InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With A Baby's Help ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Me no own…you no sue!
A/N: This is theme # 22 on the 30_kisses challenges. I have unofficially started writing fics for it and yeah…even tho someone has already taken this pairing. I dun care, ^_^ It's my favorite.
It was a new day, the routine of the norm disrupted by the cries of a child. Rin rolled over and scrambled to her feet. She pushed the screen door aside and walked into the spare room. She smiled and picked up the whimpering child. “Hush now little Kiko.” She rocked the child in her arms.
“Rin? Kiko?” A worried female voice cooed from inside the room Rin had been staying in.
“Hai Kagome-san. We're in here.” The door slid open and Kagome's head popped into the room. Quietly she padded up to Rin and her daughter. “You're daughter is so quiet. She hardly cries at all through the night Kagome-san.” Rin handed the girl to her mother and silently watched as Kagome fed her. It wasn't but three days ago Rin was following her Sesshomaru-sama through the forest.
He turned and told her they were stopping by his brother's house. When she questioned as to why he mysteriously replied, “A welcoming.” She hadn't known that at the time Inuyasha was receiving a child, nor did she realize the want buried deep within her. All she knew, was that her lord had decided to pay a visit to someone he rarely chose to speak of. When they arrived on Inuyasha's doorstep they had been met by an agitated and hostile Inuyasha, bearing a sword and a threat of danger should they come any closer. Rin had heard Kagome's yells of agony and pushed her way past both confounded brothers. By the time Rin had made it to the source of the cries, Kagome lay panting and tired, clutching a small bundle to her. She opened her eyes tiredly and smiled.
“Rin-chan, how you have grown.” Rin nodded and sat next to her tired friend. “Where is Inuyasha?”
“He is coming Kagome-san. Did you want me to go get him?” Kagome nodded slowly, and licked her lips. “I shall bring you some water as well.” She pushed herself up to her feet and walked out of the room. As she turned a corner she nearly collided with a frantic Inuyasha. “Inuyasha-san. Kagome-san is calling you. Go to her, I will fetch some water.” He nodded silently and all but ran to the room she had just exited. She smiled to herself and walked to a small well in the center of the little village to fetch the water.
“Rin?” She turned to see her master, standing behind her, face blank and aloof as usual. She bowed.
“Gomen master, I did not mean to just leave like that. I let myself get taken by my emotions and curiosity. It will not happen anymore.” He brushed her apology away.
“Is she fairing?” Run slightly frowned and nodded.
“I was getting her and her child some water.” She motioned to a small pitcher within her hands. He nodded and turned back towards the house.
“We will be staying for a time.”
“Yes master.”
*End Flashback*
Rin smiled as she saw Kagome begin to fall asleep sitting up. “Kagome? Kagome-san, some sleep over here.” Kagome opened her eyes groggily and stood, child still in her arms and moved to Rin's futon. “I will care for Kiko-chan while you sleep.” Rin cradled the child in her arms. Kagome nodded.
“Arigatou Rin-chan. I will be up shortly.” With that Kagome shut her eyes and became dead to the world. Run silently walked out of the room, sliding the door shut with her foot. She walked to the little garden humming and rocking the little girl in her arms. She smile down at the precious bundle in her care.
“Kagome-san is so lucky to have such a beautiful child of her own. Kami-sama has smiled down upon her.” She heard the soft crunch of grass and spoke without looking at who was coming. “Kagome-san go back to bed. Kiko-chan is fine.” Soft shoes came into view by her feet and stiffened, recognizing who they belonged to. She bowed her head as best she could and then looked up to her Sesshomaru-sama. “Gomen nasai Sesshomaru-sama, I thought you were Kagome-san coming up behind me.” He stared at her blankly and she began to fidget under his gaze. “Your brother and Kagome-san are lucky to have such a beautiful child. Don't you agree?” She paused, “I mean aside from the fact she is mostly human.” She all but whispered, knowing her Sesshomaru-sama's strong feelings concerning human kind. He merely nodded and looked up to the morning sky. “I should go lay her down so she can sleep soundly.” She stood, bowed and began walking away again. She heard him say something, but couldn't make out what it was. She turned her questioning eyes to him but he made no move to reply. She turned again and made her way into the child's room. She laid the sleeping child down on her cushioned futon and felt herself on the verge of tears. “I want one of my own.” She finally admitted as a salty tear feel down her cheek. Quickly she wiped it away and walked out of the room. Starting at a light jog she made her way to a small stream at the outer edge of the garden. She knelt by the edge and sniffed. She felt and empty knot in her stomach and knew no matter how much she ate or drank, it would not fill up. Before she could register what was happening she felt herself being embraced by slim arms. She looked up and saw Kagome's tired face staring down at her.
“You want one of your own, don't you?” Rn nodded and buried her head in Kagome's shoulder. “Don't cry Rin-chan. One day, you'll see. You'll have one as well.”
“No.” Rin whispered sadly. “I don't want one with anyone but my master and he dislikes humans and hanyous. He would never…” She trailed off as more tears flooded her eyes. “If it would displease my master, I will gladly not pursue the idea even within my mind.”
“Rin-chan. You cannot deny what your heart tells you that you want.” She cupped Rin's face and looked her in the eyes. “Just wait Rin, one day you will see.” She hugged the woman before her and then stood, yawning. “I'm sorry you are upset Rin, do you want me to make you something to eat to help make it feel better?” Rin shook her head.
