InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Chapter Three: Surprise! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With or Without You
By: inuyashas-dark-angela.k.a. myztik_shadow_inu
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Content)
Genres: Drama/Romance
Summary: It's been four years since they've seen each other...since she had his child and he abandoned her.  When they meet again will they reach amends for the sake of their child or will sparks fly?
Disclaimer: I own nothing of the sorts…except for the plot. The song used is Christina Milian's Believer (it's on the soundtrack for Be Cool). Thank you to blue-buggy for reviewing!
AnimeSpiral- Thank you to yugis_girl98 (sorry for getting your name wrong last time) and Elle for your reviews!
Mediaminer- Thank you to chesterzerousygirl, Kira562, Akihana, and Minerva519!!!!
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Chapter Three:
Monday rolled around and Miroku was set to being work at Taishou Inc. Like all people beginning a new job, he was feeling the nerves and pressure. `CEO?' he had thought proudly, `Piece of cake,' but now he was completely worried, a stomach full of butterflies and all. Sango and Kagome just kept encouraging him and telling him he'd do find, but no avail. He was panicked beyond help…the only way he'd get over his nerves would be to at least get through half the day. Anyway, Inuyasha would be there to help him out…hopefully. Just as well, he shouldn't be started on major assignments out of his current caliber. What had he been thinking accepting this job? He should have finished school first!
“Miroku, relax…jeez, you're so tense. You'll do just fine, don't worry so much. You're going to be CEO you'll have a secretary -”
“Don't even dare think of an affair!” Sango butted in, waving the buttering knife threateningly.
Kagome chose to ignore her best friend's outburst, “Anyway, you'll have people with you all day to help you out. It's only your first day, you mess up it's alright.”
“No…I'll get fired,” Miroku slammed his head on the dining table, seemingly not to feel the pain of the impact. “I'll make myself a fool and set a record for shortest standing CEO…”
“I think the record for that is two hours or something. You'll last way longer than that. If in doubt, call me, I'll be home all day anyhow.”
Miroku mumbled an incoherent message before lifting his head and downing the rest of his coffee. His forehead now bore a pink tinged mark and his eyes seemed cloudy. Light groans and grunts mixed with more inaudible murmurs came from him as Sango and Kagome finished making his lunch and preparing his briefcase. They shared curious glances as Miroku's “sound effects” motored on in a fluent manner. He had just tuned out into the twilight zone, falling into a daze. Sango began to feel concerned so she dropped a spoon onto the counter, causing a loud clanking which awoke Miroku. A moan followed by an exaggerated whimpering soon followed.
“That would be my little angel,” Kagome locked up the briefcase and left to get Yumiko. Moments later she returned, the child, clad in a pink nightgown, in her arms. “You're still a little warm, so you're staying home today with me,” she set Yumiko on a chair next to Miroku.
“G'morning Uncle Miroku,” she started with a yawn, “Why do you look so aggra…aggravay…aggravaded?”
“Honey, it's aggravated…and Uncle Miroku's going to start at a new job today,”
“He's not going to school anymore”
“What about Auntie Sango?”
“I'm still going to school Mimi,”
“How about your in-turn?”
“Oh, I'm still interning at the lawyer's office but I have to go to school anyway,”
“I see,” she picked up her spoon and assaulted her cereal in a hungered frenzy. It was as if she didn't need any air or chewing time as the cereal went down spoonful after spoonful.
“Slow down sweetie, you're going to choke,”
“Yes Mama,” Yumiko reluctantly began eating at a slowed pace.
“Good girl,” Kagome turned to her cousin, “Miroku, better get a move on. You need to leave in half-an-hour and knowing you and your tedious pace for getting ready,”
The already suited up Miroku shot up from his seat and ran out of the kitchen chanting “I'm gonna be late; I'm gonna get fired,” as if it were a mantra.
“Is it Uncle Miroku's work that's making him act funny?”
Kagome and Sango smiled, “Yes,” they replied in unison before bursting into laughter. Miroku was already set to go to work Kagome had just wanted to get him out of his fatigued daze. Of course, Yumiko had picked up on it which was why she had asked her rather vulgar question…she too began giggling. They heard a loud “Hey,” and “You're gonna get it Kagome!” Miroku soon stalked back into the kitchen, “I cannot believe I fell for that…just goes to show how nerves can really mess you up,”
“You're silly uncle Miroku,”
“No Mimi, I'm just nervous,”
“So you have butterflies in your tummy? And grasshoppers in your head? And a drummer in your heart? And a telephone in your ear? And feathers on your feet? And a faucet on your hands? And…”
“That's enough Mimi,”
“Aw, but Mama! I was about to get to the birdies on his shoulder.”
