InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Lullaby ❯ Idealistic ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Be ready to be spammed with updates.

Chapter I: Idealistic

Sesshomaru turned his head slightly, enough to peer at the new ningen girl he had acquired.

Inuyasha's bitch.

She had her head tilted downwards toward her feet, and was completely oblivious he was eyeing her.

He sighed inwardly to himself, a few thoughts of his own causing him consternation. Though he was greatly displeased with his own choice, he decided it was better to have her follow him than allowing Naraku to gain the upper hand. Now that Naraku had succeeded in killing his otouto, he sneered mentally at the audacity of the abomination. It was a stain against his family's honor, and it drove him to only seek the hanyou's end with that much more fevor.

Sesshomaru had decided to begin searching for the `Shikon no Kakera' on his own. He knew nothing of their history, but he knew one thing.

Naraku wanted them.

And since he was hell-bent on destroying Naraku, anything Naraku took interest in, Sesshomaru did as well. It was one of the oldest tricks in the book-play the enemy at their own game. And with a deviant upturned smile he so carefully hid, he knew that was exactly on what he planned to do... There was crimson that flooded his eyes as he felt adrenaline spear through his brain at the only thing that gave him something to ease the paramounting boredom in the passing days...


He breathed in deeply through his nose, trying to calm the racing of his heart at the thought of his planned revenge, trying to cool the heating of his blood in anticipation. He had to remain calm, and collected so he could outdo every step Naraku managed to take.

Returning to his previous thoughts, he considered again... Though his strategy entailed playing Naraku's own game, he needed a way to find the jewel shards. Which he was, admittedly, practically clueless on considering his lack on knowledge on the matter of the Kakera. But, he knew who was informed...

That was why he sought out the ningen girl. She had agreed by affirming his suggestion with a nod of the head, after what seemed to be a carefully laid out debate in her head. It surprised him how quickly she had agreed to his rather forceful suggestions. He had figured there would be some resistance on her part, but he had encountered little to none.

But as for her reasons to agreeing, he wasn't sure.

Not that he cared.

But now that they had some sort of alliance, she was now under his protection.

Especially since she was a means to a very profitable end.

And though he preferably wished she would just listen to his every command, he knew that would have been too much to hope for. She was fiery and defiant, had been with his brother and he doubted much had changed that. Her blatant disrespect for her male superiors was obvious in any who came across her. She was far too independant for her own good, but what less could he expect from a female warrior? She had to live up to her counterparts in battle.

Nonetheless, he would demand some respect of her and receive it after a time. A time within the very near future if he had any influence on the matter. And he would.

He just knew to prepare himself for the worst in the beginning. But in the end, he would have his way, just as he always did. It's why he Lorded over the Western Lands with very little rebellion.

All were too afraid of the retribution they would receive for such a dire mistake.

After a while and walking in silence most of the day, they reached a campsite he deemed reasonable for his ward's needs by early evening. Jaken and Rin were already there, from the looks of it, though Kagome was not surprised. She couldn't recall many times where the two were not permanently glued to his tail.

Kagome almost choked on the mental image of Rin stroking Sesshomaru's fluff.

Jaken just stared at the new female with irritability, not complaining as he was beaten into silence last night because of his complaints. He knew better than to question Sesshomaru-sama about any of his doings with ningens any longer, no matter how much they stunk.

Rin, who had been playing by the riverside, came running up to him. She was thoroughly covered in mud, but held up flowers for Sesshomaru with a dazzling smile only a child could give with unconditional adoration. “Sesshomaru-sama! While you were gone, Rin picked you flowers!”

Sesshomaru stared at the young girl blankly. He then lifted his head as if he had not heard her, and spoke out, “Go clean yourself, Rin.” It was a simple command, but Kagome started a bit at the sound of his voice, not having heard him use it once since they left his grave.

Kagome swallowed the lump of emotion that had suddenly fixed itself in her throat, gasping for breath as if she was suddenly drowning in the moment.

Rin nodded affirmatively at the statement Sesshomaru-sama had said, smiling brightly. But before she responded, she noticed Kagome, who seemed to be feeling rather uncomfortable at the moment.

