InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

----*Hey there! It's the author here. Just wanted to let you know that this is my first Inuyasha fic, (I'm totally addicted to that show, by the way) and I really hope you like it. It may not be exactly what you might be expecting, but that's the sort of stuff I like to read. You know, the `surprise, surprise' kind of story? Eh? Eh?…oh my, well, let's get things started then. This is just the prologue, so it's kind of short, but the rest of the chapters WILL be much longer, and also, just wanted to make it clear that I don't own any Inuyasha at all, sadly of course, `cause if I did he would…ah, let's just say that you're much better off not knowing…
Anyway, here's the prologue for ya! Hope you likes it!:D:D*----
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The sun made her feel like she was in a comfortably thick boil of flames. Orange and red were billowing through her closed eyelids, as the girl lay with her arms crossed underneath the back of her head in the fields. Suz had a light, fuzzy feeling of contentment inside her. Sleep was tempting, but she needed to stay awake. Moonlight would soon replace the daylight and she knew her mother would surly hang her if she didn't arrive home before then. The curfew had become unusually strict ever since the attack a few years back…
A yawn sounded quite loudly from the brunette, and suddenly sleep seemed like an extremely good idea.
No,” Suz mentally ordered herself. “I have to…*yawn*…stay awake…”
One of a teenager's ultimate weaknesses took over her, as she rolled onto her side, imagining the sun was her giant fluffy blanket. Her current thoughts seemed to switch off as a dream touched Suz, quivering until finally mutating into a blurry scene of strange images and colors…
Her older brother was counting the hundreds of toes attached to his arms, then suddenly it changed into her mother trying to find a place to put the new pet chopstick, mumbling something about how much grass she liked in her salad. Then, quicker than the blink of an eye, it changed into something Suz had never dreamed of before. Something her mother definitely would not approve of.
A young man…kissing Suz.
His lips were tantalizingly sweet, caressing her own with an unexplainable softness. Chaste as it was at first, it grew into something more passionate and wild, and Suz felt her slim arms reach up and wrap around the mysterious stranger's neck. So many emotions were running through her.
It seemed so real; his scent was like pine trees and sandalwood, and it evoked something inside of her that she had never experienced.
She even felt a pang of surprise when he gently ran his tongue across her bottom lip, and a soft gasp escaped her lips at the sheer pleasure of it. But then she heard something that seemed to frighten her.
A growl. From him. A real, animalistic growl. Not the sound that a human makes when they're trying to imitate a dog or a fox or something…an actual growl. It wasn't a warning sort of growl, more like a desirable one. But it was enough to shake her out of her dream, and bring her back to consciousness. Slowly, Suz opened her eyes, and through trying to recover from her rather erotic dream, she registered the cool night air that surrounded her. She only felt one emotion running coldly through her now.
----*And there you have it. So far, at least:P*----