InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next morning when the two men returned from their journey they found Kagome sitting out on the porch holding Shippo in her lap, looking somber.

“Where is Sango?” Miroku asked. Kagome looked up at the question and gave him a small grim smile.

“She went back to her village”

Miroku didn’t say anything for a long moment he just stared as Kagome held out a glowing fragment of the jewel.

“She asked me remove it, because Kohaku was suffering too much and she thought it best that he not have to deal with it,” Kagome told him. She sniffled and looked away from his gaze.

“If Sango asked you to remove, it wasn’t your fault he died. That was Sango’s choice,” Miroku told her, reaching out to pat her shoulder. Kagome nodded and wiped at her eyes.

“I know, I just… poor Sango” Shippo sniffled too and gave Kagome a comforting hug. Miroku let out a sigh.

“I suppose she will return when she’s ready. But for now Kagome you’ll need to complete the jewel and then we will decide what we need to do”

Kagome nodded, she picked up Shippo and placed him on the porch before she got to her feet. Kagome was going to the sacred tree to calm herself before she attempted to fuse the last pieces into the jewel. As she passed Inuyasha, they didn’t speak, but Kagome gave him a pathetic smile, in attempt to be normal.

Kagome sat by the roots of the sacred tree for a long time, just holding the fragments of the jewel cupped in her hands, tears moving slowly down her cheeks. She silently prayed for Sango and hoped her well, knowing that because of this jewel she had lost the last of her family. The sacred jewel had caused such pain for everyone who had been involved with it she hated it and wanted it to be gone from the world. But for it to be gone, someone had to make a wish, and she knew that wish belonged to Inuyasha. Would he still wish to become a full demon, or did he want something else now? Did he intend to wish for Kikyo to live again, and if he did, where did that put her? Kagome let out a sigh and looked down at her palms, and the glowing fragments.

“So much pain, for such a small thing. For one wish, that’s all,” She said aloud. Kagome closed her hands hiding the jewel from view, as she concentrated on the energy she’d need to fuse them all together.

When Kagome opened her hands a few minutes later she was surprised to see the completed jewel. She had thought that it would be harder, but maybe her spiritual powers had grown, she had after all purified Naraku.

“Well, it’s done and now Inuyasha may have whatever wish he wants” Kagome clutched the jewel in her hand and got to her feet.

“I just hope that he’s happy,” She sighed.