InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With or Without You
By: inuyashas-dark-angel
Rating: PG-13 (Language, Content)
Genres: Drama/Romance
Summary: It's been four years since they've seen each other...since she had his child and he abandoned her.  When they meet again will they reach amends for the sake oftheir child or will sparks fly?
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Disclaimer: I don't own any aspect of this fic, except for the plot. All characters affiliated to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ.
Mediaminer readers: I apologize. I just realized, I posted chapter five instead of chapter four the last time I updated. So sorry!!!! I was reading all of your reviews and said to myself “What cliff-hanger? Chapter four didn't have a cliff hanger. And so, I realized I posted the wrong chapter. Many apologies. Well, here's chapter five, again. And chapter four beforehand. AHH!!!! Please don't hurt me…
A/N: I apologize for leaving you all hanging, again, for a whole month. June was just hectic for me, as my father re-married and they were on their honeymoon for four weeks (they just got back yesterday) so I was left to care for (ahem) the “children”. (All of the details are on my live journal.) Enough of my rambling for now, enjoy! I present to you, chapter five of With or Without You.
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Chapter Five:
A month passed by in a whirlwind as Kagome's job as secretary at Taisho Inc. held strong and her now part-time job at Nyoko's along with Miroku's job as co-CEO. Sota remained Musuo's apprentice, or as Yumiko referred to him, “Mr. Trump's hired `prentice.” The two Higurashi siblings also managed to catch up on their lost years yet kept their meetings secret from their unpredictable “mommy dearest”. The emotions still running for Kagome by Kaiya were still unknown even to Sota who had (and still did) lived with her for the past four years … another secret still remaining concealed was Inuyasha. As it stood, other than Inuyasha himself, Miroku was still the only one who knew that Inuyasha Takahashi was now Inuyasha Taisho, who Kagome now called employer unbeknownst to herself. Poor Miroku … in between many enigmas that some of which were going to be revealed most unpleasantly … and he would be oblivious to it all until the worst possible moment …
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Kaiya Higurashi sighed gravely as she returned her coffee mug back to its place on the table. She pondered the many places her son could be because lately he'd been returning home later than expected and he always wore a smile whenever he arrived which was unusual. Sota never smiled upon his return home, it was always a quick greeting then an excuse from spending time with her, his mother … Kaiya was well aware of the fact that her son - maybe not hated - but still felt anger and resentment toward her for what she had done to his sister. It wasn't as if Kaiya didn't regret kicking her only daughter out of the house, in truth she hated herself for it, but she hadn't any idea on what to do for her pregnant teen. Comfort and support hadn't even crossed her mind at the time, only anguish and regret that as a mother she couldn't have taught her daughter the consequences and dangers of pre-marital sex.
Kaiya let out a deep breath of air. She'd come to a decision. She was going to find out for herself where Sota was going after work and who he was going with. Knowing full well that this bold move could drive the wedge between she and her son even more but she had to know. What had brought on this sudden change in Sota? Did he have a new girlfriend? Or worse, was he engaged in the same activity Kagome had been? She hated to think it and simply remembering and hearing Kagome's name brought tears to her eyes but it was possible … Sota may … `No Kaiya!' She screamed at herself, `Don't even think about it. Kagome's pregnancy was an accident, a complete and total accident … and Sota's different and even if he is <i>sexually</i> involved with someone, he wouldn't be foolish enough to impregnate and leave her.' With that she reached tot eh phone sitting next to her coffee mug and dialed …
*********************************************************** *************
“So right as the ball is coming to him, he decides to turn around and chat with his buddy and I'm all “Peterson, heads up!” he ignores me and his buddy's like “Dude …” and before he even gets another word out WHAM, Peterson gets it right in the head.”
Kagome, Miroku, and Sango laughed at Sota's recollection of one of his soccer games. This was how many nights had been spent for the past month. The Higurashi cousins and Sango would sit around the apartment catching up on lost years, telling stories of humor, sadness, and such. On particular nights, the Shichinitai cousins would join in for a mini family reunion and add in to the strolls down memory land.
Their laughter was soon punctured by the tones of Blink-182's Always. Sota pulled his phone out of his pocket, “Hello?” he answered. “Oh, hi mom,” he shot a quick glance at Kagome, “I'm just hanging out with some friends …” Sota looked around at the people sitting around the table with him. “What? Mom, NO! How could you even think that? God … fine, I'm not with friends …” he took a deep breath in and closed his eyes, “I'm with Miroku, Sango … and Kagome,” he mouthed a mournful apology to his sister before answering back to their mother, “Yeah, she's right next to me … okay,” He passed his phone off to Kagome, a sorrowful gleam in his eyes. Kagome needed no words to know what the elder Higurashi wanted, possibly <i>needed</i> so she took the phone and non-reluctantly placed it at her ear.
