InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence.)
Oooh. I just had a fight with another member of another fan fiction site. Turns out she plagiarized one of the published stories of a known author. And I mean the whole story. Too bad, I have read the story and it's actually one of my favorites. And she's reason for doing so, as she so furiously pointed out, is that she just wanted to share the story. Hell, we'd like to share our stories too, but we know our limitations, right? I reported the matter to the admin but they are not responding well. Which is something I am complaining about! These authors should not be ignored and by not acting upon the matter, they are actually tolerating it! God, it's making me crazy.
Anyway, enough about that. I am trying to register at the mediaminer forum but it won't let me. It says invalid confirmation key. Is there any way you could help me? Thank you!
Here's the fifth chapter! All of what I included in this chapter came almost from my original one, with some minor changes. Still read it though. Please review.
Chapter 5

Inuyasha poked his face into the room first, then breathed a silent sigh of relief.
Kagome was sleeping soundly. He tiptoed toward the room, mentally thanking whomever it was who had decided to lay a carpet in the room. It made his descend all the more quiet.
Kagome made a sleepy, rumbling sort of noise and rolled over, but she made no sign she was waking up other than a tiny noise and smacking her lips in a curiously appealing manner.
And Inuyasha began appreciating the fact that she wore a night dress under the bed sheets.
The light of the lamp illuminated her figure and Inuyasha glided towards her as if he's in some kind of a spell. Kagome lay on the bed, half curled into herself. Her cheek was pillowed on both folded hands and her breasts rose and fell gently with each deep breath.
Inuyasha took a sweet time absorbing all the details as if he had all the time in the world. With all clarity, he noticed her face, her angelic face, rosebud mouth, and unruly mass of dark hair. Standing there for what seemed like eternity, he held his chin with his fingers, unable to drag his gaze away from her.
He couldn't understand the effect she had on him.
She looked so pure, innocent, totally the opposite when she was awake. It made him smile. He felt like he could just sit there forever, terrified of touching this angel for it might cause him an enormous sin but more afraid of not touching her at all.
He continued to stare at her, and then he felt someone has just punched him hard, driving all his strength in one blow. His shivered as the realized desire was crawling up to his body, mind.
A familiar slavery beckoned him and Inuyasha buried his face in his hands.
Good Lord, the morals his parents taught were killing him.
Maybe inviting her to stay here wasn't a good idea then shook his head. He shoved his hands through his hair, determined to leave the room and let her sleep.
Much to his dismay, Kagome moaned in her sleep and Inuyasha groaned. Her mouth parted in sleepy surrender.
Seriously, could one kiss hurt? Could one kiss really, really make him so bad? He asked himself. Inuyasha decided that it will. Then he realized, even the kiss of Prince Charming saved Sleeping Beauty from death. And Snow White! Almost all of the Disney Princesses. He smiled at his desperate reasoning.
Inuyasha leaned forward, trying not to touch his body with hers so as not to wake her up. With all determination, he touched her mouth softly with his own.
Then he realized it was all a mistake. Kagome's lips parted beneath his and Inuyasha desired for more. If he could only slide his tongue between her parted lips, then he could walk away. But he know he wouldn't go that far.
Instead, he carefully kissed her eyes. She smelled and felt so good.
Just as he was showering small kisses down her chin, a husky, sleepy whisper came so close to his ear.
"If you touch me another inch, I swear to God I will slit your throat."
Inuyasha slowly raised his head. He hung there, caught dead and guilty in the sights of her sparkling brown eyes. Inuyasha thought it was the most amazing thing he has ever seen. Her eyes looked somber despite the warning in her voice, slowly, as if everything was in a slow motion, she lifted her hand and caught a stray look of his hair and brushed it gently from his face.
Kagome rolled over, snuggled her face against the softness and warmth of his lap and went back to sleep. Time stopped for him, not fully aware that his life had taken an entirely different direction.
