InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves Den ❯ Close Call ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3
Close Call
Naraku remembered her decent to the ground as she fell unconscious, she had used a lot her energy with the wolf exhausting both of them out of consciousness.
Kagome's the strongest miko recorded in history surpassing both of her predecessors, Kikyou fifty years prier and Midoriko over a thousand years before that of Kikyou. The importance, Kagome has the power to seek through the wolfs mind without fail, without exhausting her power levels and yet she passed out. What went on within that wolfs head?
He slipped her out of her clothes, slowly cherishing her breast as they were reviled to him, it wasn't too hard to get her fully naked and out of her miko robes. He had praised her body by running his hands over her smooth skin, he left nothing untouched. She must be the daughter of Benten* for no other miko before her looked as gorgeous as she does now. Naraku slowly took his time to dress the miko into the black yukata, and lightly laid her a top of his bed.
He roughly shook his head however the image of her naked body was persistent to be at the fore front of his mind.
Naraku stood over the sleeping miko watching her as she slept peacefully in his king sized bed. Her body was covered by the black silky sleeping yukata which outlined her figure in contrast with the blood red sheets she laid upon. Her pale thighs peeked out from under neigh the yukata as it rode up her body by the slightest movements she made turning as she slept.
Naraku narrowed his eyes at the yukata riding up her thighs. He would take the miko in his bed before the nights end, but before he did so, she would tell him the information she got from the wolf.
Subconscious Narakus tongue slid out of his mouth wetting his lips as the woman in his bed turned onto her back. He closed his eyes, her legs were spread out giving him a perfect view of what he would obtain this very night. The dark hanyou swallowed the extra saliva gathering in his mouth and forced down swelling of his erecting member. The miko looks perfect on my bed, so innocently perfect.
Kagome moaned in her sleep forcing him to open his eyes lured his full attention once again.
The hanyou sat on the right side of the bed testing his weight beside the woman before fully stretching his body along hers. His left hand rested upon her right breast testing the weight and size and was pleased when she gave off a little moan.
Naraku removed his hand from her breast and replaced it with his head while his hand traveled to her waist and pulled her towards his body.
“Kouga!” His name spilled from her lips as he wrapped his arms around her body. She felt at peace when he laid his head upon her shoulder while his hands were spreading warmth through her veins.
“My Onna!” though spoken with possessiveness those words made her comfortable and a warm flush swelled through her body. Kagome never felt this way with anyone before, he somehow brought out her most primal emotions she had tried to repress since becoming of age. “Mine!”
His hands kindled her flames as he physically expressed his passions for her. Her feminine body withered under his ministrations causing her to moan his name in a husky whimper and plea which only encouraged him further.
The torture was never ending, he brought her a pleasurable pain, never ending, never reaching her goal to completion yet she was content letting him manipulate her body.
His body glided over hers letting her get used to his length.
“Please, I need you.” Kagome begged, she never done so in her life and yet she did so for this handsome wolf.
“Say your mine and I'll give you what you want.” Kougas blue eyes darkened into dark cobalt as his lips twitched upwards into a sly smirk.
Kagome looked upon his face damning his sexy smirk and her mind went blank when he slowly let his weight settle on her.
She was so consumed with his body she never thought of what would happen to her miko powers nor did she think of her future.
“I belong to you, only you Kouga.”
Her eye lids opened and closed confused as to what it wanted to do more, fall into the allure of sleep or wake up and find the source of the wet feeling on her breast. They seemed to make up their mind as the feeling was fallowed by something rough licking at it. Licking?
Kagome tried to sit up straight but was forced down by the dark haired male weighing her body down onto the bed.
“Kagome, it's good to see that you're awake.”
Naraku? What is he doing? Where am I? Kagome looked more closely down at him, his head was near her breasts as the wet sensation continued which her yukata seemed to be OPEN for… Open yukata… wet feeling on breasts…Licking… Narakus head near said breasts… Open yukata…
The pieces slowly pieced themselves in her head. “OH SHIT”
Naraku gave off an amused chuckle, he loved the expression on her face, she was solely petrified, and seemed terrified of what he had planned for her. Naraku loved every minute of this.
She was perfect for him, his plains and his future.
“Get off of me!” She struggled with the hanyou finding it useless to try and over power him simply using her human strength.
Kagome quickly gathered her miko energy using it to push the hanyou off of her even though the energy wasn't as powerful as she wanted it to be, it sufficed with what she wanted it to do.