“Where'd she get all this Kag?” Sango intervened, “And could I get a translation?”
“As for where she gets these sayings, possibly at school. Translation: butterflies: upset stomach, grasshoppers: pounding head, drummer: heavy heartbeat, telephone: ear ringing, feathers: I have no idea, faucet: sweaty palms, and birdies…I think she mean boulders…weight on your shoulder,” Kagome finished off her ramblings with a deep breath in and out.
“Wow Mama, you're good. Shippo is gonna be so mad because he says his Mama doesn't know what those phrases mean,”
“Really now? Well…maybe I'll just have to have a talk with Shippo's mom so she does know,”
“Nuh-uh,” Yumiko sang out, “I wanna show off to Shippo that you're smarter than this mama…and then you can talk to her,”
Kagome giggled at her daughter's pride, “Okay,”
Sango finished up her orange juice and bagged her and Miroku's lunch. She lifted up her arms and stretched, cracking her back with a satisfying snap. Her deep pink polo top had moved askew so she readjusted it before going to sit at the table. “I really don't want to do anything today, but I have a mini-exam…and then at the internship I have an evaluation. I am gonna be on tired chicky…and I think, Kag, you're gonna be one too. As for Miroku…you'll be fine, so I'm electing you to cook tonight's dinner.”
“I'll second that motion,”
“Ooh…me too! Make your chini-fraydo!”
“Fettuccine alfredo? Fine…I'll cook but only because Yumiko likes my pasta,”
“Yeah, the sauce from the can really adds,” Sango remarked sarcastically.
“I resent that,”
A mini argument between Sango and Miroku marathoned for another fifteen minutes before Kagome had the heart to break it up, “Now, now children,” she began in a mocking tone, “Best start getting ready, you need to leave in ten minutes,”
“Yes Ms. Higurashi,” Sango and Miroku murmured monotonously as they got up and left for their quarters.
Ten minutes past in a whirlwind as Sango fixed up her hair, applied some make-up, and gathered her notes and textbooks in her khaki shoulder bag. Along with the books went her black pencil skirt so she could change and head to her internship directly after class. She already wore the black ballet flats with her current outfit to reduce the amount of her load. Kagome handed Sango her lunch and bade her goodbye just as Miroku came around. He looked well-thought out in the black Armani suit set, thought his stresses were obviously not alleviated. Kagome gave him his briefcase and lunch along with a smile, and “You'll do great,” He returned her grin and kissed her on the cheek before yelling a goodbye to Yumiko and heading out the door.
Kagome shut the door behind her cousin and went to join her daughter in the living room to watch Kim Possible. A few minutes of watching and she began pondering the possibility of insanely intelligent naked mole rates. Yes, it was a cartoon, but imagine if mole rats, naked ones at that, could be masters of ninja, decoding, and spying…it was a quite intriguing topic really. Soon though, she allowed her eyes to droop closed and fell into a peaceful sleep.
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Miroku stepped out of the apartment building and heading towards the red, silver, and black Viper that was still-running on the curb. “And yet again, I must say, nice ride,” he complimented to the driver as he slide into the leather and suede haven.
“Thanks,” Inuyasha replied switching his gear into drive, “Was that Sango I saw just leaving with what's her face?”
“Right. They work together?”
“They go to law school together and intern at a lawyer's office,”
“I always thought Sango would go into something…less dull…and Ayame into some sort of design because of that knack for creativity she had in high school.”
“Actually, on top of law, Ayame attends an art college,”
“She's keeping herself busy…she still with Koga?”
“I think they're engaged now, or at least Kagome thinks so because Ayame's been wearing a ring on her left forefinger lately,” Miroku finished, his new revelation dawning upon him. He realized his mistake…he should not have mentioned Kagome, especially because it was practically first thing in the morning.
Inuyasha shrugged it off mentally and changed subjects, “Get ready for hell. My current secretary is a senile whore who keeps coming onto me and the work she does is shit. I may just end up firing her today. Also, some partners in the industry are complete loony bins, so all I can say is: Be prepared to deal with some psychos.”
“Anything else I need to know?”