“No. Go back to sleep Kagome-san. I'm fine now.” They titled their heads to each other and then Kagome made her way back to her room. Once she was out of sight she stopped and looked towards the nearby forest. “You've made quite a mess you know that?” She got no reply, and was looking for none. “You've in some trouble I don't think you can get out of. I only pray for her sake you can fix what you have created.” With that she walked into her home and went to sleep once more.
Sesshomaru emerged from the trees. Rin's crying rang in his sensitive ears. Inuyasha's woman had spoken true. He was in trouble, he had created quite a mess, but one thing she had been wrong about, he did know how to fix it. He did know what to do. He turned on his heel and made the way towards the crying woman. He clenched his hands, he had been contemplating this action since she had become old enough to bear pups. He nearly staggered the first time the thought of her wanting her own children crossed his mind. At the time he had pushed the thought away, refusing to deal with it, to come to terms. He figured he could always send her to her own kind if it got too unbearable. Deep down he knew what he had to do. He came upon her kneeling form quit quickly. She had begun crying again. “Kami-sama. Please I-I know I shouldn't but I want a family. I want his family.” She sobbed hopelessly. She didn't hear him come, didn't hear him stop, didn't hear him kneel next to her. She didn't hear anything, she felt him scoop her up into his arms and hold her close. She gasped and tried to wiggle her way out of his grasp. One stern look and she froze.
“Did you mean it?”
“Gomen nasai Master.” She wailed helplessly. “I did not mean for you to hear me.” Her tears began anew.
“Did you mean it?” he questioned again. She nodded meekly. He cupped her chin and brought her face to look at him, a small smile threatening to upturn his lips. “Good.” And with that he captured her lips in a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, enjoying the first of what would be many kisses to come. He pulled away from her to whisper in her ear. “Aishiteru.” She pulled him ever closer and smiled.
“Aishiteru too Sesshomaru-sama.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “Always.” Delicately he stroked his fingers through her hair and brought her mouth up to meet his. His kiss was fiery and she felt the need deep within it. It overwhelmed her, but she liked it. She leaned into the kiss begging him silently to take it further. He pulled away though and stood, her still in his arms and walked into the forest.
The thoughts buzzing through his head would have made any normal person dizzy, but Sesshomaru was not a normal person. He wanted his Rin, needed to claim her as she had claimed him without his knowing. He found a clearing in the dense forest not far from where they had originally been. He laid her down in the grass. She looked so at home, so at peace on the earth. She brought her innocent eyes up to his and he growled low in his throat. She made his blood boil with a simple look. He leaned down at captured her lips. “Rin,” He groaned out her name. He could feel the heat of her body through the fabric of their clothes and it made his want for her grow harder. She brought her mouth to his and whispered against his lips.
“Take what has always been yours.” She sealed his lips and gasped when she felt his hands on her obi and then on the bare skin of her shoulders and collarbone. His nimble hands separated the fabric with ease. His lips trailed moist kisses from her jaw to the hollow of her neck and then found one taut nipple and drew it into his mouth. She groaned and arched her back into him, unconsciously rubbing against the limb that so ached to be within her. Her hand shook in embarrassment as she reached down and touched him through his pants. He let out a feral groan and stilled her hand. He loosened the knot at his waist and felt the cool fabric slink away from his heated skin. His fingers gently went to her core and spread her open. She was wet. He slid a digit in and searched her for that magical pearl he knew existed. A small groan and a jerk was his reward once he found it. He circled the little gem until she writhed beneath him. “S-Sesshomaru-sama.” She cried out as she came in his arms. He could hold back no more and kissed her feverishly. With one thrust he was within her, her tight hot walls gripping him like a glove.
“Rin…” Her name escaped his parted lips. Both grew instantly still as they waited for her pain to ebb away to nothing. It took mere seconds before he felt her move against him, testing. The move sent shock waves of electricity through him. He moved within her and she arched her back, also feeling the ribbons of pleasure string through her body. They moved together, climbing towards that exhilarating climax together. Soft groans escaped both partners lips, and they grew as the moments ticked by.
“Sesshomaru, I-I'm coming…” She cried out as she clutched at his shoulders, unable to do much else. One final thrust sent her careening into oblivion and she cried out in pleasure as the strings of pleasure snapped within her body. She floated down to earth languidly. Sesshomaru scrunched his eyes shut trying valiantly not to come, trying to make it last. His efforts were for naught when he felt her tight muscles clench around him and grip him fully. Her name was upon his lips as he seated himself deep within her and spilt his seed. He collapsed onto the panting woman below him, panting hard himself. He gathered her near him and rolled them over onto his back. She drifted into sleep. Sesshomaru smiled and placed a kiss to her forehead as she slept.
He rubbed his hands over her back and shoulder blades. Gently he placed a kiss to the bend of her neck and bit down lightly. Not to hurt, but to mark. She jerked in his arms, but was otherwise unaffected. He licked the coppery blood from the small cut and soothed the skin with his tongue. When they woke she would have a small blue crescent moon scar right there. He smiled as he drifted into a deep sleep. “My mate, my Rin forever.”
A/N: Aishiteru- I love you.
WOW…it seems like I died there for a while huh? Well I've just been busy with school and my life. Many things changing and it takes me away from my writing. GOMEN!! Glossary:
Gomen nasai- sorry
Aishiteru- I love you
Arigatou- thank you
Chan/San/sama- suffixes of names to show different social class and respect. Chan is usually for a child san is a person of higher respect(usually someone older) and sama is like master or god. (aka…Kami-sama=God)
(don't think I used anything else)
I have another 30 Kisses story on its way I PROMISE! It's on 20 written pages right now, so it will be a lil before I get it all typed up and on the site. Thanx to all for being so patient with me.