InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Work in progress ❯ Beginning Anew ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 4: Beginning Anew (Warning: mature content in this chapter)
She sat there alone in the field, clutching the sheathed sword to her chest protectively in the moonlight. It gave her some sort of feeling of safety like a security blanket. Mizu turned in hours ago with his mother, Kirara. She's been sitting there thinking about him all night. Hating him and missing him at the same time. Well, hate was a strong word… maybe not hate but she was definitely upset. Her third night here in this village was again a restless one. She held the sword that brought her to him, Tenseiga, the one that started it all.
She had her hair let down as a silky raven veil and fluttered in the summer's breeze, aching to fly away with the last of the cherry blossoms.
She knew his face, his personality; she still remembered everything about him even his unique sent. No matter how vivid her memories were, it felt no more like a dream to her. Was it real? Or did she just hit her head and woke up in the shrine? She gripped the evidence of her childhood tighter in her elegant hands. “Ie…. Ie… Sesshomaru-sama… onigai… come back to me soon…”
(You have been warned!)
“Ah!” she squirmed and arched under her silver haired lover. She bit her lower lip to try and mute her noisy moans and cries as he plunged into her roughly. His brute grunts rang deliciously in her ears but he was way quieter that she ever was. He teased her about it sometimes for fun, but now wasn't the time to because tonight was a good one. When she arched back against the futon he brought his right hand up and pinched a hardened pink nipple and yanked on it to make her squeal in pain and pleasure.
“Shhh, damn, Kagome. You're gonna wake up everyone in the village,” he told her without losing his thrusting pace and started to suck on her neglected breast with greed. Her response wasn't anything articulate, a mixture of a chuckle and a groan. He completely released her soft orbs and returned to his upright position on his knees as Kagome shifted and turn over on all fours without breaking contact.
Inuyasha remained still as his wife rocked her hips back and forth on her own accord. He hummed and growled appreciatively and gave her round bottom a couple of hard smacks.
“Ah, please don't hit me like that…” she whined in embarrassment.
“Sorry… You're just so sexy,” Inuyasha purred and leaned down to lick her spine and began his thrusts once again into his beautiful wife while rubbing her reddened bottom. They continued to make love in the predawn hour until they both reached shattering climaxes. Kagome panted heavily against the sheets while sandwiched between the futon and her husband's body. Inuyasha sweetly nuzzled his face in the junction of her neck and licked the mark he gave her the first time they made love. The mating mark of an Inu youkai.
“I placed it with the blooming flower in the field by the God Tree,” the priestess breathed out. Inuyasha and Kagome both heard the footsteps pad away from the hut slowly.
“Do you think he watched us?” Inuyasha asked.
“I hope not… That would be really weird…” his wife replied. “I just hope he recognizes her…”
“Yeah, I didn't recognize her at all at first. She changed so much…”
`The blooming flower in the field by the God Tree?' he asked himself. `Just what exactly did the miko mean?' Sesshomaru hated mind games. It was a complete waste of his time unless he uses it in battle against an opponent. He knew that questioning the miko would be a waste of time as well; she's the kind of woman that teaches everyone to work for what they want. Plus he didn't want to provoke his half-bred brother into a fight; he is to get Tenseiga and head straight for the Takagami Shrine to track the whereabouts of Rin.
“Ow!” Rin winced and held her left forearm. She ended up scratching herself on a broken, dry root that stuck up from the ground when she attempted to sit back. Tenseiga sat in her lap as she tended to her bleeding scrape. During this time she felt an aura near by. Her eyes lifted upwards slowly and widened in surprise as her heart squeezed in such agony.
He stood there in the dawning light at the edge of the meadow. His clothes, mokomoko, and hair fluttered and rippled in the breeze as he stared emotionlessly back at her. He was just like the day he left her, beautiful and magnificent in everyway. She took in every once of him, from the beautiful marks on his face down to the folds of his wardrobe. The gaze he placed on her was paralyzing so that she couldn't move, breathe, or even think. She was…scared. The whole time at the shrine she dreamed of this moment, to see him once again. So what now? What's going to happen? Does he recognize her? Rin finally reminded herself to breathe before she collapsed, but that reminder was forgotten again when he started to move towards her.