*********************************************************** *************
Kaiya quietly anticipated the sound of her daughter's voice. She didn't know what to expect, would Kagome scream in hatred and anger? Break down because of an overwhelming pain or grief? Maybe just remark snidely and hang-up? Kaiya could only wait and see …
“Hi mom,” came Kagome's voice, still as Kaiya remembered but matured even.
“Kagome,” She desperately tried not to break down and weep.
“How are you?” It was obvious Kagome didn't know what else to say.
“I've been better … Kagome … I'm sorry …” Kaiya's shields collapsed and she began crying in a manner that could only be displayed when emotions were concealed for too long.
“Mom …” her voice cracked and soon Kagome began crying near silent tears.
Before her sobs could get the best of her, Kaiya fought through the tears and composed herself enough to speak, “Kagome … if it's not too much to ask … I'd like to see you again … and maybe even, if it's alright with you, see my grandchild.”
It was a while before the answer came. When Kagome's voice returned it seemed a touch cold and bitter, “I'll see you but I'm not ready to show you my child.”
She took a deep breath in and replied, “That's all right, I understand,”
At that the conversation was officially over so the two Higurashi's made plans to meet on the upcoming Saturday at the book café on Sixth Street.
Once Sota was done speaking with the Higurashi elder, he looked over to Kagome with a remorseful look in his eyes. “Sorry sis,” he chided himself.
“It's okay, Sota … I think it's time I talked to mummy dearest again anyway. I mean I knew I couldn't go on in life without ever reconciling with her … it was just a matter of time before we both came to our senses …”
“It's obvious you're taking the events of four years ago much more maturely than mother is”
“How so?”
“You never shut yourself down whenever I talked about mom before now but whenever I talked to her about you or when she was planning on bringing you back home she'd just put on a stone face and walk away. You'd think she'd never had a daughter the way she carried on.”
“Well … thank you for thinking so, Sota … but you know, the only reason I never showed my emotions was because I learned how to stay strong and now wear my heart and soul on my sleeves. I cried too much that first year of being separated from the two people I thought I could count on most. I swore I'd stay strong for myself and more importantly, Yumiko. I thought it to be a waste of my time and energy to dwell on such a dreadful past; and now look; I turned out to be fine, didn't I?”
At that moment the apartment phones ran. “I'll get it! I'll get it!” came Yumiko's call. The “elders” in the unit had almost forgotten the young child amidst all their conversation. That and the fact little Mimi had been so quiet while watching Teen Titans. Moments later she came running into the kitchen, “Mr. Yasha is coming! He said he has to finish last minute prep-ar-ations, preparations, with Uncle Miroku and Mama for your con-fur-ence, conference, tomorrow!”
“Alright, thank you Mimi,” Kagome smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm.
“You're welcome Mama,” Yumiko chimed as she rushed back to the living room so as to make it back in time for her show to return from commercials.
I sure hope this doesn't take too long … I still have to go to Nyoko's tonight,” Kagome pondered aloud.
“I still don't know why you're still working there, Kag.” Sango spoke out, resting her chin on her hand which was being propped up by her elbow. “I mean you get paid well enough at Taisho's, why do you still uphold waitressing?”
“Honestly, Sango, I couldn't tell you. I guess I just feel connected to that old restaurant, probably because it was my first job and you know how hard it is to let go. I clearly remember you when you had to quit your job at the book café. You were devastated but it was the only way you could go to university.”
“Point taken … but you're just draining yourself of energy; you work from nine to three and then on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, you're waitressing six to ten. Aren't you feeling the effects of this overwork? Eleven hours a day is a shit load of work.”
“I suppose I'm just not noticing it.” Kagome answered meekly. Truth was she <i>did</i> feel overworked and exhausted. She was also missing time with her daughter. Yumiko was at school nine to two, she'd pick her up and return to the company for two more hours, go home for two then off to Nyoko's until ten, many a night and day. Kagome only had Saturday and Sunday as wholes and Mondays and Wednesdays as mere evenings, sometimes not even because she'd usually have to assist in preparations for meetings and conferences for Taisho Inc.
A buzzer went off, resounding from the hall breaking through Kagome's short bout of fatigue and thought. Miroku stood and went to answer the buzz which was presumably Inuyasha on the main floor waiting to be admitted into the building. The phone ran almost simultaneously as Miroku returned to the kitchen yet it was Sango who called out “I'll get it!” she rose from her seat, had a bit of a “mirror” scene with Miroku on the way to the phone but still managed to pick it up on the third ring.
