InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Woman & Child ❯ Angry Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Woman and Child
A Sesshoumaru fic
By kytenluvinu
Genre: Drama, romance
Pairings: Sess/OC, Inu/Kag, Mir/San

I Don’t own any of the Inuyasha characters but I do own the Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha tattoo on my arm!

Well I have another Sesshoumaru fan fic up. I absolutely adore the handsome dog. So here is another fic centered around him and Rin. And a woman Rin is drawn to. I would never do a Sess/Rin pairing because I think Sesshoumaru thinks of Rin more as a daughter than anything. So as any father would do he seeks out a woman that could help him with Rin’s female needs.

Read And Review All reviews and critiques are welcome. How else can one improve without the good and bad.

Woman and Child
Chapter One: Angry meeting

How troublesome...

Rin had wandered off again. And this time Jaken was asleep. There was so telling how far the girl had got this time. Her scent had faded from the area and all that remained was the scent of Jaken’s bloodied and bruised wounds, which Sesshoumaru himself had inflicted when Rin was no where to be seen. He had just returned from yet another confrontation with his lowly half brother and his damnable miko wench. It was bothersome to say the least. And unfortunately his goals were in vain, because Naraku was sensed and the vile evil hanyou had yet again escaped death. Inuyasha was so quick to follow that Sesshoumaru hadn’t had the chance to ask for the miko assistance. In the end he was glad he didn’t have that chance, because now Rin was missing and the taiyoukai would have to spend even more unwanted time with the disrespectful human woman.

There was no time to dwell on meaningless thoughts now and made his way in the direction of Rin’s fading scent. Hopefully the girl was safe.

She was humming that tune again in her small nine year old voice, had it been three years already? He had revived the small child three years ago when she was killed by the ookami. And she been with him since. She was growing to be very lovely but wild. She needed guidance from a woman who was strong and wouldn’t sully the girl’s mind with useless female drabble. So he sought out Inuyasha’s miko. She was strong, but foolhardy. She only needed to teach Rin a few things a woman should know to grow healthy. He could handle the competency part of her life lessons.

She was always found in a field of flowers, her unruly hair inadvertently brushed and styled. It was growing long and silky and even though he always left her mussed he always came back to find her looking lovely and very well managed. He concluded that some outside force had a hand in Rin’s appearance for Rin had no concern for it when she ran barefoot besides her dear Sesshoumaru.

“Rin.” Sesshoumaru said cooly.

Suddenly the humming stopped and Rin turned and gave him a brilliantly innocent smile. “Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin exclaimed as she ran up to him stopping just before coming in contact with him. She knew her boundaries with the taiyoukai. Suddenly Jaken and Ah-Un appeared from the sky, Jaken falling unceremoniously from the dragon back. With Jaken there were no boundaries and the small green youkai found himself in the arms of a very eager little girl.

“Jaken-sama! You helped Sesshoumaru-sama find me!” Rin exclaimed. Jaken looked defeated and stopped struggling under the girl’s grasp.

“Foolish ningen! You know better than to wander off and what on earth are you wearing?” Jaken exclaimed attempting and failing to be intimidating.

That when Sesshoumaru had noticed it, Rin had let go of his retainer so she could give Sesshoumaru a full view of the change of clothing he didn’t notice before. The girl didn’t have on her dingy orange yukata that she always wore. Instead she wore a bright and new orange silk kimono with beautifully hand stitched patterns of flowers among the material. She had a lovely green obi which matched the flowers and a orange flower was tucked behind her ear holding the hair away from her cheek. Something else struck him as strange, she wore small sandals on her feet. Sesshoumaru had always known her go barefoot everywhere. This was indeed a new occurrence.

“Rin.” Sesshoumaru began.

“Do you like it Sesshoumaru-sama! Rin’s friend dressed me like a real lady!” Rin twirled happily. Sesshoumaru sniffed the air. Rin’s scent wasn’t alone, the air smelled of waterfalls and complimented Rin’s scent of water lilies beautifully.

