away. Sesshomaru dismounted and made his way to the audience chamber. Jaken scurried after him.

"Milord . . ."

"What is it, Jaken?"

"This genie . . ."

"I am going to test its capabilities now, Jaken," he stated. "Make sure that none disturb me then join me when you are done."

"Yes, milord."

He pulled the violet inkpot out of his sash once more and his eyes hardened. If the human's boasts were to be believed, he'd be able to use this creature to enhance his own powers but something about it didn't ring entirely true. There had to be a limit. Even he had his limits as a youkai lord in what he could do, though they were few and far between.

'But I do not intend to be limited like this,' he thought darkly as he entered the audience chamber. 'I will break free from limitations. And I will not fall victim to the schemes of others ever again.'

The sound of Jaken's feet hurrying into the chamber room then the closing of the door brought him out of his musings. He turned his gaze to the imp then nodded. The order had been given out and none dared to ever disobey him. With practiced ease, he slid the covering off the inkpot and watched in silent, unmoving fascination as a blue light mixed in some dust poured from it. The glow of a figure soon became apparent and the first things that Sesshomaru immediately had noticed were the two pointed ears on the top of its head. In a single moment, the glow disappeared and the genie stood before him. Sesshomaru stood rigid as he took in the genie's features.

'White dog ears . . . silver hair . . . a jagged purple stripe on each cheek . . . clawed hands . . . It can't be . . .'

"Inuyasha," he hissed. At the mention of his name, the genie opened his eyes then paled. There was no mistaking it. Before him stood his filthy, half-breed brother. His golden-amber eyes told him as much. Sesshomaru slammed the inkpot down, paying no heed to the amount of force he used, and moved in front of his brother.

"It can't be," Jaken sputtered but Sesshomaru duly ignored him, his focus solely on his hanyou brother.

His clothes had changed. He no longer wore the red, fire-rat haori, and red pants he'd been so fond of. They had been replaced by a strange-looking blue haori that had no sleeves and didn't even close in the front. The pants had changed into a dark blue and a silver sash had been tied around his waist. A leather choker had been tied around his neck and a crescent moon-shaped jewel the same colour as his eyes rested in the center of his forehead. His hair had been braided back. Shoes like Sesshomaru's own were on his feet. Around each wrist was a large, golden band and some strange writing. The rosary and the Tetsusaiga, gone. But, for as startled as he was at seeing his older brother, Inuyasha had neither fear of him nor any malice. And he had yet to say anything.

"Interesting look, little brother," he sneered, circling the hanyou. "It's an improvement for one of your station. So you're one of the genies that pathetic human was boasting . . ."

"Huh?" At that, Inuyasha blinked and met Sesshomaru's gaze. The look of confusion on his brother's face shocked Sesshomaru. "I'm a what?"

"A genie," he spat. "Or did you not know?"

"I didn't know . . ." the hanyou stated somewhat helplessly. "It just happened somehow . . . I don't even understand it."

"I do," he hissed. He strode over and picked up the inkpot. "It means you are now mine to command, as long as I have this."

"That much I did know, Sesshomaru. I'm not that stupid," Inuyasha sighed. "What I meant is I don't understand how I can do the things that I can do now."

"What exactly do you mean, Inuyasha?"

"Make a wish and I'll show you," he stated.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. His brother offering to grant him a wish willingly? Something about this didn't seem right at all. Then he cast a glance at the inkpot.

'He is bound to obey me . . . and he knows it. But he could still trick me.'

"All right, Inuyasha. I'll take you up on your offer."

His half-brother regarded him warily. Sesshomaru stood straight then gestured to his left arm.

"I wish for my left arm back," he smirked. Inuyasha's next move surprised him.

"As you wish, Master," he bowed. Inuyasha raised a single hand and pointed it towards him. A white light engulfed the taiyoukai. He felt a slight burning sensation overtake the stump but also felt the arm growing back, quicker than it would have on its own. In a few moments, his arm had completely regenerated and the white light dissipated.

"Milord . . . your arm! It has grown back!" Jaken squawked out.

"How nice of you to point out the obvious," he said scathingly. He turned a glare on the hanyou. "And how were you able to do this?"

Inuyasha merely shrugged. "I don't know. You wished it for it and I just . . . granted it. I can't explain it any better than that."

"I am not satisfied with that answer, little brother."

"And I'm telling you I can't explain it any better than that, Sesshomaru," came the slight sneer. "All I know is you make the wish and I grant it."

'So . . . some traces of his personality still live within him . . . How very interesting indeed.'

"Watch your tongue, half-breed. I'm the master here."

Golden-amber eyes narrowed at him but his brother still bowed and murmured, "As you command, Master. Anything else you require?"

"Yes . . . I'd like to know what your limits are, little brother. What it is that you can do . . . and what you can't."