“Hello? Oh hey Ayame … damn, I totally forgot about those assignments AND that exam … alright … I'll be there in about ten-fifteen minutes … okay … bye!” At that Sango hastily returned the phone to the cradle and turned to the group sitting at the table. “That was Ayame. I completely forgot about our assignments on joint custodies and guidelines and terms for putting a child in foster care in wake of the parents' divorce <i>and</i> our exam which is all for tomorrow. Anyway, I'm going to be heading to her house to study and finish those papers … don't expect me home until late or at all because I may just crash at her place for the night.” She pecked Miroku on the cheek, gave Kagome a hug, and Sota a pat on the head before running out, gathering her bag, saying goodbye to Yumiko and heading out. “Oh, hi Inuyasha, wish I could chat but I gotta run. Bye!”
Inuyasha soon came striding into the kitchen. He was still in his full business attire unlike Miroku who had changed into a t-shirt and jeans upon arriving home. Of course, Inuyasha's custom black Fedora remained on his head. No one ever bothered to question the choice of fashion the head of Taisho Inc. had made his signature style although there never seemed to be a single moment where Inuyasha wasn't seen without his Fedora. Unbeknownst to the rest, Miroku was the only one who knew what lay beneath the stylistic garment.
Soon the kitchen was abuzz with ideas on how to present Taisho Inc.'s cases at the next day's conference and Kagome, Miroku, and Inuyasha trying to work out how to coordinate procedures and events. An hour and a half later (5:30) Kagome got up to get ready for work at Nyoko's. How she wanted to just call in sick, but she wasn't going to ruin her year long goal for a perfect record. On her way to her bedroom, she stopped to check in on Sota and Yumiko who were currently engaged in a game of Candyland.
“How'd the preparations go?” Sota asked, not looking up from the game board.
“Same old, same old, although I think this has been the most deal Miroku and Inuyasha have made out of a conference. You'd think someone like Bill Gates or the president would be coming, even though they've dealt with this company that's coming tomorrow before. Maybe you should go they may just go into a state of conniptions.”
“Nothing I can't handle. Anyway, if I left who would watch this little monster?” he pulled Yumiko into his lap and began tickling her, an action which got him a response of shrieks and squeals, and, not to mention, a few groans from the kitchen. “I mean you couldn't take her to work and from what you just said about <i>those two</i>, it'd be better if I stayed. If they do go and have “conniptions” I'll take her out somewhere far from the harmful actions <i>or words</i> for that matter.”
“Alright,” Kagome agreed with a giggle.
“Mama? Why are Uncle Miroku and Mr. Yasha gonna have kittens?”
Kagome laughed, “Not kittens, honey, <i>conniptions</i>. It means they're going to become either really angry or really nervous or panicky.
“Oh okay,”
Kagome winked at her brother and daughter and departed for her room.
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Five hours later, Kagome returned to a quiet apartment. Assuming everyone was already asleep; she closed the door softly and slipped off her shoes so as not to disturb anyone with the clicks of her heels against hardwood. She padded slowly into the kitchen to find Miroku and Inuyasha still sitting at the table. Although both were facing backs turned towards her, she noticed Inuyasha no longer wore his Fedora. Simply putting it off as nothing, she continued her quiet journey through to the kitchen sink. “Still working?” she finally spoke as she turned on the tap and washed her hands.
“Kagome didn't hear you come in.” Miroku replied surprised. “How was work?”
“Oh, the usual. Nothing new or exciting. Yumiko asleep?”
Miroku let out a breath of air almost silently. He flicked his eyes over to Inuyasha who was still a shade of pink. Kagome had yet to notice the physical difference in her business superior's appearance. Best leave if that way and bring little to no attention to it. “Actually, she and Sota have yet to return from … oh, the movies, roller-rink, and ice cream parlor. They've been gone ever since you left for work.”
“Well then … I swear Mimi's gonna end up a spoiled girl by her uncle Sota … and I thought you were the spoiler of all spoilers in the family, Miroku.” She grinned lightly and pulled up a chair next to Inuyasha. “So what do we have?” She looked at her boss and her breath hitched, “Other than those adorable dog ears you have sitting on your head!” Kagome's mind began racing `Kagome, “Adorable dog ears”?! How could you make such a bold statement like that?!' Alas, in spite of her inner fears, her mouth ran away without her approval. “Is that what you had hidden underneath the hat?”
“Kagome,” Miroku gave his cousin a slight hint of warning.
“Oops, I let myself get carried away. Many apologies, Inuyasha,”
“It's quite all right, Kagome. Your reaction was a bit unexpected and different than other reactions I've gotten, but anyway, thank you for not freaking out.”
“Freak out? Me? Never … you're welcome I guess …”
There was a few moments worth of silence before Miroku decided to break the ice. “So yes, Kagome, we were just finishing up here …” he carried on with their plans for the next day's conference as well as their schedule of events. Finally, when he finished, not but ten minutes later, Inuyasha packed up the carbon copy contracts, charts, time table, and such into his briefcase and got up to leave. The phone rang and Miroku decided to answer it, leaving Kagome to walk Inuyasha to the door.