He had always prided himself for all the things he had achievement but at this moment, he couldn't help feeling rather more pleased with himself.
Kagome lay before him, weak and vulnerable under his care but he all he did was to gather her in his arms like a child and let her sleep peacefully. Her head was now sprawled warm and soft against his shoulder. He didn't dare move carelessly so even his breathing is carefully measured.
The heaven must be smiling down at him right now and he should be rewarded sainthood for this.
He looked down to see Kagome wince, as if in pain, but smiled afterwards. Inuyasha grinned, she was dreaming. Relieved that everything is okay, he began to close his eyes and waited for sleep to come to him.

Kagome had always despised waking up, despised having to open her eyes. Her mind tugged greedily at the blurred edges of sleep. Groaning, she fumbled for a pillow to pull over head. Her groping search did not yield any pillow.
But a new sensation crept over her, a feeling undoubtedly delicious and so unfamiliar that she wanted to weep at its magnificence.
She slowly opened her eyes. Only to find out the pillow she was looking for was utilized by a man. Her legs were tangled with his strong, muscular legs, and his hand was located near her chest.
She instantly recognized that the man was Inuyasha.
Wait.. Inuyasha?? Is that right?? Oh, no, no, no. A bloodcurdling scream broke the serenity of the morning.
"Inuyasha!! You pervert!" Yanking his ears and then kicking his sides, she forcefully pushed him out of her bed. The scream was followed by a loud cry of agony which could only belong to Inuyasha.
Although not naked, Kagome clutched the blanket to her chest and looked at the man responsible for her headache. She stood on the center of the bed. Inuyasha was now like a crumpled paper deserted on the floor. He rubbed his back which suffered from seemingly fatal blows and cursed.
"Damnation! What was that for?" he roared. Kagome chose not to answer his stupid question.
"What the hell did you do to me?" she asked instead, trying to level her voice with his and shot him a dagger look. Oh god, what else liberties did he take??
Thinking of how different the sleeping Kagome is to the conscious one, a smile teased his lips, which earned him a growl from her.
"Oh no, babe. Wrong question. It's more of uh, what I did not do to you." He grinned like an idiot, and added. "But I would very much love too."
Apparently, it was the wrong thing to say. Her brows creased in frustration and her eyes suggested that she'd very much like to see him in hell. Too bad, he was already there. Getting off the bed, she grabbed her hard, medium-sized organizer resting on the nightstand and tried to perfectly land at Inuyasha's head but the man gracefully caught her wrist.
"Oh, hell no you don't."
Trying to weaken her vigor, he pressed his body hard against her but Kagome desperately tried to jerk out of his forceful embrace. Her hair fell into a riot and smacked him in the eyes and mouth. He shook his head to clear the strands from his vision, firmly taking her arms in his hands.
"Back off," Kagome snarled, struggling so hard against him that only made them much closer to each other. It made Inuyasha enjoy the little clash far more than he should. "Let me go or I'll kick your balls--" she warned and Inuyasha failed to be swayed by the venom in her voice.
"Easy, now," he murmured in her ear, hoarsely, seductively. "I kick back."
Wrapping an arm firmly around her waist, he held her squirming body to get the weapon out of her. "I'll just take this."
With a muffled snarl, she yanked free of his grasp.
He sighed, she was challenging his sanity. Here he was thinking of how noble he have become but this woman still accused him of taking advantage if her body. He might as well have done so.
"Get out of my room." She ordered.
Inuyasha raised a brow.
"Very well, my borrowed room," she corrected. "Just get out okay?""I will," he tossed his hands up. "Just one question, sweetheart."
Kagome narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "What?"
"What did you dream about?" he found a way to smile in between those lines. Kagome's cheeks burned, fierce heat creeping into her face. She didn't answer but lowered her head, mumbling something like `rat fink bastard'.
Inuyasha continued smiling. "You were dreaming of me." He affirmed with amazement. Kagome stared at the floor for a long, uncomfortable beat.
