InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wonderfully Imperfect ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. And I don't make any profit from this story. The only thing I get is extreme satisfaction.
(If the words, scenes, or the plot of this story are, in one way or another, similar to yours or any of those that you have already read, it was purely a coincidence.)
Hey there. Two weeks with only one update, huh? Haha. So sorry. Anyway, here is the 10th chapter. Seriously people I need inspiration so please review.
Chapter 10
Inuyasha strode towards Kagome's door, his hand on the doorknob. He was determined to open and the door and talk to her, but he paused.
God, how hard it is to fight with his own demons.
He shook his head in disgust. He has been walking back and forth for the last ten minutes and every now and then he would call himself an idiot.
Served him well.
Jesus, he had hurt her.
He had seen he bruise he caused on her wrist and he was tempted to kick his own ass.
“Some bastard you are,” he muttered to himself.
He clenched his fist and walked forward and cursed long and fluently when he realized what he's doing.
Hell and damnation!
The urge to see her and apologize was so powerful that he feared he would even agree to kneel down on his knees, if needed. He wanted so desperately to question her further, to know if she was ever going to stay. Because, shit, he had done romancing her and practically begging her to stay, but she hadn't answered yet. And he feared her packed suitcases were the indication.
But he was a grown man, for Christ's sake. Surely he could handle being, what could be an appropriate word, rejected, perhaps?
“Goddamn,” he muttered and frowned all the more when his phone rang.
Before he could think better of it, he exploded, “What?”
“Well, hello to you too, Yash,” Rin teased.
Inuyasha groaned. “Rin,” he acknowledged, “what's up?”
“I have good news!” she squealed.
Inuyasha chuckled despite his earlier attitude. “I can say.”
From the background, he could hear Sessh say, “Will you put that goddamn phone down and rest?”
Rin just scoffed and focused to him, “I'm pregnant! Can you believe it? I'm pregnant!” she said in a deliriously happy voice that Inuyasha couldn't help but be contained by it.
“Really? Well, I'm happy for you. How're you feeling? How is Sessh?”
"Oh relax,” she laughed at him. "I feel great. And Sessh is relaxed too about this thing. This is my second pregnancy, you know."
Inuyasha smirked at her use of the word `relaxed,' because knowing Sessh, he would be everything except relaxed.
"I know, but still, relaxing around you is impossible," he grunted.
"Really, I'm fine.”
Yash smiled, taking pity for Sessh because he remembered her `episodes' during her first pregnancy. “Just take care of yourself. Do not lift heavy objects and you shouldn't be alone--”
But Rin just sniffed on the other line and Inuyasha could see that she was going to get all sappy on him and cry. "Damn, Rin, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Really." But she sniffed and blinked her huge, wet eyes. "You're just so sweet. And I want you to know that you're my favorite brother-in-law."
Inuyasha fought the urge to roll his eyes. "I'm your only brother-in-law,” he muttered and continued, “Those hormones are really something. Shouldn't you be resting right now?”
Rin jeered, “You sound like Sesshy,” she said, but knows that she should be lying in the bed right now, if she wants to be spared from her husband's---Get off the phone or I swear to God I will tear that in half.
“God help me,” Inuyasha grumbled. “Anyway, I will be back in a few days' time. And please tell Sessh to e-mail me the details of the Thornet account so I can review it while I'm away.”
“Oh, okay, I'll see you then. Bye.”
When the call had ended, Inuyasha offered himself a last glance of Kagome's door. Hearing no sound coming from the inside, he hauled himself out of the hotel room.
One of the main attractions of the resort is the annual carnival which is held a night before the bikini contest. Their guests were all out of the hotel, probably enjoying themselves. The carnival offers clowns, games, crafts, and all the crap that's made for children.
There were also whiny kids, grumpy parents, the occasional drunk and a slew of trouble-seeking, horny teenagers looking for a score.
Not to mention the heat. Dark had fallen and yet the temperature hadn't.
The music pulsed loud, as well as all the hooting and hollering from the rides and games. Pulling his shirt away from his damp skin, he strode up and down the aisles thinking of how he'd rather be spending his evening.
In front of ESPN. With air-conditioning.
No, scratch that. In the arms of a woman. Yeah, now there was a way to pass time. His nice, quiet, sweet, loving woman and though she'd be quiet, she wouldn't be shy.
No way.
She'd be wildly passionate and erotically sensual.