She watched as he slipped on his shoes and replaced the Fedora over his ears. Knowing she'd best leave the topic of why he wore the hat alone, Kagome remained silent.
“As you know, the company's annual Ballroom Gala is coming up next week and I've just been notified that it is customary for the CEO to have a, well, escort or date. I was just wondering if you'd do me the honor of being that date for the evening?”
Kagome nearly melted at the sight of his piercing amber gaze upon her, it was a wonder how she found the voice to speak, “Why, certainly,”
“Great,” Inuyasha smiled in appreciation at her acceptance to his offer and turned towards the door, “Then I'll see you tomorrow at work,”
“Oh … umm, right.”
“Good night and say a good night to Miroku for me,”
“Of course … good night then,” She looked on as he made his way down the hall to the elevator. When he finally stepped into the car she closed the apartment door and sighed softly. Leaning up against the door, Kagome closed her eyes and let out another breath of air so it took her by surprise when Miroku spoke up.
“If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were smitten with ol' Mr. Taisho there,” he teased, gaining an even more shocked reaction from his cousin. “I also take he asked you to be his <i>date</i> for the gala.” Miroku's smirk grew wider and the mischievous glint in his eyes shone more broadly.
Kagome scoffed, “I am not smitten with Inuyasha; but yes, he did ask me to accompany him to the gala and if you must know, our relationship is strictly professional. Anyway, who was on the phone?”
“Nice way to change subject. It was Sota, he and Yumiko are on their way home,”
“Alright. You wait up for them; I'm heading to the shower. My hair reeks of smoke,” She pulled her hair free from the claw that held it in place and made her way down the hall.
“Kagome, you have no idea how wrong you are,” Miroku murmured at said woman's retreating back, “You're relationship with Inuyasha is much more than professional.”
Half an hour later (11:15 for anyone who's keeping track), Kagome was out of the bathroom refreshed and smelling of jasmine; and Sota arrived with a sleeping Yumiko in his arms. “Thanks for looking after her tonight,” Kagome thanked her brother as she took the snoozing girl from him.
“No problem, it was fun … and no worries I didn't give her any sugar. We had veggie subs and water before the movie and we obviously couldn't eat while roller skating,”
“Didn't you go to the ice cream parlor?”
“Yeah, but she was so tuckered out, she fell asleep before even having a lick. So I had to double time,” Sota finished with a quiet laugh.
Kagome smiled, “Well thank you again,”
“No problem, I'll see you tomorrow then,”
“Alright, good night. Drive safe,”
“I always do,”
Kagome closed the door and made to put Yumiko in bed. There would be no brushing of teeth or changing into pajamas for her daughter tonight. As she tucked Yumiko under the pink, purple, and blue butterflied blanket, Kagome had a stunning realization …
Sota had taken Yumiko on his motorcycle?!
Three days past considerably quickly. Wednesday's conference had been a success; Taisho Inc. now had ownership of numeral foreign subsidiaries and another smaller contracting company. Another success story had been Sota's convincing explanation to Kagome about what vehicle he had used when he took Yumiko out on Tuesday night. “Sis, don't worry, I took Miroku's old Acura. I'm not that irresponsible. I mean, come on, me take a four year old on a motorcycle? Only if I wanted to commit homicide.” Kagome accepted that answer openly, especially because Miroku had backed Sota up on the Acura. Sango, despite her cramming and last minute working, had managed to ace her exam and earn top grades on her two separate papers.
Presently, it was early Saturday morning and Kagome was already up fretting over her meeting with her mother later that afternoon. The sun hadn't even fully risen over the horizon while she sat, head in hands, at the kitchen table. Truth was she was scared shit-less. Not nervous, anxious, or anticipating, scared. What could she expect? Was Kaiya going to reprimand her once again? Or was she going to give Kagome the sob story of her life after kicking her to the curb? Maybe she would beg for forgiveness, or worse, demand that Kagome never see Sota again … the mere ideas of the probable outcomes jerked tears out of her. “What am I doing? I must be kidding myself if I think I can do this. I'm obviously not ready to be reunited with mom.” Her words created more tears and sobs which seemed to awake the person sleeping soundly in the living room …
(I'd end it here…but I won't do that to ya…)
“Kag?” the groggy voice called out. “Oh my god, what's wrong?” the person sat down next to the crying woman and pulled her into their arms.
“I can't…”
“You can't what, hun?”
“My mother … I can't meet her later,”
“Why not?”
“I don't know … I'm just scared … I don't know what to expect or do.”
“You'll know when it happens, Kag. And when it does happen, you'll know exactly what to do. You just have to believe and have faith in yourself. Come on, you've done things that are considerably harder than <i>this</i>.”
The two sat in near silence as Kagome's cries died down. “You know, I knew there was a reason Sango and I got so drunk that I couldn't drive home and Koga had to work all night so he couldn't pick me up,”
“And I'm glad,” Kagome smiled lightly, sitting up straight.
