InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With Angel's Love ❯ Azrael and Selene ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With Angel's Love

Part VII: Selene and Azrael

Inu-Yasha growled fiercely as he slammed his sword into one of the demons, though it took much more strength than it should have. "What…the…hell!" he growled, finally destroying it. Sesshomaru destroyed two demons at once, his blade flaming. Vaul smashed one with his hammer, and then hit it once more, killing it. As Sesshomaru and Inu-Yasha hit the ground, Vaul leapt onto Prometheus's saddle, striking another demon as it came near. Prometheus finished it off with a blast of fire, wounding a few others.

"What the hell are these things, Sesshomaru?" Inu-Yasha growled as he slashed at another. Sesshomaru killed another few, growling. "How should I know!?" Sesshomaru replied angrily. Vaul swooped low to the ground on Prometheus, and quickly jumped off, hitting another few of the demons. "This is a good first lesson in being an archangel, Sesshomaru," Vaul said, quickly defending himself again. "Theses demons…" he started, bashing another's head in, "Are demons of hell. Too bad Gina can't fight…cause an angel with her kind of power would be able to mow these rabble down without batting an eyebrow!"

As Sesshomaru, Inu-Yasha, and Vaul fought off the demons as best they could, Sango, Miroku, Kagome, and Gina were having even more trouble. Kagome shot another arrow, but like all the others, it had the same effect as that of a mortal weapon. Before it had a chance to attack more, Shippo attacked it with foxfire, finally finishing it off. Miroku continued throwing sacred scrolls at them and hitting the demons with his staff, since they were all moving around too much to use his Kazaana. He smacked another one, and let Kirara finish it off with a violent swipe of her claws. Blood spattered on the ground as the demon was dismembered, some of it spattering on the dead bodies of other demons.

Kagome fired yet another arrow, but it barely injured it. And a few more were already beginning to surround her. She shot at it again, and before she could make a move, another attacked. The demon slashed her with its large claws, throwing her to the ground. Kagome sat up, wincing in pain as she looked down at the five long gashes along her body. Before the demon got a chance to attack her again, Gina destroyed it easily with a blast of energy. She destroyed five or six more in this manner, and then helped Kagome to stand.

"Are you alright?" Gina asked. Kagome gave a slight nod, but saw that Gina was already becoming weak. "What about you? You look like you're going to faint again," Kagome said. Gina smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'm fine," she said, "Can you draw a bow?" Kagome nodded again. "Good, then do it!" Gina yelled, killing off another demon. Kagome shot at another demon, this time striking it in the eye. Sango and Kirara were busy with attacking their own pair, as were Miroku and Shippo. But no matter how many demons they killed, it was like they weren't even making a dent in their numbers.

"What business do these demons have with us?!" Sango thought aloud, killing another demon with her boomerang bone. She gave a low growl, and stabbed another demon with her sword as her usual weapon returned. She finished that demon off with her sword, and then attacked another with her boomerang. As Gina helped Shippo, she came to a conclusion. I have to use my real power…With this, she entered her tennyo form in a burst of light.

When Gina transformed into her highest power, both Sesshomaru and Vaul stopped what they were doing. "That's…that's Gina's battle aura," Sesshomaru said. Vaul killed yet another demon. "Do you really think she would've done that?" he asked. Sesshomaru didn't answer his question. "I leave these demons to you! I have to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid!" he called out. With that, the silver haired demon leapt off. But by the time he reached where the others were fighting, Gina, along with most of the demons, were gone. He ran over to Kagome, who was readying to draw her bow again. "Where is she?" he demanded shakily.

"Gina flew that way! And some of the demons followed after her…" she said. Just after finishing her statement, Kagome passed out, falling into Sesshomaru's arms. The demon held her there for a moment until Inu-Yasha and Vaul appeared behind them. "Kagome!" Inu-Yasha yelled. She stirred a little, but soon fell back into unconsciousness. Inu-Yasha quickly snatched her away from his elder brother, and the other demon quickly took the opportunity to go and rescue his young lover. He could feel her power dwindling quickly. And when she was too weak to move, she would be doomed.