"My limitations?" came the echo. Confusion reflected from the golden-amber depths of his eyes.

"Yes. You may have great power, little brother, but you must have limits of some kind . . ." he trailed off, leadingly. His brother's face became pensive and, with an unusual amount of grace, he crossed his legs and floated to the ground. It almost made him envious. Almost.

"Limitations . . . Well . . . you already know that I have to obey whoever holds the inkpot . . . That's a given . . . What else is there?" Inuyasha rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"You mean you don't know?" he raised an eyebrow at him.

"I do but I don't," the hanyou confessed. "I'm not even sure how this happened. I didn't talk to anyone and I wasn't told anything except by the reflective glass."

"Reflective glass?" He, too, sat down and had begun to drum his fingers on the floor. His patience with Inuyasha, which had been excruciatingly thin to begin with, started to wear down.

"In the inkpot . . ."

'He seems disoriented, like he can't focus his thoughts . . . but I can't let him ramble like this anymore. I need to know so I can get rid of him.'

"And what did it tell you?" he growled softly.

"That I already knew the rules. They're imbedded in my blood. So I know what it is that I can and can't do . . . I just haven't been able to figure them out yet. You're the second one to have wished for anything."

"Then think, Inuyasha. Concentrate. What are your limitations?"

The hanyou went still, his eyes closing partway. For several moments, he didn't move. Sesshomaru didn't even detect his breathing, that's how still he'd become. Then, through some unseen force, Inuyasha's body lifted until he was standing, a power surge enveloping him. When he spoke, it was not in his own voice.

"A genie cannot kill nor can he bring someone back to life. It is entirely possible to wear an enemy down through the power of a genie but not to kill. The flesh of the deceased can be restored but the breath of life will not be there. A genie cannot truly physically harm someone but can make it feel like they've gone through Hell and back. A genie cannot interfere with free will. In the matters of love and hate, it is all up to the individual. And wishes are not entirely permanent. Only when building off of something already in existence can a wish be truly permanent. All others will fade into dust and be no more."

The glow of the power surge evaporated, leaving his brother looking weak and exhausted. Before he could say anything, Inuyasha crossed his arms and closed his eyes, his body becoming faint and translucent. In the same flash of blue light and dust as he came out in, he returned to the inkpot. A piece of paper floated to the floor once his brother was out of sight. Jaken scurried over to pick it up then handed it to him. He read it, his face darkened.

"What does it say, milord?"

"That a genie's powers can eventually be taxed, especially after being recently created. And this genie's creation has taken place within the last three days. Too much use will kill him and I should be careful in his use. He was specifically created for one master and that master would not be too happy to have lost such a powerful genie . . . How interesting. I finally have a way to kill him but I'm being asked not to."

"What do you intend to do, my lord?"

Sesshomaru cast a glance at the inkpot, crumpling the paper in his hand. There were many things that he could. He could finally take the Tetsusaiga from his brother, he could find a way to get rid of Naraku . . . the possibilities seemed endless. All he had to do was say, "I wish . . ." He picked up the inkpot.

"I'll let him rest . . . for now," he smiled slightly. "He's no good to me in finding the Tetsusaiga if he's dead."

"Aye, milord . . . Do you think he knows where it is?"

Sesshomaru rose to his feet, sliding the inkpot into his sash.

"Does it even matter if he does, Jaken? I can wish to know where it is or for it to be in my possession. He is a servant now. My servant and he has to do whatever I wish . . . that is, until his other 'master' comes to claim him."

He walked out of the room without another word to the imp.

* * *

Inuyasha stifled a groan and tried to bury his head under the pillow. His head pounded as if with a thousand hammers and his body ached.

'Damn him . . . Why did he have to press so hard on my limitations? I feel like shit.'

He opened his eyes and winced, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the light. After a few moments, he got up. The situation he was in was not good. He didn't know who his intended master was but he felt fairly certain that it was not his brother. Sesshomaru wanted him dead, not as a servant.

'But I can't put any stipulations on him for whatever he wishes. I just don't have it in me. As much as I'd like to, I can't. Something is preventing me from doing so. I can feel it . . . Why the hell did this have to happen to me?'

Inuyasha flopped backwards on the bed. He didn't know why he had bothered to get up. The inkpot held nothing for him. Nothing but the bed and the pillows.

'So Sesshomaru is my new master . . . He'll want the Tetsusaiga . . . He's always wanted the Tetsusaiga. I'm helpless against that wish. This isn't good . . . He can hurt countless people with it and not even blink an eye. After that, I'm useless to him . . . there isn't anything else that he'll want. I can't kill Naraku . . . so what will he do with me then? He'll get rid of me . . .'