“You're glad I'm so hung over? Kagome!”
“Whatever you say, Ayame, whatever you say,”
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The morning inched by slowly and tediously for Kagome. Although her mood had lightened up considerably, she couldn't help but feel morbid. Everyone had decided to give her space to think and attempt to relax. Her thoughts should have been about her mother but they trailed off to Inuyasha. Not just one Inuyasha but two.
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Finally one o'clock hit and Kagome prepared to leave only to find Sango, Miroku, Ayame, and Yumiko all set to leave also. She smiled, fully understanding what they were doing, and led them out of the apartment down to the parkade. The vehicle opted was Ayame's Durango as it was the only vehicle that could comfortably seat all five of them. Miroku took the wheel as Ayame and Sango were still recovering from their hangovers and Kagome was too fidgety to drive.
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Kaiya had arrived early at the book café and was seated at the corner booth next to the window. She stared anxiously at her swirling chai tea as if it would give her the words to say to her daughter … the daughter she had no idea how she felt for her, the mother. She sipped the hot fluid and decided it best just to wait and see the outcome of this meeting and go from there. A gold Durango pulled up on the curb, parallel to where Kaiya sat. A long haired brunette clumsily exited the front passenger's seat and a red haired woman out the back. Around the back of the vehicle came a dark haired man with a small girl in his arms followed closely by a dark haired woman. Names instantly found themselves in Kaiya's mind: Sango, Ayame, Miroku, and Kagome. As for the young child, she could only presume that that was Kagome's daughter. She looked on discretely as each of Kagome's companions embraced her and rested light kisses upon her cheeks. Kagome took the child from her cousin's arms and hugged her tightly. The girl nodded numeral times and said short phrases, and all the while, she stared straight forward in the direction of Kaiya.
Kaiya took note of the shining raven hair and large violet-grey eyes of the girl. Those eyes could only have been inherited from her father. The high-cheekbones were obviously Kagome's, as well as the rest of the features visible to Kaiya. But the eyes of brilliant violet-grey … only Inuyasha's …
Kagome kissed her daughter and returned her to Miroku before turning and noticing Kaiya sitting in a booth drinking something in a fine china teacup. She bid her goodbyes and made to enter the café.
Kaiya watched her daughter make her way down to the table, hardly a glimpse of being happy to be here fixated upon her face. How Kagome had changed in four years. She no longer held the look of teenage naivety but of a matured, grown woman who'd made something of herself. Her eyes looked harder as if portraying a look of anger and hatred. Now Kaiya <i>really</i> felt remorseful of her actions of four years back. “Kagome,” she greeted as her daughter slid into the seat across form her.
“Good afternoon,” Kagome replied curtly as she removed her denim jacket.
“How are you?”
“I've been better, thanks, yourself?” Kagome seemed disinterested by this light chit-chat.
“I'm all right, thank you. So, what have you been up to lately?”
“Work … and obviously catching up with Sota,”
“Ah, yes … where do you work?”
“Full time at Taisho Inc as head secretary, and I'm still waiting tables at Nyoko's part time.”
“It was my first job that I took up once Yumiko, my daughter, was one.”
“Yumiko … a beautiful name,”
“Sango's mom named her. It was the least I could do seeing as she did take me in,”
Conversation ceased after that last response. Even more so as Kagome put in an order for a mocha latte this arrived within a short time.
Finally, Kaiya chose to speak, “Kagome,” Said person didn't even look up from her steamy foaming cup of coffee but Kaiya continued on nonetheless, “I'm sorry … I was stupid to kick you out. I just didn't know what to do.”
“So you mean you didn't realize I needed comfort and support?” Kagome's tones went harshly bitter, “You just thought `Oh, she's pregnant and her boyfriend's just dumped her so that gives me a justified reason to kick her ass to the curb'? Is that it?”
“Kagome, no, that's not it … I was angry at myself,”
“So you took it out on me,”
“Yes … I suppose I did,”
Kagome remained silent. Her fury was obvious but she was holding it in. “I can't believe this. Tell me, why … why were you so angry at yourself?”
“I felt as if I hadn't taught you well enough … like your pregnancy was my fault,”
“Well it wasn't. I should have known better and Inuyasha should have too, but we didn't. Many would call my pregnancy an accident but I think it a blessing. Sango, Miroku, and I have never been closer. I mean sure, Inuyasha hasn't come back and you're just here now, but that's only two.”
“I'm sorry … what I did was a huge mistake … could you ever find it in yourself to forgive me?”
“Yeah … you know what? I could. But not now,”
“I understand,”
Kagome finished her latte in a large swig and began putting on her jacket. “I guess it would be honest in saying it was nice seeing you today; but if you'd excuse me, I have errands to run and a restaurant to waitress at later.” She placed a twenty on the table and got up to leave.