Gina, now struggling to keep on her feet, destroyed another few demons with a blast of power. She was surrounded, and could feel herself weakening. As one of them ran circles around her, she slashed it with her empowered javelin, destroying nine or ten of them at once. When she did this, she fell to her knees. She blasted another demon away, but Gina was quickly running out of power. She set her javelin down, breathing heavily. My power never dries up like this…I should be able to go for hours! It must be because I'm with child…

Another demon attacked her just as her vision began to blur. She destroyed it, but then, with most of her energy gone, Gina fell completely to the ground, her eyes half shut. As this happened, the demons began to swarm the young tennyo. Her breathing was deep and shaky, and she wasn't sure how long she would last. Why did I lead them away? Why did I go where no one could help me?! Gina winced in anticipation of her death, when a white light shot through the demons. All of the fell to the ground, lifeless, and orbs of black light were soaked into a silver blade that a young man held.

He had long, silky black hair that was tied back into a ponytail, and had tanned skin. On each his cheeks were two red stripes, and his eyes were a piercing, almost glowing amber. And over his white gi and hakama was angelic armor just as Gina wore over her own pink yukata. Strangest of all were to two black dog ears that jutted from his mane. The young woman who now lie helplessly on the ground looked up at him intently as he walked over. "Are you alright?" he asked gently as he knelt down next to her. Gina simply gave a whimper, and so he scooped her up into his arms. "Who are you?" Gina asked. He smirked a little. "My name is Azrael. And I assume that you are Lady Gina," he answered politely. Gina gaped as he spoke his name. The Angel of Death…no!!!

Gina then passed out, from both shock and loss of energy. Azrael shook her a little. "Oh man…did my name scare another poor person?" he thought aloud. The young man shook her a bit, and she stirred. "My…baby…please…" she muttered in her sleep. This brought a smirk to Azrael's face. "Good, good. It's seems that we're not endangering our own conception after all. I'm certain that this will please Selene." With this said, Azrael stood, Gina still in his arms. "And now it's time to go and find that little sister of mine."

Back where Sesshomaru was trying to fight his way to Gina, demons once again began to swarm. Gina-chan…I'll get to you… As he burned and hacked away at the swarming demons, he tried to sense Gina's aura. Her angelic power was almost completely gone. Gina-chan…just hang on! As he was locked in thought, one of the demons caught him with its sharp, venom-soaked claws. He faltered, already feeling the pain of the demon's poison. But before Sesshomaru needed to attack the demon, the sky went dark and a bolt of lightning shot from the sky, turning the demon to dust.

A few more bolts of lightning rained down from the sky, each of them annihilating a demon. Sesshomaru prepared to fight another demon, but his vision was already being blurred. But he clearly saw when a young woman walked through the forest. She had long, wavy black hair that came down to her waist, with two black dog ears jutting from behind a thing purple hair band. Her skin was pale, and her eyes were a grim grayish color. On her forehead was a purple crescent. She was wearing loose, black silk robes, with strips of purple silk around the sleeves and the edge of the skirt. She turned to the other demons, a blank expression on her face. "And now…" she started, her voice high-pitched, her pale eyes glowing with a white light, "You'll die."

More bolts of lightning shot down from the sky, utterly destroying all of the demons below their impact. Sesshomaru caught a whiff of this girl's scent, and gaped as he did so. Her scent was a mix of his own and Gina's. But how…? He gave a low growl, thinking the worst of his beloved Gina-chan. "Who in the seven hells are you?!" he demanded angrily, his eyes turning red. The young woman turned to him, remaining silent. But she did nothing. She simply stood there, eyeing Sesshomaru intently. As the other demons retreated in fear of this mysterious young woman's power, the other surrounded her.

Her eyes danced between them, and she bit her lip. "I must defend…" she whispered. Her eyes began to glow with the same pale light. Both Vaul and Sesshomaru could feel angelic energy surging within her. What is she…? Sesshomaru thought. The mysterious young woman began to bite her lip, and the purple crescent on her forehead began to glow. But as thunder began to rumble above, Azrael appeared over the treetops, Gina still tightly clutched in his arms.

"Selene! Don't attack! They're friends!" he said, landing next to her. Seeing Gina, Sesshomaru rushed over, taking his mate from him. Gina stirred a bit, and opened her eyes again, looking up at Sesshomaru's worried face. "What…happened…?" she asked. He simply smiled. "Don't worry. Everything's fine," he replied gently. Sesshomaru held her close, growling lowly at Azrael and Selene. "Who in the hells are you?!" he demanded angrily. Azrael gave an rebellious smirk, scoffing a little.

"Selene and I? I'm surprised you've yet to notice. We're yours and Lady Gina's children."