InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Prologue II ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.

(I would also like to let you know that if the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence. )

Hello everyone! I had a hard time thinking if this would be my first chapter but as I weighed my options, I think it better it be a part of the prologue. So in here you can see what events transpired after the main characters' birth and the people around them, you know, their childhood background. I hope you like it as much as I do. I won't be naming my chapters, just so everyone knows. I find it much harder to think of the title than the story itself.
You know the drill, read and review, and have fun.

Prologue II

Tokyo, Japan

There was a rare chill that met the afternoon's soccer game but the boys were unstoppable. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha stood across the field, wearing their hopeful faces. Their team shouted, raised high fives and hollered their anticipated victory while their voices echoed for at least a mile. Izayoi smiled. She brought a huge thermos of ice-water for her two boys and had wished she had something for herself, a coffee or something. The boys were now warming up for the game, kicking and passing the ball. But more than once had she seen Inuyasha look for his father over the audience and each time, disappointment etched his face. Izayoi flinched when she saw Sesshoumaru looking at his brother with great concern.
The referee blew the whistle for the game to begin. The boys took their positions with Sesshoumaru defending the goal and Inuyasha being the center forward. She also recognized Miroku, a kid from Inuyasha's class. She studied each member of the team, occasionally staring alternately between her two sons. Then she saw a smile spread across her younger son's face and she knew her husband had arrived. It wasn't long before Tashio went over to kiss her hair from behind. He handed her a large, black coffee cup which accepted gladly.
“I'm so happy you could make it.”
“Believe me when I tell you there is no one happier than I.” He said as he waved a hand to his sons. She squeezed his hand in appreciation, not for herself, but for their children. She was glad Tashio isn't one of those fellows who forgot the word father is actually in the dictionary. She eyed his crumpled slacks. He came straight from the airport. Her husband had been away for a 4-day conference. Today should have been their last day but Tashio had made an effort to be here. He already promised Inuyasha he would be present before the conference was scheduled so the kid would terribly upset if he wouldn't come. There isn't much problem with Sesshoumaru, being five years older than Inuyasha. He was able to understand the importance of conferences and meeting.
“I missed you.” she said sweetly.
A smile formed from Tashio's lips.
“I missed you too.” And his lips touched hers. “Don't worry, I won't be having travels abroad any time soon. Where's our baby girl?”
Tashio was referring to Sango, their newest baby. She was 8 months old now and as much as Izayoi would like to bring her along, she knew the baby would just cry because of the noise.
“I had Caroline babysit for a while with the nurse maid.”
They spent the next minutes encouraging their children's team and cheered wildly when the boys scored a goal and matched the opponents score. But as the game goes on, something must have gone wrong because the other team continued to score goals.
“Oh no, they lost,” Izayoi groaned.
Sesshoumaru's shoulders could have swept the entire area while Inuyaha bowed his head as low as possible and it was obvious to the two parents that he was trying so hard not to cry. Izayoi and Tashio watched as their team line up to shake their opponents' hands despite the hurt and regret evident in their faces. Izayoi wanted so much to run to their side and hugged to tight. She silently thanked Tashio for coming here so she won't be able to face them alone.
“Kids their age shouldn't have to face defeat yet.” Inutashio watched as the boys proceed through the line and shook the hands of the winners.
“Look at those sad faces, as though their self- worth was measured by the result of this game.”
“Stupid ref!” One of the dads shouted. “You called more penalties on us than them.
Tashio frowned. What is his attitude teaching the boys?
“We couldn't help that the goalie had slippery hands,” the same man continued. Izayoi bit her lip to keep from shouting at the man but Tashio spoke up.
“Now wait a minute. That's my son you are insulting.” He stated firmly that even Izayoi took a backward step.
“If you would study the game carefully, you'd see that the stupid ball has to pass every one of the other players before it gets to the goalie. It's not any more of my son's responsibility than the rest of the team.”
The man said nothing. He just grabbed his folding chair and stomped away. Izayoi reached for his hand.
“Whew, you are scary.” She teased playfully, hoping to loosen up the tension now that their kids is walking towards them.
Tashio grinned. “Hardly.”
The boys stood before them and Tashio hated the shame in their faces. He released his wife's hand and bent his knees to look at them in the eyes.
“We're glad you're here, Dad.” It was Sesshoumaru who spoke first.
“We're sorry we weren't worth it.”
Tashio's eyes narrowed. “Listen, boys, you were great out there.”
Yash jerked his head up. “We were?”
“Sure son. You two remember this; losing never makes anyone less a man. When you quit in the middle of the game, now that is something you should be ashamed of. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?”
“Yes, Dad,” came their response and Tashio could see that they really understood.
“Now I want you to hold your head high when you walk to your mother. I'll just get the car.”
Izayoi looked at them, smiling. She gave the two thermos cup of ice-cold drink to her sons who gulped hurriedly.
“Mom, can we have donuts before we go home?” Sesshoumaru asked and she still marveled every time he called her Mom.
“Of course,” she answered as she wiped their sweaty faces.
“Can we have ice cream too?” It was Inuyasha's turn to request and Izayoi sighed in relief because they weren't as regretful as they were a few minutes ago.
“Only if you'd give me a kiss.”
She received a handful.