“No, except for that Fridays are casual dress days, breaks and lunch hours are mandatory, any employee you see unfit is at your disposal, benefits are included such as insurance, surpluses, and a company car which everyone within the top three levels are entitled to. So, you'll be receiving your vehicle today as well as ID tags, pass cards and a company acknowledgement,”
“What kind of car, might I ask?”
“There's a whole array for you to choose from, and because you're a CEO, you can pick more than one. The reason we have the car system is so security clearance is automatic and it won't break down because we do weekly maintenance checks.”
“So no one can call in leave because of a broken down vehicle?”
“Precisely. Unless vandalism is a factor or the carburetor or battery blows,”
Their conversation was cut short by the ringing of a cell phone. “Push that dial under the trunk release would you?” Miroku located the red button and pressed down on it.
“Taishou,” Inuyasha answered.
“Inuyasha, there's a small problem,” a whiny, perky voice replied.
“Kikyo,” he responded curtly. “What is it, and how many times have I told you: I'm the employer, you're the employee? Do NOT address me by my first name,”
“Well sorry,” her tone changed to an icy sarcasm with a heavy coat of bitterness,
“Anyway the coffee maker's broken,”
“Did you remember to plug it in?”
“Of course,” There was a brief pause, “Oh…I guess I didn't,” Kikyo resumed her perkiness, “Never mind, I'll talk to you later Yashy!”
Before Inuyasha could respond there was a click: Kikyo had hung up. He growled and grumbled profanities about “useless, love-sick ditzes,”
“Either she's a caretaker or that senile secretary of yours,”
“Try the latter,”
“I thought so much,”
Soon they were at a large building just bordering the downtown area. The Viper pulled to a gate where a guard stood in a glass kiosk. He nodded to Inuyasha and turned a key on his control panel to raise the yellow blockade arm. Inuyasha nodded at the guard in greeting and drove into the parking lot. Instead of pulling into one of the stalls, he drove towards the building and into a wide, dark entrance. “Garage,” he explained concisely noticing his friend's wandering eyes and confused expression. Miroku merely bobbed his head as a door slid down over the entrance and Inuyasha shut off the ignition. A single light bulb illuminated the large room he noticed as they stepped out of the car. Inuyasha led Miroku to a “people door” and ushered him inside.
On the other side was a brightly lit garage which seemed more like a showcase area of an automobile dealership. An array of cars was parked sequential to make, model, and color. Inuyasha greeted a man clad in a mechanic's garb and introduced him to Miroku. “Miroku, this is Musuo, the company's automotive dealer, maintenance manager, and repair man.” The two acknowledged each other with short, polite utterances, and a simple, quaint handshake, as Inuyasha continued, “Musuo, I take you have the newest line-up prepared?”
“Of course; only the best for your new partner, a.k.a. my new boss. You called up the favor, I followed through. Shall I take you through the line-up?”
“Certainly, just go through makes and models though,”
“Alright, so you want automatic or stick?”
“Stick,” Miroku complied following Musuo and Inuyasha to the back row of vehicles.
“Now then, you've got the Toyota, Nissan, Acura, Honda, Hyundai, Lamborghini, Porsche, Lexus, Cadillac, Chevy, Ford, BMW, Mercedes-Benz…” Musuo kept the list going, directing to each set of vehicles, “Or you can go with a motorcycle, Vespa, or scooter.”
“You don't have to decide now,”
“Can I come back later?”
“Sure, I'm here all day,”
“Alright then, thank you Musuo,”
Inuyasha led Miroku back to near where they had come to an elevator entrance. He pulled out a card from the breast-pocket of his Armani suit and swiped it through the compartment to the left of the door. The shaft opened immediately and they stepped into an abundance of silver. “We'll get all your necessities once we're in the office. I'll get Kikyo on it,” he pulled out his cell phone as the elevator began to ascend. “Kikyo, get the camera read…no, the ID camera…yes…okay…get out two pass cards…as well as an ID card…and no…that's all…yes, alright,” he snapped the phone shut, clearly ticked off, “I don't know why I even bother with that woman,” Miroku smirked at his friend, who noticeably hadn't changed much in four years, and watched the light change from number to number above the elevator door. Finally the last floor was reached, thirty-eight, and the shaft opened revealing a baby blue room.