She'd greet him at the door wearing his opened shirt and nothing else but a smile.
Now there was a fantasy.
Then he wondered where Kagome was. When he came back in the suite to change his shirt, she wasn't there. She has a funny habit of disappearing. And because he still felt guilt about what he had done earlier, he let it go.
He strode down a row of games, then around a corner to another aisle, stopping to gulp down a large lemonade.
From a few feet away, Inuyasha could see straight ahead to the dart game, where all one had to do was pop three balloons to win a prize.
A woman stood there.
There were women all over the place, but this one, dressed to kill in her jade-green haltered sundress, stood out. She was concentrating fiercely, her back to him as she threw back her arm, aimed … and missed.
He knew that long, slim back. Those black waves tumbling over straight, proud shoulders. Those long, long legs that could wrap around a man and—
"Shit," she muttered, and shoved a hand into her pocket. That she came out with another buck surprised him, as her skirt appeared to have been painted on.
Several women passed Kagome, each of whom stopped to stare at her, then kept going, laughing unkindly. Inuyasha frowned and opened his mouth to say something but Kagome retorted and went back to shooting.
It made him grin.
And suddenly he was incredibly glad he'd come to this freakish carnival. Still grinning, he sauntered up to the booth and leaned a hip against it as he turned casually toward her.
She didn't even glance at him, just accepted her new darts from an awed-looking, pimply-faced teenage boy and aimed again.
Two balloons in a row, bull's-eye. Pop. Pop.
"One dart away for the big prize," the boy told her with a huge, dopey smile on his face. "You have to hit all three to get the—"
"I know what I have to do." She threw the dart.
"Close," Inuyasha said conversationally when she missed by a mile. "But no cigar."
Oh, she noticed him now. Narrowed her very incredible, very hazel, very expressive eyes on him. "You,” Kagome snarled.
“Yeah, me,” he agreed.
“You distracted me," she accused.
He lifted his hands. "Hey, you didn't even see me until just now." Slipping a hand into his pocket, he came out with another buck. "But here. Try again, on me."
"I'm not taking your money." She slapped down her own dollar. "Back off, you're in my space."
"Backing off." But he didn't.
She smelled too good, looked too good . He wasn't going anywhere.
She didn't even notice. In fact, she appeared to forget about him as she took aim. And this time hit her target. Then did it again.
"One more time," the kid said, ever so helpfully, and Kagome lowered the third dart and glared at him.
The kid took a step back. "Sorry. I just know how bad you want this pretty teddy bear here."
"Teddy bear, huh?" Inuyasha tucked his tongue into his cheek as she aimed and once again missed her third and winning shot. "I gotta tell you, I never really pictured you as a teddy bear type, Kagome."
"Oh, she wants it really bad," the kid offered as Kagome grated her teeth. "She's already put at least ten bucks on it."
"Is that right?" Inuyasha looked at Kagome and lifted a brow. "You need something cuddly to sleep with at night, Kagome?"
She sighed. "Is there a reason why you're standing there staring at me?"
"Well…" He scratched his jaw and looked her over, from the long neck he suddenly wanted to nibble on, to the breasts nicely outlined behind her halter, down her curved hips and mile-stretch legs. "You are something to look at."
With a roll of her eyes, she slapped down another buck and went back to the task at hand. Aimed.
Let it rip, and Inuyasha had to admit, she knew what she was doing.
Pop. Pop.
Two balloons down.
"Only one to go," he offered.
Her hand lowered, and she shot him a withering look. "Don't talk."
He smiled and waited until she aimed again. "You know, if you want the teddy bear that badly, I could win it for you."
"I'll win it myself, thanks."
"Oka-a-ay," he said, and watched as she missed. She swore with impressive skill, then dug into her pocket again. Came up empty. Swore some more.
"My offer still stands." He smiled when she bared her teeth at him. "If you're interested. I'll win it for you."
"Sure you will."
He put a hand to his chest. "Your doubt wounds me. But you should know, I was all-city dart champ."
Cocking a hip, she crossed her arms over her chest. "Really."
"So you'll win me the teddy bear."
"Just said so, didn't I?"
She studied him. "Okay, what happens then? After you win?"
"I hand you the prize."
"And…" He let out a slow, wicked grin, both because he could taste victory and because she was so incredibly hot. "And in return, you give me a prize.”
