InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With Angel's Love ❯ A Reunion Loathed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With Angel's Love

Part IIII: A Reunion Loathed

There was a sharp scream, and the bloodied body of a orange-skinned demoness fell to the ground. Standing over her was a young hanyou with long silver hair and dog-ears poking from his thick mane. In his hands was a large sword, which appeared to be made of a dog's own fang. He sheathed the blade, smirking a little, as three others ran up behind him.

"Inu-Yasha! What was that thing?" and oddly-dressed young woman asked, stopping slightly behind him. The hanyou shrugged his shoulders. "How in hell should I know? It attacked me so I killed it," he growled. A young monk walked up next to him, accompanied by a young demon exterminator. "This demon…" the monk started, furrowing his brow, "I can sense an extreme evil emanating from her even though Inu-Yasha has slain her."

The silver-haired hanyou's ears twitched. "What is it, Inu-Yasha?" the demon exterminator asked. He let out a low growl. "Dammit! And I thought this bitch was the most of our problems!" he hissed. Before anyone could question his remark, part of the forest fell. All but Inu-Yasha ran back as he unsheathed his blade, growling lowly as another form with silver hair stepped forward through the dust. It was Sesshomaru.

The demon chuckled sinisterly, running a fingertip over his new blade, which was shining in the sunlight. The hanyou continued to growl at his older half-brother. "Sesshomaru, what the hell do you want?!" he demanded angrily. Of course, the first thing he noticed about his brother was his new arm. "What, take some other poor creature's arm to replace the one I hacked off?" he demanded angrily. Sesshomaru simply chuckled. "Do you honestly think that I need both arms to destroy you?" he asked, he voice burning into his younger half-brother like acid.

Inu-Yasha continued to eye Sesshomaru, noticing his new blade. The monk walked up next to him. "What is it, Miroku?" Inu-Yasha asked. Miroku furrowed his brow. "It's Sesshomaru…and his new blade…there's no evil power emanating from him. It's as if…he's become some kind of sacred being," he said. Inu-Yasha eyes him strangely. "What the hell--- Oh, forget it. Just get back, I'll take care of this," the hanyou growled.

Hearing this, Sesshomaru scoffed. He really thinks he can just take care of me! Well…its time to test the true power of Songhai! Sesshomaru smirked evilly, pointing his sword at Inu-Yasha. The runes engraved on the sword began to glow black, and as if it was on instinct, he uttered something in an archaic language. Songhai glowed like fire, and fire actually did erupt from the blade, shooting toward Inu-Yasha in his friends. But before it struck, it took the shape of a phoenix, like a real bird but simply made of fire.

"What the hell?!" Inu-Yasha yelled, darting out of the way. The fire phoenix swooped back down for him, giving a large shriek. He tried to slash at him with the Tetsusaiga, but he was forced back, his blade untransformed. "Sesshomaru…" he groaned angrily, "I don't know what kind of magic you're using, but I'm ending it all here!" As he ran to attack Sesshomaru, the phoenix swooped back down for him. Before it could attack him, Kagome sundered it with one of her sacred arrows.

"Get him, Inu-Yasha!" she cheered. Inu-Yasha smirked evilly, and swung his sword. Sesshomaru parried it, disenchanted his blade yet again. "Dammit…" he hissed. He quickly transformed his blade again. "I have to get in one good shot…I have to use the Wound of the Wind!" He raised the Tetsusaiga, but he could not sense the Wound. What in the hells…? Sesshomaru smirked a little. "How can you sense where the wind and the demon powers collide when there are no demon powers?" he asked sarcastically. Inu-Yasha's eyes widened a little, but his expression quickly changed to an uneasy smirk. "Well, I don't need the Wound of the Wind to kill you. I'll just hack you to bits!"

Before Sesshomaru even needed to move, he heard Gina run up behind him. "Why don't you just leave him alone!" she yelled. A bolt of light shot from her hand, striking Inu-Yasha. His blade was once again disenchanted and he fell to his knees, but nothing more happened. As Gina's golden aura faded, he began to recognize her. "Hey…you're that girl who was with him before…" he said. "Gina-chan! I told you to stay behind!" Sesshomaru yelled. Gina walked over to him, wobbling a little.

"Sheathe…you blade…Sesshomaru," she said. Her vision was a little blurry. What's going on…why do I feel so awful…? Sesshomaru did as she said, but more out of concern for her. He walked over, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" he asked. Gina flinched a little, and staggered a bit, falling over into his arms. "Gina-chan! Say something…" he said pleadingly. He then glared at Inu-Yasha. "Whatever you did, half-breed, you'll pay!"

Kagome timidly walked over. "May I?" she asked. Sesshomaru picked Gina's unconscious form up, holding her out a little to the time traveler. Kagome put a hand on Gina's sweat-soaked head, nodding a bit. "She's just fainted. I think I know someone who can help, though." Sesshomaru at first opposed it, but taking Gina's health into mind, he gave a slight nod.