Los Angeles, California

Kenji picked up the phone and dialed, asking for his eight-year old daughter, Kagome. He was told that no one by that name was registered. His daughter was checked in a hotel for her summer vacation in Paris with her grand father. It was then that he realized his mistake.
“Mr. Ashizawa's suite please.”
He closed his eyes as he waited for the call to be transferred. Nothing in this world could hurt more than a parent losing a child. It wasn't as if Kagome was literally gone but in many ways, he felt like it. After Kaori's death, living had been like walking towards hell. He sat there outside the delivery room, excited to see his wife and their daughter only to find out, he could only leave with the child.
If not for his daughter, he might have committed the greatest crime of committing suicide. But he couldn't do it. He had to be strong for his daughter. Despite the nights of the baby's crying, he was happy. Or less lonely. Then it all changes when they got into a car accident. Either of them was unharmed but this is where Ashizawa came into the picture, accusing him of being a negligent father. He fought against him for the child's custody. Kenji could barely afford a decent lawyer. During the trial, the media had been spreading news against him. Gambling, drugs, and other horrid accusations that made the jury choose H.L as Kagome's guardian.
“Hello?” Kagome's sweet voice cut him off from his reverie. He frowned when he heard sadness in her voice. It was there, in every single call he made before and it brought tears to his eyes.
“Kagome,” he nearly chocked out. “This is your father.” He said in the calmest voice he could muster. If he broke down, he was sure as ell Kagome would cry too and the last thing he wanted was to upset her. Besides, the idea of H.L walking in the room only to find a crying Kagome would probably cause him to totally disallow communication between them.
“Oh, Daddy. I miss you so much.” She sounded like she was fighting her tears. Kenji curled his fist into a ball and gritted his teeth.
“I miss you too, sweetheart. How've you been? Enjoying Paris?”
They talked for a few minutes, exchanging information as to how their days went by. A buzzer sounded in the background.
“Can you hold on, Dad? Someone's out the door.” After a moment, she returned.
“Dad, Naraku has come to get me. H.L.'s waiting for me in the car. He's always so annoyed when I'm late.”
“Oh,” he said, trying not to sound as disappointed as he felt. “I wouldn't want to keep you then.”
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, and oh, can I call again tomorrow? Would you be busy?”
He thought about what H.L. would think about that, even as he asked. He was lucky H.L was not with Kagome in the room which is probably the reason why they are having this conversation. The court allowed him two calls per week and a face-to-face meeting once a month. Despite any objections he had, he obeyed the negotiation because the more he fight against the law, the more screwed he would be.
“Just give me a call, Dad. Really have to go. Love you.”
The next time he called,
“I'd like to talk to Kagome, please.”
“Who's calling?'
“Her father.”
“Just a moment, Sir.”
Kenji waited a long time making him believe he'd been disconnected.
“Your daughter is in the middle of a tennis game with Mr. Ashizawa. Please call back in an hour.
An hour later, the voice said, “She is taking her fencing lessons. Mr. Ashizawa says she cannot be disturbed again.”
The next night, he tried.
“She is in the middle of dinner with Mr. Ashizawa and is told to rest afterwards. She had a long day.”
But so did he. He lay in his bed for a long time. He had no strength to move.


