InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf of mine ❯ Dad ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Previously on Wolf Of Mine:
Walking down stairs he heard a soft sniffing sound and he could smell salt water realizing Kagome was crying he sat beside her and put his arms around her hugging her to him as she cried.
Presently on Wolf Of Mine:
Sniffing slightly Kagome sat there for a second, before she realized something a very important something she was being hugged by Koga who had no shirt on.
Blushing furiously she sat up, wiping away the tears from her eyes.
“I'm sorry Koga I..I didn't mean to cry all over you it's just that..” she trailed off as she sniffed.
“Those are my Dad's Clothes and well he died when I was four.”
“well I don't have to wear them if you don't want me to.” He said as he smirked at her.
Imaging a naked Koga walking down the street was enough to start he laughing instead of crying which got her hiccupping as well.
`Man she's even pretty when she has been crying.' Thought Koga as he looked at her, before gently wiping away the tears that were running down her face.
“Its ok you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.” Said Koga as he smiled at her showing his fangs.
Looking into Koga's crystal blue eyes Kagome smiled and for the first time ever she wanted to talk about her dad with someone who wasn't her mother.
“He died in a car accident when a drunk driver smashed into his car,” she said as tears filled her eyes again “he was on his way to the store to buy me a birthday present when it happened, he was killed instantly at least so he wasn't in any pain.”
As the tears started to fall down her face again Koga simply put his arms around her again and held her close rocking her slightly as she cried.
“Umm Kagome?” Koga said softly as her tears slowed down “what's a Car?”
Laughing slightly to herself Kagome sat up.
“Hold on let me get something that might help me explain.” She said as she walked up stairs to get her brothers magazine about all kinds of Cars.
Coming back down stairs she noticed that Koga was having problems trying to button the shirt, so sitting the book down she pulled away his hands and started buttoning it for him, all the while blushing as she looked at his bare chest.
`Wow he is pretty muscular” she thought as she finished up the buttons.
`Bad Kagome you shouldn't be thinking thoughts like that you like Inuyasha remember?' shaking her head after the mental scolding she gave herself she handed Koga the magazine.
“Here this is what a car is” she said turning the page to show him a dark blue two door car.
“What are they for?”
“Well people of my time use cars to get from one place or another instead of walking.” She said as she got off the couch “here you look through the magazine, while I try to find us something to eat ok?”
Mumbling an ok Koga started flipping through the magazine looking at all the different cars in it.
Walking into the kitchen Kagome pulled open the fridge to find nothing in it, not even some bread.
Sighing she remembered that her mother before a trip would make sure that the fridge was cleaned out so that nothing spoiled when they were gone.
Going over to the phone she dialed the number to the pizza place that her mom always ordered from whenever they had pizza.
After ordering them she walked back into the living room.
“I ordered pizza it should be her shortly but when the guy that is delivering it comes to the door I need you to go in the other room ok? Because most people in my time have never seen a demon before and it would be a little strange for him.”
Shippo having not seen Inuyasha since Kagome had left decided to see if he could find him and persuade him to go and get her, for he was getting lonely without his surrogate mother away.
Following his scent to the old well Shippo searched the trees for the familiar red shape.
Figuring that he had already gone for Kagome he decided to climb on to the edge of the well to wait for them to return.
Only much to his surprise he saw a very sad Hanyou sitting at the bottom of the well, jumping down and landing almost on top of Inuyasha, Shippo looked at him.
“What's wrong how come you're down here Inuyasha?”
Looking at the dirt with his ears flattened against his head he sat there silent ignoring Shippo.
“ come on Inuyasha what's wrong?” Shippo said “Did Kagome Sit you again?”
At the mention of Kagome's name Inuyasha finally looked up.
“the well wouldn't let me through” he said almost to softly to be heard if Shippo didn't have demon hearing he would have missed it, as it was he couldn't believe what he just heard.
“Whew for a second I thought you said that the well wouldn't let you through.” Said Shippo as he sat down
“I did.” Inuyasha looked at Shippo, as his ears seemed to disappear even further if possible into his hair.
“WHAT?!?!” yelled Shippo, the sound of his yell vibrating off the sides of the well and traveling all the way to Kaede's Hut
“What do you mean it wont work it has to otherwise Kagome can't come back.” Cried Shippo as he hugged his knees to his chest
“Then it will be like losing my mom all over again,” he whispered as he started to cry silently hoping that Inuyasha wouldn't hear what he said.
Standing up suddenly Inuyasha grabbed the kitsune by the back of his vest.
“Come on Shippo maybe Kaede can make some sense out of this.” Said Inuyasha softly as he jumped out of the well. “it will work out and Kagome will be back soon ok?”
Sniffing slightly Shippo managed a small “ok.” Before falling silent again.
Ok I know that I'm mean but that's were I'm leaving it for now if you like it review please.