“Kagome, no, keep your money, I'll pick up the tab,”
“Nonsense, I get paid more than enough at Taisho's. Good day,”
“Bye then …”
Kagome pulled her jacket tightly around her as a gust of wind blew at her as she exited the café. She made her way down the sidewalk and waved lightly at her mother as she passed by. A few buildings down, she found the tailor's shop and entered it. “Kagome Higurashi,” she stated to the clerk. When the man returned with her gown she smiled and was lead to a dressing room. Moments later she came out and examined herself in the tri-mirror closely, turning this way and that, smoothing out wrinkles, ruffling the skirt more. The clerk complimented her fine appearance and asked how it fit.
“Perfect,” was her reply.
(I'd end it here but I won't … you've all waited so long for this chapter and I won't disappoint you. Although from here on in, this part was written by my cousin, AD, a.k.a. Flaming Amber Rose. Enjoy!)
A week past and it was Friday night, the night of the Ballroom Gala. Everyone had yet to see Kagome's gown so they were in for a hell of a sight when she stepped out of her room.
Sango, Miroku, Sota, and Yumiko waited anxiously in the living room. Sango was clad in a black strapless gown with a rose pink top hemline, waist high sash, and a glittering print of three roses on the bottom left (to you, right to her) corner of the skirt which also had a rose pink insert in the front. She wore open-toed, ankle strap heels; her earrings were simple pink roses dangling from a clear thread and her neck was adorned with a black collar with a single rose upon her throat. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail with a thick braid coiled around the base; and she wore light pink eye shadow, a thin line of black eyeliner, and a pink tinted lip gloss. Miroku was in a black shelled suit complete with vest and tie. The group waited and began getting restless when Kagome finally walked in.
Her gown was a French vanilla color; the skirt flowed down to the ground concealing her ankle-strapped pumps of the same color. The gown was held up by a collar around her neck, forming a triangle right up to her upper breast line and hugged her form right up to her waist where it began to flare out. Her only jewelry was the cubic zirconium chandelier earrings and bracelets that adorned both wrists. Her hair was pulled up like Sango's although her braid wasn't as thick. She'd kept the make-up simple, thin eyeliner and mascara, and clear lip gloss.
“Wow Mama …”
“Kag, I love it!” Sango exclaimed.
“Beautiful, sis,”
“I'm speechless, Kagome … honestly speechless,”
“Thank you … you two look great!” Kagome complimented Sango and Miroku. “So shall we be off?”
The three bid goodbye to Sota and Yumiko and left the apartment, greeted by a sleek black limo outside. Soon they were off to the lavish hotel the gala was being held at.
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The limo door opened and their chauffer assisted Sango and Kagome out. Inuyasha greeted them, dressed in the same outfit as Miroku, as they left the limo and offered Kagome his arm. Sango and Miroku followed suit and followed their friends into the hotel and down the hall to the room the gala was being held in. A guard was stationed at the door and as Inuyasha and the party neared, he muttered something into his headset.
“And here they are!” boomed a voice from within, “Taisho Inc.'s CEOs: Inuyasha Takahashi and Miroku Houshi!”
The guard opened the doors and nodded. The four walked into the room to be met with a loud yet polite applause. They smiled at the many people seated around the numerous circular tables and found their table at the far end of the room.
“Now that they're here, may dinner be served!” The voice turned out to be a man standing solely at the podium at the front of the room closer to the head table where Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango were seated. Multiple servers came out of, obvious, kitchen doors with trays on arms and pitchers of water in hands.
********************************************* ***************************
For the most part, Kagome remained as an arm ornament for Inuyasha despite the fact she was addressed many times. The two were also complimented a fair amount on how good they looked together, statements they accepted graciously and with a smile. Kagome hadn't seen a glimpse of Miroku or Sango ever since dinner and apparently neither had Inuyasha until a set of bright flashes went off and he recognized them as press, and low and behold, they were ambushing Miroku …
“Damn it all,” he muttered, “I said no photography. Excuse me,” Kagome released his arm and looked on as he dashed off.
She decided to walk around some more and acquaint herself with some of the many faces when a cryptic voice sounded off behind her.
“I see you've decided to reunite with my half-brother,”
Kagome whipped around to see who had addressed her, “Excuse me? Do I know you?”
“Of course, it's been four years; I, am Sesshomaru,”
“I know the name and your face, but how …”
“That is neither relevant nor important,”
Kagome simply eyed him suspiciously.
“Now, tell me, what made you return to the pathetic fool?”
“Return? Wait. You mean Inuyasha? I hadn't met him until I began work at the company; and the only other Inuyasha I know is the father of my child.”
“Foolish woman. Surely you've noticed his drastic change in appearance,”
“What change in appearance? I'm afraid you're not making any sense,”
“Never mind; you've obviously been double crossed by the past and present but you'll know what I speak of in due time. Good evening,” With that the silver haired, amber eyed stranger called Sesshomaru departed.