Kenji wore his favorite tweed jacket and tailored shirt. His daughter was back in New York after her vacation and he received a phone call, saying that he is having a lunch date with her. So he took the 5-hour flight from Los Angeles to New York, abandoning certain appointments.
He inhaled deeply as he entered the French-American steakhouse, 2 West at Ritz-Carlton hotel. The dining room was airy and spacious with light woods accents highlighting a modern flair. He was greeted by the head waiter.
“This way, Mr. Higurashi.” With his heart beating faster in excitement, he twisted his way through the dining room to the booth reserve for the meeting. He stopped short, looking up to see the red face and steely eyes of H.L. Ashizawa.
“Where's Kagome?” he asked, not looking away form him.
“Sit down,” said the old man. “This is Naraku Kajitani,” he introduced the man beside him, whom Kenji ignored.
Kenji sank into the chair, a knot tightening in his stomach.
“What would you like to drink?” Ashizawa asked.
You goddamn well know I won't drink in your presence.” He spat. “I'd like to know where Kagome is.”
“She's not coming,” was the blunt reply.
“I beg your pardon?”
H.L. took a long sip. His tongue licked off the residue and he placed the spent glass down. The other man sat calmly, a cup of coffee in front of him. Kenji broke the silence.
“Where,” he repeated, “is my daughter.”
Ashizawa's facial expression never changed. “She doesn't want to see you.”
Kenji could feel his pulse throbbing in his temples.
“I don't quite believe you.”
A sardonic smile came across the red face as the modulated voice said, “Then you'll have to wait until the restaurant closes.”
The sick feeling inside Kenji grew stronger the longer he stared at the old man. As the two men rose to leave, he blurted out. “For the love of God, I'm her father!”
H.L cocked his head, leaned over the table and pierced Kenji with his steely eyes. “That mistake can be corrected.”
Kenji froze as his vision dimmed. He was going to adopt his daughter. He was going to change her name and make her his.
He grabbed H.L's throat. “You bastard,” he muttered hoarsely. But he did not see the hand that strike out, a vise like grip that held his arm down the table.
“Better hire the best lawyer there is.” He eyed Kenji sharply. “But then again, I already have him.”
Kenji thought he would black out. Suddenly, the pressure on his am was released and he heard the shuffling of feet.
“I'll have double vodka on ice,” asked for to the waiter, not bothering to raise his head. After the 3rd drink, he could still feel the pain in his arm.


Sesshoumaru Takahashi sat on his bed, pen and paper resting on his lap. He was lost in thought. The homework was giving him an unusual amount of trouble and was having a hard time concentrating.
What could Rin be doing right now?
He stood up to stretch and wandered over to the window. After a moment, he felt refreshed enough to get back to the article he was supposed to read. And then he heard the squeal of tires outside.
“Here comes Inuyasha,” he said softly, an affectionate smile on his lips. He eyed as Myouga, their ever-loyal driver opened the passenger door.
“Sesshy!” His younger brother walked into his room, panting after he dashed through the house and up to the stairs.
“What's the matter, Yash?” he whirled around to face his brother. “Quit shouting, you know Sango is sleeping at his hour.”
“It's an emergency!” his brother hissed.
“Oh?” Sesshoumaru wasn't even alarmed. His 10-year old brother's emergencies were hardly ever serious, like stepping on a grasshopper. “What happened this time?” he asked, crossing his arms but never leaving the window frame.
Inuyasha folded his arms, imitating his brother. “You never take me seriously!” he accused in his childish voice. “For once, will you believe me?”
Sesshy allowed himself to feel a little bit guilty. “Okay,” he sighed. “What's wrong?”
Inuyasha squeezed his hands together and shifted his weight from one foot to another. He was worried and anxious and excited.
“I've got---” His golden eyes opened wide and burst out. “I've brought home a puppy!”
Sesshy's mouth dropped open in utter disbelief. “What? Yash, you can't do that without asking Mom and Dad.”
“I know,” he admitted.
“And they won't be back until Sunday night. Jesus, Inuyasha, you don't even like dogs.”
“I do now.”
“He can't stay here. You will return that dog--”
“It's a puppy.”
“You will return that puppy to wherever it is you took him from.” Sesshoumaru finally extracted himself from the window and was thinking of finishing his homework.
“Please, just take a look at him, Sessh.” Inuyasha's words stopped him. He could see how much Inuyasha wanted to support him on this.
He closed his eyes and sighed.
“Where is it?”
Inuyasha smiled, grabbing his older brother's arms. “Just come down!”
“Okay, Okay. You're dislocating my shoulders.”
A few minutes later,
“There!” Inuyasha cried triumphantly, extending his arms towards the passenger side of the car.
A pudgy little golden Labrador pup, tail wagging exuberantly was standing on the passenger seat with Myouga guarding him. The pup's paws rested on the window which was open enough to allow him air.
Sesshoumaru stared, trying to take in evry feature of puppy at once. He had brown eyes and a healthy share of fat underneath his golden yellow fur. He seemed to be grinning with pure delight as he looked at the brothers.
“Hey buddy,” he muttered, opening the door. The puppy promptly fell out and then scrambled into his arms as he sat down.
“I told you,” Inuyasha said from behind.
When they were inside the house, Sesshoumaru walked into the living room and over his shoulder said, “Yash, he can't stay here when Mom and Dad returns. They'll find him.”
“I'll think of something. Besides, no one ever goes in my room.”
True, Sesshy thought. The room looked like an earthquake zone and anything as small as a puppy would probably be hidden under the mounds of clothes.
Just as they reached the last step, Sango, aged 6, came out of her room. Her eyes widened when she saw the puppy resting in the arms of Inuyasha. She hastily walked to her brother.
“Oh, a puppy!”
Sesshoumaru heard Inuyasha telling her how he got the puppy and not to tell their parents about the little dog.
“Stay quiet and be on your best behavior.” He heard Sango say as firm as she could before he finally entered his room.

