InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence. )
Inu_Yokai: Girl, you just challenged me to persuade you that this is better, haha. Now you just have to wait for the revisions I made and the parts I added. And I thank you for reviewing every now and then.
And to the readers out there, please tell me what you think too. So I'll know if I have been providing you with entertainment. You know that authors only wish for that.
Read and review!
Chapter 3
“Oh, that pervert, presumptuous bastard,” Kagome breathed out. She strode towards the lobby in irritation and tried her best not to look back so as not to attack the man again. Damn, from the look she saw on his face, he had been watching her for a long time with enjoyment. But she recognized that the man lived to flirt and seduce. In any order. He is one of the men who wouldn't find it so bad to be surrounded with beautiful women especially when it comes about so effortlessly for him.
“I'm going to kill him I ever see him again,” she said, annoyed that the man added her to his collections and used her to stroke his ego. She began to think about Souten and the fact that he used her, only, in monetary terms. Hell, she knew she isn't a greedy, close-fisted woman, but just thinking of the money she had given him, or to his `foundation', made her boil inside. Now she was beginning to doubt if he ever intended to help the unfortunate ones at all.
She was still hot-tempered when she reached the lobby and faced a receptionist.
“Your name, ma'am, please.” The receptionists asked with a smile on her face, something that she couldn't return at the moment.
“Kagome Higurashi.” She answered and eyed the woman's bloody fingernails as she typed words on the computer. Her name plate read Jenny. Kagome tapped her fingers against the desk, eager to know her hotel room assignment. After a long time of searching, scrolling, and more searching and more scrolling…
Jenny looked up to her with worried eyes and said, “I'm sorry, ma'am, your name is not in our list of arrivals for the day.”
Kagome inhaled deeply, trying to soothe herself. Stress has always been the cause of her moodiness and sometimes, how she dealt with that stress is her problem.
“Could you just check it again? Maybe my surname was spelled incorrectly.” she suggested, thinking that her surname might have been spelled as Higoorashi. Kagome told her the correct spelling and Jenny began the search. After a long minute,
“Take God, there it is.” Jenny exclaimed cheerfully, before looking again at her reservation details.
“Good. Now if you could just--”
“But-” Jenny paused. Kagome saw her eyes moved downwards as she read. “Oh, but it says--”
“It says what?” Kagome nearly snapped.
“We won't be expecting you until Wednesday, ma'am.”
Kagome couldn't believe it. Couldn't fucking believe it.
“There has to be some mistake!” Her voice rose. She massaged her temple and closed her eyes for a moment of good sense.
“The details of your stay, Miss Higurashi, say you requests for a sauna and a session of yoga from our fitness center. Do you also think we have it all wrong?”
Kagome stammered. “I---I, that is correct.”
Jenny looked at her in sympathy. “I'm sorry ma'am, your room wouldn't be available until Wednesday.”
Kagome's lips parted. “But today is Monday.” She said, as if the only person in the area to discover that.
“Yes, it is, Miss Higurashi.”
She waved her arms in disbelief. “I can't believe this is happening.”
Jenny was smart enough not to respond.
Heatedly, Kagome walked back a little to make a long distance call while eyeing a group of people entering the area. There were families and couples maybe for honeymoon. The hotel has many guest, she thought. Kagome's attention was then focused to the middle-aged man who entered. He was wearing casual clothes and nothing in him was unordinary, but Kagome couldn't keep her gaze away from him. The man held his daughter close to him, imitating animated voices as he continued with his story. The girl kept on giggling.
“Oh! The flowers are wonderful, grandmother.” she heard him said, perfectly imitating a little girl's delighted voice.
If the news of about her incorrect reservation plans made her angry, this- this sorrow and bitterness- was even worse.
