InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Alas sadly (and unfortunately) *coughs* was that my outer or inner voice? *Clears throat* as I was saying neither the characters of Inuyasha nor its fabulous design belongs to me, but rather to the brilliant mind of Rumiko Takahashi. Oh how I envy her.
A/N: This is my first ever fanfic, rather story of any kind, that I have posted. I hope that you guys like it and if you do please feel free to send reviews (lots and lots of it), but if you find that it is not to your taste I kindly ask that you refrain from flaming this piece of Literature. ENJOY!!!!
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The feeling was indescribable. A kind of explosive heat intimately and intricately mixed with pleasure of immense magnitude. I couldn't think and had to remind myself every few seconds to breathe. My thoughts, jumbled and undecipherable, ran unheeded through my mind. He was murmuring words of some kind into my ear, nibbling it with adoring reverence. His voice was husky, rough and completely demanding. I loved it.
One particularly hard drive of his hips caused the headboard to hit the wall with a resounding smack, and I voiced my approval with a breathy moan. He rewarded me with a gentle kiss, so contradictory to what he was doing between my legs. He was the epitome of control, everything a powerful and forceful alpha male should be. He had placed his mouth against mine, his lips parted, allowing hot puffs of his laboured breaths to mingle with my own, as each sporadic pant fell from the moist appendages.
I felt a nip on my chin and knew instantly that I had closed my eyes without realizing, yet again. I unwillingly pried open my hazel orbs, heavy-lidded with passion he himself had induced. His own eyes were a deep, incandescent gold, flecked with random bits of cerulean, and when he was especially lustful, rimmed with scarlet. They were the sight that met me, confident, and steady.
I'd asked him once why he insisted on staring so intensely into my face when we were making love. He'd smiled and said, “Your eyes are the mirrors of your emotion. You convey everything through them. I can easily tell what you like and what you don't, so I know either to never do it again, or make it even better.”
“Plus,” he continued with a smirk, with one very pointed fang poking over his lower lip while he slowly pushed me back on to the Persian rug before the fireplace, “I like to match your expressions. It turns me on.”
I was abruptly brought out of my reverie when he placed both his hands in mine, intertwined our fingers and pressed his forehead hard against my own. He had altered the speed of his thrusting, going for a slower more sensual pace that had me curling my toes and wanting badly to have my hands free so that I could run them down the rigid, well-developed structure that was his back.
The unexpected change in his physical approach allowed me to feel everything. The full length of his erection, the gentle sucking motion that followed each time he pulled out of me, the hard ridges of his pelvis as our hips met and the corded muscles in his thighs.
He was talking again, and this time I tried hard to concentrate on understanding the words. It was difficult, owing not only to the fact that his engorged member was doing things to me that I would never (and I imagine could never) get used to, but it was almost solely because his voice had gotten worse. It was incredibly rough, strained and hoarse. He was close to climaxing. I could practically feel it.
“Do you love me?” he whispered with his lips against the outer shell of my ear.
He wanted an answer. Sounds simple enough doesn't it, but words failed me. I worked my mouth unsuccessfully for several seconds but only nonsensical gibberish and incoherent mumbles served as my reply.
“Answer me koi.”
“I'm trying!” my mind screamed.
He conveyed his impatience through an increase in his speed and the tightening of his fingers. I could feel my own climax coming, the end of this exhausting and continuous “game”. My back was beginning to feel the after effects, as he'd taken me not only on the sofa downstairs but once more up against the kitchen wall, mere hours ago. It had amazed me once how he could have sex over and over again in one occasion, but I had come to find after being with him for so long, that he was just naturally insatiable.
The needs to feel the ecstasy wash over me in uncontrollable waves, but at the same time prolong this unbearable torture, vied for dominance within me.
It was the feeling of his fangs piercing into the soft flesh of my neck that drew the scream from my lips. He was definitely impatient now.
“You're being really insubordinate bitch. When your mate asks you a question you answer. Am I clear?”
“I...I....I....,”I stammered pathetically.
“Wrong answer.”
He withdrew from within me way before my mind could even comprehend what had happened. I whimpered from the loss, looked up and groaned at the sight that met my eyes. His shaft stood erect and proud before him, his body glistening with sweat worked up from hours of intense sex, but it was his eyes that drew me in. Hard, hypnotizing, demanding and fierce with desire. I knew what was coming even before his hands reached for me. He closed claw tipped fingers around my hips and turned me roughly on to my stomach. He drew me up so that my ass was in the air, and at the perfect height for him to push into me.