The next day, Sesshoumaru glanced around the shop as Inuyasha and Sango examine the dog collars.
“What about this?” Sango raised a collar of her choice.
“Sango, those are rhinestones. You put that kind on a French poodle, not a Labrador.”
“How about this?” Sesshy studied a brown collar Inuyasha was showing them.
“That's better.”
Sango frowned. “I don't really think we have to tie him up. It's cruel,” she pouted as Yash paid the collar.
“It's a necessity, Sango. What if he got loose and ran into the street?”Sango's eyes widened in horror. “Don't even say such a thing!”
Her brothers laughed.
Later in the afternoon,
“What about Spot?”
“Spot? Are you kidding? He doesn't have any spots, you dope.”
They spent the afternoon trying to name the puppy but each time, Sessh was disapproving.
Sango piped up. “What about Barbie?
“Eeew,” Inuyasha snorted.
“This is hopeless.” Sesshy groaned.
So instead, they all played with the still unnamed puppy and offered to play tug-of-war with a towel. Saturday afternoon, after checking if the coast is clear, hey took the puppy for a marathon. Inuyasha bent down and held his hand out to the puppy. “Come on!”
The puppy's tail wiggled but stayed on his place, refusing to move.
“What's wrong with him?” Sango asked.
“I don't know.”
“Try pulling again,” suggested Sesshoumaru.
Pulling had no effect but as Inuyasha tugged for the last time on the puppy, the collar slipped right over his head. Paralyzed with shock, the siblings stared speechlessly at the empty collar. Before they could collect themselves, the puppy turned tail and trotted across the street.
Sango cried.
Early Sunday morning, Sango was still crying. This worried Sesshoumaru for their parents would come home any time soon. Inuyasha and Snago were seated in the couch, staring aimlessly at the cartoons they always watched together. But Sesshy could tell they have no idea what is going on in the show. He stood behind the couch, hoping they never found the puppy in the first place.
Just then they heard a car pulling into their garage and a maid rushed to open the door.
“We're home! Where are the kids?” He heard his mother ask just in time of Sango hoping out of the couch and ran towards the entrance. Inuyasha and he followed immediately.
“We've a surprise for you!” their mother announced and the three siblings saw their father, a golden Labrador in his arms.
They named him Shippou.