Kagome could only gawk at his retreating back which was dressed in a white suit jacket. Sesshomaru … that had been the name of Inuyasha's step-brother, was there two Inuyashas in the Takahashi-Taisho family? That would be awkward. She shook off the thoughts and went off to find Inuyasha or Miroku and Sango, pushing Sesshomaru and his words to the back of her mind.
It wasn't long before an arm slid around her waist, the hand resting just above her hip. Kagome looked to find it was Sango, “Sango!” she exclaimed happily.
“Jeez, I thought I'd never find you in this sea of people.”
“Where's Miroku?”
“Off somewhere with Inuyasha, fending off the press, and threatening to sue them for breaking their trust agreements,”
“Who would have thought a fundraising gala could be so hectic?”
“Seriously … this is exactly why I didn't go into business,”
A waiter with champagne filled glasses on a tray walked by and Sango hesitated none in grabbing two, “Here,” she handed one to Kagome, “To the hope that … umm … oh, forget it … to us!”
Kagome laughed; “To us!” she seconded and took a drink.
The string quintet consisting of a violinist, violist, cellist, bassist, and harpist finished off their piece and the master of ceremonies' voice came on the speakers again, “I think it's about time the ballroom of this Ballroom Gala began. We've decided to go a bit off the program of events and start this a bit earlier so we could fit this little surprise in, “Now, if Mr. Taisho, Mr. Houshi and their dates would make their way to center floor,”
Kagome and Sango exchanged similar looks and placed their glasses on a tray of empties that another waiter was toting. They “excuse me'd” and shifted through the crowds of people to the center of the room where Inuyasha and Miroku already stood waiting.
“We did some digging and found that these four were all involved in musical theatre during their high school years. So without further ado, if our instrumentalists would begin,”
The lights dimmed a considerable amount and a spotlight shone on each of the two couples. Music of the Night from the Phantom of the Opera began. Kagome gasped, Phantom had been the last musical she'd been in, and nevertheless this dance was still fresh in her mind. Soon she and Inuyasha were waltzing about, sweeping large areas with their movements. It was as if they'd danced this number together once before! Although, that's what Kagome didn't know, she had danced this dance with Inuyasha before …
Inuyasha's mind was racing. Phantom of the Opera … the last musical he'd appeared in with Kagome. How he'd missed her graceful movements on the dance floor. The rest of the high school musicals had been treacherous, never had he endured such horrible dance partners. They'd moved like hippos on land … Inuyasha shook these memories from his head, they needn't be remembered. He returned his complete focus back to Kagome and successfully attempted to make this dance the best he would remember … for now
The song ended bringing Inuyasha and Miroku to send their partners into a final lady's turn. Applause erupted and a new song begun, signaling that everyone else could now join in the dancing. The four remained, dancing to the new song and simply enjoying the rest of the evening.
Amidst all the fun she was having, Kagome completely forgot about Sesshomaru, especially because he had just seemed to disappear after their encounter. All the more she forgot when Inuyasha asked if she would go out to dinner with him, as friends of course, because there would be nothing worse than a relationship gone awry while they were still working together. He'd even gotten Miroku and Sango to come along so it wouldn't be so “date” like. Nonetheless, Kagome was ecstatic but obstructed that feeling from view by way of her usual, subtle smile.
The hours wound down and the master of ceremonies took the mike again. “Well ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Mr. Taisho and Mr. Houshi, I'd like to extend a large thank you to everyone who came out tonight. I'm sure they have some words to say so I'll keep this quick. This gala was a huge success and all funds, as you know, will be going to the trust fund for schooling of less fortunate children in many third world countries including Africa, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and such. I'd like to call up Taisho Inc.'s CEOs and Mr. Jones of the board for the trust fund.” (A/N: I was too lazy to research what the trust is actually called, and who the representative is …)
Inuyasha and Miroku both made short speeches, expressing gratitude to everyone for attending the gala, and acknowledging all the guests who'd made ample contributions. The evening officially ended after they presented Mr. Jones the cheque of a lofty sum raised by ticket sales alone, as the donations had yet to be totaled. A last dance was danced and everyone began their departures, the four friends standing at the doors of the “ballroom” to wish their guests a good night.
At around half past midnight, the last guest was bid a duly farewell and Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango made their own departure. Sure enough their limo awaited them at the hotel's front entrance and they slid into its sleek luxury. The drive was quiet, a serenade of classical piano played softly on the system but no one spoke, they were, undoubtedly, all tired and all “talked” out. Sango had rested her head on Miroku's shoulder and shut her eyes, Miroku, on the other hand, had his forehead against the window. Kagome sat slouched in her seat and attempted to resist the temptations of sleep and Inuyasha simply closed his eyes, sitting straight up in his seat. Fortunately, they were all conscious enough to know when they'd arrived at the apartment.
