InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With a New Day, Comes New Chances ❯ With a New Day, Comes New Chances ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own anything Inuyasha or by Rachel Procter. If you think that I do, you're crazier than… than… Naraku and Marik put together!!!

With a New Day, Comes New Chances

By: IsisTheEgyptianGoddess

Song: Me and Emily By: Rachel Procter

It was dark, 5:30am, and there was not another soul on the road except for the occasional semi driving to some unknown destination. In an old beat up 1962 Chevrolet that had clearly seen better days, Kagura Nowaki (formally Kagura Onigumo) sat behind the wheel trying to stay awake. Her expression hard and intense, looking at the road signs that passed her and her precious passenger by every now and again. Her look softened as her gaze turned to the small body asleep in the seat next to her. Her hand came from the steering wheel and stroked blonde (almost white) hair. Her seven year old daughter Kanna Onigumo.

"Maybe some music will help mommy stay awake." Kagura whispered softly.

Ever mindful of her daughter's state of slumber, Kagura looked for a suitable station on the old fashioned dial radio with the volume turned way down low. She finally found a station which wasn't completely static, and that wasn't on a commercial break. She listened as the DJ announced the next song.

"The new hit single by Rachel Procter, `Me and Emily'."

Kagura snorted, `Great. Country. Well, beggars can't be choosers.' She half listened to the music as the song began. But as the first words were sung, they hit Kagura like a ton of bricks.

~Floorboard's filled with baby toys,

An' empty coke bottles an' coffee cups.

Drivin' through the rain with no radio,

Tryin' not to wake her up.

Cell 'phone says "low battery",

God, what if I break down?

I'm just lookin' for an exit with a lotta lights,

A safe little interstate town.

Just a cheap hotel,

With a single bed,

And cable TV:

Is good enough for me an' Emily.~

Kagura jumped and gave the radio a look that one would give a possessed object.

`Talk about coincidence creepy.' She thought to herself as the radio continued singing.

~Some day, when she's old enough,

She's gonna start askin' questions about him.

Some kid at school brings his Dad for show an' tell,

An' gets her little mind a-wonderin':

"Where's my Daddy? Do I have one?

"Does he not love me like you do?"

Oh, maybe I'll find someone to love the both of us,

An' I'll tell her when she's old enough to know the truth.

Will it break her heart?

Will she understand,

That I had to leave?

That's what was best for me an' Emily~

Kagura's eyes, still on the road, got a far away look as the events from just a few hours ago came back in full force.


Kagura had just finished tucking her little angel into bed.

"Good night Mommy." Kanna whispered her eyes fluttering shut.

"Good night precious." Kagura answered kissing her forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too honey." And with that Kagura turned off the light and shut the door sighing. Now was the much more daunting task of keeping the child asleep. Suddenly from downstairs came the noise of the front door slamming open.

"Bitch! Where are you?!!!"

She blanched and looked over in the direction of the stairs. There was a crash as something fell. Her husband Naraku had just returned from the bar he went to every night. And he was stone cold drunk.

"Bitch!! Answer me!!!"

She managed to walk calmly down the stairs, but her hand was still trembling.


"There you are! What the fuck have you been doing all day woman?! This house is a God-damned mess!!"

Kagura knew better to just keep her mouth shut. Naraku stumbled over to her and gave her a wet drunk kiss on the mouth. His breath reeked of alcohol, and almost made her gag. He began to start to caress her and tried to open her blouse. But when she pushed him away, he backhanded her across the face. She just lay on the floor where she fell. As soon as he finished, he passed out on the couch with a sick simpering smirk on his face. Kagura shakily got to her feet and fixed her clothes. Then before she could loose her sudden courage, she ran upstairs grabbed a suitcase and packed. Less than thirty minutes later, she woke up Kanna and carried both the suitcase and her half awake daughter to the car, and drove off into the night.

*~End of Flashback~*

She shook herself back to the present and concentrated on finding a detour sign.

~That house was never clean enough; his dinner never warm enough.

Nothing I did was ever good enough to make him happy.

So, I guess, he gave me what he thought I deserved,

But it would kill me if he ever raised his hand to her.~

`I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.' Kagura thought fiercely but despite her wishes, rebellious tears started to fall from her eyes, and she wiped them away with the back of her hand, and she faintly noticed the sun starting to rise.

~ Big rigs are throwin' rain on my windshield,

An' I feel like they're laughin' at me.

Fin'lly the storm is lettin' up,

An' the mornin' is breakin' free.

It's a brand new day,

It's a second chance.

Yesterday is just a memory,

For me an' Emily.

Floorboard is filled with baby toys,

An' empty coke bottles an' coffee cups.

Least there's one good thing that he gave me,

An' she's startin' to wake up.~

Suddenly she felt a tug on her stained white blouse. She looked over at her small daughter who looked solemnly into her face.

"Mommy, why are you crying?"

Kagura managed a small smile through her tears and patted Kanna's hand.

"Mommy's just really tired sweetie."

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere where Mommy can get some sleep. Now put on your seatbelt o.k.?"

Kanna gave her mother a smile and did as she was told. Kagura silently thanked anyone who was listening for blessing her with such a well behaved, quiet girl.

"Look Mommy!" Kanna said pointing, "Piney Point, 12 miles." She sounded out.

"That was wonderful Kanna! You're doing great!" Kagura praised as she turned on her blinker and made the turn.

"I like that name Mommy."

"So do I."

"So are we gonna stay there?"

"Yes." Kagura looked down at Kanna's intense, curious face, "Yes we are."


Isis: I'm putting this under a separate fic space than my other song-fics because the rating is higher. Much love to Kirei and Kaleigh for reading this over for me! Please R&R folks! Tell me what you think!