Somehow that stung worse than any insult Sesshomaru had ever thrown at him. They'd always hated each other and pressed each other to the breaking point but Inuyasha had secretly hoped that someday they'd be able to overcome their differences and be brothers. There hadn't been a moment in his life, not even after Sesshomaru ran him through with his hand, that he hadn't wished for that moment to come. That, however, fell under Free Will with his newfound powers. No amount of wishing could ever change his brother's mind or attitude towards him, and he'd grown to accept it.

'But apparently I haven't accepted it completely . . . Why did it have to be this way?'

He curled back up and buried his face once more.

* * *

Abu rubbed his head as he glared balefully at the wolf youkai tribe leader. Kouga. The very one Ayame had wanted to use her potion on. At the moment, though, he could have cared less. The damn wolf had quite possibly cost him his head with Allah. While youkai frightened him, they didn't frighten nearly as much as Allah did. Allah had no qualms about shaking your hand to some sort of deal then turning around and slicing your head off your body. That's just how Allah was and there was no changing it. Living in the desert had a funny way of teaching you how to survive. But he couldn't tell Kouga that. He'd already told Ayame that Inuyasha was for his own purposes and not for sale. However, telling him the consequences of certain people getting a hold of the hanyou he could.

"I should find a way to castrate you," he growled lowly. "Have you any idea as to what you have done?"

"What do I care as to what I've done?" Kouga spat. "You were harboring that bitch, Kagura. Have you any idea as to what she's done?"

"She is now a mortal woman and in my care, no longer any of your concern," Abu retorted. "What should be your concern is the whereabouts of that inkpot you knocked out of my hands in your pathetic attempt to kill a mortal."

"And why's that?" he sneered. "I'd really love for you to tell me."

"Kouga, please," Ayame pleaded. The girl had been silent up until then.

"No, Ayame. I'm not going to listen to him. Not when he's defending that bitch!"

"Fine," Abu folded his arms. "Lose your jewel shards to the fiend Naraku. See if I care."

"What?" Kouga narrowed his eyes.

"You heard me," he replied coolly. "I will not care if your feared Naraku gets your jewel shards."

"Oh and are you planning on helping him to gain my jewel shards? Is that it?"

"No . . . but if he gets his hand on that inkpot that's so conveniently disappeared and he figures out what it can do, you might as well kiss your jewel shards good-bye. I myself have no need for such an insignificant object."

"What's in that inkpot?" the wolf demon asked guardedly.

"The most powerful genie the known world has ever seen, Kouga. Quite possibly the doom of youkai and mankind alike, if in the wrong hands."

"What's a genie?" someone quipped in.

"A genie is a powerful being that can grant wishes," Abu explained. "In the right hands, a genie can be used for great good. In the wrong hands . . ."

"Much harm can be done," Ayame finished. To that, Kouga said nothing. Abu unfolded his arms then disappeared into his tent. His wares had been picked up by his respective clients but, due to the wolf demon nearly attacking him, he'd been unable to take any new commissions.

'I can still salvage this situation but I'm running out of time. He has to be in Allah's grasp before the sun sets by the thirtieth day of his creation or he's as good as dead,' he told himself. 'Hopefully Allah will understand the delay. If not, I can kiss my head goodbye.'

He quickly located what he'd been looking for, dusted it off, grabbed Kagura by her hand, and strode back outside. The wolf youkai gave him the strangest looks as he untied the bundle then unfurled it. Kagura remained hidden behind him.

"What is that?"

"A flying carpet. I am going after my inkpot and I am taking the woman with me."

"A carpet can't fly . . ."

"How much do you want to bet, my good friends?"

Without waiting for any of them to say anything, he waved his hand and the carpet lifted itself up. He climbed on, dragging Kagura with him, then he was gone.

'Please, Lord Sesshomaru . . . Whatever you do . . . do not let my genie out of your grasp!'

* * *

"What is it that you wish, master?"

Sesshomaru regarded his brother with no small amount of boredom as the hanyou bowed with his waist, his eyes lowered in the manner of respect. On either side of him sat Rin and Jaken. He nearly smiled as he heard Rin's intake of breath at Inuyasha's appearance. Unlike most humans he'd ever encountered, Rin had been a breath of fresh air, never fearful nor disrespectful, and he liked that about her. Inuyasha remained bowed before him. Finally, he spoke.

"The Tetsusaiga, Inuyasha. I wish to know where it is."

Inuyasha straightened then held out both hands, a glowing white ball forming in the center. It expanded in length and narrowed in height. A moment later, the Tetsusaiga had completely materialized in front of them.

"It is right here, master . . ." The hanyou bowed once more.

"You had it all along?" He raised an eyebrow at him.

"Hai . . . I've had it all along."

"Hmmm . . ." Sesshomaru got up then circled his brother relentlessly. "Tell me, Inuyasha, everything what I wish to know . . . How did the Tetsusaiga appear like that?"

"It was in my body . . ."


"I don't know," Inuyasha murmured. "From the ceremony, I guess."