“I need to get my daughter.” Kenji said to his friend, Atty. Steve McKinley, as he entered his office.
Steve looked up and immediately stood on his feet. “Why don't you sit down first?” he gestured at the chair. Kenji didn't move.
“Calm down, Kenj, I'm a father too.” His face softened a little. Steve used the moment to insist, “Please do me a favor and sit down.”
When they settled down, Steve started. “Now if we go to court, imagine what that would do to Kagome. Unlike the trial you have before, she would have to take the stand. The judge would ask her to make a choice. Do you want to put your daughter through something like that?”
Kenji's jaw clenched and his facial muscles began to twitch involuntarily. Steve went on.
“As your friend, I recommend you not to take the legal action. This could ruin daughter for she might not be prepared for the seemingly endless trials. Do not force your daughter into a corner.”
Even in his dreams, his friend's words rang like a stupid song in his mind. He stared at the ceiling because he couldn't sleep just thinking of “Kagome Ashizawa.” He shuddered. He frowned harder when he heard someone knocking at the door. The pounding continued. Resigned, he got out of the bed and put on his robe. He glanced briefly at the clock. 2:49 AM.
Who the hell could possibly be looking for him at this hour?
As soon as he opened the door, he came fully awake.
The man wore a suit, and he recognized him as one of H.L.'s bodyguards.
“Mr. Ashizawa wishes to see you. The plane is waiting at the airport.”
“Are you crazy?”
“Mr. Ashizawa insists.”
“Mr. Ashizawa can go to hell.”
“It's about you daughter.”
Kenji stiffened. “What happened?”
“It will all be explained when you arrive.”
He had never dressed so quickly and followed the man to the car. At the private sector of the airport, he saw Ashizawa's 707 and stared a long moment at the name printed in large, black letters.
Damn. The old man had his daughter's name on the gargantuan belly of his plane.
Six hours later, he was directed to a hospital and was stunned to see H.L's usually red face had a yellow tint and translucent green tubes stuck out of his nose and wrists. He realized something and in his eyes widened in horror and panic.
“Jesus, you had an accident? Where the hell is my daughter?”
“Listen and don't interrupt.” H.L looked up to him, his eyes never losing their intensity. “Kagome is safe and sound. She doesn't know I'm here.” Ashizawa took a shallow breath. It seemed painful for him to talk.
“Then what is wrong with you?”
“I told you not to interrupt,” he snapped. Even flat on his back, the old man still wanted to command.
“I want you to know that I am withdrawing my attempt to adopt Kagome.”
Kenji eyed him intently, waiting for the condition he would be require to meet even as his heart was celebrating.
“In a few days,” he took a deep breath, “I am having a triple bypass operation. They tell me I have a 50-50 percent chance of making it.” H.L. rested his head back on the pillow.
“If I don't make it, Kagome gets everything.” His voice grew weaker. “There is no one else.”
Kenji's eyes focused on the drops of clean liquid trickling down through the intravenous tube.
“If I die,” he paused. “If I pass away, I expect you to look after her.”
Kenji's heart slammed against his chest. Then he started to wonder if it would be very evil if he'd hope H.L would be gone forever.
“Of course, I'll look after my daughter.”
“Don't be so cocky, Higurashi. If you don't see my name in the obituary, assume I'm alive.”
They talked a bit for a minute until the doctor said it was time for him to leave. Before Kenji could completely leave the room, Ashizawa said in a small voice.
“Have my driver take you to Kagome and speak not of this conversation.”
Kenji felt the tiniest bit sorry for him and immediately shoved the thought away. He waited in a vast living room and studied everything around the house.
“Daddy!” his ten year-old daughter rushed forward, running towards him for a hug. “I'm sorry you had to cancel our lunch meeting last week. H.L told me how busy you are.”
His reaction was only the tightening of his arms around her body.
“Kagome,” he whispered, “I love you, sweetie.”
“I love you too, Dad. I wish you could stay here with me and H.L.”
“Soon, Kagome. You just wait.”
But as the taxi cab driver made his way to the hotel he would be staying in, Kenji Higurashi, 39, died in a car accident along with four individuals. A few days later, Hiroyuki L. Ashizawa's unsuccessful bypass operation headlined the newspapers.

Author's Note: Aw. That was sad but it had to be done. I deemed it necessary to show the difference in Inuyasha and Kagome's family arrangement. The upcoming chapters would be the story proper so I hope you'd watch out for it. But please review before I have them posted so I know what you guys think. Thanks! :)