InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With or Without You ❯ Wish upon a Shikkon ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

-With or Without You-
Disclaimer-Don't own Inu Yasha…at all…so sad
A/N: Hope you guys liked last chapter…Thanks for the reviews! And umm…yeah about me updating everyday, that's going to stop about…now. I have stuff I need to do so I might be a while with the next update.
Chapter 4- A Wish
Kagome just stood there, gaping at the silver haired, amber eyed, hanyou in a uniform much like Hojo's.
`He looks just like Inu Yasha…have I really gone insane? Do I miss him this much?'
“Hey, wench!”
Kagome stopped staring at him and got an angry look in her eyes.
“Don't call me wench, sit boy!”
`What the heck?!'
Inu Yasha stood up and stared at her with confusion.
“Wow, it worked!”
“Kagome…how did you do that?” Sango asked looking at her with much confusion.
“Uhh…I don't know.” Kagome looked at the hanyou and saw something around his neck. “The rosary.” She said looking at the necklace Kaede gave her when she first met Inu Yasha.
“What are you like some kind of priestess?” Inu Yasha asked looking at her curiously.
Kagome nodded.
“Oh…well she might befriend the other priestess in our school.” Sango smiled.
“Yeah right, Kikyo's too full of herself to let any other mikos befriend her.” Inu Yasha scoffed.
“Th-there's a Kikyo here?”
Sango nodded. “I would stay away from her though…ever since she broke up with Inu Yasha she's been a bit of a…well…”
“?” Inu Yasha asked for her.
“Yeah.” Sango smiled.
“Anyway, Kagome. I'm sorry…” Inu Yasha said.
“For tripping me?” She asked expecting a yes.
“No, I'm sorry you're so pathetic that you had to become friends with Sango.” He said laughing.
“Aren't you her friend too?” Kagome asked making Sango laugh this time.
“Good one, Kagome.” She gave her a slight high-five before turning back to Inu Yasha.
“So, why aren't you in class?”
“Feh, I'm skippin.” He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
“Won't you get caught?” Kagome asked him.
“Puh-lease, I never get caught.” Inu Yasha said proudly.
“You sure about that?” Kagome asked pointing to the Registrar behind him.
“Huh?” He turned and caught her looking at him angrily.
“Come on, Inu Yasha.” The woman grabbed his ear and pulled him off.
Sango and Kagome watched and giggled.
“Bye Inu Yasha!” Kagome called out.
“See you at lunch!” Sango finished.
Sango showed Kagome around the school.
“So…Inu Yasha's not that bad…you handled him a lot better than I did when I first met him.” Sango said as the two made their way back to the Registrar's Office.
“But what's up with that whole `SIT' thing?” Sango asked once they reached the office.
“Uhh…” How could Kagome explain it? She couldn't tell Sango about the feudal era Inu Yasha… “Well, I think it has something to do with whoever gave him the necklace… it must have something to do with my miko powers too.” Kagome explained hoping it would answer Sango's question.
“Oh, alright. Cool. We need somebody to make him shut up ever now and then.” Sango opened the door to the office and sat in one of the chairs with Kagome sitting in the other.
“Does Inu Yasha have the same schedule as us too?”
“Yeah, and so does Miroku…it's kind of weird actually.” Sango said as the Registrar walked back into the room with two passes filled out.
“Here you go, girls. Have a good first day.”
“Thank you” Kagome and Sango said in unison as they walked out of the office.
By lunchtime, Sango and Kagome had grown closer.
“You know Kagome, it'll be cool to have a girlfriend for once. Miroku and Inu Yasha have been my only friends since I even started at this school.” Sango said eating a sandwich she brought with her.
“Yeah, it will be. Most my friends were guys too.” Kagome smiled as Inu Yasha sat down at the table by them.
“So how many detentions do you have now?” Sango asked taking another bite of her sandwich.
“Seven.” He grumbled angrily. “Ms. Mikado said if I don't serve them tonight, she'll have to suspend me for two days.”
“Why do you have so many detentions?” Kagome asked Inu Yasha.
“Fights, vandalism of school property, skipping class, hooky…”
“Oh…” Kagome said shocked Inu Yasha was such a bad kind of guy. But then again, if Inu Yasha had attended school, she could see how he would act…exactly the same.