Her eyes narrowed to little slits. "Which would be what exactly?"
"I don't know yet. I'll think about it." He slapped down a buck, accepted his three darts.
And was stopped by a hand on his arm. He looked into deep brown eyes that held a world of knowledge. "I don't want the teddy bear."
"Liar," he said softly, and hit the first balloon. "But that's okay. I think the bear will look good on my bed."
He hit the second balloon.
She tossed back her hair.
Looked at him with fire-spitting eyes.
Then caved. "Okay, damn you, I want the bear." Her fingers dug into his arm. "Name your price."
They weren't touching—other than her fingernails digging into his biceps, that is—but their mouths were only a fraction apart. Hers was all glossy and smelled like peaches.
He loved peaches.
Their breath co-mingled, and with a sharp stab of lust he remembered exactly how good those lips tasted. He wanted another taste. "My price?" He lifted the third remaining dart. Weighed it in his hand. "A date."
Kagome's eyes impressively widened into round plates. "A date?”
“That's what I said,” he ground out. “You. Me. Date. Go to dinner. Have a normal conversation. Preferably one where you'll sit through the entire meal, and I don't have to chase you down."
“A date? I don't know,” she admitted, weighing her advantages. “Are you even sure that's what you really want?"
"Uh-huh," he answered, narrowing his gaze as he studied the distance to the remaining balloon. Hefted the dart. "I know exactly what I want. And I'm not afraid to get it."
Kagome blushed.
Turning his head, he shot her a look. "How about you?"
“What about me?”
He looked at her intensely then his gazed lowered on her mouth. “Do you know what you want?”
Kagome swallowed the huge lump in her throat. “Of course I know what I want."
"Ah, yes, the teddy bear." Inuyasha smiled. "But I've discovered I want it, too."
“I want it more.”
Inuyasha nodded, “Yeah, and you could have it. In exchange for a date.”
He watched the indecision and other emotions manifested across her face.
Inuyasha groaned. "Look, can we just start over? Please? My name is Inuyasha Takahashi and I'd love to take you out sometime. Preferably tonight. If you're available, that is."
Kagome crossed her arms. “I'll think about it,” she said illogically.
He aimed, but before he could throw the dart she stopped him.
"Fine," she said.
He set down the dart. "Fine what?"
"You want me to say it?"
That earned him a roll of her eyes. "If you win the bear, I'll give you the damn date for it. “
Inuyasha swallowed. It was either that, or jump in triumph. “Tomorrow night would be great.”
She looked him over. Lifting a finger, she wagged it in his face. "But you have to win the bear first.”
He arched a brow, then showed her he was just leaning in to grab the dart. But he paused and lowered the dart, turned his head to face her. “Before I forget,” he said, staring intently, “I want to apologize for my behavior earlier.”
Kagome blinked. “Apologize?”
“Yeah,” he looked down at her wrist. “I'm really sorry. The last thing I would ever do is to hurt you. Even if sometimes you deserve it,” he added with a grin.
Kagome followed his line of gaze, “Oh. Well, I uh,---,” she swallowed, stroking her wrists. “That's okay.. I guess.”
For one moment she let her guard down and blushed. Her entire face softened, and he stared at her in shock. My God, she was beautiful like that, he thought, and wondered what it would be like to see her happy, really happy.
She crossed her arms and didn't offer another word.
He smiled and tossed the dart.
And won Kagome the bear.
Handing it to her, he grinned and said, "You're welcome." He watched as she turned away and buried her face into the bear's neck, her arms hugging the thing tight. Because suddenly his throat was tight as well, he cleared it, asking her playfully, "So----are we going steady now?"
And then she surprised him by laughing. "In your dreams." She huffed off, a vision in her little sundress, her black hair flying everywhere, arms wrapped around the huge bear.
The kid running the booth watched her go. "That was amazing, dude."
"Yeah." But all Inuyasha could think about was his prize.
And it was walking away.
So he did what any dazzled man would do.
He followed her.
Author's Note: Yey! They have a date, LOL. You will learn all about it on the next chapter. And uh, I am so damn sorry for the super late update. I've had several messages asking me to update. Please understand that I am taking a summer class that is normally taken during a regular semester. So I am suffering now. The topics are compressed, and I have to learn them all in one month. So I have to study so much harder than before. XD
But I promise you that I'll update once my schedule allows me. Thank you very very much for the patience and please don't ever abandon me.