Sesshomaru quietly and gracefully moved towards her in a slow pace. He knew she was frightened by the look of her. He studied the creature before him carefully. Her deep blue eyes, her raven hair, the curves of her body, he scanned it all. He inhaled slowly through his nose, drinking in her uniquely sweet scent along with the scent of her blood. He suddenly reached out and grabbed her jaw and forced her to stand by pulling her up and towards him rather roughly. She whimpered at the brash action but continued to stare to stare back into his piercing, golden gaze with Tenseiga clutched in her right hand.
The demon lord let go of her jaw when she had her footing and lifted her left arm to examine her wound. It was a minor scrape that bleed slightly on her forearm. Rin gasped lightly when he brought her arm up to his mouth to have his tongue lick at her wound. She finally cracked. Tears spilled from her eyes unyielding against her will. She didn't want to cry in front of him like before but this was too overwhelming.
“Why didn't you wait for me, like I told you too?” he asked.
“I… thought you've forgotten me…” she honestly replied while wiping her cheeks. Sesshomaru coolly stared at her for a good moment. She seemed to captivate him in her presence. Everything about her was mysterious now. He barely knows anything about her… her scent was even different. She's turned into something he knows nothing about. The dog demon himself was a curious creature. Figuring out this woman would be very, very interesting.
“This Sesshomaru never forgets,” he responds in his normal tone.
“Hai… Gomenasai…” she says and bows slightly and offered him his weapon. He accepted and placed Tenseiga back on his hip next to Tokijin where it belongs.
“Have you not slept?” he asked.
“No, I haven't,” she replied.
“Hmm…” It was rare for him to find himself lost for words. So he just simply turned and headed back to the village in silence. Rin quickly caught up and walked next to him.
“How's Jaken-sama?” she asked.
“He is well.”
“And Ah-Uh?”
“The same.”
“And you?”
The lord paused for a moment and looked at the mysterious woman. Strange as it sounds, no one has ever asked him about his well being before other than his now deceased father.
“Well enough.”
Rin smiled and continued to walk with him through the brush.
“Have you faired well?” he asked.
“Yes, very well. I learned a lot at the shrine. They even taught me swordplay.”
“You will show me later,” it sounded more like a command than a request, but Rin didn't mind. She will be looking forward to it.
Hatomi busied herself with the younger apprentices throughout the day. Her agenda opened widely ever since Rin left and that actually made her life more boring. Teaching was like a work of art to her. Rin became her finest piece yet and most likely will surpass her own talents. This didn't bother her, however, because she knows that there is always someone else stronger. She's rather proud that another good, strong person was added to the cruel world because of her. As she was watching the forms of the sparring students, she felt a hand squeeze her shoulder.
“Hatomi, how's my little flower?” his strong, young voice rang crisply in the air.
“Lord Toshiharu!” the woman quickly turned to bow before the man. He was dressed in navy blue silk with a black overcoat and a white and red obi. He was handsome and tall. Long dark hair cascaded down over his shoulders. His emerald eyes smiled at Hatomi.
“Be at ease, Hatomi. I told you before that you don't need to bow before my presence. We are friends aren't we?” he asked.
“Hai,” Hatomi rose and gave him a bright smile. “Gomenasai, it just seems improper to greet my lord casually.”
“No need to apologize,” he replied. “I heard that Rin had her ceremony already. It's a shame that I was away on business to have missed it.”
“Yes, that is unfortunate,” she agreed. “She took journey immediately the next day. She misses the adventure she knew as a child. It will be good for her, she will learn much more out there in the world.”
“I suppose, but it's so dangerous for such a young, beautiful woman. Did she take leave with Lord Sesshomaru?”
“No, she set out on her own. I'm sure that they will find each other eventually,” Hatomi eyed him suspiciously. Lord Toshiharu took interest in Rin more than anyone. He was known to take concubines but never took anyone to wife. Hatomi has never seen him so persistent with any priestess or anyone, in fact, before he met Rin. It made her wonder.
“I see,” he said. “You will inform me of any other news regarding her immediately when it reaches your ears.”
“Of course, my lord,” she bowed once again in respect before he took his leave. Yuichi heard the conversation from around the corner and made his way to the priestess after the lord had left.
“What was that about?” he asked.
“Lord Toshiharu wants to court her, I think,” she answered. “I hope this won't cause trouble…”
“Is it so troublesome to be courted by Takagami's prince?” the monk asked.
“He's a cunning man,” she explained. “I know him very well. We grew up together. Toshiharu is very stubborn when it comes to getting something he wants…
“…at any cost.”
AN: REVIEW PEOPLE!!! Why do I only have two reviews so far???!?!