“Miko” Narakus sickly sweet voice was a warning that something bad was going to happen and that something's going to happen to her.
Kagome back crawled to the back of the bed hitting her head in the process, her panic rose as he swiftly got off the floor and approached her. His posture was like a panthers slowly stalking its pray trapping it until there is no point of return, for the pray that is.
She grabbed tightly at the open yukata covering her drying breasts from Narakus view. There was only a foot separating them in which Naraku did something surprising, he stopped in his approach and stayed where he was and settled down.
“Tell me miko, did you get the information I asked of you?”
Kagomes fear spiked to new heights. If he found out that I didn't get the information, he'll kill me.
“I-I didn't get it.” She could not help the stutter fore fear had grabbed a hold of her as adrenalin pumped through her veins. Kagome turned her head expected him to strike out at her, but instead his fingers cherished her cheeks.
“Good!” Kagome was flabbergasted what did he mean by `good'?
“What do you mean, I don't understand.” His hand continued to cherish her face, his body moved in closer to her own almost pressing against each other.
“If you can't get the information from the wolf prince, than Lord Sesshomaru has no use for you therefore I can have you as my mate.” His voice seemed to have dropped an octave scaring Kagome even further than she is now.
Naraku closed the distance between them his lips pressed onto her, kissing her with a demanding and greedy command.
Again Kagome summoned the pure energy but this time directed it to her lips forcing Naraku to detach himself from her.
“Naraku, you have no right. Lord Sesshomaru does not know of the Wolf prince being here so you cant do that. I am more his servant than I am yours!”
She was scared to look at him, she knew she pulled the last straw, but she wouldn't allow him to take away her powers nor her innocence, it belonged to her and only her. `I belong to you, only you Kouga'.
She shook her head, that was unneeded at this point of time when her life depended on her full attention and that of Narakus.
“I suppose you are right little one, but I will find a way to make you mine. No matter what it takes Kagome you will be mine.”
Since it was his room and he couldn't really stomp out of it in a fit of anger instead he reached for Kagomes wrist. She started to struggle but stopped when he gave her a serious look. He pulled her off of his bed dragged her across the room and stopped at the massive bedroom doors.
Naraku not satisfied with the nights events pulled her into a brushing kiss roughly ravaging her mouth. He pulled apart form her while pulling open the door and literally threw her into the hall then loudly slamming the door shut.
Kagome sat on the floor stunned. What just happened? Her mind numbed as she pondered the events that just occurred between Naraku and herself. Her limbs dully carried her to her personal hut out side the fortress walls. Soon the castle walls transformed into the foliage of the forest and soon the green foliage turned into a small clearing with a garden of herbs and plants followed by a small hut. Hut?
Kagome stupidly looked at her hut blinking in surprised that she had gotten so far without realizing it. Her mind was clustered with other matters she didn't notice she was home. Greatly relieved Kagome entered her homely hut, everything was where she had left it.
Grabbing for the empty pail she exited the hut and walked towards the water well in the middle of her little herb garden.
Reaching for the rope and gripping it in her hands she started to pull on it until another bucket of water appeared. She tied the rope on a knob at the side of the well securing it so that the bucket wouldn't fall down and she reached for it plopping it on the lid of the well. Kagome bent down for the pail and pored the water from the well bucket into it. Once her task was complete Kagome carried the pail back into her hut.
She put the pail down in front of her as she grabbed for grinded down cleaning herbs and wash cloth.
Kagome stripped herself of the yukata she wore and threw it across the room and into the fire pit disappointed that a fire was not lit.
The only light coming into the hut was the moon light spilling in through the small window near the top of the roof.
Now completely naked the moon light illuminated off her shin as she rubbed the wet wash cloth across her body.
Tears swelled in her eyes, she felt so disgusting. His hands were on her, his tongue was on her and his eyes viewed her naked body. Never before has she felt so dirty.
Her cleaning motions became harder, she rubbed herself clean so vigorously her skin was scrubbed pink.
Hands shoot out from behind her taking her off guard, they stopped her scrubbing motions and gently took the cloth away form her shaking hands. “Its ok Onna, I am here now.”
*Benten is the Goddess of luck, love, eloquence, wisdom and the fine arts. Benten is the patron of the geishas and the art folks. She is shown with eight arms riding on a dragon.
(Japanese gods and goddess,