Kagome allowed herself a moment of grief. She mostly remembered her father because there was no memory of her mother beside pictures. She had memorized the features of his face, his smile, his eyes, nose, chin, and dimple. She remembered all the times he sung to her, hoping that she would stop crying and finally go to sleep. She remembered them all because if ever there are times when her loneliness is so strong she couldn't bear it, she trusted these details to help her fully reach out to him. To his memory.
Kagome hoped for another glimpse at the man and his child but couldn't see them anymore. And then she frowned when she realized she was supposed to do something.
She reached for her cell phone.
After a series of failed attempts to reach her Uncle, Kagome was now like a volcano ready to erupt anytime provoked. Damn, where is her Uncle Naraku and why isn't she answering the god damned phone? Then she remembered her mistake. It was Kagura who always handle these kinds of things.
It kept ringing for like half a minute.
“Kagura Kentchi's office,” Kagome recognized the voice as Kagura's secretary. And at that moment, she was thinking of giving her a raise herself.
“Michiko! Is Kagura in there?”
“Oh, is that you Miss Kagome?” she asked. “She's having a meeting with Mr. Fuchigami. It just started ten minutes ago. Is there something I can do for you?”
“Yes, I'm already here at Amanpulo but they kept telling me that my reservation is on Wednesday.” She gave the woman at the reception desk an annoyed look. “What the hell happened?”
“Oh,” Michiko wheezed. “So didn't get my message.”
“What message?” she demanded. Kagome began extracting her proposal of raising her wage.
“Ms. Kentchi instructed me to make the reservation but there had been a slight problem. I kept reaching you in your cell phone and at home to advise you that your stay there start on Wednesday.”
Kagome wiped her eyes in frustration. Damn, she remembered turning off her cell phone and unplugging the landline for days so Souten could contact her.
“When I couldn't reach you, I called Mr. Naraku and he assured me that the change of plans would be relayed to you.”
“Great. Just great.” Then, to preserve what little sanity she has left, she ended the call.
Few minutes later
Finally thinking of an alternative, “Well,” Kagome said to Jenny, “I'll just settle with another hotel room.”
Jenny looked hesitant and glanced at her work mates for help.
“What is it this time?” Kagome broke.
“I'm afraid that can't be done, Ma'am.”
“Are you trying my patience?” she asked dangerously.
“I'm sorry,” she nearly choked out. “All the rooms are occupied at this moment for the annual bikini contest on Thursday. We have been hosting that event for the past few years. And as you have seen, we have many tourists coming in.”
Kagome shook her head. “Oh no. No, you can't do this to me. Do you know where I've come from? I traveled all the way from New York and this is--” she waved her arms—“this is what awaits me?”
Poor Jenny just bowed her head.
“You find me a room now or get your manager. I want to talk to him.”
Jenny panicked. “Please, it is not our fault--”
A man's voice barge in. “It's alright Jenny, I'll take it from here.”
Kagome turned around to see an old man approaching her. Well, not really an old man, but also not exactly middle-aged.
“I'm sorry ma'am,” the man apologized. “Now why don't you just seat for a while we see what we could do?” he gestured towards the sofa.
“Who are you? Can you help me?” she asked suspiciously.
“My name is Totousai, the hotel manager.”
She raised her gaze to the man's face. “Oh, good. So what can you say to all of this crap?”
“Well, uh, we cannot have you flown back to the city because there are only two departures here everyday and the last has gone a few hours ago. But the main problem is there are no rooms available for you until Wednesday.”
Kagome felt helpless with each of his word. She sagged against a sofa and closed her eyes. She came to this place to find solitude. But if she had known this would happen, she should just have contented herself to the confinements of her own room.
She closed her eyes and heard the shuffling of feet.
Minutes later, a man's voice caused her to open her eyes to see Totousai looking very pleased with himself.
“Ma'am.” The old man stood before her.
She blinked. “So, you already found me a room?”
“That, we did, Ms. Kagome.”
She didn't stand up. Looking at Totousai, she saw something, a hidden agenda, lurking behind his motives.
“Where and how?” she interrogated.
