InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             His shiny black tuxedo shoes tapped against the marble floors in an erratic pattern, as Shinrai tossed a small red pillow into the air, the stumbled to catch it. The pillow was for the ceremony, and Kagome was happy as she watched him miss catching it again, that they had yet to place the ceremony rings upon it.

“Shinrai, please come here,” Kagome called. Shinrai twirled around at her voice, his bright blue eyes wide, making him look like he’d been caught doing something wrong.

“What?” He asked, taking a few steps closer to her. Kagome beckoned him closer, and he came to stand at her feet, his head craned all the way back to look up at her. Kagome kneeled down, so they could be at the same level.

“This is a very important day for Auntie Sango and Uncle Miroku. Today they are going to be come husband and wife, so you have to be on your best behavior, or” At this Kagome gave him a stern look, though her lips quirked in a smile. “You won’t get any wedding cake”

“But that’s not fair!” Shinrai pouted. Kagome smiled at him and tapped his cute little nose.

“Only good boys get wedding cake, so you be good and listen to Mommy, and I promise you can have a nice big slice of the yummy wedding cake at the reception”

Shinrai scrunched up his nose at the promise, contemplating the terms before he let out a sigh, and nodded.

“All right, I promise to be good,” He told her. Kagome held out her hand to him, he took it, and they shook to seal the deal.

“Right, so right now I need you to stand still and listen carefully to Auntie Sango. She’s going to explain what we have to do,” Kagome explained. Shinrai nodded, and stood at attention, waiting for Sango to start.

        ;     “You’re not having any doubts yet, are you?” Inuyasha looked over his shoulder as his friend chuckled quietly. Miroku was straightening out his tie again, his hands shaking.

“No, no. Of course not,” Miroku replied. Inuyasha nodded mouth quirked with a knowing smirk. His eyes trailed back to the benches, and the guests. The wedding march had just started, and the bridesmaids were making their way down the aisle. Kagome was walking with Shinrai, they were moving slowly, too slow. Shinrai was concentrated solely on the pillow he held, and the two rings balanced on top it. Sango, who had been stressing over everything, had told Shinrai multiple times to be very careful with the rings. He took her words to heart, and seemed to take every step cautiously, so as not to disturb the rings upon his pillow.

A few of the guests noticed the slow procession of the ring bearer, and were laughing quietly. Kagome herself was smiling down at her son, her eyes glittering with mirth. Miroku’s quick breath, had Inuyasha looking up at the church doors, where Sango had just entered. She looked beautiful, he had to admit, she was practically glowing with joy, her simple white dress, clung to her form. She smiled at Miroku, her hands clutching her bouquet of white and pink daisy’s.

“I’m the luckiest man alive” Inuyasha heard Miroku mutter to himself. He held in his snort and merely turned back to watch Sango walk down the aisle.

        ;     The reception was a blast, and as promised Shinrai got his big piece of cake, which he thoroughly enjoyed. Sango and Miroku had their first dance together as a couple, where everyone cooed and awed at their cuteness. Wedding party pictures were taken outside in the green grass. One consisted of Sango and Kagome kneeling beside Shinrai, each planting a kiss on his cheeks, while he had a wide smile of his face. Everything had gone smoothly, and Sango had finally relaxed, letting herself enjoy her wedding reception.

“I can’t believe it took us five years to finally get to this,” Sango said to Kagome. She nodded in agreement, her eyes following Shinrai and his little dance partner, who happened to be one of Sango’s cute little cousins, named Rin.

“It’s amazing what can happen in five years,” Kagome replied. Sango laughed, and glanced at her friend.

“He grew up fast, didn’t he?” She asked. Kagome shook her head, leaning back in her seat.

“He sure did... I’ve been thinking, maybe it’s about time I talk Inuyasha into having another baby. Shinrai must get lonely, you know?”

“You are joking right?” Sango asked, watching her friend with wide eyes. Kagome laughed, her cheeks tinted pink.

“Right, yes of course,” She replied.

“Kagome?” Kagome looked over at her, her lips tucked up in a fragile smile. Sango leaned closer to her, and gripped her hand, a knowing smile tugging at her lips.

“You aren’t, are you?” She asked. Kagome laughed and winked at her. Sango sputtered.

“And just when were you planning on telling me! Does Inuyasha know yet?” She asked.

“No, I haven’t told anyone, I just found out yesterday. I don’t know how to tell him,” Kagome said. Sango glanced around, searching for the silver haired man. She spotted him across the hall chatting with Miroku and their parents.

“Well, don’t put it off for to long,” Sango said. She smiled and shook her head.

“I hope you have a girl this time,” She laughed. Kagome nodded in agreement.

“A little girl would be nice”