"The ceremony?"

"Hai," the hanyou nodded once. "The ceremony that gave me these powers."

"I see . . . How come I am not able to wield the Tetsusaiga and you are?" He didn't know what had possessed him to ask that question. It just slipped out. "Is it because of your human blood?"

"Yes and no."

"Which one is it?" Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes.

"It is both . . . Father created the sword to protect Mother. When he put the sword on the spell, he did not want just any youkai to be able to pick it up and wield it. Such actions could be disastrous. My human blood protected me from the powers of the barrier but would not activate the sword's powers. I had to promise to protect someone before it would react for me and need my demon blood for the powers to be used."

"The girl, Kagome."

"Hai. Kagome."

Sesshomaru stopped circling his brother. He still held the sword out, his arms never wavering. If anything, the hanyou remained calm. Calmer than what he'd ever seen.

"You know what my next wish is, don't you, Inuyasha?"

"Hai, Sesshomaru. I do."

"So what is stopping you from granting it?" he sneered.

"You haven't said I wish," he replied softly. Sesshomaru's eyes widened then he narrowed them once more. Something was not quite right. Inuyasha had not sneered at him once or shown him any hint of his previous personality, like he had when he'd first unleashed him from the inkpot. He wanted to know why.

`And it'll be best for Rin to be out of the room . . . As fearless as she may be, this isn't something she should witness.'

"Jaken, Rin . . . leave. Now."

"But milord," Jaken protested.

"Now, Jaken," he commanded firmly.

"Aye, milord."

He waited until Jaken and Rin had left, their footsteps fading until he no longer heard them. Then he calmed himself as best he could - his brother's attitude had infuriated him.

"Inuyasha . . ."

"Yes, master?"

"You've changed since the last time I unleashed you. I expected a little more of a fight from you or some kind of stipulations for this one wish to be granted."

"I'm sure you did," came the response. "However, I cannot fight against my master. Stipulations could be seen as insubordination and result in punishment. As you told me before, I am bound to serve you so long as you hold the talisman."

"You also knew what I would wish of you yet, here you are, ready to give me Father's sword but no words of anger, no threats. What gives, little brother?"

"Do you want the sword or not, Sesshomaru?"

He grabbed his brother by the throat and lifted him off his feet. His claws pressed dangerously close to the hanyou's skin. Inuyasha flinched slightly but made no other move, didn't even drop the Tetsusaiga.

"I asked you why you are not upset about this when you knew what I would request of you, Inuyasha. I wish to know the answer to that."

"Because I'm helpless to deny you the request," Inuyasha shouted out. "Whatever you wish for, I want to give you . . ." He paused for a moment then sighed. "And I can't help it. That word alone sends the desire to give you anything coursing through me . . . And I know, once you have what you want, I'm as good as gone. There isn't anything else that you want that I can give you and the one thing I've always wished for will never come true."

He lowered Inuyasha back to his feet. His brother's outburst had surprised him. Something shimmered in those golden-amber depths for a brief moment. Then Inuyasha closed his eyes, hiding whatever it was.

"Just make your wish, Sesshomaru, and get it over with. Don't drag it out any more than what you need to."

"And what," he began. His brother having a wish while he could grant them intrigued him slightly. If he could grant others their wishes then he should be able to grant his own wish.

`Or perhaps he is unable to . . . Is that how it works? A genie can grant the wishes of others but he can't grant his own?'

"JUST MAKE YOUR WISH AND GET IT OVER WITH, DAMMIT!! STOP TOYING WITH ME, YOU BASTARD!!" For the first time, Inuyasha's body trembled, some sort of inner resolve wavering. His breathing quickened and he gripped the sword tight. He was losing control over something and wasn't going to allow it. Sesshomaru knew his brother well enough. The hanyou hated to show any emotion, except for anger and disregard.

Normally, he'd have struck his brother for such an outburst. He'd have made sure he'd felt a great deal of physical pain but, this one time, he couldn't bring himself to do it. In some ways, Inuyasha understood the implications of being a genie but the understanding had buried itself deep within him and he refused to acknowledge it.

'He is a slave to the whims of others and there is nothing he can do about it. He cannot even grant his own wish. Perhaps I should return to the Genie Master and have some words with him about this . . . Perhaps.'

"Return the sword back to where you got it, Inuyasha," he murmured, "and return."

"Sesshomaru . . . Don't delay this . . . Please." Inuyasha's arms trembled more, his inner strength nearly spent.

'He knows I have him right where I want him . . . and he's helpless. He hates feeling helpless and I cannot blame him for that.'

"Return, little brother." He held out the inkpot and the blue light swirled around his brother. The Tetsusaiga disappeared from sight and his brother closed his eyes. Sesshomaru sealed the lid once his brother was secured and closed his eyes. Softly, he murmured, "Some other time, little brother. Some other time."