Inuyasha let out his musical laughter. Okay, so she dreamt of him. What's the big deal??
"And from the smile on your lips, I saw that it was a nice dream. A nice, erotic dream."
So that's the big, freakin' deal.
He studied her with a knowing smirk.
Then she blushed.
She remembered this stupid, hot dream where Inuyasha kiss her, and more than kissed her. The disturbing little thing is that she wanted it. She wanted to be kissed and to be more than kissed. The image of Inuyasha slowly pulling off her clothing one piece at a time, then kissing each inch that he revealed. But Inuyasha too, seemed to have been imagining.
She lifted her head, and then became alarmed at the power of his gaze.
Kagome shuddered.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" his dangerous purr folded an aching know in the pit of her stomach.
She pressed her fist there. "Like I'm a French pastry and you haven't eaten in a week."
"Oh, baby, it's been far longer than a week." He answered, stepping forward to meet her. Kagome took an involuntary step.
"Get out," she ordered.
Inuyasha stayed where he is. Kagome raised her organizer.
"I'm going, I'm going." Inuyasha recoiled.

Kagome began thinking of the things she could do for the rest of the day. First she must talk to Inuyasha and ask if he has a resort map, or something that would help her find her way.
She spotted him seated at the living room, reading a newspaper.
"There you are." He said, lowering the paper to look at her. "I was getting hungry." The resort has been serving breakfast later than usual because the guests are usually waking up late.
"Then eat." Glancing at the pile of magazines, hoping to find what she's looking for. Getting up, he said, "I will. And you, will be joining me."
She looked at him, totally mesmerized by the warmth reflected in his eyes.
Oh yes, they were definitely bedroom eyes. She dismissed the thought of eating at the restaurant.
"Works for me." she said.
"Over here," walking towards the dining table.
"Is this a feast or what?" she asked. The table's content would probably be good for a week's supply.
"Only if you're included." He smiled lightly.
She shot him a look that might have killed him.
"Sit down. These are all for us." He offered her a chair.
Kagome didn't hesitate. She was hungry.
Way too hungry.
"I had the chef arranged American breakfast. I hope that's alright with you." He informed. "Continental breakfast is light and I thought you would take your energy enjoy the resort today."
He brought the restaurant to her. How considerate. How infuriating.
He gave her a cup of coffee.
"So, what are your plans for today?" he inquired, sipping.
"Nothing much."
"You should try their scuba diving, or snorkeling. It's fantastic." He suggested.
"Yeah, sure." She answered absent-mindedly, taking all her time and attention nibbling on a biscuit. He studied her, loving her appetite.
"You know, I know nothing of you except your name." he charged.
So? She asked herself.
"Well, I don't know anything about you either." She retorted.
"So I say we get to know each other." He suggested happily.
"I don't think that's necessary." She reasoned out. "I would be gone tomorrow."
"Oh, come one. Worse is that we spend two days together knowing only each other's name." he smirked, knowing she would fall for it.
She did, but not so quite.
"Okay, I would ask first."
"Explain why you're willing to do this for me. Why you invited me to stay over."
Inuyasha smiled. Strange girl-she commanded, not asked. He had met a lot of woman, and hell, he had touch them too. But no one of them had givenhim this kind of entertainment. They were all trying to please him, changing their attitude thinking it was what he wanted. But not her, this challenge to him.
"Could be a lot of reasons. One, no one else would offer you a room since mostly are here with their families or lovers. You wouldn't want to join them, would you?"
She shook her head. Of course she doesn't. A family is a something that makes her feel strange. And sharing with lovers seems really awkward.
"Two, you're an independent woman. And I would not pass up an opportunity to help one in need."
"Or maybe it's three." He continued.
"What's that?" she looked at him straight into the eye, lost into its gentleness.
He smiled that sent an electrical charge through her.
"Three is, maybe it has to do with those hazel eyes that says more than you intend for them to say."