The room was large, possibly the size of an elementary school gym. The floor was a light oak hardwood though a third of it was beige carpeting. A lengthy cherry wood `L shaped' desk ran from the furthest wall from the elevator to half-way down the room. Opposite it, on the wall of the elevator was a set of large filing cabinets. On the carpeted area was a sitting-room set of black chairs, a sofa, and loveseat along with a coffee maker and condiment trolley. The left and back walls were lined with picture windows and dressed with white blinds, open to allow the sunshine come streaking in.
Inuyasha strode to the desk and walked around it to the frosted glass duel doors on the wall behind it. Miroku followed in close pursuit as if he'd get lost if he didn't keep up. “Hopefully that slut got something done,” Inuyasha muttered bitterly as he pushed the doors open. The room beyond the frosted glass looked like another reception area with the exception of a fax machine, photo copier, printer, lamination machine, and a maple ovular conference table with black swivel chairs. The floor was a black, white-speckled vinyl and the walls a grey with sky blue wash on top. A screen was mounted on the wall to the left, no doubt for presentations and such. The office supplies were lined up on the back wall next to a row or large picture windows that were shielded with black blinds, drawn up to let the sunlight in. A coffee maker sat with a water cooler on the right wall where two wooden doors stood tall. Several plants were set in various places around the room which was half the size of the first. Miroku took the presumption that this was the conference room.
Inuyasha grumbled, almost positive Kikyo had either done something to his office or was actually in his office. He walked to the right and entered the closest door which bore his name on a golden plate. Miroku yet again consumed the sights of the room he had been plunged into. This room was half the size of the reception room, although this room was strangely laid out. The half they were in had a Santa Fe feel, the walls were salmon with a red wash atop and the floor was a grey tile which resembled limestone. The desk was `L' shaped and dulled silver in color. The other half of the room was black and white. White walls, black vinyl floors and another `L' shaped desk in a maple wood. Both halves had two windows set on the wall furthest the doors and a leafy plant in t he corner opposite the desk as well as a filing cabinet.
“That half is your office. Decorate it to your own accord; I'll have a computer and laptop sent up later as soon as I find out what happened to my damned secretary. There's a partition we can pull in case we both have different things to do just down the center. Just take a seat behind my desk for now; I'll be back in a few.”
As soon as Inuyasha stepped out, Miroku strode around the desk and took a seat in the black, high-backed, swivel chair. He couldn't help but let his curiosity take over and explore his friend's desk. Atop it was a computer, several file folders, a pen/pencil cup, stapler, tape-dispenser, three-set hole puncher, nothing out of the ordinary. But one object certainly appealed to Miroku's wandering eye. Since the computer monitor sat on the corner joint of the `L' it easily concealed anything that was set behind it. A metallic silver rectangle glistened through the dark corner. He slipped his hand to the object and pulled it out. It was a key box with a picture frame on the door. Low and behold the picture was of Inuyasha and Kagome. The exact one that was displayed in the yearbook Kagome had so bluntly come across so few mornings ago. Incidentally the box was locked and it clearly had something stashed inside it for there was a small `thud' whenever Miroku moved it. Not wanting to be caught with the box, he returned it to the secluded shadows behind the monitor. His timing was superb for just as he had placed his hand back in his lap did Inuyasha come back into the room.
“Stupid wench,” He murmured angrily, “We needed more coffee filters so instead of calling someone to it, I went to get some instead of doing what I was supposed to,” he mimicked in a high pitched tone. “Anyway,” Inuyasha returned to his normal tone of voice and placed the contents from his arms on the desk. “Your nameplate for your desk,” he handed Miroku a gold tri-plate that had his name and CEO engraved in black. “The one for your door should be installed when Sota comes in,”
“Sota? What's this last name?”
“I don't know…he's just doing some sort of RAP for high school as far as I know,”
Miroku was amazed that Inuyasha didn't realize what he was leading at. Kagome's now sixteen-year-old brother, Sota…could it possibly be? “I see,”
“Now then, let's get your passes and IDs done so I can acquaint you with everything at all the people I can.” The two stepped out of the office and into the conference room. “Stand in front of the screen…good…okay…smile if you want, it doesn't matter,” With a click the picture was taken and a card slipped out of the camera's top.