“Miroku has a suspension today, doesn't he?” Sango asked Inu Yasha.
“How would I know?!”
“Well you are his partner in crime…in a way.” Sango said chuckling to herself. “Although it can't really be crime if you always get caught before you do anything.” She smiled.
“Shut up, would ya?”
Kagome smiled.
`He is just like Inu Yasha…'
“What's she so happy about?” Sango and Inu Yasha turned to Kagome.
“Hey, wench! Why are you smiling?” Inu Yasha asked Kagome.
“Huh? Don't call me wench! SIT!”
The whole cafeteria stared at the fallen Hanyou in awe.
“Way to draw a crowd wen- I mean Kagome.” Inu Yasha said mockingly as he stood up and dusted himself off. “Get a life would ya?” He shouted to all the students staring at him. They turned back to their lunch as Inu Yasha sat down again.
“I really want you to stop doing that!” Inu Yasha grumbled eating his spaghetti on an orange lunch tray.
Sango smiled to herself. `They would be so cute together.'
“Hey guys!”
Sango gasped at the familiar voice. “Miroku!” She said with cheer in her eyes.
Kagome looked up at a boy wearing the same uniform as Inu Yasha. His hair was dark brown and down in messy locks. `Wow, Miroku looks kind of…cute!'
Sango ran up to him. “Wh-where have you been, Miroku?”
“I told you, I didn't want to have to face Mr. Saotome today…so I skipped first hour.” He smiled then noticed Kagome sitting across from him. “Oh, who is this lovely maiden?” He quickly made his way over to her and grabbed her hands. “Hello, I am Miroku…and you are…”
“Not interested….” Kagome said annoyed. She knew all Miroku's tricks and wasn't about to be fooled. Besides, Miroku and Sango were so cute together anyway.
“Way to tell him off, Kagome.” Sango said hitting him on the head.
He smiled nervously then turned back to Inu Yasha. “Inu Yasha, why do you look so solemn?”
Inu Yasha looked up at Miroku. “Huh? Oh, I'm just sick of all these detentions…”
“Detentions? Man, you really have issues when it comes to not getting caught…”
“Shut up, would ya?!” Inu Yasha added another lump on Miroku's head.
“Uhh…anyway, Miroku, this is Kagome Higurashi.” Sango said pointing to Kagome. “Kagome, this is Miroku Tsujitani.” Sango said.
“Oh, hi, Miroku!” Kagome said happily.
“Does she know you guys' last names?” Miroku asked Sango. She shook her head. “Well then…Kagome, this is Sango Kuwashima and Inu Yasha…Yamaguchi!” Inu Yasha and Sango both looked at him angered. Not that they were embarrassed by their last names, but it just got annoying how Miroku loved to make them seem embarrassing.
Kagome just smiled. “That's cool, guys…” She looked at Inu Yasha once again… `He seems so deep in thought… I wonder what he's thinking about…'
Inu Yasha looked up at her. `Why do I feel like I know her from somewhere?!'
“Well, Miroku, we have to get to class. Come on you guys!” Sango said throwing her trash away. Inu Yasha, Kagome and Miroku did the same and followed Sango out of the cafeteria.
Sango and Miroku were busy talking and got ahead of Inu Yasha and Kagome.
`Crap, I forgot my way around…' Kagome was lost in a crowd of students and frantically looked for Sango or Miroku. She got out of the crown and saw Inu Yasha waiting for her.
“Did you forget how to get to fifth hour?” He asked as she caught up with him.
Kagome nodded. “Thanks…”
`Why do I feel so…weird around her…I could swear I know her…'
A/N: Sorry, short chappie…anycrap, you like? The whole Inu Yasha knows Kagome thing will all make sense soon…but OMG, I just saw the first and second Inu Yasha movies and…they are sooo good! If you haven't seen `em, see them! I also just got like…all the Inu Yasha manga I could find… 1-19 and I'm almost done! Lol! Yeah, I won't update for a while though, sadly. My computer is really…messed up. I'm very sorry for those of you who enjoy this story! I'll update whenever I can though. I promise! Happy New Year!