InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With One Wish ❯ Chapter 10

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It had been like any regular day, Kagome had gotten to school just on time and her friends laughed about it. There wasn’t anything different, it seemed like the only thing that had changed was the fact her father was still alive. At lunch her friends all sat around her chatting about boys, sitting outside in the nice spring weather.

“Hojo’s on his way over, Kagome,” Eri said. Kagome looked up from her palm and spotted the tall brown haired figure of Hojo. He smiled at her and waved enthusiastically.

“Good afternoon,” Kagome said to him when he stopped before her. Hojo smiled grandly.

“Kagome, I wanted to ask you something,” Hojo said. Kagome looked at him, smiling politely.

“What is it Hojo?”

“Well, as you know I’m on the track team, and see we have this meet on Sunday against Yukosu High, and I was wondering if maybe you would come,” Hojo asked. He looked to Kagome with a pleading face, he was so eager.

“Well, I-,”

“Of course she’ll come,” Yuka piped up. Kagome glanced at her, and she smirked.

“Yeah, you bet she’ll be there,” Eri cheered. Kagome glared at them, but Hojo just laughed happily and smiled down at Kagome.

“That’s great, so I guess I’ll see you on Sunday then” Kagome nodded, and he left soon after that.

“Why do you always do that?” Kagome asked. Yuka and Eri laughed.

“Because Kagome, he’ll be good for you. Hojo’s the most popular upperclassman and he like's you a lot. Just give him a chance,” Eri replied. Kagome let out a sigh.

“Fine, but you guys have to come. I don’t want to be there all alone”

“We would never let you go alone,” Ayume said.

“That’s right, because we need to make sure, you and Hojo, hook up,” Eri and Yuka said in unison. The girls all laughed at Kagome’s expression of exasperation.


Kagome went home to find the house empty but she just headed up to her room and sat down to do her homework. Even though this world might have been all a dream, she felt as though she had done this all her life. Like these days had happened before, in the same way.

“Maybe this isn’t a dream, it feels so right,” Kagome said to herself. She sighed glancing at her palm again, it seemed that the scar was the only link she had to her memories of the feudal era.

‘I hope my wish came true for Inuyasha. I hope he’s happy and at peace, wherever he is” Kagome smiled at the thought then started on her homework.