InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Without a Lullaby ❯ Hope ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: The chapters are getting harder and harder to write. My mind goes through cycles… when it wants to draw, and when it wants to write… right now, it's going through a drawing phase. It is in no ways a writer's block, but it makes my concentration shift. I'm sorry! It does it on its own, I swear!! T_T. Forgive me!
And I completely forgot my idea… my loophole! T_T! Fuckity fuck. Fuck. Oh well, I'll MAKE this work anyway… love you.
Chapter XXIX: Hope
Kagome's hands tightened on Sesshomaru's shoulder, as she tried not to wrap her arms too tightly around his neck. He carried her bridal style as he ran quickly through the woods, unwilling to carry her like his half-breed brother used to. In no way did she mind, and she actually preferred it this way… though the comfort level wasn't quite the same. She bounced a little more, though he held her tightly to his chest.
She looked up with liquid eyes, watching his intense face etched with disgust. She knew, to him, Naraku had gone too far. He had threatened his mate, his mate's sanity, and his mate's honor. It was intolerable.
He stopped abruptly, causing her body to twist a bit in his grasp. She winced as he set her down gently. “Go get the things you require.” Trembling, she made her way through the empty village. Slowly, she made her way to Kaede's hut and peered through the doorway as if the hut might contain a ghost. “Kagome, hurry. We have not much time.”
Kagome turned to leer at Sesshomaru, quivering as she reminded herself for the umpteenth time of how she hated ghosts. She grabbed a bow and a quiver full of arrows that leaned against the wall. Strapping her arrows to her back, and arranging her bow on her arm, she looked around. She grabbed some rope, tied it to her waist and began to search again. Where did we put it again…?
She glanced around nervously, trying to recall… She wracked her brain, as she rushed over to a chest and began to pull the contents heedlessly out and dumped them on the floor.
Where did we put it?!
She tore apart the cupboards, the pantry, the tatami mats even. Yet the house was so sparse to begin with, there wasn't many places it could have been hidden. On the verge of tears due to anger and frustration, Kagome leaned against the wall. She stomped her foot like an angry child, mostly angry at herself for not remembering where it was.
The floor creaked, yet she ignored it. She only stomped again, which allowed her foot to go through the floor. She yelped, tripping and falling through the entire floor onto the ground that was a few feet below. She whined pathetically, yet the item she had searched so frantically for laid right in front of her face.
The fates have it…
Damn it.
They had moved it on her.
She reached a shaky hand out and grabbed the cloth bound item, muttering to herself as she pushed herself up from off her face. “…forgive me, Inuyasha…
Rushing out of the hut to an impatience youkai, she thrust the item before her to show the prize to her mate. “This is most what I wanted.”
The lord's eyes widened the slightest bit, as he spoke softly. “I thought that was lost to time.”
Kagome shook her head negatively, again presenting the item to him.
“No… we had hidden it, that is all.”
Sesshomaru reached out tentatively and took Tetsusaiga from his mate's hands. The cloth somewhat protected him from the barrier, yet he felt Tetsusaiga pulse as it called for its sister blade, Tensaiga… and Tensaiga answered. Sesshomaru stared down at the weapon, filled with mixed emotion. Sesshomaru found he no longer coveted the sword after a time, though now… now that in was in his possession, he felt as if he had found something that was lost and sacred to him.
He was filled with warmth and longing as he removed Tokijin from his side, shoving the blade into the ground. Tetsusaiga assumed its new place in the world, next to its twin… Tensaiga. Tokijin was placed on his other hip, as once again Sesshomaru hoisted Kagome into their previous placement and he took off.
It was then, Sesshomaru realized just how deeply Kagome cared for him. How deeply she loved him. How deeply she trusted her mate. And though he would never have admitted it to Kagome, he was filled with something that he hadn't really felt since his mother had left his side…
They raced through the trees as Sesshomaru growled deeply, staring ahead to the oncoming demons. He skidded to a stop, shifting Kagome behind him as he unsheathed his Tokijin to unleash `Dragon Strike'. The force of the power that exploded from him was phenomenal to Kagome, and though she had witnessed it before it still stole her breath.
Screams filled the air, as masses of demons disintegrated under the touch of the blue lightning. She watched the determined look of Sesshomaru as she clung to his backside, attempting to keep on her feet from his explosions. She cried out in surprise as he grabbed her about the waist, leaping into the air at the last moment a giant boulder came racing for them.