Then her eyes widened. “Please don't tell me I'm going to stay at the staff's quarter.”
“No, ma'am, of course not. Mr. Takahashi heard about your problem. He was kind enough to offer his suite for your stay.”
She repeatedly uttered the man's name in her mind. Funny how that simple word could bring out some interesting facts.
First is that it's a Japanese surname. They have the same nationalities.
Second implies that it's a man. Totally, absolutely her opposite.
Third, accepting the offer would mean spending few days with a stranger Japanese man.
Bloody hell. She wants to relax, to have fun. And she wants to do it alone. Alone in her own room.
“Takahashi?” she shrieked in disgust. “You expect me to share a room with a man?!”
Totousai didn't even flinch, but looked at her wondering why she came to the resort alone, in the first place. Most of their guest are with their families, or if not, at least one or two company. “Well, yes, that's the idea.” Then he added, “Pretty creative, huh?”
Kagome's mouth hung open. “Creative? You call that creative?”
“There is no other way.”
“And, who exactly is this Mr. Takahashi anyway? For all I know, he's a rapist. Or maybe a drug lord.”
Then her eyes widened like huge round plates. “He could be a bloody terrorist and where would I be?” she asked rhetorically.
Totousai tried to answer but she beat him to it. “I would be right there! Next to his room!” she practically yelled.
The old man tried not to say that if he knew Inuyasha, she could be in his room, in his bed, but was wise enough to answer, “I assure you, he is not a terrorist. He's a businessman.”
Kagome pondered on that for a moment. “He could still be a rapist,” she muttered.
Totousai chuckled. “If you have seen him you'd know that women would probably force him in their beds. He's quite a catch in here, you know. Very handsome.”
“How nice of you to admit that men turn you own,” she grumbled.
The old man only grinned. “Why don't you go and meet him before you decide?”
It was nearly lunch time and Kagome was so exhausted from almost a full-day of travel that she feared she would agree to whoever the man is just to have a room to stay. Because she was confident that she could handle any situation, she asked. “Okay, where is he?”
“Just look around. He's in a blue shirt.”
Kagome looked around and grimaced. “There are like a dozen of men in blue here.” She complained as she walked absently, scanning the place.
Totousai pointed a specific direction. “There, near the enormous vase display.”
Then she turned her heard towards the area.
Only to see that the man in blue, specifically, this Mr. Takahashi, started moving, exiting the area.
Inuyasha walked fast, hoping that the woman wouldn't reach his side.
“Excuse me, Sir, please--” The woman pleaded. “If you could just stop.”
She continued to walk a few meters behind him, but was becoming successful in diminishing the distance between them. Inuyasha cursed. He was never the sort of man to run away from women. Especially hot and gorgeous women. But this annoying wench continued to chase him as if her life depended on it. It irritated him.
Kagome continued running, or make that walking fast, behind him. His strides were far too long for her and she was positive, 101% positive that he heard her, probably even her inhalation and exhalation, but curse him, he did not gave any sign of stopping. She walked briskly and tried to reach his sleeve.
Then Inuyasha stopped abruptly and turned his head to look at her directly in the eyes, which narrowed impossibly wide when she realized who he really was.
She placed a hand on her mouth and gasped.
He crossed his arms, impatience clearly written all over his face and Kagome' heart beat like a drum. Slowly and uncomfortably, Kagome walked towards him, clasping her hands together in attempt to keep her self from running away from this place, from him. She needs a place to stay, which could only be provided by this man she had kneed in the groin. She hoped he had not become sterile.
They were now facing each other and yet no one else spoke. Inuyasha was just as cool as he could be. He cleared his throat and Kagome looked up to see him raise a brow, challenging her.
Gathering all her determination, she broke the silence, fluttered her eyelids and smiled sweetly. “So it's you.”