“Rin!” Jaken yelled. “You know not to talk to strangers! What if something were to happen to you!”

“Jaken.” Sesshoumaru said sternly, effectually silencing the tiny shinwa** youkai. “We are leaving.” Sesshoumaru didn’t wait for a response as he turned and began walking away. He stopped when realized that Ah-Un had not moved which meant that Rin had not moved. This was a strange turn of events, Rin has never disobeyed of questioned him. He turned and saw that Rin was looking out in the distance with hope in her eyes. “Rin, we are leaving.” Sesshoumaru repeated. The young girl turned as if she forgot he was there. Then she smiled as if nothing happened.

“Hai! Sesshoumaru-sama!” She squeaked as she ran besides him. He looked down on her smiling face and frowned, she was waiting for something and didn’t want to leave. But she wouldn’t question his orders. Sesshoumaru inwardly sighed. Damn his curiosity.

“We will stay here tonight.” He said suddenly. Maybe there would be some answers about Rin’s appearance awaiting him tonight. He sat against a nearby tree with one leg bent and the other stretched out in front of him. He rested his arm on his knee and watched Rin out of the corner of his watchful eye. She was humming again in the spot he found her. She had never hummed a song like that before, it sounded so sad. It didn’t seem that Rin was capable of creating a song that sad.

Suddenly Rin jumped up when she caught sight of an approaching figure. The sun was setting and he could tell by the silhouette that the figure moving toward his Rin was female. Taller than most women he seen. As she came from the shadows Sesshoumaru could get a good look at her before he would make his presence known. She had long dark brown hair that almost appeared black. It was extraordinary as it fell down and touched right past her knees. Sesshoumaru looked at his own hair that was pooled around him. She had light brown skin with dark brown eyes. She wasn’t from around here for that much he was certain. She wore a pink silk kimono with blue flowers stitched in the same pattern as Rin’s with a blue obi. As Sesshoumaru watched the females something occurred to him, Rin had not introduced them. It wasn’t that he cared to meet the woman but it was a surprise that Rin wasn’t so bold. The woman looked at Ah-Un and stepped back. Sesshoumaru could sense her apprehensiveness from the distance but after a few reassuring words from Rin the beautiful woman visible softened and reached up to pet the dragon’s nuzzle. Jaken was asleep yet again and didn’t notice the new ningen in the area. Sesshoumaru continued to stay in the shadows and observe the females. They were talking and the older looked up in his direction. Luckily for him the sun was almost completely swallowed by the horizon and her eyes couldn’t see him. He remained perfectly still as he noticed her shrug and Rin look in his direction also. She didn’t seem worried and gave the woman some flowers she picked.

Sesshoumaru was unnerved by the exchange between them. It was as if he was completely forgotten as Rin smiled and laughed with the woman who had draped a fur over the child’s shoulders to keep her from the biting cold. The woman had soft but piercing eyes as she hung on to the girl’s every word and started a fire. Sesshoumaru had enough of being unnoticed, he wanted to know the women’s intentions and didn’t want her taking his Rin with her. The woman probably thought Rin was an orphan. Which was correct but she was in his care and it would stay that way. As he approached the fire he stopped short. Rin was so happy, and the woman seemed very motherly. It was clear that the woman had been the one who did her hair and dressed her properly. She was even making dinner as Rin prattled on about kami knows what. Three long years ago that little girl’s human family was taken from her. She belonged with humans, not with a murderous taiyoukai that drags her across the country looking for a evil and dangerous hanyou. Who was he to take her away from this human who obviously cares for her. Sesshoumaru turned without another thought, intent on not returning but something tugged at his heart. It was feeling he hasn’t experienced since that monk tried to take Rin to a human village. Even then he couldn’t place his finger on it. But he knew he had to give Rin the choice.