Trembling, she acknowledged timidly that she never even realized it was heading for them.
“Kagome, fire.”
Kagome's response was automatic as she knocked an arrow and let it fly. It purified a path for them and Sesshomaru quickly took it, making his way up the mountain-side.
“He's in there?”
Sesshomaru sneered, “I can smell that hanyou filth from ten leagues away.”
Sesshomaru reached the mouth of a cave, and placed Kagome down gently. Against his better judgment, he was going to part with her. He whirled her around toward him, pulling her against his chest and let his lips descend upon hers.
He knew bringing her with him would be a death sentence.
Slowly, after devouring her, he drew away. They had no time left… there was no time for this…
He bent down, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, “Listen, and listen carefully Kagome… I am going to go distract Naraku… I need you to go find his heart for me Kagome.” Kagome's eyes watered, and she nodded. “But I don't have any jyaki cry-” she was cut off as he shoved something into her hand, and her eyes widened. “Use them. Now go.”
And just like that, he bounded off into the darkness. Kagome wasn't even sure where to begin. She looked up. Her feet began to walk that way, and she let them. She began to climb the mountain.
Quietly, she cursed. She couldn't fly. She couldn't even climb that well… she had no claws. She was just a ningen with weak miko powers…
But she didn't want to let Sesshomaru down.
She left, to protect her friends.
And she had let them down.
She had to get them back. She had to make up for her inexcusable mistake.
She had to set them free.
Standing on a perch, she became agitated. She looked down at the crystals, watching as they flicker, and she knew she was heading the right way. But she was going too slow!
Reaching for her waist, she felt the rope. Rolling her eyes at herself, she groaned out loud. Brilliant time to forget such important things, Kagome!
She unwrapped the rope, tying it tightly on to the end of an arrow as she aimed. Releasing, she was relieved as it sailed true and hit the rock face, imbedding itself firmly there. It was wedged between to rocks, and Kagome tugged hard for good measure.
It was going to stay there.
Grabbing a hold, she began to scale her way up.
Twenty feet later, she was at the top. The jyaki crystals held no more light to them, Kagome noticed as she struggled to pull herself up over the ledge. To her shock, a hand shot out and grasped her arm. Blinking, her head whipped up to look at the familiar hand that belonged to a familiar body and a familiar face.
Her breath hitched, and all went quiet.
Dull hazel eyes gazed at her, as Sango reached one hand slowly to her hip.
She drew out her katana.
Kagome's heart began to pound within her ears, and she began to panic.
“Sango… Sango-chan! Sango-chan, it's me! It's me, Kagome!”
The hand slowly lifted up the katana, trembling in the air slightly. Kagome's face filled with fright as she looked down suddenly, noticing something.
Kanna. The baby. Her mission.
Naraku's heart.
Kagome grabbed the rope suddenly and wrapped it around Sango's arm quickly and pulled with all her might.
She watched as her friend fell, slicing Kagome along the cheek on her way down… the blade skimmed over her shoulder and the back of her leg because of the angle, and Kagome cried out.
The wounds stung, but she couldn't be deterred. She couldn't stop now.
Halfway on the ledge, she quickly took out her bow and knocked another arrow.
She noticed Kagura, then, too… and knew that she would do nothing despite the fact Naraku's heart cried out for her to save him.
The arrow was released.
Kanna and the child were destroyed.
And the explosion that followed was enough to throw her from the rockface as she quickly found herself falling towards what would be her death.
“You filthy hanyou, I shall destroy you for killing my brother!” Naraku's face contorted, finding himself already weak from their last battle. The taiyoukai had already been enraged over the death of his mate, and had weakened Naraku considerably.
Tentacles shot out, attempting to still Sesshomaru as he slashed at Naraku.
Still, Naraku tried to be coy. Perhaps he could throw the youkai off balance… then he stood a chance.
“As if it mattered. You shall sire enough hanyou pups to sate that fact… with your brother's own whore, nonetheless. You yearn for dirty seconds, is that it, Sesshomaru-sama?”
Sesshomaru's eyes bled crimson, and Sesshomaru lashed out, landing other deadly blow. But due to his miscalculated rage, so did Naraku. And his nasty smirk was evidence his words worked upon Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru lashed out again, his whip slashing Naraku and the burning flesh that sizzled filled Sesshomaru's nose with a putrid stench.
“Do you think that your whore will appreciate that you have slain her comrades?”