Soon Miroku was set and complete. He had received an ID number/access code and a scan for the certain departments of the company which required retinal identification for access. Inuyasha had called in his painters, Hiten and Manten, to paint Miroku's office at his request of a deep blue and light blue wash. The flooring was called in for a white birth hardwood. All the while his office was being furnished, Miroku became familiarized with void documents that were similar to the ones Inuyasha would be assigning him to him and he came to know the schedule in the conference room. As the morning progressed Miroku met Kikyo, who bore a striking resemblance to Kagome, along with members of the CO and the committee who worked just under them.
Inuyasha's morning was not going as pleasantly as his friend's was. Fortunately there were no meetings or conferences scheduled for Mondays so he was relieved from those duties. However, he had to make adjustments to the system for Miroku and divide his work so his new partner could have fifty percent of it. On top of that, Kikyo kept disappearing so any filing that had to be done, he'd have to do it. This certainly was a worse than typical Monday. Sure, he was glad he'd gotten his best friend from high school as his co-CEO which also meant a step closer to Kagome and Yumiko, but this job of his…it really bogged him down. He removed his fingers from the keyboard and reached behind the computer monitor. His mind flooded with memory as he looked on at the picture of the one he had impregnated and left…
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He had just gotten off the phone with Kagome. The call he had made had been so hard to make, but for some reason he had been compelled to it. Now he felt cowardice…breaking up with the one he loved over the phone…it had also been the most trying thing he had ever done. As he laid his head on his pillow he could have sworn he heard Kagome's strangled cries and sobs.
He had left her…
With a child in her womb…
How could he do such a thing?
What was he afraid of?
He should be ashamed…of himself…his words…his actions…his fear…his carelessness.
He lifted his head and opened his side table drawer, pulling out a red ring box. He opened it and gazed down on the content…
A silver band with a diamond and two onyx stones set onto it…
He'd been planning this since last June…after grad next year he was going to propose so it was two years to wait but planning could never start too early.
He closed the box and placed it back in the drawer, releasing it from his mind. He didn't know if he would ever see or speak to Kagome again.
End Flashback.
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Inuyasha listed the frame and sure enough the red ring box was in there…ring sitting dormant within it…
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Kagome had had the most peaceful morning since Yumiko was an infant. The mother-daughter pair had simply napped, watched cartoons, and snacked on junk food, although Kagome made sure Yumiko didn't consume too much.
“Mama? Will you play the piano and sing for me?” Yumiko asked as she finished off her chocolate chip cookie.
“Sure Mimi,” Kagome led her daughter to the living room and sat on the piano bench. She and Sango had managed to buy a piano about six months into living in the apartment. It had been hell just trying to get it up to the floor but it was well worth it.
Soon fingered graced and tinkled the ivories as Kagome's voice filled the room.
Life Is What You Make It
At least that's what they say
Well I think I'm gonna make it
Fulfill my dreams one day
I feel this fire growing deep inside of me
I'm so inspired knowing that its my destiny
I breathe like a champion
I dream I'm a champion
I see I'm a champion
Its meant to be
My wills getting stronger
I cant wait any longer
I'm singing a song that's inside of me
'Cause I'm a believer
I know that I can make it
No matter what they say
So I'm a believer
The Future is Now
It starts today
Half way through the song, the phone rang. “Keep going Mama, I'll get it,” Yumiko got up from her place on the floor and ran over to the phone by the television. “Hello…oh hi Uncle Miroku…yes, she is playing the piano…okay…” She waited until Kagome played the last grace notes before calling her over.
I keep my head up
Everyday I'm waiting
to find the patience
So close I can taste it…But sometimes it's so hard
But I'm gonna keep on pushing
And I'm gonna keep on fighting
And I'm gonna keep on trying because I've come to far
I breathe like a champion
I dream I'm a champion
I see I'm a champion
Its meant to be
My wills getting stronger
I cant wait any longer
I'm singing a song that's inside of me
'Cause I'm a believer
I know that I can make it
No matter what they say
So I'm a believer
The Future is Now
It starts today
The Future is now...It Starts Today
Kagome smiled and thanked Yumiko, “Hello…hey Miroku…thank you…what's that?” Her eyes went wide, “Your secretary's been fired and you're wondering if I'd be interested…sure, why is there a certain dress code? Okay…I'll see you in a bit…wait, what's the address? Cherrystone and Richmond…alright…thanks…bye!” She hung up the phone and turned to her daughter, “Come on Mimi, we have to go to Uncle Miroku's work,”
Kagome first got Yumiko dressed in a pink sundress, yellow sweater, and runners. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and told her to get a toy or two and put them in her backpack. Once Yumiko was set, Kagome went into her own room and picked out a peach satin camisole, black dress pants and a black blazer from Sango's closet. She pulled her hair into a half-up and slipped on her stilettos from Nyoko's. She opted for a thin line of black eyeliner and a clear lip gloss.