Maybe she was hot?

 “Sesshomaru-sama! It's Kagome!” She had said it, surprised, and pointed out what Jaken was sure his master had already noticed.

“Don't be obnoxious, Rin! Of course Sesshomaru-sama has seen the girl already! It is annoying for you to point out the obvious!” Sesshomaru just calmly walked over to Jaken and stared at him, repeating his command. “Go clean yourself, Rin.”

Jaken became silent and unnerved at his lord's staring and began to grovel for forgiveness, though he was not sure what he had done. “Oh, Sesshomaru-sama, please forgive your humble and lowly servant!”

Sesshomaru proceeded to walk on Jaken, ignoring the toad's attempt, merely bypassing him as if he were a mere insect unworthy of notice.

Though somewhat cruel at sight, Kagome couldn't help but smile awkwardly. The knot that had tied her esophagus closed began to unravel and she felt herself breathing normally again at the display. It was kind of funny, actually..

Kagome tilted her head at the observation, squinting her eyes as if to determine if that was an accurate thought.

Well... in an icy, bastard kind of way.


She remembered when Shippo would do cute things like that for her, minus the actual cruelty of it all.

...why hadn't she brung him along? He was her adopted kit after all. But it was just too dangerous.

...and she was too weak...

She just couldn't protect him right...

...She couldn't protect anyone...

...not even Inuyasha...

She felt the weight on her chest increase, as she rubbed at it, trying to loosen the pressure some. The knot was returning, that lump she couldn't swallow around, think around, breathe around, closing the world in on her, tiling its axis further and further and she needed air and she needed to focus and she couldn't focus and the fog descended and she was drowning, drowning, drowning...


She was feeling faint, flushed, she was wobbling on her legs. She couldn't catch up to the world closing in on her, opening the ground up to swallow her whole.

Ningen!” Sesshomaru was completely in her face, catching her off guard and causing her to stumble back a bit in pure shock, leaving her fallen on her rump as she gasped for breath in panic. It took her a moment to come to, for her hazy eyes to find their focal point on the creature towering above her, his cold leer passing her over like a shadow of death.

It had certainly felt like she was going to die, anyway.

When had he come that close to her? And why was he calling her `human', and not by her name? Did it matter, even, anymore...

But she deserved some sort of pride, some sort of dignity. She was still standing, afterall. Looking down at herself and her position on the ground, she huffed angrily. Figuratively speaking, she was.

She hadn't given up, she hadn't given in yet.

Not completely, anyway.

She felt herself color with indignation. She did have a name, and she was sure he knew it... and it was at times like these she wished she could trust her voice to shout at him with. She wished she trusted herself to not break down into a babbling idiot. She had survived this far, and she felt she earned a modicum of recognition.

She threw him her best `what the hell do you want?' look, folding her arms crossly over her chest and pinning him with a glare far too serious for one sitting prone on the ground.

He merely gazed at her oddly.

Though Sesshomaru expected her defiance, her heated look threw him off guard. He hated it when people unnerved his equilibrium.

She was going to mess up the careful balance of unquestioned loyalty he expected in his subjects. He knew she was...

And this caused a small part of him to seethe with anger, but he hid it behind a cool mask.

“Go watch Rin.”

She stared at him a second... She knew from the beginning he was going to order her around like she was nothing more than a `lowly servant' like Jaken, but it still bugged her. She  stood, merely spun on her heel, ignoring him the best she could and headed down toward the river. She was going to get him to recognize her as an individual, and not just some `human'.

She was determined. And very few things stopped a determined Kagome.

This was going to be a very, very long trip after all...

Stopping in mid-stride, she felt a pang of emptiness suddenly overcome her. It was ready to wash away her carefully built resolve...

But she sucked a deep breath in between her teeth, and continued to walk...

Just forget about it Kagome... you can't cry, not anymore...

But she found Inuyasha's face popping into her mind, him smiling at her and making fun of her in a crass way, with a soft tone completely at odds with the words he was saying...

This is going to be a very long trip indeed...
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