Another poke to get the lord going, but Sesshomaru did not let himself miss a beat again. “They were already dead. You cannot kill the dead twice. You just destroy a puppet.”
Naraku just grinned as his vile body roamed toward Sesshomaru, as if soon to attempt to devour him.
“Too bad those puppets shall destroy that which you hold dear, Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru did not falter in step, but the hanyou had captured his attention. “The female taijiya is waiting for her, and my heart is her bait. There is nothing your mate can do to protect herself from the woman. The woman shall kill her on the way up.”
Sesshomaru felt his heart clench in fear. Fear.
He was afraid for his mate.
He needed to protect her.
And nothing caused him to think twice about throwing down Tokijin, unsheathing Tetsusaiga and unleashing the Backlash Wave upon Naraku as Naraku attack him with a ray of energy that headed straight for him.
Kagura watched from atop her feather as the Taijiya paused. Though it was just an imitation, the body just a vessel, the puppet still hesitated. Kagura watched as the miko took the opportunity to wrap the rope the had climbed up on around the taijiya's wrist thrice, with a speed that took her breath away as she yanked her undead comrade from the mountainside.
Even with her life in danger, she had thought of giving her friend ample rope to grab on to. Which the puppet did, but as Kagome hastily fired an arrow toward the child which she was supposed to be protecting the taijiya fell for one reason. Kagura let go.
Kagura knew it was the end.
She was going to be free.
And she could only smile dementedly at the child who screamed her name loudly one last time, signifying her betrayal to Naraku.
The explosion was unexpected, as a burst of power shot the miko from the cliff side.
Kagura gaped and sped her feather toward the falling miko, able to catch her before the miko met her untimely death.
Sesshomaru stared before him. There laid thousands of corpses that belonged to demons. Mangled, bloody bodies.
And in the middle laid the torso of Naraku, barely breathing.
Sesshomaru made his way over, a look of distaste gracing his features.
Naraku looked up at the stoic lord… and hate-filled golden eyes were all he saw before a hand drove into his torso to retrieve the Shikon-no-Tama. And Naraku could have sworn, with fear filled eyes, that there were dog ears upon that graceful head before death consumed his being.
Carefully, Sesshomaru made his way out of the cave, holding tightly on to the Shikon-no-Tama. It whispered to him, filled him with dark lust that he found increasingly harder to ignore. But he managed, and as soon as he saw Kagura with his unconscious mate, he threw the object down on the ground.
Kagura wisely handed over his mate, and he gently shook her.
Kagome moaned, shaking her head. “Wake up.”
Sesshomaru's eyebrow raised slightly.
“Wake up…”
Once again, she moaned, her arms flailing slightly.
Sesshomaru looked down with amused eyes at his mate, as she opened her eyes slowly to glare at him. It was an evil sin to commit… the act of awaking her.
Then reality set in.
“WAIT! Naraku!...”
Sesshomaru intercepted the idea before she voiced it, “Is dead.”
Kagome's head turned to gaze at him in the eyes. “…really…?”
He nodded slightly.
“…and… the Shikon…?”
Sesshomaru's gaze turned to the object, which lay within reach of her hand… and as she reached for it, and touched it… the dark black jewel purified, becoming pink and glowing with a soft light.
Smiling gently, Kagome pulled the jewel lovingly into her hand as she retrieved her own shards… three shards that fit perfectly into the jewel. She then became puzzled…
“Kohaku… Kouga…?”
Kagura answered the vague question for her, “Dead. He killed them both for the kakera.”
Kagome's brows lowered, and she felt her throat becoming thick. “Demo… Minna… Everyone…”
Sesshomaru gazed at her gently. “What do you wish to do?”
Kagome gazed down at the jewel.
“I want to make a wish.”
Kagome smiled gently at him. “I wish that together, everyone that I held dear and close to me… would be reborn together in the next life, meeting and becoming one again… happy.”
Sesshomaru blinked gently, and watched as the Shikon-no-Tama disappeared in her hands, turning to dust softly and blowing away on the breeze.
He looked at her quietly, somewhat discerned. “…yet we are still alive.”
She nodded.
“I know.”
“Then what?”
“…then… we wait.”
Sesshomaru's eyes widened somewhat as he realized exactly what she meant.
They'd be together in this life, and the next. And through her, it would be accomplished.
A/n: One more chapter to go! Omg, yay! *scurries off to write it now*