InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Lullaby ❯ Unrealistic ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter III: Unrealistic

Maybe not...

Sesshomaru opened his eyes, growling loudly inside his study since he was alone. He felt his claws rake over the wall in anger, his composure falling for a split second. They left faint marks in the wake of his irriation, permantly scarring the stone.

He was tired and wanted to get this entire situation over with. All he wanted was Naraku dead and his otouto avenged, as much as he hated Inuyasha.

But the bitch down the way kept tickling that child, causing her to squeal and giggle and it was tearing his concentration away so much so that he wanted to charge down the hall and tell them to shut their forsaken mouths before he ripped the miko's hands off her body. Of course he wouldn't do such a thing, as it would upset Rin, but the mental image sated his frustration just a tad. The high-pitched shrieks were ripping through his skull and causing him to have a pounding migraine.
Though he knew inside he cared for Rin too greatly to speak to her in any way he found unfitting, he was still almost desperate for some peace and quiet. His home had always been his sanctuary, the place where things went exactly how he said and exactly was run to live up to all his expectations. No matter how absurd or strict those said expectations could be.

Part of those expectations were, as long as he was in his study, he was not to be disturbed.


And now some bitch had invaded that space, though because of his own action, he still seethed. He knew most would find it unreasonable that he would automatically assume she would fall under his rule, his words, and his wants upon his invitation. But he was the Western Lord, the great Daiyoukai descended from the legendary Inu no Taisho. His bloodline was almost as old as the lands itself and damned if he would not get the deference his very blood deserved.

She is desecrating what is mine.

The thought stilled him in his tracks.

He felt his back stiffen, as he snarled quietly and turned around, yanking his door to the hallway open so hastily he nearly broke it off the hinge.
The resounding sound was so loud that it was still echoing down the hall by the time he reached their door with the inhuman speed he possessed. He then effectively banged on the door as loud as he dared without breaking through it.

He had previously opened it days ago without permeable, seeing no reason to show restraint in his own home.

That was, until he had walked in on the miko naked. Her ensuing shrieks and attempts to cover herself with the clothes she had gathered to change into was enough to cause a shiver of contempt to run through him at the thought.

He did not wish for a busted eardrum, so instead he resorted to knocking.

The insolence.

Kagome stared at her door in shock. She was sure that Rin hadn't been that loud, but from the sound of it Sesshomaru had lost his patience. This was the fourth time in the past two days he had knocked on the door. Now he was pounding on it, sounding like he was going to break it down soon if she didn't answer it. She flushed, remembering the incident from days prior, and stood wearily.

She then walked to the door, and opened it slowly, cautiously. She definitely wasn't in the mood for the earlashing she was sure to ensue from the way he was looking. He was growling audibly, and looked at her with restrained fury. He tried to sound polite for Rin's sake, but through his grinding fangs it wasn't working all that well. “Will you be so kind as to inform me what that racket inside your room was?”

Kagome looked at him sheepishly and just kind of shrugged half heartedly, unsure what he wanted to hear as an excuse.

That caused him to verbalize his anger, and he would have sputtered if he wasn't so dignified. She had avoided direct communcation with him her entire stay except for once and it was beginning to push buttons no one had dared to try before. “Your defiance is tiring, miko," the edge of threat was on his voice, barely detectable to anyone but herself in the presence of the child, "Now explain yourself this instant using words.”

Kagome looked at him in a mixture of indignity and hurt, and though unmoved, she did not respond.

This was beginning to outrage Sesshomaru, until a sheepish voice piped up in defense of the elder onna. “Ne, Sesshomaru-sama.."

Sesshomaru turned to Rin, the stripes on his cheeks somewhat jagged were the only sign of his barely contained impatience, “What, Rin?”

She flinched at the ice in his words, though he stressed his words to try and be calm.

“Uh... Kagome-neesan doesn't speak... Kind of like when Rin couldn't because Rin was very sad.”

Sesshomaru's mouth snapped shut as he stared down at the young woman before him, angry hurt apparent in her eyes.

He knew if he were anyone else, the situation would call for an apology. But he didn't apologize. As a lord, he didn't need to. Instead he just turned around and swept down the hall like a specter without another word as Kagome's door shut quietly behind him.

He mentally berated himself for being not only acting ignorant to his guest, but for being hostile in Rin's presence. Guest indeed, he thought sarcastically to himself. The girl was ruining his leveled mind so much that he almost started viewing her as a menace. But he knew that was ridiculous of him to think...

Of course she was upset. Of course she was shedding those weak ningen tears. Of course she was refusing to voice the things going through her unstable mind.

Inuyasha was dead.

And as that may have been blindly obvious to any human, it didn't occur to this Sesshomaru. For through the passage of time many people had died in his life, including his Chichue. His father had died right after his coming of age.

That did irritate me though..He begrudgingly admitted, remembering he did in fact regret for his father's death.  It was only natural for the ningen female... She was his bitch, afterall. What else was he to expect?

Useless, Sesshomaru thought to himself, effectively pushing down the rest of the door to his study with a muffled sigh. “Jaken.”

He summoned loudly, calmly, composed. Nothing spoke different about the air he carried himself with, the inner trouble beginning to brew in his mind. The toad demon raced to him and groveled, “What does my Lord wish of me?” Sesshomaru just looked at the door once, and stepped on and over Jaken who was flattened into the stony floor.

It was cathartic to abuse the kappa, to say the least.

The toad squawked out, his eyes swirling about as his Lord glided down the hall like an unearthly being and shut himself inside his study once more.
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