InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It was nearly month later when things had finally settled down. Inuyasha had brought Kagome back to her own time for the medical attention she needed so desperately after the battle. And he stayed with her, the week she was in the hospital. And then the two weeks she was at home, and then finally when she returned to the feudal era, bandaged and sore but determined to see her friends all safe and sound.

“Sango and Miroku are fine, only a few scrapes and bruises. Shippo is pouting as usual for being left behind. And Kouga’s around somewhere, and has been since I brought you home,” Inuyasha explained. He’d made constant trips back and forth over the month to keep everyone in the past up to date on Kagome’s recovery.

“And what about Kohaku, he still has the jewel fragment in his back, right?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha leapt up from the bottom of the well, Kagome in his arms instead of on his back so he didn’t jar her shoulder. He placed her on the ground gently, and looked around the well’s area.

“Yeah, his memories came back and he hasn’t spoken once. His dreams are bad and he doesn’t sleep well either, but Sango tries to comfort him when he lets her. When the time comes we’ll need to take that jewel fragment back,” Inuyasha replied solemnly.

“I know, but we will wait until we speak to Sesshomaru,” Kagome replied. Inuyasha let out a growl. Kagome had come up with the idea to ask for Sesshomaru to help them save Kohaku’s life, since he did have the sword that could do it.

“That bastard is not going to help Kohaku, he’s sworn to kill him,” Inuyasha told her. Kagome shook her head and let out a small sigh.

“He won’t, Rin likes Kohaku it would be devastating to her to lose his friendship. Kohaku cares for her too, that’s why even under Naraku’s power he protected her,” Kagome replied. Inuyasha snorted at this, but didn’t want to start an argument. Kagome smiled and started off toward the village.

Kagome was surprised at the sight she was met by when she got to Kaede’s hut. Sitting on the porch was Sango and Miroku, talking with each other pleasantly and Shippo was nearby coloring, and Kouga was there sitting on the wooden fence surrounding Kaede’s garden, having a conversation with the old woman as she plucked herbs.

“Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kouga,” Kagome called, smiling widely. Kouga jumped up and was gripping Kagome’s free hand with in a split-second, that familiar charming smile in place.

“I’m so glad you’re alright, I’ve waited forever for you to return,” Kouga said. Kagome smiled and pulled her hand away from him.

“That’s so sweet Kouga, thank you,” She said. Kouga’s smile turned to a scowl at the sight of Inuyasha who stood behind Kagome.

“Mutt face,” He challenged. Inuyasha let out a growl.

“Don’t start you mangy wolf,’ Inuyasha returned. Kagome pushed past the two of them and started toward Shippo to give him a hug, then to Sango and Miroku.

“We’ve been so worried about you,” Sango said, stroking Kilala’s head who sat in her lap. Kagome smiled and took a seat beside her friend, Shippo coming to sit in her lap.

“Kagome, I drew you a picture,” Shippo said, happily. He pulled out a drawing from his shirt, and held it up to her. Kagome smiled mildly at the picture of her stamping on Naraku’s form, a glow of yellow squiggles around her.

“Thank you Shippo, but it wasn’t just me who defeated him, everyone here had a part in it,” She told him.

“Don’t be modest Kagome, if it hadn’t been for your abilities we wouldn’t have won. You purified both the jewel and Naraku, destroying him. You truly are the hero,” Miroku said with a chuckle. Kagome’s cheeks’ darkened with embarrassment and she shook her head.

“I couldn’t have done it if it weren’t for you guys. I just wanted to protect you all, and I wanted you to be safe,” She said quietly. Her eyes darted to look at Inuyasha, but he wasn’t watching her, he was looking at the forest, and the streaming bodies of soul collectors that hovered over it. Kagome felt a sinking feeling in her chest, and suddenly the mild pain of her shoulder didn’t matter, because the pain in her heart was far more burning.

She got up from her seat and walked to Inuyasha, he looked to her his eyes betraying his conflicting emotions.

“Go, she came here to see you”.

“Kagome-,” Kagome shook her head at him. Inuyasha let a small smile show and then he was gone. Kagome bit her bottom lip as it trembled slightly, and quickly closed her eyes against her tears.

“He doesn’t deserve you” Kagome looked around at the wolf demon, and smiled pathetically.

“He might not, but it doesn’t matter because as long as he’s happy so am I”. Kouga met her eyes; he didn’t look for long before he gaze went back to where Inuyasha had disappeared too.

“I should be going, my tribe has been without a leader for too long,” Kouga announced. Kagome smiled at him as he took her uninjured hand again, rubbing a rough thumb across it. “I think I already know your answer, but I just want to ask you in case your answer changed. Do you want to come with me and be my woman, my mate?”

“I’m sorry Kouga, but no. I need to stay here, with Inuyasha,” Kagome said quietly. Kouga nodded, his eyes on her hand in his.

“I thought so,” He chuckled mirthlessly. He looked up then his eyes shining. “I really do love you, and that’ll never change, so if your answer does you know where to find me”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Kagome’s in quick, gentle kiss, and then he was gone. Kagome watched the cloud of dust as it disappeared and smiled faintly, reaching up to touch her lips. Her first kiss.