His entrance was gentle, almost mocking, because as soon as he had seated himself comfortably within my wet, warm opening, he proceeded to remind me who was the bitch in our relationship.
He'd only ever taken me like this once before. I had disobeyed him and had done it deliberately (bad move on my part). I was supposed to wait for him after work, he was definitely coming to get me. The rain had been pouring down in sheets, drenching me, although I stood underneath a very pink awning of a nearby pastry shop. I had stayed for approximately 45 minutes, before muttering expletives that I had proudly learned from him, and trudging home wet and grumpy.
He'd arrived an hour and 15 minutes later, not bothering to shut off his car but instead opting to slam the door open and rip into me when he found me soon after in the kitchen. Of course being the fiery vixen that I am I fought back, blaming him (naturally) for not coming on time. He of course had retorted with some lame ass excuse about the traffic being terrible. The long and short of the story, I'd ended up face down on the kitchen table, and hadn't been able to walk properly for 3 days.
“It'll probably be a week this time,” I thought as I buried my face in a nearby pillow when a hard plunge into my body brought me partially off the bed. The pleasure was more gut wrenching this time, and I was moaning, hissing and making sounds that I was positive didn't even have names. I didn't bother to try and hold back now; he knew how much he affected me. He delighted in making me feel this way, and personally, I had absolutely no problem with succumbing to his any and every whim.
I wanted so badly at that moment to have my orgasm. I felt exhausted and knew that when I did, it would be intense. My mate pushed hard into me and frustration of insurmountable heights overtook me.
He was such a tease!!! If only he had given me what I'd wanted way before now, I wouldn't have to do this.
I came up on to my elbows and without hesitation pushed back on to him with as much force as I could muster. He leaned over me so that his chest was splayed across my back, and spoke harshly into my ear.
There's the woman I mated. Good girl,” he praised me, as he tugged on my earlobe with his teeth. “Now,” he continued, “how badly do you want me koishii?”
This time I did answer, knowing full well the consequences if I didn't, “Bad. Really bad.”
“Hmm mmm,” I moaned.
He chuckled darkly, “You're going to have to do better than that beautiful.”
I shook my head vigorously. The pain in my thighs was becoming excruciating. I couldn't keep this up, but I refused to back down to him and let him dominate me. I knew that if I did, his ego would be colossal in the morning. It was already unbearable....but I wouldn't change him for the world.
Somewhere during this little farce of bravado, I had already (though grudgingly) admitted that in the end he was going to win, whether I gave up willingly or he took what he wanted by force (as was his nature). It vexed and both excited me. Regardless, I made one last ditch effort at victory.
I spoke his name threateningly, adopting a slight growl on the last letter. I felt his smile widen against my shoulder.
“You're not going to defy me again, are you sweetheart?”
I made a frustrated sound in reply, and hung my head before spreading my legs wider. I knew it'd worked when I felt the slight falter in his movements, and the almost pained whisper of “Fuck!” fly across my bare skin. He always got like this when I gave him more room to explore, when I allowed him to reach depths inside me that he normally couldn't.
He recovered quickly, as I knew he would. I'd already made up my mind to give him what he wanted, and if the sweat that carved a mocking trail between my breasts wasn't further indication that I couldn't handle anymore, I didn't know what was. After all, I was only human.
I had chosen to utter the words that would drive him over the edge, and so drive me over the edge. They never failed to get his blood boiling. It would be more effective if I could look him in the eyes, and so I proceeded to do just that.
With the little strength I had remaining I rammed back on to my mate. I was pleased when I caught him off guard, and so achieved in landing him straight on his ass, with his knees folded neatly beneath him. Moving quickly so that he stayed inside of me, I pushed up on to my knees, and sat comfortably on his open lap. My aching back pressed up against his slick chest, his coarse nipples rubbing over the smooth expanse of my skin. My hypersensitive flesh magnified the feeling way beyond what it was, and I was surprised to find that the mere friction excited me.
One hand rose up to wrap securely around his neck, while the other fiercely gripped his powerful thigh. I initiated a leisurely, stroking rhythm, and he, seemingly curious, went along with it (for the time being). His arm wrapped around my waist and a hand gently fondled my breast. He had now positioned his lips on my neck licking and kissing the wound he had reopened just moments before. My renewed mark.
