InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             “I don’t know how you do it” Amber exclaimed, slouching against the counter, her usually neat hair, looking more like a frazzled halo around her head. Kagome rolled her eyes and went back to her task at hand, her gaze ever so often drifting to the quiet bundle asleep in the corner of the room.

“He’s a five year old boy, he’s suppose to have lots of energy. Just wait til you have your own children,” She replied. Amber snorted at that, standing straight again, and reaching up to smooth her wayward hair.

“Fat chance of that happening anytime soon,” She retorted. With a sigh, Kagome didn’t say anything as she continued. “My latest relationship just went up in flames”.

“You just choose all the wrong guys,” Kagome told her.

“No, I’m destined to be alone, I just know it,” Amber complained. “ I mean, I’ve dated my way through half the firm, and then some. I just don’t understand what is going on”

“You’re trying too hard,” Kagome told her. Amber paused to think this over, before she let out another dramatic sigh, and leaned her back against the counter, pulling her arms across her chest.

“Maybe you’re right”

“I’m always right, it’s something you inherit once you become a mother,” Kagome commented.

“Ha, well thanks Momma Kag”

      & nbsp;     After his nap, Shinrai was bouncing around the kitchen with a surplus of energy, chattering on about how boring Daddy’s work was, and how Auntie Amber had taken him shopping for a little while.

“She told me that I had to be good, because you were here to help her take care of some very important people. She also promised me a candy bar,” He blabbed on. Kagome raised her eyebrow at this, and looked over at Amber who was checking the roast.

“Shin, I know Auntie Amber promised, but she also doesn’t know that candy makes you very hyper, even more so then now,” Kagome commented. Amber looked over at her, a guilty smiled on her lips.

“A little sugar never hurt anyone,” She retorted. Kagome glared at her, and then turned to her son again, his lower lip jutted out, as a long practiced pout now adorned his face.

“No candy, you know that Shin. Besides its far to close to dinner and you’ll get a tummy ache” Kagome chided. Shinrai huffed, tucking his arms across his chest as he stomped his foot.

“You never let me have anything, you’re not fair Mama,” He spouted, his little cheeks flushed in anger. Kagome’s eye softened and she sighed, kneeling to his level, and putting a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off, turning away from her.

“Sweety, Mama just wants to make sure you don’t get a tummy ache. Too much sugar is never good for anyone,” She told him. Shinrai glared at her, and then reached up brushing away at the tears that had formed. Amber felt a smile creep up on her, the boy he was too cute when he pouted.

“Your mother is right, I don’t know what I was thinking,” Amber jumped in. The boy turned his glare on her, and clenched his fists against his arms.

“I want to go back to Daddy, he lets me have whatever I want!” Shinrai stomped his foot for good measure, then wheeled around and ran for the kitchen door, shoving it open.

“Shinrai!” Kagome called after him.

       & nbsp;    He hadn’t gotten very far, in fact he’d only just rounded a corner, before he came to an abrupt halt after colliding with something. His blue eyes, still swamped with tears, found themselves staring at a pair of black suited legs. He followed them up ward, and found the gaze of a dark haired man, with eyes matching his own.

The man didn’t make a move to help him to his feet, in fact he looked rather surprised at him. His face was slightly pale, and his eyebrows had disappeared under the fringe of ebony falling across his forehead haphazardly.

“Shinrai!” At the sound of his mothers voice, Shinrai instantly burst into tears. His little body shaking with hiccuping sobs.

“Mama!” He cried. His mother came around the corner, and kneeled down to pick him up, not even noticing the man, who was still standing frozen where he’d been. Kagome cuddled her son in her arms, stroking his head, her fingers gliding through his hair as she tried to sooth his tears.