She blinked, and they stared at each other for a long beat. What makes him think there is something within her that she's not showing? The tension
was so thick she could see it. Taking the cup of coffee and waffle in her hands, she got up, and went to eat in her room. The musical laughter of Inuyasha still ringed in her ears.

After taking a long, relaxing wash, sitting on the edge of her bed, she dried herself. She eyed her suitcases, thinking what to wear.
She chose a white summer dress and had her purse along with her. It hugged her hips, flared around the legs in a graceful manner, granting her giddy freedom of movement.
The dress bared enough of her skin.
Kagome childishly danced around her room, delighting in the merry way sway of her dress. It's her first day of visiting the beach and she was just so excited thinking that no one, absolutely no one would ruin her day.
Refusing any dark thoughts, she started for the door. She walked passing the kitchen when the door of the room belonging to Inuyasha swung open.
"I was beginning wonder what happened—" as his gaze lit on her, he stopped talking. Kagome held her breath as he stared and slowly reached up to her. An odd tingle feeling swept up her body in the smoldering path of his gaze. The feeling of him near her almost replays the dream's images.
Laughing shakily, she said.
"I was just looking for you. I would visit the beach today and maybe meet--" She started for the door."NO!!"
Inuyasha's yell startle her so badly, she dropped her purse and phone.
What's even more surprising that had her jaw drop was when he threw his body across the door.
"You can't go out there! I absolutely forbid it."

Inuyasha thought he was behaving like a madman.
In fact, he knew he was, but he was powerless to stop. Her loveliness pained him, opened up a raw gulf of hunger in his heart and in his body. He wanted to cover her light smile with his lips, to ease her down on the bed, make her adore him with her body and soul. He wanted to cover her body with his, preventing any man from seeing her.
"You can't go out there." He repeated in a husky voice, his arms spread wide to cover up the door. "I won't have it."
She tapped her foot on the floor.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm sorry, but there's no way I can allow it."
She laughed bitterly. Did her Uncle Naraku just disguise himself as this Inuyasha? Or did he send this lunatic man to `protect' her?
"Why not?" She challenged him.
"It's not safe. There are too many---er ---many---"
"Many what?"
He looked and sounded stupid. He was beginning to request for death to save him from this conversation. He thought hard.
"Many awful creatures are out there. I'm disappointed in you, Kagome. Surely you have heard of them." He tried to look as much frightened as hecould.
"Oh, really? What sort of creatures?" She crossed her arms.
He searched his mind frantically for reason.
"Cannibals!" he almost shouted. "Too many horrible cannibals.
She laughed.
For the first time since he met her, she had a real laugh. It's true that she made him laugh a couple of times and of course it was a great deal because not many women can do that to him. But making her laugh was even better.
"And you are to understand that they would gobble me up?" she swept her tongue across her pearly lips.
Inuyasha's fist rolled into a ball. His self-control was reaching its limit. Jesus, she was luscious. And he realized that she was more in danger of being wolfed down here than out there.
"They might," he replied, refusing to make a crime and forcefully take her. "I'm doing this for you, you should know."
Kagome's lower lip inched out and Inuyasha groaned silently.
"I just want you to not go out there alone. I'll be back after talking to Reiko and then I'll take you out later."
Much much later.
"So until then I am to remain a prisoner in this place?"
Inuyasha was indifferent between laughter and painful, torturous desire.
Her words convened up some very naughty, inappropriate images involving chains. He thanked God for she had fallen into his hands instead of some less conscientious man's. But his sense of right and wrong was wearing thin faster.
He dared a last glance at Kagome and saw that she wasn't angry or irritated. She was hurt, like someone had tried to control her, like all her life she was only trying to follow instructions. She couldn't hide the forlorn tilt of her lips.
He crossed to her and nudged her face up with one finger.
"I'll be back for you." Unable to deny himself, he touched his lips to hers in a brief caress. "I promise."

Author's note: You know the drill guys, review!! Come on, come on. You know you want to.:)