Inuyasha asked the chauffer to wait for him as he “escorted” his friends back up to their unit. The short trip was silent except for the scuffling of feet on a coarse carpet. Once they had reached the unit Sango and Miroku admitted themselves automatically and bid Inuyasha a groggy good night each. Kagome remained.
“Thank you for a great evening,” Inuyasha managed.
“I should be thanking you. This night wouldn't even have happened if you'd never given me a job,”
No more words were spoken as they lessened the space between themselves subconsciously. Their faces inched closer together and they could feel each other's warm breaths on their faces. Neither could take the suspense any longer and made to close the short space between them.
The kiss was soft, sweet, and chaste. It lingered for just the right length, no more, no less. As Kagome pulled back, she slowly opened her eyes. “Um … good night then,” She said, blushing a light shade of pink.
“Good night, Kagome,”
“Thank you again,”
“You too,”
“G'night, again, Inuyasha,”
“Good night,”
********************************************* ***************************
How would their relationship remain on the “friends” level now?
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(Flaming Amber Rose ended here, and as much as I liked her ending, I felt like I couldn't finish this ending without a bit more of a cliff hanger, and without a bit more … drama. As you can tell, it is I, Claire, here to write for you again. Enjoy!)
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Days morphed into weeks, and weeks into a month and a half at present. Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship remained steady just between friends and lovers out of the office but in the office they were simply CEO and secretary. Miroku disapproved of this relationship but kept these opinions to himself except for a “Don't do anything stupid.” To his best friend, (Which probably meant “Don't bed my cousin, impregnate her, and leave her, again.) Inuyasha had merely replied, “I won't make any more mistakes with her,” and the topic ceased to exist.
Work got as hectic as ever as period end neared. Inuyasha and Miroku were always off at conferences and meetings or hosting them. Kagome's desk was stacked with invoices, schedules, memos, and “While you were away …” notices for her CEOs; her phone lines were swamped with calls from other companies that were also nearing or enduring their period ends; and because of her busy and tiring schedule here, she'd had to call in sick and use holiday hours at Nyoko's. As for Yumiko, Sota had been to be the one to pick her up from school.
As period end preparation began fading away, Miroku and Inuyasha found more and more time to themselves in their office, they'd make use of this time by simply chatting, playing computer games, surfing the internet, and other things. And today was no exception.
“Inuyasha, this has gone far enough,” Miroku had finally worked up enough courage to tell his best friend what he'd had on his mind for the past month and a half.
“What has “gone far enough”?” Inuyasha replied, not looking up from his computer screen, on which he was playing a battle RPG.
“This … <i>relationship</i> you're having with Kagome.”
“What are you talking about?” He was finally able to pause and pry his eyes away from his game.
“Your relationship. It's gone too far, too fast,”
“Take yesterday for example. I walked in on you two making out like love-sick teenagers.”
“Your point, is?”
“She's gonna end up hurt again,”
“I told you already that I wouldn't be making anymore mistakes with her!”
“This can't go on anymore …”
“What can't go on anymore?”
“This charade you're playing, it can't go on.”
Meanwhile, Kagome had just gathered a pile of files and invoices that Inuyasha and Miroku both had to sign. She picked them up off her desk and moved into the conference room. Inuyasha's door was closed but Miroku's was slightly ajar. As she made to knock on Inuyasha's door (it was closer), she heard Inuyasha's voice speak loudly, and sounding a slight bit agitated.
“What the hell do you mean that can't go on anymore? You're the one who told me not to tell her who I really was.”
“Alright, so I made that mistake, but you have to tell her now.”
“Why? Everything's fine the way it is, isn't it?”
“Yes, but it's like she's forgotten about the old Inuyasha, who impregnated and left her. She only knows you, the new Inuyasha. Her hopes for the future are gone … there aren't any real problems with that, but still … anyway, what would happen if this relationship progressed and she caught you on your human night? It'd be worse that way.”
“So what d'you expect me to say and do? Go up to her and say, “Hi, how are you? Oh, by the way, I'm Yumiko's father!”? That's ridiculous.”
Kagome's breath hitched. Her hand, which was poised and ready to knock, fell limp at her side. It was as if every part of her, mentally and physically had shut down and frozen.
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A/N: Well, there you have it!!!! Chapter five!!!! I hope you liked it. What'd I tell you? I said this chapter would move quickly, and if you don't recall … it's on my live journal with a few spoilers too. www(dot)livejournal(dot)com(slash)users(slash)cursed(underscore)maiden)
My live journal is also used to tell you when I'll be updating. It's a handy tool when you want to know what's going in my world of fan fiction, and just plain and simple, my life.
Flaming Amber Rose A/N: I hope you liked my part of this chapter! I can't tell you how excited I was when Claire asked me to write it. Review! Please?
- Claire -