When Kagome was sure everything was set, with Yumiko in tow, she left the apartment. First they bee lined to the deli next door for lunch followed by the train station. The train ride wasn't expected to be long so they ate their sandwiches quickly. Sure enough they were on the train for fifteen minutes. Fortunately for Kagome, she knew the city streets like her cell phone number so another ten minutes of walking and she and Yumiko were standing at the entrance of Taishou Inc. Through the sliding doors was the lobby, a room of light blues, whites, crystalline, and silver.
Kagome turned to her see her cousin walking towards her, “Hey Miroku,” She let herself be taken by an arm around the waist and followed his lead, Yumiko scuttling by closely.
“Before we get you upstairs, I need your help with something,” he led her to a corridor and into the garage, “Musuo,”
“Miroku…I mean Mr. Houshi,”
“It's alright…this is my cousin Kagome and her daughter Yumiko. Kagome will be helping me in choosing my car,”
“It's a pleasure to meet you two beautiful ladies. Let me guess, you're Kikyo's replacement?”
“I guess so,”
“Thankfully you're a fresh face. I swear that Kikyo was out to bed every man in company,”
They made their way to the vehicles and Musuo rambled off all the makes and models to Kagome. She zigzagged through the cars examining each one, and taking the time to peer into everyone. Finally she stopped at a red Cadillac CTS, “This one,”
“Alright then…now because you're Kikyo's replacement, pick another,”
“Another one? Okay…actually I like that black Lamborghini back there,”
“Excellent choices, Miroku, I take you have your passes?”
“Yes,” he pulled out his two white cards from his pocket and handed one to Musuo.
“So which car is who's?”
“Miroku can have the Lamborghini, red's more my color anyway,”
“Do you have Kagome's passes?”
“Just the passes,” Miroku pulled out two other white cards and again gave on to Musuo and the other to Kagome who appeared at his side again.
“These cars should be good to go by the end of the day,”
“Thank you,” Miroku took Kagome by the waist again and led her to the elevator, briefly explaining the pass card and car systems. Before long they were on the thirty-eighth floor. Miroku brought Kagome and Yumiko into the conference room and “introduced” them to Inuyasha who took Kagome through the retinal scan and photography for her ID tag. All the while, Yumiko sat quietly and played with her Ballerina Barbie.
Kagome took to all the information that had been pitched to her almost instantly and soon she was sitting at the reception desk filing and taking calls. So much for being concerned about not being schooled for office environments…this job was a piece of cake…as far as it currently went anyway. Yumiko stayed in the conference room with Miroku, who was still waiting for his office to be finished, and Inuyasha. They were preparing a presentation for tomorrow's conference with the BBD who were coming in to evaluate the company.
Kagome's desk phone rang, breaking the silence that had taken over the past hour. “Good afternoon, Taishou incorporated. Kagome speaking, how may I help you?”
“Kagome, it's Musuo,”
“Hey, what's up?”
“I'm sending my apprentice up to do some work in the office, so just let him through,”
“No problem,”
Moments later, the elevator dinged and the shaft opened. Kagome was so immersed in her filing she paid no heed to whoever had come in.
Her head shot up and looked at the one who'd called her name, “Sota?”
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A/N: There you go folks…chapter three. I hope you liked it…this chapter took me so long to write out. Okay, so I promised there'd be some Inuyasha/Kagome interaction…but I couldn't exactly figure out where to put it but for sure, for SURE there's some next chapter.
I'm sorry if I confused anyone with my office descriptions…I just hate describing setting.
CEO- chief executive officer
CO- chief officer
BBD- business board of directors
RAP- registered apprenticeship program
Oh and before I forget…again…last chapter I said there was a footnote after I wrote Inuyasha Taisho when Miroku was talking to Jakotsu. Okay, so that footnote:
In high school Inuyasha went by his mother's last name, Takahashi, but now he goes by his fathers, Taisho. Not too complicated right?
Please, PleasE, PLEASE review! I only got one review on for chapter two! Reviews do mean faster chapters even though I update every two weeks…but maybe if you review they'll come before two weeks.
So until next,