Finally he turned again and let the flames of the fire make his presence known. Rin looked up and smiled. The woman turned and looked up at the taiyoukai. Sesshoumaru saw a mixture of emotions in the woman’s features in the end it was fear than to Sesshoumaru’s surprise, hatred.

“Inu Youkai!” The woman screamed as she stood protectively in front of the confused Rin with a spear pointed directly at the taiyoukai. “You stay away from here.”

Sesshoumaru cracked his claws and swiped easily through the spear. The woman gasped but held her ground. Sesshoumaru was impressed and irritated at the same time. He was not so dishonorable to kill a woman, especially one Rin was so fond of. But she had to learn her place.

“Wait Shori**!” Rin exclaimed. Sesshoumaru was taken back, Rin has never before not used the honorific -sama when addressing people. Was she really that familiar with this woman. Why hadn’t he known about this?

Shori turned to the little girl with desperation. “Please, Rin run it is a Inu taiyoukai! You must run. I don’t know how long I can hold him back.”

Sesshoumaru almost laughed. This woman was foolish if she cold think that she could hold him at all. He looked down and let his shock show. The woman had her hands on his chest and anger in her eyes. “Leave us alone.” She bit out through clenched teeth. Sesshoumaru did not hesitate to remove one of the offending appendages from his person. The woman made a choked sound in her throat from the painful grip Sesshoumaru had on her wrist.

“Sesshoumaru-sama stop!” Sesshoumaru lessened his grip by instinct only, but soon came right back his senses. Rin gave him order, his Rin told him to stop. Sesshoumaru couldn’t help to let out a small growl. Rin realized her mistake and her hung head sadly. “Forgive me, Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin cried. Sesshoumaru raised the woman up by her wrist and dropped her purposely to the ground.

“This is your Sesshoumaru!” The woman said as she tried to ignore the pain in her wrist and now in her probably bruised posterior. “Rin, this is the youkai you follow!”

“Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama saved Rin from the wolves.” Rin said softly. Shori seemed to flinch when said she was saved from wolves. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the woman who didn’t seem to fear him but genuinely hate him. “Not all inu youkai are bad.” Rin continued.

Sesshoumaru said nothing as Shori continued to glare at him. Could it be that she had a bad experience with an inu-youkai before. Sesshoumaru didn’t care, he was still trying to sort his thoughts from Rin’s outburst.

“Just like all ookami aren’t bad.” Rin finally said softly. Sesshoumaru could see Shori gasp at Rin’s declaration. Shori looked away finally defeated.

“Gomen, Rin.” Shori said, her voice was much softer now and Sesshoumaru found it to be much more pleasant than her angry voice. “You’re right. I suppose I should leave. You are back with your Sesshoumaru now.” Shori reached down and picked up her broken spear and turned away without acknowledging the youkai.

“Shori!” Rin cried. But Shori was gone.

Sesshoumaru caught the scent of tears coming from Shori’s direction and coming from Rin. Both of the women were distraught. Sesshoumaru turned to leave.

“We are leaving Rin.” Sesshoumaru said for the third time that day. Hopefully they would really be leaving now.

“H-hai.” Rin whispered through tears.

“Do not cry, Rin.” Sesshoumaru commanded. He hated the smell of her tears.

Rin wiped away her tears and clenched her eyes shut, trying to stop the offending leaking. “Hai.” She said with a stronger voice. She gathered a travel pack that Shori had left and followed the tai youkai into the darkness.

End chapter one.
Next: Chapter two: Come Back

shinwa: mythical - it is said that Jaken is a toad youkai. But in truth he isn’t really anything. He is a mythical creature, a dobutsu no shinwa (mythical creature)
Shori: victorious - basically it’s my name translated into Japanese. My name is Victoria.
Ookami: wolf - wolves will be important in this story!

Anyway that’s chapter one! Read and review. Well this chapter isn’t much to review but hell do it anyway. I will post more Hearts of the Lost too. That is the story I’m putting more of my energy into but I also wanted to write this story too. I promise to update both stories soon!