I moved the hand at the nape of his neck to clutch his hair firmly and forced him to meet me head on and grace me with those piercing, liquid pools of amber. I could clearly see that he had totally, solely and temporarily relinquished control to me. I took full advantage of this allowance. He was spellbound, and I revelled in the fact that he looked slightly winded. I slowed my movements to almost a crawl, ensuring that I had his full and unwavering attention.
The sound of my voice was crucial to accomplishing my goal. I lowered it to a pitch above silent, and dropped in a tinge of helplessness, with a heaping handful of willing and utter submission. It had to reek of neediness for him and only him. It was an indication of my breaking point (which I had reached hours before) a clear sign that he had once again pushed me way past my limits, and brought me to heights of pleasure I had only dreamt of. It was a boost in his pride, and quite simply, an admission of my defeat. He had bested me once again and there was nothing that turned him on more than knowing that he had successfully, thoroughly and completely satisfied his mate's sexual needs.
I fixed my eyes upon his own almost forgetting that he was still moving inside of me, so strong was the hunger I saw there. I began massaging his scalp and gave an internal cheer of triumph when his eyes started to droop. I slowly rubbed my nose against his and then whispered the words I was praying would bring us both overwhelming ecstasy.
Please, Inuyasha, don't make me wait anymore. I need you.
He awoke as if from a trance, before audibly sighing, “Right answer.”
True to the testimony of how well I knew my man, he growled his approval and took charge immediately. The pleasure came back instantaneously and intensified by tenfold. The new position allowed him to go deeply inside of my wet sex, unhindered. The bed groaned under our combined efforts.
I wasn't the only one pretending that I hadn't been affected as much as I truly was. The words that spewed from his mouth were dirty, lustful, persuasive and completely arousing. His hand at my waist moved between my open legs and he brutally assaulted my clitoris with one claw tipped finger.
The feeling was unbelievable. I clenched my hand on his thigh, sensing, knowing that my climax was near. I could barely talk and the sounds that left me were broken whispers of “M...more!”, whimpers of mercy when it felt like it was getting to be too much, moans of encouragement, groans of pure satisfaction.
I wasn't so far gone as to not feel when he covered my ear with his mouth and whispered drunkenly, hoarsely and pleadingly, “Cum for me Kagome.”
It was as if a barrier had been destroyed and the sound of his voice was the trigger for my release. I screamed his name. It began as white hot bliss that flowed from my groin to the bottom of my stomach, so concentrated in pleasure that it felt almost painful. It was a sudden burst of ecstasy like I had never known before, and it had my genitals pulsating with the force of it. Ripples of undulating rapture flowed throughout my body to lie tingling within my fingertips. I instinctively wanted to curl up into myself, to somehow preserve this too short sensation, but Inuyasha prevented this by moving the hand on my breast, to my waist. I opted for burying my face into his neck and gratefully voicing my pleasure.
His name fell from my lips like a mantra, the constant powerful ripples of well fulfilled desire pounding through me with each new thrust of his length. He came soon afterwards with explosive force, emptying his seed within me and groaning my name as a signal of his completion.
He continued to push languidly into me, prolonging both of our pleasure, drawing out our orgasms. My hand on his leg flexed in time with his movements, and so weak was I that I gave only small gasps each time I was entered. My body trembled as a result of our lovemaking and I felt completely satiated.
He stopped moving and for a long time we both sat quietly holding each other in the afterglow. I felt his hot, heavy breath on my neck, and the warmth that emanated from where we were intimately joined. Although he had halted thrusting, his finger still gently worked my bundle of nerves, causing random spasms of pleasure to jolt through me.
I shifted slightly in his grip. If he didn't stop that I was going to get aroused again and I could not handle another round with him.
“Inu,” I whispered, “no more.”
He laughed and he soon had me laughing too, my ribs starting to ache from the additional strain. He placed his hands under my thighs, lifted me up and laid me gently on our bed. I was glad (more like relieved) to see that his penis was now flaccid when I caught a quick glimpse of it. He joined me on our soft resting place, and I turned to face him.