Inuyasha frowned distrustfully when the woman greeted him in all too-cheerful way. He scowled even more when he saw the woman gaze's fall quickly in his crotch. Damn. She was wondering. About what? He didn't know. Didn't care.
“Yes, it's me.” He answered and nearly slapped himself when it came out too huskily.
Then he wondered if they are referring to the same `you' and `me.'
The woman's brows knitted together, then said, as if trying clear things, “You're Taka--”
“Yes, I'm Takahashi.” He answered in a dull voice.
Kagome swallowed and had the grace to feel embarrassed.
Inuyasha watched as she struggled for the words to come out of her lips.
“I'm, er, you know very, very, uh---” she inhaled deeply, “really, really--.”
Inuyasha took pity. Clearly the woman doesn't often use the word. “Sorry?” he helpfully filled in.
“Yes!” she exclaimed, as if she won a goddamned quiz bee. “Sorry, that's it. Yeah, I'm sorry,” she gave out a breath.
Inuyasha nearly laughed outright but caught himself on time. His scowl and hard look would lose its intensity and effect on her if he so much as offered a tiny smile.
“And, thank you. Thank you for your kindness. I accept your offer.” She smiled nervously.
Instead of answering, Inuyasha finally let himself go, and laugh good and heartily over that. He glanced down to see the woman wondering what the hell was so funny. God, she had no idea.
“I'm sorry, honey.” He now chuckled humorlessly. “My offer just expired a few moments ago.” Then he walked away with the final say.
Kagome blinked, blinked once more and then blinked again. The scenery in front of her remained the same so she was now convinced that this is indeed, reality. She tried to replay the events that happened `moments ago' as Takahashi pointed out.
Oh god, he must have heard about the rapist, drug lord, and terrorist accusations she voiced out. She silently thanked herself for not adding `pedophile' in the list.
Then, Kagome's mind darted back to the reason she was standing there in the first place- the room.
Inuyasha counted in time to hear Kagome's loud WAIT! Oh how he love Math and numbers.
Women. He smiled lightly.
Synonymous with predictable.
 “Hey, I would pay you!” she offered. He never once halted in his tracks.
Then the woman behind him stopped following. “Oh, for the love of Saint Peter!” she cursed. He was a bit surprise at her outburst and this time, Inuyasha turned around to hear her say,
“You are the most arrogant, egotistical, ill-mannered man I have ever--”
Inuyasha stiffened. “Miss,” he started in a deadly voice, “may I remind you, that this is the first time we have seen each other. Forgive me if I fail to remember the part, from the moment you had your knee in my groin until this time, when you had become so expert on me.”
Kagome blushed and hers eyes blurred.
“I suggest you be more careful about your choice of words,” he continued.
Her mouth went dry and looked away from him. She was relieved to see that the people in the lobby were busy with their dilemmas, or lack thereof, and didn't give a damn about them.
The man was right. What possessed her to be so judgmentally hypercritical?
So she slump her shoulders in defeat and did the right thing to do. “I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I didn't mean to be rude and to accuse you. I was just tired and--” she paused. There was no way she was going to open up the topic about her father. “I'm just sorry. And thank you, for whatever generosity and consideration you have given me.”
But extracted, she was tempted to say.
When the man said nothing, she turned and started to stride back to where she was sitting for another miracle. She hasn't yet taken three steps when she heard a sigh and a voice saying, “Totousai,” he called out, “have someone bring her luggage up to my suit.”
Kagome whirled around abruptly, with every hope that what she heard was real and he is really referring to her. She wondered who else is unfortunate like her, needing a room to stay.
The man started walking towards the elevator, but Kagome stood there, transfixed.
Strange man, she concluded. One minute he is being so generous and then the next, very impolite. But then again he's a man. They're all like that.
When this enigmatic Mr. Takahashi reached the elevator door, he turned around, impatience palpable in his handsome face. “Miss, aren't you coming?”
Author's Note: Sorry it's kind of short. Please review!! Mir and San will be up on the next chapter!