InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Lullaby ❯ Alive ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: Since the other chapter was so short, as an apology I decided to write a second chapter to this story instead of `Sleep Paralysis' because that chapter was mostly author's notes… again… SORRY! Here's another chapter.
Don't hate me <3.
And thank you so much to those who understood the importance of that chapter, though I myself barely did. Heh!
Chapter XXVII: Winter Sky
Kagome was trapped. Her world was white, and she was floating in some abyss she couldn't escape from.
I don't mind though… it's so warm here…
It felt as if a familiar embrace enveloped her the entire time she was between dreaming and wakefulness…
All she could see was silver hair, golden eyes and a crescent moon.
And somewhere over that great, vast distance she heard a voice calling for her faintly… yet she couldn't grasp a hold of it, couldn't make it solid… It wasn't enough to wake her… No matter how sad it sounded, no matter how enticing… Kagome couldn't manage to open her eyes.
Perhaps I'm hiding…?
Even though, that sadness… that sadness that was so far away… she felt as if she could relate to it. It communicated with her core, reminding her of something that seemed like a long forgotten memory of a troubled time… even if it was so palpable that she could have touched it…
Even the memory of it appeared so close to her it haunted her, but she couldn't remember exactly what that sadness was…
No more running… no more hiding…
The tangible sorrow filled her, and she remembered that forgotten memory. Remembered why She had so much loneliness…
And she felt the utmost empathy for that sadness that was calling to her, begging her for… something…
It pleaded with her.
For what…?
to come home…
Those eyes… so vibrant, so alive… yet, so cold.
Her winter.
That winter came to her again through those eyes that were like suns in the morning sky, never leaving her horizon.
Memories came to her… the times that winter stayed with her… The petty arguments, the passionate love, the menial times… past, present, and future intertwined…
She could see years ago when she first met him, how he very nearly ended her life. His coveting of his brother's heirloom cost him an arm and his pride.
He gained a special little girl with endless devotion that would stay with him all time.
She could see him stopping his demonic brother's massacre, and wondering if it was out of concern he did.
Through time she could see him soften toward his brother and Rin.
A year ago, she saw him give her cold looks and demanded respect.
She watched as those looks went from icy to warmth.
She watched how terrified he looked as she died at Naraku's hand, the rage that crossed his face as he snapped and very nearly became uncontrollable as he sliced his way through Naraku. Naraku fled, barely escaping with his life.
Ironically, she died just as Inuyasha had.
She watched as the very life slipped from her eyes, and watched as he revived her with Tensaiga. She watched the concern glaze over his eyes as he softly called her name, and still she would not wake in his arms.
Time passed, and she watched herself walking through the snow in the Western lands with him as he rattled off meaningless politics to her, and she patiently listened with a smile though politics didn't interest her. She wondered how two people so different could work together like they did…
She watched as later that day she was kicking snow up at Rin, and accused her of being `childish'. Then she hit him with a snowball in the face.
Slowly, after a while, she became pregnant with their first son. They named him InuYorishiro.
He smiled at her.
And that's when everything began to fuzz over, like a bad connection to a TV.
Kagome wanted to see… she wanted to see what happened after that.
But that is when she woke up.
Fluttering her eyes, she felt her eyes attempting to adjust to the light. She moaned slightly, shifting against something solid.
“Everything's too freaking bright….” She muttered under her breath, burying her face into the warmth that surrounded her.
Why her? All she wanted to do was go back to sleep and dream all those pleasant dreams, filled with happiness. Dream of a future that was almost too good to be true.
“…what?...” she stressed, hoping the annoying familiar voice would just leave her alone so she could go back to sleep.
She was still so exhausted.
“Wake up.”
She felt a sharp pinch on her side and she yelped, her eyes flinging open as she smacked Sesshomaru in the shoulder. “What the hell was that for?!”
She watched him tense, his eyes unnaturally soft for Sesshomaru. The look he gave her was enough for the alarm bells to go off in her head.
“…what's wrong?”
He stayed silent. Kagome was beginning to panic. She peered over his shoulder, looking around for the bodies of Sango and Miroku.
Her mind began to ease when she saw they weren't there, but for some reason her heart still clenched with fear.
“What's the matter? What's wrong?”
Sesshomaru sighed softly, almost imperceptibly, as he stood and place her feet gently on the ground. He even went as far as to steady her when he was sure she could stand.
“…They're dead.”
Kagome gave him a skeptical look. “Miroku and Sango aren't lying over there.”
Again, she watched as he hesitated.
“Stop teasing me! Really, what's the matter?”
She watched as Sesshomaru's lip curled slightly in annoyance, despite the situation. “First off, I'm not joking. Second, I meant all of them.”
Kagome felt her body begin to tremble. “…what?... Shippo… too?”
She watched as he shook his head slowly. “No, Kagome. Not just Shippo. The entire village was slaughtered by Naraku.”
Kagome's trembles were turning in to quakes at an alarming rate. “T-then… why can't I sense their death?”
She watched something pass over Sesshomaru's eyes quickly… it seemed it was reluctance…
“Because, Kagura casted Dance of Dead. They're all with Naraku.”
Kagome snapped. Anger she didn't knew she had coursed through her, and before she could register what she was doing, she broke off in to a full run in the direction she knew Naraku took because of her dream.