He was staring at me again, but this time it was with a look of happiness, joy, thankfulness. I lifted my hand and affectionately stroked his cheek, and then he reached for me. I met him halfway and I willingly relented in letting him lead me in this sensual dance. He slowly worked my lips, exploring the outer regions of my mouth first, gently sucking my bottom lip and nibbling it until it was tender. He begged passage into my mouth by parting my red, wet appendages with his tongue and pushed it into the deepest orifices, memorizing every crevice and dip with that pink organ.
I moaned feeling the new stirrings of arousal. I moved a hand up to his head and rubbed the soft, white fur triangles there. I had barely touched them all night and they came in handy right now when he drew his mouth away from mine with a soft, wet pop and laid his head on my chest with a contented growl. I giggled.
“Look at my puppy.”
“It's `massive dog' G'ome, how many times do I have to tell you that?” he mumbled.
“I don't know, maybe about five more years.”
“With you that might be true, seeing as you're so forgetful.”
I playfully swatted his arm, “Hey!”
He smiled and apologized before giving me a short, sweet kiss as a sign of his repentance. I forgave him instantly.
We sat in companionable silence until Inuyasha spoke again, “So......?”
“So.....?” I played dumb.
“Come on Kagome, tell me how it was.”
“Inuyasha, do I have to do this every time we have sex?”
“Yes, because I like to hear how you felt.”
There goes that ego I was talking about. It didn't even wait until the morning to grow this time.
“Inu, I'm exhausted, doesn't that scream it to you.”
“I just want to hear you say it, come on, it will make me feel good.” He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I looked away. He knew that that always got me. I could never resist him when he looked like that. I sighed in resignation. Why did I even try?
I glared at him sourly but then he smiled at me, one of those sweet, innocent, `I love you' smiles that had me melting inside. I glanced away before turning my eyes back to him. He nudged my cheek with the tip of his nose.
“Tell me.”
I had long since come to realize that, although he pretended it wasn't the reason, he needed these constant vocal reminders about our life, whether it was sexual or otherwise, because of his past. He had grown up thinking that he was worthless and a waste of space. He had never let it show that it had hurt him, but I knew. Now five years of married and mated life, with a baby, and it was moments like these that made me realize how deeply the cruel people of the past had cut him.
“It was incredible Inuyasha. Just like every other time, maybe even better,” I said softly as I pressed my forehead against his.
“Yeah?” he asked while he drew my body flush against his and tangled our legs together in an unidentifiable mass.
There was a pause with us just stroking each other, then he whispered against my mouth, “I really know how to fuck my bitch then, don't I?”
I smirked, “Yeah, you do.”
He kissed my forehead, “Go to sleep, we have to pick up Kai early tomorrow. Surprisingly I really miss that noise maker.”
“Uhh!! Don't say that about him, he's a wonderful baby.”
“Pup,” he corrected, “and of course he is, how could he not be with a mother like you.”
My heart filled with emotion just like it always did when he made these little, but sentimental and love filled comments. Sometimes I wondered how I got so lucky.
“He has a great papa too,” I reminded him.
He just smiled and repeated his command for me to go to bed. I rolled on to his chest, and settled comfortably on his broad, bare flesh. I took his face between my hands and kissed him, slowly, and meaningfully.
When we pulled apart he asked, “What was that for?”
My answer, simple and yet always obvious in my actions, “I love you Inuyasha.”
It would never cease to amaze me how his eyes would light up every time I said that, and I made it a point of my duty to do it every day.
He brought me down to reciprocate the gesture and softly spoke, “I love you more.”
I laughed and pushed my face into his neck. He stroked my back, emitting a guttural, yet soothing growl. It dropped to a pitch almost near silent, as he assumed I was falling asleep.
I would never fully know how badly Inuyasha had been affected by the people of the Feudal Era, how awful his childhood had been, or worse, how terrible life must have been fending for himself and learning how to fight just to stay alive. Being his mate entitled me to forcing it out of him but I'd wait, wait until he felt it was the right time to tell me and that day I'd listen.
The fatigue of my body and mind unwillingly but successfully dragged me off to a peaceful slumber which Inuyasha followed me into almost instantly. I dozed with thoughts of thankfulness for my husband, lover and mate and our first child. I had a good life and every day I thanked Kami that I somehow managed to capture the interest of an unruly, bad-tempered, beautiful, independent hanyou of the Feudal Era of 500 years ago.